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[News] GNU/Linux Versus Windows: Myths Debunked

  • Subject: [News] GNU/Linux Versus Windows: Myths Debunked
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 20:02:12 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
Hash: SHA1

Washing the windows myths. Ease of use. 

,----[ Quote ]
| With the latest releases of both windows and 
| Linux there is really not much to separate them 
| in terms of ease of use and eye kandy. They 
| both look really pretty at first glance and 
| even have similar features. I would go so far 
| as to say that both Linux and windows have 
| "borrowed" ideas from each other. Personally I 
| am quite happy with that as it makes it easier 
| for people to migrate from windows to Linux ;P 


World's Funniest Windows Error Messages

,----[ Quote ]
| Since some people have learned to look at the 
| bright or should I say funny side of life, they 
| have decided to create something out of those 
| error messages. They have Photoshopped or 
| edited some Windows error messages and made 
| them look so realistic to try to tickle our 
| funny bone.



Printing via Bluetooth - Linux vs. Windows

,----[ Quote ]
| So, there's another example. If kicking a
| dead whale down the beach is your thing, then
| just keep on using Windows, and fighting it
| at every turn. But if real, continuing,
| useful development is more what you are
| interested in, and if you want every new
| release to be really better than the previous
| one, not just arbitrarily different from the
| previous one, then you really need to be
| using Linux.


Frustrations of supporting Windows

,----[ Quote ]
| So I am seriously contemplating migrating
| other relatives to Linux as well. There is
| the initial learning curve, but I think most
| users will adapt and find their way. Linux
| (Gnome desktop environment; I haven't touched
| KDE in years) is laid out in a very logical
| manner. And, the reduction in support calls
| to me adds the winning touch. One of the more
| aggravating things is the time wasted not
| only on their end, waiting while their
| computer is down and being fixed, but my time
| that is flushed down the drain fixing these
| constant problems.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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