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[News] A Look at Promising New Features in K Desktop Environment (KDE SC) 4.5

  • Subject: [News] A Look at Promising New Features in K Desktop Environment (KDE SC) 4.5
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 20:27 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
Hash: SHA1

KDE 4.5 beta brings window tiling, new notifications

,----[ Quote ]
| One of the additions that I'm particularly 
| enthusiastic about is support for tiled window 
| management in KDE's KWin window manager. This 
| feature allows users to snap windows together 
| in non-overlapping arrangements and resize them 
| together, much like the behavior of Ion and 
| other tiled desktop environments. The feature 
| was implemented as a Summer of Code project 
| last year and was finally merged last month. 
| I've long been a fan of tiled window 
| management, so I've been looking forward to 
| seeing this feature land ever since work on it 
| was started.
| KDE 4.5 is getting a new panel notification 
| area that is designed to be more consistent and 
| functional. This feature is based on a D-Bus 
| protocol that the KDE development community has 
| submitted to the FreeDesktop.org organization 
| with the aim of making it a cross-desktop 
| standard. Although the upstream GNOME community 
| has rejected the protocol, it has been adopted 
| by Canonical and is used to power the new 
| application indicator feature that is included 
| in Ubuntu 10.04.



Sneak preview for coming KDE SC 4.5

,----[ Quote ]
| KDE SC 4.5 is in feature freeze right now.
| Therefore, I decide to share some of early
| screenshots with you. In General there are
| no major changes. It is all about
| polishing and fixing bugs. There is a lot
| of under-hood changes in libs which as
| enduser we cannot see. KDE SC will be
| release in August 2010. Now I will let you
| enjoy the screenshots.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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