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[News] Government of Turkey Paves Way to Free Software

  • Subject: [News] Government of Turkey Paves Way to Free Software
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 21:28:55 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
Hash: SHA1

TR: Ministry of Justice and law courts consider open source desktop 

,----[ Quote ]
| Turkey's ministry of Justice, all of its 
| institutions and all law courts are 
| considering to move or partly move to a 
| complete open source desktop, according to 
| judge Cengiz Tanrikulu. That migration would 
| complete the implementation of an 
| information system built on open source 
| software, the National Judiciary Informatics 
| System (UYAP, Ulusal Yargi AÄi Projesi).
| Judge Tanrikulu, involved in the development 
| of UYAP, said the government's law offices 
| are considering a move to Pardus, a Linux 
| distribution primarily developed by Turkey's 
| Research Institute of Electronics and 
| Cryptology. "We are already using OpenOffice 
| on all of the desktops. We began using 
| OpenOffice in 2007 and it has helped us to 
| save billions."
| The judge presented UYAP in Amsterdam in a 
| workshop organised by NOiV, the Dutch 
| government project on open standards and 
| open source, on Wednesday.
| Development of UYAP started in 2000 with a 
| document management system, built using open 
| source components. It offers access to legal 
| documents to civil workers at the ministry, 
| at law courts, police, prisons, prosecution, 
| Home Office and to the Land Registry. The 
| system can also be accessed by any mobile 
| phone.


European Union lost open source decision C(2006) 7108

,----[ Quote ]
| A final version of the decision is not found 
| in the register. In Europe you can file a 
| request for public document access under the  
| regulation EC/1049/2001 and usually get what 
| you ask for. IDABC is now superceded by a 
| new EU programme for interoperability, ISA. 
| Apparently the Commission decision was later 
| updated when the 1.1 version of the European 
| Union Public License was approved. The EUPL 
| is a wise choice for software from the 
| public sector and enterprises as it is the 
| legally best reviewed license for European 
| market jurisdictions, available in all EU 
| languages, it does not contain a political 
| agenda and is compatible to most common 
| licenses such as the GPL.



Interview with Pardus Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| I recently did an interview on Python with the
| Pardus Linux magazine. Pardus Linux is a
| distribution developed in Turkey (by the
| Turkish National Research Institute of
| Electronics and Cryptology) with the goal of
| being usable by "normal" people rather than
| just geeks.
| Pardus are great supporters and users of
| Python. A while ago they chose Python as their
| standard language for custom package and
| configuration management tools.


Pardus 2009.1 review

,----[ Quote ]
| Pardus is a Linux, desktop-oriented operating
| system developed by Onur KÃÃÃk and his team
| from Turkey. At a time when nearly every new
| Linux distro is based on or derived from
| Ubuntu, Pardus is a rarity. It is an
| original, not based on or derived from any
| other distro. As such, its package manager
| and graphical management tools are custom-
| developed. This article is a review of Pardus
| 2009.1, the latest stable release.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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