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[News] [Rival] Xbox Loses Its Boss, Former Microsoft Exec Says Natal Will Fail, PS3 to Gain

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Xbox Loses Its Boss, Former Microsoft Exec Says Natal Will Fail, PS3 to Gain
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 02 Jun 2010 05:53:33 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
Hash: SHA1

Xbox Boss Quits Microsoft Games Divisions


PS3 to outsell 360 globally in 2010 - analyst

,----[ Quote ]
| If a new analyst report turns out the be on 
| the money, Sony will sell roughly 3.5 
| million more PS3s this year than Microsoft 
| will Xbox consoles, which mark a turn of 
| tides in the current-gen battle.


PS3 Increases Global Marketshare to 31 Percent

,----[ Quote ]
| The PlayStation 3 has jumped from an 18 
| percent market since last year at the same 
| time, to a 31 percent share. Microsoft 
| better watch out.


Sony Speaks on Exclusive DLC, PlayStation Move, 


Pachter: No browser for 360 as Microsoft wants to âown internetâ

,----[ Quote ]
| Speaking on the latest version of 
| GameTrailers show Pach Attack, Wedbush 
| Morgan analyst Michael Pachter has 
| explained why he feels Xbox 360 will never 
| have a browser. Itâs all down to ownership, 
| apparently.
| In response to a question on the subject, 
| Pachter said:
| âThe 360 doesnât have a browser, and never 
| will, because Microsoftâs vision when they 
| made the original Xbox was to own the 
| internet. The way you own the internet is 
| to make sure all traffic that passes 
| through your box is controlled by you.â
| Pachter opined that adding social media 
| content to Live is acceptable to Microsoft 
| because it still doesnât allow open 
| browsing.
| âMicrosoft [said], âYou are not getting out 
| of this box unless we control your access.â 
| So when you replicate Facebook, Twitter, 
| Nextflix on the 360 itâs not the same. You 
| arenât actually going to those sites; you 
| are going to a Microsoft-controlled site 
| where they know exactly what you are 
| touching.


Pachter: Microsoft Wants to Own the Internet


Former Microsoft Exec Says Natal Will Fail 

,----[ Quote ]
| In an interview with Retro Gamer, Scot 
| Bayless, a former studio manager at 
| Microsoft, said that he believes Project 
| Natal will fail.
| Bayless experienced the failure of the 32X 
| peripheral for the Genesis when he was a 
| Senior Producer at Sega and told Retro 
| Gamer that he believes Natal could see a 
| similar fate.
| "When I met with Microsoft in 2008 to look 
| at Natal I asked: 'When will you integrate 
| this into the 360?' Their response was: 
| 'We're probably going to wait and see on 
| that.' To which I said: 'Then you're going 
| to fail.'"
| Bayless believes that Natal will fail 
| because it will split consumers between 
| those who have the peripheral and those who 
| don't and will act as a disincentive to 
| developers. "Plays like this always 
| fragment and the disincentive to developers 
| is powerful; when I'm spending tens of 
| millions on a game, the last thing I want 
| to do is lose 90 per cent of my market."


FBR Capital Ups MSFT To Buy And Raises Target Price

,----[ Quote ]
| It seems that Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer 
| is dissatisfied with the dreary performance 
| shown by the companyâs non-core business. 
| This was evidenced when the company axed 
| two of its top consumer product executives 
| in games and mobile.



XBMC drops support for XBOX

,----[ Quote ]
| The XBMC developers have announced that
| they are dropping support for XBOX
| consoles. Although the popular open source
| media centre started as a program for
| modified XBOX consoles, the developers say
| that the "XBOX has hard limits for what it
| can handle" and that "it is a popular
| misconception that official XBOX
| development is still taking place by the
| team".
| [...]
| XBMC has been forked into a number of other
| programs, including, for example, Boxee and
| Plex. The latest release of XBMC is version
| 9.11 from the end of December, 2009. XBMC
| is released under the GNU General Public
| License (GPL).


Farewell XBOX

,----[ Quote ]
| XBMC (XBMP really) started as a program for
| modified XBOX consoles. In the following
| years, XBMC has grown into a multi-platform,
| multi-architecture media center that runs on
| most standard hardware. The hardware and legal
| limitations of the XBOX were always a concern
| and the Team has instead focused on running on
| the hardware that most people already have.
| The last official release for the XBOX by the
| XBMC team was Atlantis, over 18 months ago.
| Since then, one brave soul (Arnova) has been
| merging code from the main codebase into the
| XBOX branch in our repository. Because there
| were many users out there that took advantage
| of these updates, we had no problem with this.


Microsoft Cuts XBOX Live From Original XBOX Console


Microsoft To Pull The Plug On Xbox Live For The Original Xbox Tonight

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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