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Re: [News] Renewed Calls for ACTA Backlash

Hash: SHA1

____/ James Westwood on Tuesday 01 Jun 2010 21:36 : \____

> On Tue, 01 Jun 2010 20:33:16 +0100, Roy Schestowitz
> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> ____/ Homer on Sunday 30 May 2010 16:48 : \____
>>> Verily I say unto thee, that Roy Schestowitz spake thusly:
>>>> | terrorists are being funded by copyright infringement
>>> O...K.
>>> These ACTA twits aren't just propagandists, they're complete nutters.
>> Biden and Obama support them.
>> - --
>> ~~ Best of wishes
> I'm a social left wing but an economic right wing
> (neither one toward radical) which in reality probably
> means I am a moderate, overall.
> I had high hopes for Obama mostly because Mcain was more
> of the same entrenched politically corrupt garbage that
> Bush was a part of.
> I was wrong.
> Obama is turning out to be a disaster for the USA.
> He talks a good line of poop but when it comes down to
> brass tacks he is folding under the pressure.
> Take the BP oil spill for example.
> He is not acting like a leader.
> I thought Bush was connected and entrenched in cronyism
> but Obama seems even worse, if that's possible.

Obama is a lot better than McBush would have been. But he inherited a
mess from Bush, especially the debt which harms everything else.

- -- 
		~~ Best of wishes

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