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[News] Red Hat Clarifies That it Hates Software Patents, Fortinet Harasses With Them, Genetics Interfered by Patents

  • Subject: [News] Red Hat Clarifies That it Hates Software Patents, Fortinet Harasses With Them, Genetics Interfered by Patents
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 05 Jun 2010 18:37:29 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
Hash: SHA1

Red Hat CEO Whitehurst Blasts Software Patents

,----[ Quote ]
| Red Hat is the biggest open source 
| software company, but itâs got a long way 
| to go, says the companyâs chief executive 
| Jim Whitehurst.
| On a visit to London he criticised 
| software patents, spoke on the difficulty 
| of changing public sector practices, and 
| repeated a goal to make Red Hat a Â1 
| billion company next year - after re-
| affirming the companyâs strategy.
| [...]
| As is well known, Red Hat contributes to 
| the fast-moving Linux development process, 
| but ships releases which are âfrozenâ 
| every three years and which are controlled 
| and supported for ten years. âIf you donât 
| control the code, how can you provide SLAs 
| [service level agreements]?â
| Red Hat spends millions of dollars per 
| release, which allows it to make it solid 
| enough for people to build trading 
| applications on top of it. And of course, 
| as he is fond of pointing out, âover half 
| the worldâs equity trades happen on top of 
| Red Hat Enterprise Linux,â because it is - 
| he believes - the worldâs most secure and 
| stable operating system.
| âBits are free and functionality is free,â 
| he said. What the company sells is 
| innovation and stability - and itâs never 
| raised the price of the product.


Fortinet Picks Up the Baton From Barracuda - Pick Your Brain (Another Call for Prior Art)

,----[ Quote ]
| Do you remember a couple of years ago 
| Barracuda Networks asked us to help find 
| prior art to help deal with a Trend Micro 
| patent on, believe it or not, blocking 
| viruses at the gateway, of all obvious 
| things?
| You did find some, the ITC then said the 
| patent, #5,623,600, was invalid, and you'd 
| think that would be the end of that.
| But no, software patents live in their own 
| illogical alternate universe, and because 
| Trend Micro and Barracuda settled instead 
| of getting a court ruling of invalidity, 
| Trend Micro was free to threaten others 
| and to continue to take in royalties on 
| that patent. 


Groklaw: TrendMicro uses invalid patent to sue. Fortinet asks for help in prior art search


Will We Allow Patents To Lock Up Synthetic Biology?

,----[ Quote ]
| This is a very real threat. Venter has 
| long been a strong advocate for patenting 
| genes, so it wouldn't be surprising to see 
| him try to limit this market quite a bit 
| himself. History has shown time and time 
| again that real innovation happens when 
| there's real competition in the market, as 
| players work hard to one-up each other. 
| Giving the basic building blocks of 
| synthetic biology to one company can lead 
| to a vast decrease in research and 
| development into this emerging field -- 
| exactly the opposite of what the patent 
| system intended. 


Proof that science works

,----[ Quote ]
| Publicly-funded science, on the other 
| hand, devoid of the conflict of interest 
| generated by the corporate need for 
| profits, works. The work on the breast 
| cancer vaccine is showing just how. I 
| could find no patent, either, registered 
| for the work on the vaccine. Perhaps, like 
| Jonas Salk, Dr. Vincent Tuohy would view 
| such a patent as the equivalent of 
| patenting the sun. Let's hope. Meanwhile, 
| this story illustrates how science can 
| work, and why the arguments regarding the 
| necessity of patents to fuel medical 
| breakthroughs is bunk. 



Monopolists of the Genetic Code?

,----[ Quote ]
| Last week, Craig Venter created a media
| frenzy â and a frenzy of bioethical hand-
| wringing â when he announced the creation
| of the first âsynthetic cell.â In reality,
| his team of researchers had created the
| first synthetic genome, the operating
| system of the cell. They had, in effect,
| switched the operating system of a
| particular cell to a new operating system
| that they had synthesized and edited.
| Though many of the headlines talked of
| Venter being God and having created life in
| the lab, that is not an accurate way to
| describe it. Venter started with a
| particular naturally occurring cell and
| effectively, de-compiled, analysed and then
| painstaking edited and reassembled that
| cellâs genome to create a version of the
| cell never found in nature. Researchers had
| already synthesized the genome of the polio
| virus, creating a genome that would
| actually âproduceâ a live virus that
| infected mice in the lab, but the size of
| that initiative was several orders of
| magnitude smaller. The significance of what
| Venterâs team did lay in the scale of the
| enterprise and the mastery of the code that
| it demonstrated. It is as if I took your
| computer, copied the operating system,
| figured out what each part of that system
| did, pruned, cut and edited its functions,
| and then reloaded a substantially edited
| system back into the computer â a version
| which actually proved capable of running
| it.


Monopolists of the Genetic Code?


Scientists create first version of synthetic cell


Lab to be first 'open-source' for genetic parts

,----[ Quote ]
| Bioengineers from Stanford and UC-Berkeley
| are ramping up efforts to characterize
| thousands of molecular players and processes
| critical to the engineering of microbes.
| With seed money from the National Science
| Foundation, bioengineers from Stanford and
| UC-Berkeley, are ramping up efforts to
| characterize thousands of molecular players
| and processes critical to the engineering of
| microbes, so that eventually researchers can
| mix and match these âDNA partsâ in synthetic
| organisms to produce new drugs, fuels or
| chemicals. Theyâll do this in a lab in
| Emeryville, Calif., called BIOFAB.

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