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[News] 2010 Mozilla T-shirt, Firefox for AmigaOS, WebM Enters Firefox

  • Subject: [News] 2010 Mozilla T-shirt, Firefox for AmigaOS, WebM Enters Firefox
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2010 19:16:53 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
Hash: SHA1

The 2010 Mozilla T-shirt is here!


Timberwolf, Firefox for AmigaOS, lives!

,----[ Quote ]
| Thomas Frieden and Hans-Joerg took their 
| passion and talent to work and have come up 
| with an elusive and several times tried 
| before goal: produce an alpha version of 
| Firefox that runs on their beloved 
| operating system Amiga OS  4.1 Update2.


WebM has landed on Firefox nightlies

,----[ Quote ]
| Today I landed Firefox's WebM support on 
| mozilla-central, our Firefox development 
| branch. It should appear in nightly builds 
| from tonight onwards.
| Credits to the development effort go to 
| Chris Double for writing the decoder 
| backend, Matthew Gregan for writing the ISC 
| style licensed libnestegg WebM demuxer, and 
| myself for integrating all the moving parts 
| into the Mozilla tree and build system. 
| Also thanks need to go to the releng team 
| which promptly installed YASM on the 
| Mozilla Linux and Mac build machines, and 
| to Roc, Shaver and many others for cracking 
| the whip and working behind the scenes.



Mozilla prepares coders for Firefox 4 features

,----[ Quote ]
| It was with delight that I read these words
| on Thursday: "The proposed IndexedDB
| standard, which provides a local database
| store for Web applications, will be
| supported by Firefox 4."
| The statement appears on Mozilla's new
| Firefox 4 for developers site, boding well
| for those of us who use the Web a lot: the
| IndexedDB interface gives Web applications
| a way to work even without a network
| connection.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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