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[News] [Rival] Apple Shows It's Just a Parasite to Free Software, Anti-competitive Practices Too

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Apple Shows It's Just a Parasite to Free Software, Anti-competitive Practices Too
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 13 Jun 2010 16:34:19 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
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Apple lifted 'make web go away' button from open source

,----[ Quote ]
| Apple Safari's new "make web go away" button 
| is based on an open source project distributed 
| under the Apache 2 license.
| The Safari Reader â which debuted yesterday 
| with version 5 of the Apple browser â is built 
| using the source code for Readability, an 
| Apache project from Arc90 Labs. In the wake of 
| the browser's release, Arc90 praised Apple for 
| including a tool that mimics its own â a tool 
| that strips a webpage of its ads and site 
| branding, reducing to text and core images â 
| and only later did the outfit realize that 
| Steve Jobs and cult had actually dipped into 
| its code.


Apple bans competing ads from the iPhone

,----[ Quote ]
| Apple has tweaked its developer terms and 
| conditions to explicitly lock out in-
| application advertising services that might 
| compete with its own iAd service.
| The new terms, picked up by All Things 
| Digital, spell out the rules. Applications may 
| not collect statistical information for 
| advertising, or any other reason, without 
| Apple's written permission - and you can be 
| clear that Google, Microsoft and/or Opera need 
| not apply.


Apple would rather remove app than leave open-source license

,----[ Quote ]
| Games, both free and paid, are perennial 
| favorites in mobile app stores. So it was no 
| surprise that GNU Go â the free, GNU-based 
| version of the ancient and popular game of Go 
| â was available as a free download in the 
| Apple iTunes store.  Until recently.
| It disappeared as a direct result of a 
| complaint from the Free Software Foundation 
| that Apple's Terms of Service violate the 
| software's license.
| GNU Go is licensed under GPLv2. Section 6 
| expressly prohibits any "further restrictions" 
| on the license, which allows anyone to copy, 
| distribute or modify the software. But the App 
| Store's Terms of Service do just that, 
| restricting where the downloads can be 
| installed.


An open door is an invitation. Why the FBI should investigate Crapple and DMCAT&T and leave the thieves alone.

,----[ Quote ]
| With the recent spillage of 114,000+ 
| subscribers personal information, the FBI has 
| opened an investigation:
| The problem is that the scope of the 
| investigation is into who took the information 
| and responsibly disclosed it, not into the 
| circumstances which AT&T and Apple provided, 
| making the theft easy, obvious, and 
| repeatable. (Luckily the people that took it 
| were not out to do damage, or it would have 
| been done already.)
| In a rush to get a product to market, a 
| typical proprietary software company puts 
| little or no thought into security. After all, 
| itâs not their personal information at stake, 
| itâs the personal information of the persons 
| crazy enough to trust the software thatâs 
| impossible to audit. And in DMCAT&Tâs case, 
| the network it travels across which is 
| monitored by government spooks as well as 
| criminals.


What the AT&T breach means for iPad users (FAQ)


FBI begins probe into AT&T iPad security breach


Chris Blizzard on HTML5, Apple and Google



FSF takes on Apple's App Store over GPL

,----[ Quote ]
| Smith followed up the original post with a more
| detailed explanation on May 27. In it, he says that
| the particular license violation that FSF bought up
| with Apple was section 6 of the GPLv2, which states
| that a redistributor of the licensed program may
| not impose further restrictions on the recipients
| to copy, distribute, or modify the program. Apple's
| App Store terms of service do impose several
| restrictions, such as limiting usage of the program
| to five devices approved by Apple.


Apple vs. GPL, Round One

,----[ Quote ]
| One might point out that you can certainly work
| with GNU Go and test out modified source on your
| own iPad. All you have to do is join Apple's
| developer program, which is not really too much of
| a big deal.
| But the FSF doesn't really see this as freedom.
| First, developers in Apple's program can only
| redistribute software to others under Apple's
| terms. The GPL insists that redistribution not
| attach any additional restrictions to derived
| works. And secondly, a user who develops a modified
| version of GNU Go may or may not be able to
| distribute it - they are subject to Apple's
| capricious approval process. Again, this is a
| limitation on their freedom.
| As it stands right now, the Apple iPhone/iPad
| ecosystem is not going to work with code published
| under GPLv2 or GPLv3. This is a shame, and it would
| really be nice to see Apple do something to remedy
| the situation. Free software has been very good to
| Apple, and in many cases, Apple has given back to
| the movement. But the current situation is such a
| blatant slap in the face to free software that
| every one of us can feel the sting.


Hands-free repetition

,----[ Quote ]
| Apple removed the product, prompting the FSF to
| note that Apple doesn't value people's independence
| and creativity.


Hands off my Apple

,----[ Quote ]
| Apple is so hot right now that everything it
| unveils flies off the shelves, sending its share
| price higher. The question longer term however, is
| whether its "closed" strategy of development can
| continue to deliver the goods -- and the buzz -- as
| open-source operating systems such as Android offer
| slick new applications and growing competition.


Death to âPiracyâ: Should All Music Sharing Be Free? [VIDEO]

,----[ Quote ]
| Free software activist Richard Stallman
| certainly wouldnât say so. Stallman started
| the Free Software Foundation based on four
| principles.
|    1. Information, such as computer software,
|    should be freely accessible.
|    2. The information should be free to
|    modify.
|    3. The information should be free to share
|    with others.
|    4. The information should be free to
|    change and redistribute copies of the
|    changed software.
| While not all of these principles apply to
| music, he says, some of them should apply.
| And a lot of music fans and musicians tend to
| agree with him. In many ways, the corporate
| side of the music industryâs attitude toward
| musical content mimics Microsoftâs or Adobeâs
| or Appleâs attitude toward software. This
| attitude often does nothing to help those who
| create or those who enjoy the content in
| question; it does everything to make money
| for the corporations who oversee licensing
| and purchase fees.


Google should add license information to its Market

,----[ Quote ]
| Many of you surely know the Android operating
| system developed by Google. Maybe not everybody
| know itâs not fully free software.
| This is why activists from LibrePlanet Italia
| and Software Freedom Law Center created a fully
| free software Android alternative called
| Replicant.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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