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[News] Apple is Falling Behind Linux in Phones, Gets Fragmented

  • Subject: [News] Apple is Falling Behind Linux in Phones, Gets Fragmented
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 13 Jun 2010 16:36:57 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
Hash: SHA1

iPhone Now as Fragmented as Android

,----[ Quote ]
| At Transpond, when we were building apps on 
| the iPhone and Android platforms last year, 
| all of our engineers were enamored with the 
| iPhone and annoyed with the pesky Android 
| devices.
| The iPhone environment was remarkably 
| consistent. There was a single 480Ã320 screen 
| resolution and API consistency across iPhone, 
| iPhone 3G, and iPhone 3GS. Even though the 
| original iPhone doesnât have GPS, it provided 
| an approximation based on cell towers, and our 
| customers like CBS and NBC are more interested 
| in syndicating video and engaging users, so we 
| did not need the 3D graphics of the newer 
| generation iPhones. All in all, the iPhone 
| platform presented a clean, wonderful 
| experience for our engineers where they could 
| write one piece of code and it would run 
| beautifully on all of the iPhone and iPod 
| Touch devices.


With Safari 5, Apple plugs four dozen holes

,----[ Quote ]
| Safari 5 for Windows and Mac debuted on 
| Monday. The impact on security issues is 
| detailed in this advisory, which applies to 
| Safari 5.0 and Safari 4.1.


Apple Continues Its Exclusive Ways (NASDAQ: GOOG, AAPL)

,----[ Quote ]
| To summarize, developers can only use iAd to 
| collect information from iPhone and iPad users 
| and may only use this gathered information 
| with companies that are too small to compete 
| with Apple, thus rendering all of the big 
| players attempting to gain market share in the 
| space inoperable. 


Do the feds have a case against Apple?

,----[ Quote ]
| The Financial Times on Thursday said that two 
| sources close to the situation have "taken an 
| interest" in Apple's actions on Monday. Which 
| agency would be charged with looking into it, 
| isn't yet clear: either the Federal Trade 
| Commission or the Department of Justice. But 
| the FTC just spent months looking at the 
| mobile-ad market from all angles for the 
| recently closed Google/AdMob acquisition case, 
| so the FTC would make sense.



In FOSS Does "F" Have To Stand For Fabulous To Make Apple The Next Sun
Microsystems? It's All About The User Experience

,----[ Quote ]
| I do agree with Zemlin that "F" in FOSS has to stand
| for Free and Fabulous to really beat Apple. But the
| fabulous is not about shared development, it is all
| about as Zemlin said, customer experience. The mobile
| platform is not going to be dominated by Geeks who
| work at command lines juiced up on pizza and high
| caffeine cola.  It is about the interface and user
| experience.


Some Liars Are More Skillful Than Others

,----[ Quote ]
| Maybe the problem is not Apple and M$ so much as the
| leadership not respecting the public enough to tell
| the truth. They are just ordinary businesses pushing
| product. They are not magical and do not defy the laws
| of Nature. They are not singular sources of creativity
| on the planet. They do not have all the answers and,
| in particular, do not always know and tell the truth.


Good Artists Copy, Great Artists Steal

,----[ Quote ]
| I feel for Google â Steve Jobs threatened
| to sue me, too.
| In 2003, after I unveiled a prototype Linux
| desktop called Project Looking Glass*,
| Steve called my office to let me know the
| graphical effects were âstepping all over
| Appleâs IP.â (IP = Intellectual Property =
| patents, trademarks and copyrights.) If we
| moved forward to commercialize it, âIâll
| just sue you.â
| [...]
| As in life, bluster and threat are
| commonplace in business â especially the
| technology business. So that interaction
| was good preparation for a later meeting
| with Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer. Theyâd
| flown in over a weekend to meet with Scott
| McNealy, Sunâs then CEO â who asked me and
| Greg Papadopoulos (Sunâs CTO) to accompany
| him. As we sat down in our Menlo Park
| conference room, Bill skipped the small
| talk, and went straight to the point,
| âMicrosoft owns the office productivity
| market, and our patents read all over
| OpenOffice.â OpenOffice is a free office
| productivity suite found on tens of
| millions of desktops worldwide. Itâs a
| tremendous brand ambassador for its owner â
| it also limits the appeal of Microsoft
| Office to businesses and those forced to
| pirate it. Bill was delivering a slightly
| more sophisticated variant of the threat
| Steve had made, but he had a different
| solution in mind. âWeâre happy to get you
| under license.â That was code for âWeâll go
| away if you pay us a royalty for every
| downloadâ â the digital version of a
| protection racket.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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