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[News] [Rival] Microsoft Uses Scare Campaign to Promote Its Agenda

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Microsoft Uses Scare Campaign to Promote Its Agenda
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2010 07:26:37 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
Hash: SHA1

Microsoft Launches Misleading Scare Campaign

,----[ Quote ]
| The new TV campaign was launched last week but 
| appears to have come to our screens in full 
| force this weekend when Microsoft flooded 
| virtually all major cable channels ranging 
| from locals sports broadcasts to the Food 
| channel with what the company euphemistically 
| calls a âconfidenceâ campaign. To us, it looks 
| like a scare drive to convince people to 
| download IE8.


Employing old-fashioned fear tactics in the latest IE8 TV ads


Scaring computer owners is big business

,----[ Quote ]
| U.S. software giant Microsoft said the number 
| of anti-virus protection scams for computers 
| grew in the second half of 2009.
| Microsoft measures the scams by the number of 
| times computer owners used its free Malicious 
| Software Removal Tool.
| Microsoft's program wipes out what is known as 
| "scareware" -- pop-up ads that scare users 
| into purchasing fake anti-virus software, USA 
| Today reported Monday.
| Microsoft said its anti-scareware program had 
| been used to clean 7.8 million computers July 
| 2009 through December 2009. From January 2009 
| through June 2009, the program cleaned 5.3 
| million computers.



Apple, Siemens and Sisvel patent infringement leads to CeBIT booth raid

,----[ Quote ]
| Mama always said that some folks just never
| learn, and we reckon there's plenty of
| wisdom to be had from that very statement.
| Year after year, German police are called in
| to raid select booths at CeBIT (and IFA, to
| be fair), and yet again we've seen a booth
| cleared out at the request of powerful
| lawyers from a few companies you may have
| heard of. Word on the street has it that
| Apple, Siemens and Sisvel were all kvetching
| over patent infringements made by an unnamed
| company exhibiting at last week's show, and
| within an hour or so of the fuzz showing up,
| the whole thing was stripped and a hefty
| fine (â10,000) was levied. Unfortunately,
| the exact details of who was violating what
| remains clouded in mystery, but for whatever
| reason, we get the feeling that something
| extremely similar will be going down in
| Hannover next year. We blame KIRFers
| determination.

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