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[News] Questions as to Whether or Not Mark Shuttleworth Would Have Embraced Gentoo

  • Subject: [News] Questions as to Whether or Not Mark Shuttleworth Would Have Embraced Gentoo
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2010 18:22:45 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
Hash: SHA1

Would Mark Shuttleworth use Gentoo had he not founded Ubuntu?

,----[ Quote ]
| While Ubuntu lost the âjust works on your 
| notebookâ unique selling point a while ago 
| (thanks to freedesktop et. al.), we could 
| convince Ubuntu founder Mark Shuttleworth 
| to sign our Gentoo slogan âItâs all about 
| choiceâ â so maybe in a year from now, you 
| might see USE flags in Ubuntu as well. 
| Donât believe it? Hereâs proof.


Interview mit Ubuntus MÃzen



Ubuntu Growing Enormously In The Corporate UK

,----[ Quote ]
| Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu, and the
| Ubuntu UK Community are jointly hosting an
| event aimed at introducing Ubuntu direct to UK
| businesses.
| Ubuntu is extremely popular with desktop users
| and widely used in UK datacentres as a server
| technology. The 'Ubuntu In Business' event
| provides a forum for IT professionals to get a
| clearer idea of the potential of Ubuntu and
| understand the applications, services and
| training options that abound for this product
| in desktop, server and cloud environments.
| The event itself will provide an introduction
| to Ubuntu at both a practical and strategic
| level to how companies are deploying it today
| and to the applications companies can deploy
| on it. In keeping with the hands-on feel,
| attendees will be able to view product
| demonstrations while networking with
| Canonical, partner and community
| representatives. The event will conclude with
| a panel discussion where they can quiz a
| variety of open-source advocates on the value
| of pursuing an Ubuntu strategy in their
| organisation.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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