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[News] Debate About Running GNU/Linux Desktop as Though It's Windows

  • Subject: [News] Debate About Running GNU/Linux Desktop as Though It's Windows
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2010 15:34:48 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
Hash: SHA1

Windows XP Linux: Free Download 

,----[ Quote ]
| While Windows XP coated Ubuntu make users 
| feel familiar with the Gnu/Linux systems, 
| it also takes away many benefits that 
| native Gnu/Linux Desktops environments like 
| Gnome and KDE offer. However, YlmF OS seems 
| to be a good efforts to introduce people to 
| Gnu/Linux and remove their doubts about the 
| system.


You Want Linux to Run What?

,----[ Quote ]
| Someone left a comment on one of my posts 
| similar to, "Linux won't be popular on the 
| Desktop until it runs Windows 
| applications." To which I silently 
| responded, "Huh? and, "You've got to be 
| kidding me." We have WINE for running 
| Windows applications and it works 
| reasonably well for those who care to spend 
| the time to work through any problems with 
| it. I don't think the Linux Community needs 
| to spend time on such an undertaking. Is 
| anyone asking Apple to run Windows 
| applications so that it will gain 
| popularity? No? Then, why should Linux? If 
| you want to run Windows applications, run 
| them on Windows.



Things to know before Replacing Windows by Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| There is no registry in Linux
| In windows there is the registry, the
| registry is a database which keeps all your
| settings. If you want to change anything not
| in a menu (or in a menu) you need to use the
| regedit program Or a script.
| In Linux there is no such thing as a
| registry.
| In Linux everything is a file
| All configurations are in text files, and
| everything in Linux is treated as a file.
| This is a much simpler approach which makes
| it very easy to change things in Linux. In
| Linux even your filesystem itself can be
| viewed as a file.



10 things you should know about every Linux installation

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux is not Windows, and although there are some similarities, you
| must realise that there may be a few "new ways of doing things" to
| learn before you can be comfortable in Linux.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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