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[News] HTML5 Spec/Standard Promoted by Google, Mozilla

  • Subject: [News] HTML5 Spec/Standard Promoted by Google, Mozilla
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2010 20:31:29 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
Hash: SHA1

Google Counters Appleâs HTML5 Showcase With HTML5Rocks (Yes, Itâs Really Called That)

,----[ Quote ]
| Earlier this month, Apple unveiled a new 
| site to showcase HTML5. On it, Apple showed 
| off a number of impressive web demos coded 
| using only HTML5 technologies. However, at 
| least on the main page, these demos were 
| restricted to working on only Appleâs 
| Safari web browser. So now Google is 
| countering with its own HTML5 site â 
| called, get this, HTML5Rocks.


Mozilla likes HTML5 over Flash

,----[ Quote ]
| Mozilla has joined the chorus in declaring 
| HTML5 as the way of the future.


Google Pushes HTML5 Development

,----[ Quote ]
| HTML5 rocks, Google declared this week. The 
| company launched a developer resource site 
| devoted to HTML5 technologies and is 
| calling it HTML5rocks.com



3 questions for Apple and HTML5


Mozilla evangelist: Apple HTML5 demos harm the open Web

,----[ Quote ]
| Apple recently launched an HTML5 showcase
| on its official website with several demos
| that are intended to highlight some of the
| advanced Web development capabilities that
| are made available by emerging standards.
| The showcase has attracted criticism from
| standards advocates, however, because it
| pops up a message telling users that they
| will need to download Safari in order to
| view the demos.
| [...]
| Oddly enough, Apple has a whole separate
| version of the showcase on its developer
| website that exhibits none of these
| offensive characteristics. The more
| appropriately named "Safari Technology
| Demos" page has the same demos, but
| doesn't categorically block alternate
| browsers. I was able to test the demos in
| Chrome and found that most of them worked
| as expected. This alternate page is
| accessible by clicking the "Developers"
| link at the bottom of the HTML5 showcase.
| This alternate version of the showcase is
| much closer to how it should be done.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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