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[News] More Widespread Resentment of ACTA in the News

  • Subject: [News] More Widespread Resentment of ACTA in the News
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2010 20:35:45 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
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Petition: ACTA 'threatens' Public Interests

,----[ Quote ]
| About 650 people, including 11 members of 
| the European Union Parliament and about 90 
| intellectual property (IP) professors, have 
| signed a document saying an international 
| IP enforcement agreement being negotiated 
| by the U.S. and 36 other countries 
| "threatens numerous public interests."
| The document, released by American 
| University's Program on Information Justice 
| and Intellectual Property Wednesday, raises 
| a wide range of concerns about the proposed 
| Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), 
| which was negotiated in secret for more 
| than two years before the countries 
| involved released a copy of the text in 
| April.


ACTA: International âthree strikesâ, surveillance and worse

,----[ Quote ]
| Tensions over ACTA are rising as the next 
| round of negotiations are about to take 
| place, in Switzerland next week.


Leaked ACTA document reveals push for criminal sanctions

,----[ Quote ]
| A leaked document published by French 
| advocacy group La Quadrature du Net shows 
| that European Union member states are 
| pushing for criminal sanctions to be added 
| to the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement 
| (ACTA) on copyright infringement.


EU secretly pushing to put kids in jail for sharing music: ACTA leak

,----[ Quote ]
| More leaks from behind the scenes at the 
| secretive Anti-Counterfeiting Trade 
| Agreement negotiations: the EU is pushing 
| for criminal sanctions for non-commercial 
| copyright infringement. That means putting 
| kids in jail for trading music with one 
| another. 



India vows to sabotage ACTA

,----[ Quote ]
| Fed up with the controversial Anti-
| Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), India
| hopes to whip up an anti-ACTA chutney so
| spicy that negotiators have no choice but to
| purge every trace of the loathed agreement
| from their systems.
| Though countries like Morocco are involved,
| rich countries have driven the ACTA process.
| The World Trade Organizationâignored. The
| World Intellectual Property Organizationâ
| bypassed. Instead of using the very fora that
| they played such a role in establishing,
| countries like the US, EU, Canada, Japan, and
| Australia formed a coalition of the willing.
| ACTA has been negotiated in secret, though
| the recently released negotiating draft text
| envisions a permanent secretariat that will
| receive new members.


India Seeking Allies To Oppose ACTA

,----[ Quote ]
| With the next round of Anti-Counterfeiting
| Trade Agreement negotiations scheduled for
| later this month in Lucerne, Switzerland
| (governments have been painfully slow this
| round in confirming dates, location, and
| agenda), the global politics behind the
| agreement escalated over the weekend with
| Indian officials acknowledging that they plan
| to establish a coalition of government
| opposed to the agreement.  Reports indicate
| that a major concern involves the possible
| seizure of goods in transit, which raises
| access to medicines fears with the potential
| detention of generic pharmaceuticals.


India Gearing Up To Fight ACTA; Seeking Other, Like-Minded, Countries

,----[ Quote ]
| But, of course, according to various folks at
| the USTR and the Copyright Office, now that
| ACTA's been released, it's proven that all
| the "fears" from online sources were
| misguided. Right?


EU Legal Review Says ACTA Negotiators Broke The Law In Not Revealing Text To EU Parliament

,----[ Quote ]
| While ACTA has now been released, the review
| still happened. Hephaestus points us to the
| news that the analysis found that negotiators
| were not allowed to keep the document secret
| (pdf) from Parliament, and that if it had
| continued to the Parliament could have taken
| legal action. The key points:
|     * Confidentiality cannot be used as a
|     justification for not complying with the
|     obligation to keep Parliament fully
|     informed. Where a degree of
|     confidentiality is justified to ensure
|     the proper conduct of negotiations, the
|     Council and Commission may request that
|     agreed measure on the confidentiality of
|     the documents be applied.
|     * The obligation to inform Parliament
|     cannot be modified or limited by any
|     agreement among the institutions or by an
|     arrangement with third parties which does
|     not involve Parliament. Where documents
|     originate from a third party, the Union
|     negotiator may be justified in agreeing
|     not to disclose such information without
|     the consent of the third party concerned.
|     In such circumstances, Parliament should
|     nonetheless be provided with sufficient
|     information.
|     * In the case of a persistent refusal to
|     provide it with sufficient information,
|     Parliament could initiate proceedings for
|     illegal failure to act.


US Copyright Official Discounts ACTA Concerns

,----[ Quote ]
| U.S. copyright official Steven Tepp said
| Tuesday he doesn't understand many of the
| current objections to the proposed Anti-
| Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), a 37-
| nation effort to enforce copyright and
| counterfeit laws across international
| borders.
| Tepp, senior counsel for policy and
| international affairs at the U.S. Copyright
| Office, dismissed objections to ACTA voiced
| by representatives of the Consumer
| Electronics Association (CEA) and Knowledge
| Ecology International (KEI), an
| intellectual-property research and advocacy
| group, during a debate on the trade
| agreement at the Future of Music Coalition's
| Washington, D.C., policy forum.

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