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[News] [Rival] Microsoft Lobbying and Washington Cronies (Hunter) Give More Tax Breaks (Legalised Evasion)

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Microsoft Lobbying and Washington Cronies (Hunter) Give More Tax Breaks (Legalised Evasion)
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2010 21:23:16 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
Hash: SHA1

Quincy tax breaks could mean more high-tech growth

,----[ Quote ]
| Gregoire signed a bill giving technology 
| companies a sales tax break on some 
| equipment if they obtain a building permit 
| during the next year. The city and Port of 
| Quincy also are working to build a recycled 
| water project to provide treated water from 
| the area's food production facilities for 
| use by the data centers for cooling.


Wash. city looks to lure more high-tech companies to area with tax breaks, water project


Data center bill passage celebrated

,----[ Quote ]
| The stateâs data center tax incentive means 
| Washington state has the ability to emerge 
| into the most progressive field of 21st-
| century jobs.
| [...]
| Kevin Timmons, Microsoftâs general manager 
| of data centers, said the billâs passage 
| means the company can continue to invest 
| and bring jobs to its home state of 
| Washington.


The Seattle Times Earns "F" on Coverage of Microsoft Tax Dodge

,----[ Quote ]
| With Washington State facing insolvency and 
| a record $2.8 billion deficit, The Seattle 
| Times never told its readers about 
| Microsoft's tax dodge despite its 
| considerable impact on the deficit and Rep. 
| Hunter's efforts and potential conflicts of 
| interest. Senior Microsoft executives like 
| Hunter often leave with tens of millions of 
| dollars of company stock. (Hunter is 
| pictured below-right)
| [...]
| Frankly, I'm amazed at the quantity and 
| breadth of online coverage this blog 
| generated for Microsoft's misdeeds this 
| year, but extensive online coverage is not 
| yet a replacement for local ink. Few people 
| in Washington State seem to know about 
| Microsoft's Nevada tax dodge and how it 
| relates to their own increased taxes this 
| year.


Wash. governor seeks reforms, budget overhauls

Ready for the Microsoft Highway? How about the Boeing Bridge?



Linux users cry fail over ATO AUSKey compatibility

,----[ Quote ]
| The Australian Taxation Office is pushing the
| AUSkey public key infrastructure (PKI) for
| secure data exchange when submitting tax
| returns, but Linux users say they have again
| been left out in the cold.
| [...]
| In the case of tax returns, people can
| continue to use an ATO digital certificate
| until it expires â or it is cancelled â and
| then they will be forced to use an AUSkey.
| AUSkeys do not expire provided they are used
| at least once every year.


E-tax could include Apple, Linux users

,----[ Quote ]
| APPLE and Linux users may soon be able to lodge their tax returns online
| alongside millions of Windows computer owners that have been doing so since
| 1999.
| The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) wants to make its e-tax self-lodgement
| software, available on non-Windows operating systems for the first time,
| tender documents have revealed.


Macs, Linux to wait as ATO tenders e-tax

,----[ Quote ]
| The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) last week put the contract to maintain
| and develop its e-tax system out to market, with indications remaining that
| Mac OS X and Linux versions of the software are a ways off.


Linux and the tax office: never the twain shall meet

,----[ Quote ]
| Why would a government body offer trial software for small and other
| businesses which use the GNU/Linux operating system, take it offline when the
| interest in it grows and keep quiet about it thereafter?
| [...]
| "The value to Australia of the uptake by business of the Linux operating
| system is substantial: In terms of balance of payments, the licence fees
| which would go across the globe to Microsoft, could remain in our own
| economy. This would have a positive effect on our balance of payments.
| Government could save money, and the general population could correspond with
| Government without the need for expensive proprietary Office programs.
| "Transactions with the ATO need to be conducted under the most secure
| arrangements possible. Linux and MacOSX answer this need best of all. Why
| would businesses operate their financial and taxation affairs under Windows
| unless the ATO was forcing their choice of an insecure platform? By
| obstructing the uptake of Linux by business the ATO are complicit in
| sabotaging the security of Australian businesses, and of putting the
| interests of a foreign company ahead of the national interest."


Taxman targets Mac, Linux users

,----[ Quote ]
| A spokesperson for the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) said compatibility
| of the application would extend to the Apple Macintosh and Linux
| operating systems. E-tax has so far required taxpayers to use
| Microsoft's Windows OS.


Taxman's Damascus moment: not all computers run Windows

,----[ Quote ]
| The Australian Taxation Office's e-tax online tax return lodgement
| system goes from strength to strength - and finally there are signs
| that people running Mac OS X or Linux will get a chance to use it.
| But don't hold your breath - the changes won't arrive until 2009
| at the earliest.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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