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[News] New Material on/in Free Software Licences

  • Subject: [News] New Material on/in Free Software Licences
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 03 Jul 2010 14:25:01 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
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Best and Free Programming Ebooks with Open Source Licenses

,----[ Quote ]
| Today in WebDesignish we are presenting 
| very useful and recommended list of 
| programming Ebooks with open source 
| licenses, like Creative Commons, GPL, etc. 
| The books can be about a particular 
| programming language or about computers in 
| general.


Tracking Trends in Communications Software Pricing/Licensing

,----[ Quote ]
| A brief word about free, open source 
| software (OSS) licenses. OSS gives users 
| the right to modify and redistribute their 
| creative work and software, both of which 
| would be a big "no-no" with proprietary 
| software. These free licenses typically 
| include a disclaimer of warranty (no 
| surprise there: what do you want, it's 
| free software!).
| The idea of open source code is to make it 
| easily available to the general public for 
| the purpose of improvement, modification, 
| etc., and it is released under the General 
| Public License (GPL), Lesser GPL (LGPL), 
| or other open source licenses.
| "Copyleft" (as opposed to copyright) 
| software also includes a specific 
| provision, that must be accepted in order 
| to copy or modify the software; this 
| provision requires users to provide source 
| code for their work, and to distribute 
| their modifications under the same open 
| source/free license. See the Open Source 
| Initiative website for more information at 
| http://www.opensource.org/. 



Lower compliance costs with open source tools

,----[ Quote ]
| These are just a few of the many open source
| tools that help with compliance. I also like
| RANCID for network device configuration
| management and Nagios for IT infrastructure
| monitoring. Don't forget about the many IT
| policy resources, such as the templates
| available from SANS.


Opera moves Dragonfly to Apache for patent promise

,----[ Quote ]
| Opera has switched its Dragonfly open source
| debug tool to an Apache 2.0 license to
| include a promise that users are protected
| from patents owned by Opera or any other
| contributor to the project.
| Dragonfly - similar to Mozilla's Firebug
| tool - completed its open sourcing in
| February, when it was moved from Opera
| servers to BitBucket. It was originally
| under the BSD license.


What Do Open Source Surveys reveal?

,----[ Quote ]
| * 60% of respondents use open source in
| mission-critical environments;

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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