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[News] Government Push by Free/Open Source Group, Bolzano Sells Out to Microsoft

  • Subject: [News] Government Push by Free/Open Source Group, Bolzano Sells Out to Microsoft
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 03 Jul 2010 16:43:58 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
Hash: SHA1

Open Source: Advocate to Government

,----[ Quote ]
| Two years ago a group was founded with the 
| charter of lobbying for the expanded use 
| of Open Source software within the 
| government.  The group is called Open 
| Source for America (OSFA), and it has more 
| than 70 members that include companies 
| like Acquia, Alfresco Software, Advanced 
| Micro Devices, Black Duck Software, 
| CollabNet, Debian, Electronic Frontier 
| Foundation, EnterpriseDB, Google, Ingres, 
| Jaspersoft, Mitch Kapor, KnowledgeTree, 
| The Linux Foundation, Lucid Imagination, 
| Mozilla,  Novell,  Oracle, OâReilly 
| Publishing, Pentaho, Red Hat, SpikeSource, 
| SugarCRM, and Zimbra.


Bolzano, please don't waste your money

,----[ Quote ]
| on 25 May 2010 the regional government 
| authority of Bolzano decided to spend 2.2 
| million EUR over the next three years to 
| renew software licenses from Microsoft 
| Ireland, and to buy additional licenses. 
| All this was done without a public call 
| for tender, making it impossible for 
| competing suppliers of similar software to 
| make offers of their own.
| We ask you to rethink this decision. It 
| will influence your strategic position 
| over a much longer time frame than the 
| three years for which the licenses will 
| last.
| The European Commissionâs vice president 
| Neelie Kroes said on June 13 2010 in 
| Brussels:
|     "Many authorities have found 
|     themselves unintentionally locked into 
|     proprietary technology for decades. 
|     After a certain point that original 
|     choice becomes so ingrained that 
|     alternatives risk being systematically 
|     ignored, no matter what the potential 
|     benefits. This is a waste of public 
|     money that most public bodies can no 
|     longer afford."
| With your decision to buy Microsoft 
| Sharepoint and Microsoft Office 
| communication server software without 
| evaluating Free Software alternatives you 
| will increase your organisation's 
| dependence on Microsoft. You will take 
| your IT systems further down the one-way 
| street of proprietary formats and 
| proprietary software, locking in your 
| organisation's own data along with that of 
| the citizens of Bolzano.



Italy to begin an open source competence centre

,----[ Quote ]
| Italian public administrations considering
| to use open source can turn to a competence
| centre specialised in this type of
| software. The web-based centre, which will
| be opened tomorrow, aims to foster the
| development and adoption of open source
| software.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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