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[News] Chrome Gains in Web Browsers Space

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Chrome unseats Safari as 3rd popular Internet browser

,----[ Quote ]
| Google Chrome last week unseated Apple 
| Safari for the first time as the third most 
| used Internet browser in the United States, 
| according to figures released by 
| StatCounter.


Chrome Gains More Converts, Edges Out Safari


StatCounter: Chrome Passes Safari in Browser Share


Google Chrome Tops Safari In U.S. Browser Share 


Google testing new menu for Chrome

,----[ Quote ]
| Users running the latest Chromium and Google 
| Chrome dev builds can enable the feature by 
| adding a command-line flag (--new-wrench-
| menu) to the application's shortcut. On Mac 
| OS X systems, the current version 6.0.447.0 
| dev release of Chrome includes the unified 
| menu by default.



Google Releases Chrome 5.0.375.86 Stable for Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Just in time for the weekend break, the
| Google Chrome developers at Google announced
| last evening (June 24th) the stable release
| and availability for download of the Google
| Chrome 5.0.375.86 web browser for Linux,
| Windows and Macintosh platforms. This new
| version comes right after the beta release
| announced two days ago, which enabled by
| default the integrated flash player. Google
| Chrome 5.0.375.86 is available for both 32-
| bit and 64-bit architectures with binary
| packages for Ubuntu Linux.


An overview on Google's Chrome OS

,----[ Quote ]
| Chrome OS is an open source (the source code
| is open for all to see and can even be
| changed and added to) operating system built
| on a Linux kernel that in comparison to its
| Windows and Mac OS counterparts is more
| lightweight which lowers the demands of the
| specs of the computer running it and giving
| it a faster boot time making it very use-able
| on netbooks.


Chrome OS goes 64-bit

,----[ Quote ]
| Google's Chrome OS has been the darling of
| open source developers for a while, and now
| it just got a bit more serious.
| ChromeiumOS64 is a new Chrome project with
| 64-bit support and it should offer a bit more
| potential for more serious use on proper, 64-
| bit CPUs. In addition to 64-bit support,
| ChromeiumOS64 also features Xen hypervisor!
| and allows users to run virtual machines on
| Linux or even Windows.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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