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[News] [Rival] Microsoft's Mobile Business is Dying Big Time (Kin and Sidekick)

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Microsoft's Mobile Business is Dying Big Time (Kin and Sidekick)
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 06 Jul 2010 21:30:30 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
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Post mortem: KIN's tragic demise (and the fading of Danger)

,----[ Quote ]
| The now-dead  KIN was not a bad idea (read 
| our hands-on with the platform). 
| Microsoft's ambitions with the KIN were 
| sound. As much as the iPhone and, lately, 
| Android handsets garner all the press 
| attention, smartphones represent only a 
| minority of phone salesâa growing minority, 
| but a minority all the same. There are 
| many, many people who don't have a 
| smartphone, and don't even particularly 
| want one, and they easily outnumber 
| smartphone users.


Light a Candle for Microsoft Kin Through Online Memorial Website


What does it mean that KIN, Sidekick and Symbian-Guru went R.I.P. within about 24 hours?


First Kin, then Sidekick -- Is the Danger Division Well-Named?


Microsoft: Your Mobile Focus Needs More Focus


Microsoft's Mobile Strategy Is a Mess: 10 Reasons Why


T-Mobile Stops Sales of Microsoft's Sidekick Phone

,----[ Quote ]
| T-Mobile has announced that it will stop 
| offering its youth-oriented Sidekick phone 
| from Microsoft. The news comes as Microsoft 
| and Verizon Wireless discontinued the Kin 
| social phones. Microsoft says it is moving 
| resources from Kin and presumably Sidekick 
| to focus on the Windows Phone 7 series. T-
| Mobile promised "exciting updates" to come.


Microsoft Flops: A Look Back

,----[ Quote ]
| The Kin is gone. Add it to a long list of 
| less-than-stellar product launches from 
| Microsoft (MSFT).
| The tech giantâs two-month-old phone was 
| discontinued this week, and the team 
| responsible for developing it has been 
| dispatched to work on Windows Phone 7, the 
| company says. While the Kin was never 
| expected to be a major contributor to 
| Microsoftâs bottom line, the failure of the 
| device in the market is more about âhurting 
| their pride,â says Carolina Milanesi, vice 
| president of research in mobile devices at 
| Gartner. (A Microsoft spokesman says it 
| will incorporate âideas and technologiesâ 
| from Kin into future Windows Phone 
| releases.)


Microsoft Needs Wake-Up Call: Outrage

,----[ Quote ]
| Courier, your tablet idea, died on the 
| drawing board while Apple's(AAPL) iPad 
| rocketed. Your mobile phones don't stack up 
| to Apple's iPhone or Google's(GOOG) 
| Androids. And now your stalled travel 
| business just got rear-ended. 



T-Mobile Discontinuing Sidekick Sales Starting July 2

,----[ Quote ]
| T-Mobile USA has decided to discontinue
| sales of the Sidekick family of devices
| starting on July 2. A T-Mobile
| spokesperson said to Phone Scoop in an
| email, "As T-Mobile looks to further
| innovate and raise the bar for the next
| iteration of the T-Mobile Sidekick, as of
| July 2, the Sidekick LX and Sidekick 2008
| will no longer be available through T-
| Mobile, including retail stores, care,
| telesales and online. While we work on the
| next chapter of our storied Sidekick
| franchise, T-Mobile will continue to
| provide our loyal Sidekick customers with
| product service and support. Stay tuned
| for exciting updates in the months ahead,
| which we expect will provide customers
| with a new and fresh experience."


Microsoft Fails to Impress

,----[ Quote ]
| Once again, Microsoft has a product that
| failed miserably. The Microsoft phone
| "KIN" has already been pulled from the US
| market, and will not be making its
| European launch as had been planned. The
| reality here is that Microsoft's only
| money maker is Office. Windows sells well
| only because of its being pre-installed on
| most PCs. Linux would likely do just as
| well were MS Office available for it.
| Likewise, if people did some research and
| found out that iWork and MS Office were
| available on Macintosh machines, I am
| willing to bet that Mac sales would
| escalate even higher. This isn't the first
| Microsoft product to fall flat on its face
| (the KIN sold, by some reports, only 500
| devices).
| KIN, Vista, ME, Bob, Zune, CE (never
| garnered more than 5% of the market), XP
| Tablet Edition


Microsoft's Sidekick restoration turns into farce

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft played spot the difference over the
| weekend with statements on Saturday and Sunday
| that hinted at âsteady progressâ for the
| recovery of data its Danger subsidiary lost for
| many Sidekick customers.
| [...]
| The fallout was huge and Microsoft scurried to
| paint a more optimistic picture for Dangerâs
| unhappy customers, at the same time some punters
| threatened legal action against Redmond and T-
| Mobile.


Document: Microsoft, T-Mobile sued over Sidekick data outage

,----[ Quote ]
| Here's a copy of one (PDF, 21 pages), filed on
| behalf of Maureen Thompson, a Georgia resident who
| experienced a "complete and catastrophic loss of
| all data on her daughter's Sidekick." The suit
| claims that the architecture of Danger's Sidekick
| data system contributed significantly to the
| problem.


Sidekick users share their horror stories

,----[ Quote ]
| Now it seems that all my information may be lost for good. It's
| infuriating. Especially when they could have been more precise in
| their text messages and let us users know what actions may be damaging
| to the livelihood of our stored data!!
| I hope you continue to investigate this issue. And I am keeping my
| ears open for any legal action being taken against T-mobile/MS/Danger
| for this horrible oversight.

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