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[News] Free Software Gets Dressed up as SaaS/Fog Computing

  • Subject: [News] Free Software Gets Dressed up as SaaS/Fog Computing
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 09 Jul 2010 13:46:23 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
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Adobe Released Puppet Recipes for Hadoop

,----[ Quote ]
| Recently Adobe released Puppet recipes 
| that they are using to automate 
| Hadoop/HBase deployments to the community. 
| InfoQ spoke with Luke Kanies, founder of 
| PuppetLabs, to learn more about what this 
| means.


Is it time to go Cloud?

,----[ Quote ]
| There is no doubt that the cloud is 
| relevant for some businesses and some 
| applications, but this is a market that is 
| still evolving. A suppler who can offer a 
| hybrid can give the best advice and make 
| sure you only pay for what you need 
| without being locked in.


Change in Business

,----[ Quote ]
| A survey finds â54% of those surveyed 
| either currently use or plan to use cloud 
| computing within the next 12 months for 
| their applicatonsâ. (TFA comes from 
| Googleâs cache because the original site 
| seems broken nowâ)
| [...]
| Itâs a chicken and egg thing. Will 
| GNU/Linux take major share because 
| consumers lap it up in stores or will 
| GNU/Linux take major share because 
| businesses adopt it widely? IT shifts can 
| spread either way from the consumer space 
| to business or the other way round. It 
| seems to me that many businesses running 
| XP are clinging to XP because they can 
| keep it working but are exhausted from the 
| effort and want nothing more to do with 
| M$âs high cost of maintenance.



Beyond the Cloud: The Comprehensive Flexibility of FOSS May Bring Clearer Skies

,----[ Quote ]
| Fortunately this type of flexible software
| does exist. It is called Free and Open
| Source Softare (FOSS) and it is becoming
| ubiquitous. In fact, whether you know it
| or not, you are using FOSS software:
| Apache, the FOSS web server, runs this web
| site and indeed the majority of all web
| sites. Wordpress, the blogging software we
| use here is also âeverywhereâ and you can
| purchase it from âcloudâ utility providers
| or install, run, and modify it yourself.
| The list of important FOSS software goes
| on and on and this blog is dedicated to
| helping elucidate its importance as well
| as the issues involved in managing it.


WSO2 launches 100% Open Source Cloud Platform

,----[ Quote ]
| An enterprise applications developer with
| development facilities in Sri Lanka
| recently launched its first 100% open
| source cloud platform, WSO2 Stratos. Built
| upon the WSO2 Carbon platform which it
| introduced last year, the company's,
| WSO2's, new productoffers advantages such
| as lower project times and reduced data
| centre costs, WSO said in a statement.


The intersection of open source and cloud computing

,----[ Quote ]
| Take the interesting discussion about the
| future of the LAMP stack recently. LAMP--a
| software stack consisting of Linux, Apache
| Web Server and/or Tomcat, MySQL (or
| another open-source database engine) and
| the Perl, Python and/or PHP scripting
| languages--plays a critical role in the
| world of Web applications, but as I noted
| recently, it may not be as critical to the
| cloud.


Red Hat releases cloud computing software tools

,----[ Quote ]
| LEADING LINUX VENDOR Red Hat has announced the
| release of several cloud computing tools in
| what it calls Cloud Foundation: Edition One.
| [...]
| Red Hat claims Edition One is the first of
| several cloud offerings that will give its
| customers everything they'll need to build and
| manage a private cloud software
| infrastructure.


Red Hat Unveils Comprehensive Cloud Infrastructure Solutions


Red Hat puts open source in the cloud


Drupal Founder Critical of SaaS and its Proprietary Nature

,----[ Quote ]
| Drupal's founder is calling for open
| source in the enterprise and in the cloud.
| This should be no surprise, coming from
| someone like Dries Buytaert. But it is
| still interesting, considering the source
| and the point he makes about the actual
| lack of open source in cloud computing.
| [...]
| Dries:
| "....they might allow you to export your
| data, but they usually don't allow you to
| export their underlying code. While a lot
| of these services might be built on Open
| Source components, they have a lot more in
| common with proprietary software vendors
| than Open Source projects or companies."
| It's in Dries view that this model can be
| disrupted by open source. For example, he
| says, the Drupal Gardens community
| improves the overall platform by
| contributing to it. The goal, as Dries
| says, is for people to export their Drupal
| Garden site in their entirety " the code,
| the theme and data -- and move the
| platform to any Drupal hosting
| environment."

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