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[News] FFmpeg Implementation Has No Patent Issues, WebM Works Well Compared to H.264

  • Subject: [News] FFmpeg Implementation Has No Patent Issues, WebM Works Well Compared to H.264
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 09 Jul 2010 14:31:20 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
Hash: SHA1

On WebM, H264, and FFmpeg implementation

,----[ Quote ]
| I was recently reminded by Gregory Maxwell 
| of Xiph about the new, non-Google 
| implementation of VP8 done within the 
| context of FFmpeg, and many commenters on 
| Slashdot observed that the fact that the 
| implementation shares lots of code with 
| the H264 part is further demonstration 
| that VP8 is infriging on MPEG-LA held 
| patents.
| Actually, there is nothing in the 
| implementation that suggests this, only 
| the fact that some underlying alogrithms 
| are similar (but not identical). For 
| example, the entropy coder is quite 
| similar, and it certainly helps to reuse 
| some of the highly optimized librarties 
| that are within FFMPEG, this is however no 
| indication of patent infringement. 


VP8 and H.264 Codecs Compared In Detail

,----[ Quote ]
| "Moscow State University's Graphics and 
| Media lab have released their sixth MPEG-4 
| AVC/H.264 video codecs comparison. Also of 
| note is a recently added appendix to the 
| report which compares VP8, x264, and Xvid. 
| The reference VP8 encoder holds its own 
| against x264 despite the source material 
| offering x264 a slight advantage. The VP8 
| developers comment in the report: 'We've 
| been following the MSU tests since they 
| began and respect the group's work. One 
| issue we noticed in the test is that most 
| input sequences were previously compressed 
| using other codecs. These sequences have 
| an inherent bias against VP8 in 
| recompression tests. As pointed out by 
| other developers, H.264 and MPEG-like 
| encoders have slight advantages in 
| reproducing some of their own typical 
| artifacts, which helps their objective 
| measurement numbers but not necessarily 
| visual quality. This is reflected by 
| relatively better results for VP8 on the 
| only uncompressed input sequence, "mobile 
| calendar."'"


Sixth MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 Video Codecs Comparison - Short Version


MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 Video Codecs Comparison 2010 - Appendixes



HTML5 Isn't Ready For Primetime, YouTube Says

,----[ Quote ]
| Apple's effort to leave the past behind, as
| CEO Steve Jobs has characterized his
| company's rejection of Adobe's Flash
| technology, may take longer than expected.
| Kuan Yong, platforms product manager for
| Google's YouTube, says that despite his
| company's efforts to make YouTube videos
| run in an HTML5 player, Flash isn't going
| anywhere.


Growing pains afflict HTML5 standardization

,----[ Quote ]
| Listening to marketing messages from
| companies such as Apple and Google, one
| might think HTML5, the next-generation Web
| page standard, is ready to take the Net by
| storm.
| But the words of those producing the
| specification show an HTML governance
| process that can be stormy, fractious, and
| far from settled down. The World Wide Web
| Consortium's return to HTML standardization
| after years of absence has produced
| tensions with the more informal Web
| Hypertext Application Working Group
| (WHATWG) that shouldered the HTML burden
| during that absence.
| Some examples of language that's cropped up
| this month on the W3C's HTML Working Group
| mailing list: "childish," "intolerable,"
| "ridiculous," "shenanigans." And there's a
| concrete manifestation of the divisiveness:
| The WHATWG and W3C versions of the HTML5
| specification, though both stemming from
| the same source material, have diverged in
| some areas.
| [..]
| But where will those developers look to
| find that standard? The W3C, a recognized
| standards body that includes the
| participation of Microsoft and carries
| patent policy that attempts to ease patent-
| infringement worries?
| [...]
| But where will those developers look to
| find that standard? The W3C, a recognized
| standards body that includes the
| participation of Microsoft and carries
| patent policy that attempts to ease patent-
| infringement worries?
| [...]
| The HTML disputes come at a time when the
| W3C, under the leadership of new chief
| executive Jeff Jaffe, is trying to reclaim
| some of its power.
| "There is much new innovation, and the Web
| will benefit if the community brings their
| work to W3C," Jaffe said last week in a
| blog post, adding that the W3C is trying to
| become more agile and open.


FFmpeg gets its own implementation of Google's VP8 codec

,----[ Quote ]
| Developers Ronald Bultje, David Conrad, and
| Jason Garret-Glaser are creating a native
| VP8 video codec implementation for the open
| source FFmpeg project. The aim of this
| effort is to bring first-class VP8 support
| to FFmpeg and demonstrate the feasibility
| of producing an independent VP8
| implementation.


Googleâs VP8 video codec

,----[ Quote ]
| Now that the hype is over, letâs talk the
| real deal. How good is Googleâs VP8 video
| codec? Since âmultiple independent
| implementations help a standard mature
| quicker and become more useful to its
| usersâ, me and others (David for the
| decoder core and PPC optimizations, Jason
| for x86 optimizations) decided that we
| should implement a native VP8 decoder in
| FFmpeg.


VP8 Codec Coming To FFmpeg

,----[ Quote ]
| They were able to keep the line-count low
| by relying on heavy reuse from the existing
| H.264 codebase."


Swift and predictable reactions to WebM

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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