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LAST YEAR'S NEWS DIGEST: 2,750 (or 3,650) Schools Are Dumping Windows and Moving to GNU/Linux

  • Subject: LAST YEAR'S NEWS DIGEST: 2,750 (or 3,650) Schools Are Dumping Windows and Moving to GNU/Linux
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2011 09:57:22 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.8
Hash: SHA1

My last posting came in July. I've decided to post every day again (but just
the more interesting news). Microsoft is dying pretty fast, so now it's time
to cheer.



Gujarat set to follow Kerala's LDF in IT education
The Gujarat government is all set to follow Kerala's Marxist-led Left-Democratic Front (LDF) in IT education in 
schools. Following Kerala schools, it has decided to use only 
Linux operating system, the open-source free software, in the computers installed in 3,650 

Linux will also be installed in another state-run 2,750 schools, where computers will be installed this year. 
Freely downloadable, Linux is internationally regarded as 
alternative to Microsoft Windows. 

Russian state-OS based on Linux
According to the publication âKommersantâ, the state enterprise âRussian Technologiesâ has almost completed the 
acquisition of shares LLC Alt Linux. This Russian company is 
developing software based on Linux. Interestingly, at the same time the Russian investment fund 
NGI acquired stake in Mandriva, the initiative is approved by the adviser to the Russian president Leonid Reiman. 
According to Kommersant, the result of both of these projects 
could be the creation of an operating system focused on the Russian public sector.

In this case, the developers of each of these systems based on Linux can get the appropriate government funding, 
and this can be quite a good amount. So, every year the 
government allocates to the field of IT for government, government agencies and defense industry 
about 12 billion dollars. How did you find the publication, âRussian Technologiesâ will be adapted by âAlt Linuxâ 
for educational institutions and the future goals of the 
project âElectronic Governmentâ.

Farewell to Windows: The Ubuntu Option
Picture this: you have just left Yongsan, having put down well over a million won for a new laptop: 15-inch screen, 
RAM out the wazoo and enough space on your hard drive to 
store every single K-Pop music video in existence. You turn it on, and despite the salesmanâs 
assertions of âYes, Englishee, yes!â Windows is not only in Korean, but suspiciously already activated and 
operating a âfreeâ version of office. This is the âserviceâ you get 
for your patronage of Kimâs Wide World of Computer Goodness in the back streets of Yongsan.

PCI DSS from a Linux Sysadmin's Perspective
This post only scratches the surface of what is required of Linux administrators responsible for systems which must 
adhere to the PCI DSS. The standard is detailed and requires 
good planning and a commitment to maintain the final achieved security posture.

Linux Doesn't Cost Anything - But Maybe It Should
Linux is easy to learn, highly capable of fulfilling a typical computer user's needs, and 100 percent free. So why 
is it that Linux still has such a miniscule share of the 
overall desktop market? Maybe its gratis nature has been keeping it down. It seems that when 
consumers don't know enough about a product, they judge it by its cost -- and "free," at least on a subconscious 
level, translates to "not as good."

New Linux OS REMnux Designed For Reverse Engineering Malware
A security expert has released a stripped-down Ubuntu distribution designed specifically for reverse-engineering 
malware. The OS, called REMnux, includes a slew of popular 
malware-analysis, network monitoring and memory forensics tools the comprise a very powerful 
environment for taking apart malicious code.

Many security professionals who find themselves needing to analyze a specific piece of malware end up in a 
difficult situation. The classic approach to analyzing malware is to 
set up a virtual machine on a PC specifically designed for that purpose and then let the 
malware loose and see what it does. But that usually only shows you part of the picture; much of the malware's 
behavior can remain hidden without the ability to do some deeper 


Desktop âPartnerâ of the Year
Apparently, if you consider only that other OS you can make a proposal look good. Against MacOS and GNU/Linux the 
costs are staggering. TDSB has 60K PCs and 256 support people, 
240 machines per support person. RedHat and others can set up systems where one support 
person can deal with thousands of machines. Could it be that the IT people did not believe CMSâ advice and lay 
themselves off upon migrating to Vista? Chuckleâ The truth is 
only M$ and its partners benefit when a school board migrates to a product from M$. On top of 
that students are harmed by the exposure, instilling dependency on that other OS.

Relationship Stress Test...Here Honey, Try This...
We use Linux.

Now, Diane is well aware of the problems that Windows Users face.  She's been one of them for as long as she's been 
using a computer but once she sat in proximity to a Linux 
computer and someone who knew how to use it, that all changed.

Diane is retired from the Airline Industry.  She spent years in the Accounting and Purchasing Divisions of several 
airlines and companies so she's no stranger to spreadsheets 
and databases.  In the last part of her career she also used many on line applications to do 
her work.

A New Era of Compiz
By splitting the rendering framework into composite and opengl plugins, Compiz can be used as the known compositing 
window manager or as a backend for other 3D desktop programs 
such XRender or Clutter. Another significant change, decoration reparenting, will allow 
Compiz to run with decorations as non-compositing when used with the revamped GNOME or KDE Window Decorators. 
Integration with QT main loop and the creation of a KApplication 
provides better integration with KDE. A new DBus plugin will now use the screen number to 
identify the Compiz instance. A major redraw bug that caused ripping or skips in rendering was also fixed.

Blacklisting drivers for some KWin effects


Five and a Half Reasons I Prefer Linux (as a power user)
Linux is growing in popularity for many reasons, and as an operating system it is many things to many people. While 
we all have our own reasons for liking Linux and open 
source, here are my top five (and a half!) reasons why, as a power user, I prefer to use Linux. 
Youâll notice that these reasons are quite a bit different from why I think Ubuntu makes a great operating system 
for Mom, which just goes to show how versatile Linux can be. 

Windows vs. Linux
Linux and the GNU projectâs software was developed to offer an alternative to proprietary software. It is a system 
of open source and distributed under the GPL, i.e. anybody 
can get it, make changes and redistribute it. Although there are paid versions of Linux, but 
the vast majority of distributions is completely free. You can download the ISO images at no cost. Additionally, 
you can make changes to adapt it to suit your needs. Above all, 
you have the freedom to pass a free Linux distribution to your friends without committing 
software piracy.

Windows is a closed source and proprietary software. The price for the acquisition of Windows operating system is 
already something that one could consider prohibitively 
expensive and complicated for a personal computer user.


Linux Servers: A Real Data Center Choice
Linux provides the basis for much virtualization technology -- Xen, VMware, KVM and OpenVZ, for example. Cloud 
vendors that use Linux exclusively, such as Amazon.com, attest to 
the fact that Linux provides the perfect virtualization backdrop for their services.


Linux is no longer viewed as just an anomaly among "real" data center OSes. Its developers and converts have made 
it a respectable and competitive choice for businesses that 
seek to lower their IT overhead and regain some profit. Converting to Linux isn't difficult, 
even for those who find themselves drowning in a sea of proprietary software and hardware. It's a real choice for 
developers, cloud vendors, database vendors, virtualization 
companies, hosting companies and you, the business owner. Linux is here to stay. Linux is a 
real commercial offering. Linux has proven itself as a real data center OS. And, the developers keep it real for 


Podcast Season 2 Episode 12
In this episode: The first Mozilla 4 beta is here while Nokia is moving rapidly forward with MeeGo for mobiles. We 
report back on our You Dare Us challenge and hear Paul tackle 

The Linux Link Tech Show #361 


FLOSS Weekly 126: AskoziaPBX
AskoziaPBX is a complete telephone system. It can speak to nearly any telephony technology in the world and is 
configured via a highly intuitive WebGUI. Designed to run on low-
resource systems.

Linux Outlaws 157 - Horny, Horny, Horny
On this episode of Linux Outlaws: A big announcement (kind of), ASCAP declares war on Creative Commons, Bilski 
comes down, new Fedora project leader, Microsoft kills Kin and 
Apple drops the ball on the iPhone 4.


The Chrome OS Spin Doctors Are Revving Their Engines
In a matter of weeks, Google's very first operating system aimed squarely at computers will be upon us: Chrome OS. 
As Dana Blankenhorn notes, Google has a FUD engine going 
surrounding the operating system that rivals the very best FUD campaigns from Microsoft's past. 
Google is spoon feeding us 100 Chrome experiments, and appears to be wooing powerful hardware makers such as Dell. 
Like the iPad, the pent-up love for all things Google will 
probably make Chrome OS a short-term success, but where does it really fit in?

On GoogleCL, a 'Virtual RMS' and Highly Unusual Linux Distros
Is a command line really what Google needs now? Opinions were mixed at the debut of GoogleCL, the search giant's 
new and daringly named command line tool. Reactions ranged from 
"I've had to write bits and pieces of it myself. Thanks!" all the way over to "The APIs 
were already out there. Of course, the best APIs can already be used from the command line with curl, so I care 
even less about this."


openSUSE Weekly News #131 is out!


Siga (System Information GAthering) Project forked


HTC Desire with North American 3G graces FCC with its presence
Rumors of a June 8 launch of Telus' HTC Triumph -- a rebranded version of the Desire, seemingly -- came and went 
without a trace, but now, we've got another reason to think 
that the model's launch might be just around the corner.

Samsung spins $100 Android 2.1 phone for Sprint
Sprint announced a Samsung handset running Android 2.1 that sells for $100 with a two-year contract. The Samsung 
Intercept is equipped with a 3.2-inch touchscreen display, a 
3.2-megapixel camera, a slide-out QWERTY keyboard, and an optical joystick, says the company.

		         Graphics Stack

xf86-video-ati 6.13.1 Driver Released


A New Release Of The AMD XvBA Back-End To VA-API



TeamViewer 5.0 review
Now a Linux version is available. TeamViewer offers a bit more than just remote desktop sharing. It comes bundled 
with a host of other features such as the ability to manage 
share lists, record sessions and have voice conversations using VoIP.

Review of rekonq 0.5
rekonq has a clean minimalistic interface â the type of interface most web browsers prefer nowadays. It has a 
Chrome type wrench icon from where you get the various browser 
options. There is also the bookmark next to it. Like Google Chrome, it has an integrated URL 
bar from where you can search the web, your history or simply enter the URL. It also serves as an indicator when a 
page is being loaded.

Free software at your fingertips
One of the common misconceptions about GNU/Linux is that it "doesn't have any applications". Every time I hear 
this, I immediately respond with "how far did you look?". Truth 
is, Linux has thousands upon thousands of applications. Some are installed by default in 
Linux distributions, and some are purposely not installed, but available and can be installed with a couple of 
clicks. Depending on which distribution you use, and how you 
install it, your list of installed applications when you are finished installing the operating 
system itself will vary.

Three video transcoding applications for Linux worth knowing
If you are a movie junkie like me, chances are you have quite a number of movies on your computer that would be 
nice watching on your DVD player or home theater system, mobile 
phone or portable multimedia device.

Top 10 Totally Amazing Wallpapers Made Using Inkscape



Identi.ca's official desktop app ainât âalf bad
Identi.ca is the open source equivalent to Twitter based on the StausNet (formerly Laconica) micro-blogging server.

gtweety - Yet another desktop twitter app for GNOME
Like Turpial was when we first featured it, the application isnât available in English. gTweetyâs interface is 100% 
Czech but, as with Turpial, this doesnât impact on usage as 
much as you might imagine - the UI is laid out in a logical fashion.

On the surface it may seem more than a smidge similar to other gnome-specific twitter clients. If offers separate 
views for Timeline, Replies & Direct Messages, quick access to 
updating and the usual notify-osd alerts.


Make Music For Free
Free Linux music packages Ardour, Hydrogen and Jack will help you fall in love with a whole new world of creative 

Clementine 0.4: Amarok 1.4 reborn!
A few things Iâd like to see implemented include some of the more helpful items that were in Amarok 1.4 such as 
being able to add a âplay countâ column in the queue display 
list, and some of the playlist builder functions (ârandom 50â and ârandom 100â were two that I 
used a lot in Amarok 1.4).

That said, Iâm extremely happy with what it can do as it currently stands, and those wants are pretty minor 
compared to what theyâve already done with it. Iâm really kind of 
amazed that there isnât much buzz surrounding this great application. So hereâs to hoping that 
this quiet little project gets the attention it deserves!

Virtual DJ Software for Linux: Mixxx
When I was still using Windows, I remembered playing or should I say scratching with the popular audio/video mixing 
software made by Atomix Productions called VirtualDJ. Though 
I didn't really enjoyed DJing that much, I missed those days when I finally get to somehow 
experience what it's like to be a DJ. So I started looking for DJ software program that I could install on my Linux 
box. Unfortunately, I only found a few and most of them are 
really old or are poor in quality if compared to VirtualDJ. But there is one Linux-
compatible, free and open source DJ software program that is quiet promising, and its name is Mixxx.


Google SketchUp in Linux - A reality! 
Google SketchUp is one of my favorite applications. It's a free 3D software that I use to create my fabulous 3D 
models. It works well and lets my imagination and fingers do 
their magic. It's an excellent therapy for mind and soul. There's only one problem, so to 
speak. It has been designed to work on Windows and Mac only, with no Linux version in the offing.

All in all, it's not a tragedy, since I believe in using any software and/or operating system that meets the 
requirements. If you need to draw a bit, you power Windows and do 
what needs to be done. But some people may not have the privilege to make the cross-platform 
choice. For them, Google SketchUp is on the wish-list. Or is it? 


There you go. If SketchUp was a showstopper keeping you from migrating to Linux, that roadblock has just been 
removed. Even if you're more of a polygamist when it comes to 
operating systems, you now have an extra choice of enjoying a great program on yet another 
platform. Either way, it's a win-win situation. 


HOWTO: Ubuntu Linux on T101MT


8 PostgreSQL Date and Time Function Examples


Converting OpenOffice documents to PDF or HTML, as a batch


Linux: Howto download ISO files directly to a CD/DVD/BLU-RAY


What Font To Use For Your Ubuntu Desktop? Try These!


Tile Active Windows On Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Using X Tile Applet
You wonât need to tile windows location by yourself any more, with this simple applet you can simply Tile windows 
in many ways to get best view for active windows. I usually 
use tile mode to easily compare between to windows and included content inside both, also you 
can use it to simply drag and drop element from window to another.

Why GLEP 55 is a Good Idea and thus a Bad Thing


Emacs Auto-complete Mode


Installing Maia Mailguard On Debian Lenny (Virtual Users/Domains With Postfix/MySQL) 



The Flying Penguin 0.1
The Flying Penguin is a game where you try to fly the penguin as far as possible with limited fuel. While in the 
air, you have to collect floating fish to gain extra fuel. This 
is a native OpenGL game inspired by the flash game Hedgehog Launch.

Five best non-free Linux games of 2010 
All of these games are cross-platform, so you can enjoy them on other operating system as well. Theres' variety to 
be had, too. Single player, multiplayer, at home or online, 
role playing, classic strategy, puzzle solving. I have not intended to have balance in this 
list, but the games kind of naturally filled the right spots.

I recommend you start with demos and trials and see what gives. I believe you will have found a new collection of 
great items to play and explore. Along with the freeware 
collection, you have the rest of 2010 to get convinced in my choices. You won't be disappointed. 

Stuff to Play!
While I was on sabbatical, Protektor sent in a whole mess of Linux games weâve yet to mention:

    * Summoning Wars, a dungeon hack game
    * Super Tux Kart, an enhanced version of Tux Kart
    * Dragon History â a Czech adventure game that runs under ScummVM
    * Shotgun Debugger â a 2D top-down shooter


		         Desktop Environments

		         K Desktop Environment (KDE SC)

Georg Greve on KDE and the Supporting Membership Program
At LinuxTag 2010, the KDE community announced the "Join the Game" campaign to support KDE e.V.'s Supporting 
Membership Program. The first new member was Georg Greve, founder of 
Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE). We caught up with him for a 'short' interview that 
turned into a two hour conversation about life, the universe and everything. The pertinent bits are excerpted 

Planet KDE Goes International



Xfce Window Manager Tweaks
But there are certain advanced configurations that I want to illustrate that might not be as obvious to the new-to-
Xfce user. This time around weâre talking about the Window 
Manager Tweaks tool.

Orage: Xfce calendar application
As we continue on with our travels down the Xfce path, I thought it would be smart to highlight the Xfce 
calendaring application Orage. This tool is not an âall in oneâ tool 
like Evolution, nor does it have all of the bells and whistles of the Mozilla Sunbird 
calendar. But what it does, it does well and does so without taking up tons of your resources or your desktop real 


The Path to Sabayon 5.4
The next Sabayon Linux release will be 5.4 as usual it will have the usual skew of package updates and bug fixes. 
We are tracking the bugs earmarked for fixing before 5.4 using 
the Sabayon 5.4 Tracking Bug. This means that you can see which bugs will be fixed for 5.4 
and the status of each issue individually; it also means you can report bugs and we can easily target those before 
each release. This is a new public approach for to nailing 
down issues before release and is due in part to structural changes within the Sabayon testers 

The Job of the Linux Distribution
The Gnome project creates the desktop environment used in Ubuntu, Red Hat, and many other operating systems. Each 
distribution tweaks Gnome a bit by adding or removing 
applications, but most of it is the same between the different systems. For all practical purposes, 
to the non-techie, non-geek, Gnome is the operating system, because it's what they see and interact with. In 
Ubuntu, the default Gnome browser, Epiphany is removed and replaced 
with Firefox. The Gnome office suite is not used, favoring the more popular OpenOffice.org 
suite instead. Each distribution picks what it feels are the best parts available from the open source community.

BlankOn is an Ubuntu-based distribution developed by the Indonesian Linux Mover Foundation and BlankOn developer 
Indonesians are known to have spirit to share, and eager to help each other. Hence, BlankOn Developers believe, 
that it is their part of identity, to be more active and 
involved in Free/Open Source Software activities.


And they call it Puppy Loveâ
Puppy will run upon pretty much anything out there.

It gives you a blisteringly fast machine with a sensible selection of pre-installed applications.

		         New Releases

Guadalinex 7


NuTyX 06072010 (Live)


Clonezilla 1.2.5-32


MoLinux 6.0 (Educativa)


SystemRescueCd 1.5.8


Tuquito 4


Salix LXDE 13.1 Released
Salix LXDE edition 13.1 has been released! Based on Slackware 13.1, it features the Lightweight X11 Desktop 
Environment, "an extremely fast-performing and energy-saving desktop 
environment", with a clean look and feel. The main applications that complete the LXDE 
experience are the lightweight and fast PCManFM file manager and the popular Openbox window manager.

		         PCLinuxOS/Mandrake/Mandriva Family

PCLinuxOS quarterly ISO updates released
The PCLinuxOS developers have released the quarterly ISO updates for the GNOME, KDE and LXDE editions of their 
Linux distribution. The 2010.07 releases include a number of 
desktop and package updates, but don't add any new features to the operating system.



Mandriva 2010 Spring Is Released


The Long Awaited Release of Mandriva 2010 Spring


Mandriva 2010 Spring: A Review for Newbies
There was a time in which Mandriva was considered a somewhat "intermediate" Linux distribution. In 2009, when I 
started using it, I found it slightly "difficult". However, with 
the 2010 release, I have noticed how the distro has been oriented to the ease of use. I'm 
not saying that it is easy, as no OS is, but I must confess that I perceive less entanglement now. So, today I can 
confidently recommend beginners to install it as their debut 
distro in the fascinating world of Linux.

Mandriva fights through money woes, releases 2010 Spring distro
Reprieved from its financial troubles with fresh investments, Mandriva released the final version of Mandriva Linux 
2010 Spring. The latest stable release is touted for 
offering faster boot times, enhanced "Smart Desktop" file-organization technology, easier printer 
and wireless configuration, new scientific apps, plus updates including GNOME 2.30.1, KDE 4.4.3, and the new Go-OO 
branch of OpenOffice.

Mandriva Preparing For Organizational Reboot
"Mandriva possesses in its DNA all the requisites of an Open Source world leader. A community of 3.5 million users, 
a leading position in the BRIC zone, and prestigious clients 
in both the public sector and major business," stressed Jean-NoÃl de Galzain, President of 
IF Research. "We are going to focus on the company management and promoting a new, dynamic commercial activity 
based on innovative products offered on a new distribution 

		         Red Hat Family

Expect to be a billion dollar co by next fiscal: Red Hat
A: We are involved in developing free software as well. I am often asked, how can a company make money selling free 
software? Whatâs important to recognize is that the recent 
Red Hats has been successful because we donât actually sell software. The software itself is 
functionally free. The source code is available. But an enterprise is not just implementing features and 
functionality, they need to implement a solution which needs to last 
for years. When the New York stock exchange which runs on Red Hat enterprise Linux spent 
millions of dollars to develop their exchange, they want to make sure that it works for the next 5-10 years.

Red Hat Close to 50 and 200 Day Moving Averages


KVM Adoption Isn't All About Commercial Support
The open source KVM virtualization technology is being promoted by many different vendors, often as a mechanism to 
help enable cloud deployments. Among the biggest backers of 
KVM are Linux vendors Red Hat and Ubuntu, though in at least one use case the solutions 
they're marketing aren't necessarily the solutions that cloud deployments are using.

Hosting provider The Planet recently launched a new cloud service offering built on KVM technology without the 
benefit of the Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud (UEC) or Red Hat's 
Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV). Instead The Planet has chosen to take its own path, leveraging 
the freely available Ubuntu Lucid LTS release and without engaging in a commercial contract with Canonical, the 
lead commercial sponsor behind Ubuntu. 

Red Hat grows partner ecosystem



Fedora Design Bounty: Fedora slide deck template
Fedora project members, from pretty much every part of our project (especially Ambassadors), give presentations all 
over the world: from FUDcons (Fedora Usersâ and Developersâ 
Conference) all over the world, to FOSS.in in India, to the Linux Symposium in Canada, 
LinuxTag in Germany, to FISL in Brazil, to SCALE in Calfornia â and many, many more. 

OLPC to add multitouch screen to future XO-1.75 laptop
Nonprofit organization One Laptop Per Child on Thursday said it is adding a multitouch screen to the upcoming 
XO-1.75 laptop and is modifying software to take advantage of the 
new hardware.

The XO-1.75 with a touch-sensitive 8.9-inch screen will start shipping next year. The laptop will run on an Arm 
processor and is the successor to the current XO-1.5 laptop, 
which runs on a Via x86 processor. OLPC will also add a multitouch screen on the next-
generation XO-3 tablet, which is due to ship in 2012.

Customers could be interested in buying XO-1.75 laptops as low-power replacements to existing XO-1 machines, which 
don't have touch capabilities, said Chris Ball, lead software 
engineer for OLPC, in an e-mail.

OLPC: Upgrading X0-1 to new SugarLabs Release
I saw an announcement the other day about a development OS release (os16) for the OLPC XO-1 laptop that basically 
brings it into parity with the release on the XO-1.5. I 
downloaded it, got a developer key, unlocked an OLPC, and figured out how to install it. Once you 
become familiar with the process, it is actually easy and straight forward. I even played with the FORTH-based 
firmware for the first time.

10 things that will make you want to use Fedora again
Jack Wallen itemizes the improvements that have made him a Fedora fan again.

		         Debian Family

Firefox returns to Debian?
Debian comes with a rebranded version of Firefox called Iceweasle. The reasons for this are that the Firefox logo 
was copyright, and everything in Debian must be strictly free 
software- thus free to modify- and Debian maintains its own Firefox/Iceweasle package after 
Mozilla itself has stopped providing security updates for them. (Debian Lenny comes with Iceweasle 3.0- perfectly 
stable- which is the aim of Debian stable releases by 
definition- but old.

Debian on desktop systems
What I expected to happen some time ago, is finally becoming reality: Debian is now my favourite distribution for 
desktop systems.


An OS is only as good as its package manager
Ubuntu is based on Debian, so it uses a package manager called aptitude. This system allows users to easily add and 
remove software. Without a package manager, Ubuntu users 
would have to compile and install software from source code.

Something is wrong with the software publishing plan for Ubuntu
Lately I have been watching a couple of threads related to Ubuntu packaging and publishing whichs makes me feel 
something is wrong.

With all respect, I believe Matt was probably dreaming when he came up with the "Weâve packaged all of the free 
software" title. There are plenty of applications not properly 
archive maintained or even packaged due to the lack of human resources.

Time to consider Ubuntu for your cloud needs?
Stemming from Canonical's relatively modest customer base, especially outside of cloud deployments, the vendor 
behind Ubuntu doesn't have to worry about existing customers 
doing a similar price comparison between the pay-per-usage cloud approach and traditional 
support subscriptions. This is definitely an advantage for Canonical over Red Hat.

Oh where oh where could our CDs be
Lucid, 10.04, was released nearly 3 months ago and still to this date the Ubuntu Chicago LoCo Team has not received 
our shipment. Not only has our shipment not been received 
but nobody seems to be answering my emails. Getting a bit tired of telling everyone, nope you 
canât have any CDs because I donât have any CDs, and not being able to have a decent gathering to promote Ubuntu 
because we have zero materials. Maybe this blog post will make 
its way to someoneâs desk that can help or who possibly cares.

Freezing Maverick â behind the scenes on Ubuntu 10.10
Ubuntu 10.10 (codename Maverick Meerkat) is well into the development cycle, with the planned celebrity release 
date of 10 October 2010 (10/10/10). The development time frame 
of Ubuntu is quite condensed, and this is managed with a number of stages. These stages tend 
to symbolise milestones of the schedule, and usually refer to a restriction on what activity can happen during this 

We have long passed the Alpha 1 CD image stage and I anticipate the release of Alpha 2 by the time you read this. 
You will no doubt be eager to test Alpha 3, which is currently 
scheduled for 5 August. Alpha 3 will be the last CD image created before the development of 
Maverick starts entering the second half of the âfreezeâ stages.

Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase
Today, July 7th, Canonical proudly announced that it will support the Ubuntu Free Culture showcase, which will 
offer photographers, artists and musicians from all over the 
world and with any background, the opportunity to see their work in the next release of the 
Ubuntu operating system, Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat), due for release in October 10th, 2010.

Catching up with Canonicalâs CEO, Jane Silber â exclusive interview
The most exciting thing is seeing the traction Ubuntu has as a mainstream choice for consumers. The alignment 
between Ubuntu, the community, developers and the hardware 
ecosystem is really coming into its own at this point. In my new role I am involved in more 
strategic discussions with our partners and customers, and the road ahead is looking very exciting.

Flavours and Variants

Kubuntu Netbook Remix Is Now Dead â But Not Really!
Kubuntu Netbook Remix is basically Kubuntu with the KDE Plasma Netbook interface instead of the KDE Plasma Desktop 
used in the desktop versions. Till Lucid Lynx, Kubuntu 
Desktop and Kubuntu Netbook Remix were available for download as separate ISOs.

However, from the next release of Kubuntu, i.e. Kubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat, the Kubuntu Netbook Remix will not 
be released along with it. Rather, the Plasma Netbook package 
will be included in the Kubuntu Desktop ISO.  At the time installation, using some screen 
resolution detection algorithm, it will be automatically decided if Plasma Desktop or Plasma Netbook is to be 
turned on by default. There will also be an option to change it 
manually in the System Settings.

Early Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook Benchmarks
There is still three months left until Ubuntu 10.10 "Maverick Meerkat" will be officially released along with the 
Ubuntu Netbook spin and the various other incarnations of this 
popular Linux distribution, but today we have some initial netbook tests of this next 
version of Ubuntu Linux. While Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook may boast a new user-interface now that it is using the Unity 
Desktop, the changes that have taken place "under the hood" 
have led to some performance differences compared to Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Netbook.

<a name="devices">Devices/Embedded</a>

The Fragmentation of Linux: Two Points of View
The fragmentation of Linux has become a hot topic in recent weeks as industry leaders debate how the community can 
collaborate to compete against single, vertical operating 
systems without creating an ecosystem that pulls the community in too many directions at once 
to be truly effective. As FOSS developers work at a fever pitch to create Linux-based OSes, handheld devices, 
enterprise-level servers, and mobile phones, the point at which 
they join forces can make the difference between getting a leg up on other operating systems 
and lagging behind.

MIPS64-based module supports 40Gbps network processing
NetLogic Microsystems announced a Linux-based hardware/software development kit it says is the first fully 
deterministic networking solution that concurrently processes Layers 
2-7 at 40Gbps wire-speed. The NLX321103A solution combines the MIPS-based XLP832 eight-core, 
32-threaded system-on-chip with the NL11k and NETL7 Layer 7 "knowledge-based" processors, the company says.

ARM muscling in on desktop space
Until now Brit chip shop ARM's processor designs have been restricted to smart phones and other embedded devices, 
but new developments in a partnership between ARM and 
Canonical, the company which develops Ubuntu Linux, could see a new push into the traditional 
computing market.


Flash Player 10.1 Ported To MeeGo, Android
Movial has announced enablement and certification services for Adobe Flash Player 10.1 on both systems-on-chip and 
mobile platforms for MeeGo and Android.

Open source software battle heats up
In parallel with the rapid development of mobile computing, various Linux-based OS pop up one after anotherâfrom 
Android, LiMo, MeeGo, Ubuntu to webOS.


Fennec 1.1 ships on Maemo as MeeGo heats up


What Nokia must do to stay relevant in mobile
MeeGo will be used on everything from advanced smartphones to netbooks, connected TVs, and tablet computers, the 
two companies say. Nokia still hasn't announced its first 
MeeGo-based product, but it will be delivered this year, says Vanjoki.

Meego flies in benchmark test
Tests run by independent benching site Carrypad confirmed that Google's open source OS took a licking. The 
benchmark was the Sunspider Javascript test. This is a processer 
intensive test that measures how quickly applications get displayed in a web browser.

MeeGo Demolishes Android 2.2 in Javascript Test
As I begin a series of tests on the Aava prototype phone today, the first thing I wanted to get out of the way was 
a Sunspider javascript test. Itâs CPU-intensive and forms an 
important part of the chain of events that take place to get a web application displayed on 
your browser. Yes, itâs one of many variables but itâs a good indicator of CPU performance.


sensorMote for Android
sensorMote for Android, is an Android application that allows you to control your media from your phone with simple 
hand gestures!! 

Android Market on the Verge of Hitting 100K
This really is amazing news, and a testament to just how popular Android has become. In September 2009, the Android 
Market had only 10,000 apps. Now, just 10 months later the 
Market has over 90,000 apps and is on track to surpass 100,000 before the month is over. If 
Android Market continues to grow at its current pace, we could very well see it catching up to the iTunes market 
within a year.

Why I Turned In My iPhone and Went Android
For me, more than the over-used phrase of "open", the promise of true multitasking, and the platform's integration 
with Google Apps, was one word - "Choice". Choice of 
handsets. Choice of carriers. Choice of manufacturers. Second behind the word choice has to be 
"Momentum". I can see that Android has momentum in terms of improved quality, in terms of the number of devices 
sold and users, and yes, applications, which are growing in 
quantity, soon to be followed by quality. I really do believe that if Android does not already 
have a market share lead over Apple yet in this discussion, they soon will. It is inevitable. The growth in the 
number of handsets, carriers and users will drive more 
developers to the platform, and the holdouts who are not there will eventually make the move. And 
yes, third is "Cloud" - the idea that I don't need to be tied to my desktop computer to manage data on the phone, 
but instead, the phone is built to tap into data stored on the 
Web. Fourth is "Capability". The Android platform, as the Droid commercials offer, simply 
does more. The power of the mobile hotspot cannot be understated, and the iPhone is a zero there.

Smartphone as ThinClients
Trend of computing show that we are looking for a lightweight device.
Future is all about a single device (a smartphone) which will do following task

    * Office & Internet Computing
    * Communication (audio, video)

New CEIVA Snap for Android App
CEIVA Logic, Inc announced earlier this week that they have released an application to the Android Market that will 
allow users to send photos over-the-air from their mobile 
device to any CEIVA-connected photo frame.  The application is called CEIVA Snap and since 
CEIVA invented connected digital photo frames, we're sure this app will be a winner.  Additional features allow 
users to view and store their photos on their devices all while 
on the go from anywhere.

Marvin v1.3.0 â Android app of the week!
Marvin is a free ZX Spectrum emulator for phones running Android.  Currently in v1.3, the package can be found in 
the market place and better still, its free!  Marvin offers 
emulation of both the 48k and the 128k Spectrum, so lets look at how well it performs that 

OpenFeint Gaming Comes To Andoid
iOS game developer OpenFeint has announced that the company will be bringing its open-source gaming platform to 
Google's Android OS.

Android Grows at a Blistering Pace
Apple ranked number two with 24.4 percent share and Microsoft third with 13.2 percent, while Palm rounded out the 
top five with 4.8 percent.

Androidâs growth should come as no surprise to mobile enthusiasts. More than 20 Android phones are available in the 
U.S. currently. Handset makers such as LG and Samsung that 
have been slower than rivals Motorola and HTC in adopting Android are now planning to launch 
new Android devices.

Earlier this week, LG said it will have two Android smartphones and an Android-based tablet available by the end of 
the year. Samsung has already announced that its first 4G 
Android phone on Sprint will be available this summer.

Google updates its Android development kit
OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE HOUSE Google has updated its Android software development kit (SDK) to match the latest 
version of Android 2.2.

Rover unveils five tablets based on Android, Windows CE
Russian Rover Computers has revealed five new tablets, ranging from 5- to 7-inch models. The processors are also 
varied and include Samsung ARM chips, while the range-topping 
RoverPad TegA W70 gets NVIDIA's Tegra CPU. All five are likely rebadged OEM offerings, with 
the TegA W70 based on the Compal Tegra tablet.

Android Gains Marketshare While All Others Lose It 
With the market moving so quickly, things are bound to change. The survey was conducted before Appleâs latest 
iPhone 4 was released in June. Also, look for Google to exceed 
Microsoftâs share in the next period since it is trailing by a minuscule .2 percent.

Android 2.2 SDK refresh
The Android 2.2 SDK that was released at Google I/O contained a preview of the Froyo system image and today, we are 
releasing an update to bring it into sync with the system 
image pushed to Nexus One devices.

Report: Fujitsu develops its first Android phone
And we have yet another cell phone maker joining the Android bandwagon. Various Japanese media, for example Sankei 
Digital [JP], are reporting that Fujitsu is currently working 
on an Android-based smartphone.

Ubuntu on Nexus One, Froyo on Sprintâs Hero
One of the most popular sides of Google's Android operating system is the openness to hacks and modifications it 
enables. We've already had the chance to take a look at a wide 
range of custom made Android ROMs for handsets that would not taste the platform otherwise, 
but today's news bring something new into the equation. An Android 2.2 Froyo port available for users of a HTC Hero 
on Sprint's airwaves in the US has just emerged accompanied 
by a video of Nexus One running under Ubuntu, complemented by detailed instructions on how 
this can be done.

Android sees healthy growth at expense of Apple, RIM, MS
Android's share of the smartphone OS market went up between February and May of this year while everyone else took 
a hit, according to the latest data from comScore. The 
analytics firm released its three-month MobiLens report Thursday, observing that Android's share 
of smartphone subscribers had gone up a full four percentage points in the US, though it still remains fourth on 
the list after RIM, Apple, and Microsoft.


Motorola aims low with Android-based Charm
Motorola announced a low-end Android 2.1 phone for T-Mobile equipped with a new version of its MotoBlur UI layer. 
The Motorola Charm is equipped with a 2.8-inch, 320 x 240 
touchscreen, 802.11b/g/n, a three-megapixel camera, a slide-out QWERTY keyboard, and a 
"Backtrack" touchpanel on the back of the device.

Droid X reviews praise battery life, multimedia
eWEEK has run two favorable reviews of the Motorola Droid X, praising the phone's multimedia performance, call 
quality, battery life, and camera, but criticizing its Wi-Fi 
performance and MotoBlur interface. A Wired review, meanwhile, calls the Droid X "one of the 
finest Android devices available" -- if one can handle the size.


For Those Intel Netbooks, There's A MeeGo 1.0 Update
This update carries over 100 bug-fixes, including the upgrading of the Linux kernel against the kernel, 
improved 3D performance via DRM and Mesa updates, web browser 
enhancements, improvements to visuals and the window manager, full support for the GNOME 
Proxy, and many other changes. 

Up-selling Fails
Huge inventories of netbooks resulted because people wanted cheaper netbooks. Those inventories are now cleared but 
OEMs are taking a wait-and-see attitude before offering for 
sale the latest Wintel systems. Even the $11 price increase for the latest Atom is seen as 
too much. Wouldnât a $50 reduction for using GNU/Linux look good about now? Wouldnât a $50 reduction for using ARM 
look good about now?


Affordable Android-powered iPad-like Tablet Computers Galore
Affordable Android-powered iPad-like Tablet Computers Galore: While browsing through dealextreme.com, a popular 
online shop for electronic products here in Asia, I was really 
surprised to see several iPad-like tablet computers that are sold for as low as $99 (US). 
Another surprising thing is that they are all powered by Android.


		         Free Software/Open Source

Open source chosen for first major contract for Indian ID cards project
MindTree is using open source software to build the applications. This was the choice of the authorities in charge 
of the project. But Lahiri says open source such as Linux is 
scalable and mature enough for a project like this. Mindshare will use some vendor 

University Challenge & the open source debating society
One of the better blogs you might like to read up on in follow up to this event comes from Scott Wilson who talked 
about open innovation, development and collaboration. Wilson 
said that his focus was on barriers to community as he discussed areas such as, "Governance, 
diversity and personal barriers to engaging in an Open Source development community and how as a member of such a 
community you can make a contribution."

The state of the open source nation
Five years on, Simon Brock catches up with those original open source projects he covered in this very column

Itâs now five years since this column changed its title to Open Source, before which it had been restricted to Unix 
server software. We changed it because so much of the open-
source Unix software we covered was also available for Windows and the Mac, and a broader 
remit seemed more sensible. 

Newspaper chain Journal Register Company announces move to open source
âDoes this mean that [moving forward] all newsrooms will publish using Scribus or will tone all photos using Gimp? 
No, but if an operation â part Journal Register or an outside 
company â wanted to, they could,â the press release read. âThe tools we discovered, trained 
on and used as part of the Ben Franklin Project could allow a news organization to throw away their old methods and 
start anew.â

Open source financial analytics startup OpenGamma comes out of stealth mode
Kirk Wylie, CEO of London based startup OpenGamma, has announced  the company has come out of stealth mode and in 
the coming months, will be presenting its financial analytics 
platform to the world. The company is developing a common infrastructure and applications 
for financial services firms. The platform unifies batch and live calculations to create more consistency in risk 
and analytics calculations and is designed to be the core 
technology in batch risk analysis, commercial trading systems, bespoke trading systems and event 
driven alerting systems.

Open Source Project Management Tools
The pre-selection of project management programs started by focusing on some of the most famous web-based ones, 
excluding the following (for the following reasons):

Proprietary Technologies Are Buggier Than Open Source?
Katonda has published a list of top 9 bugs and blunders of the last few weeks. In that list Apple and Microsoft 
seems to lead the world of bugs by delivering some of the most 
lethal bugs.

A Topic for Discussion - Open Source Feature-Richness?
The person making these comments is a professional writer who I follow, with several books published. So the 
opinion about the software not being feature rich is a valid issue 
and being too complicated is something that I too find with writing software in general. But 
that the author feels it is less feature rich because it is Open Source, or more correctly, because it is free is 
something that bothers me.


Platform kit for Symbian S^3 goes 100 per cent open source
Product Development Kit (PDK) 3.0, released today by the Symbian Foundation, is targeted at device developers. The 
kit includes all the source and binary files required to 
generate the new S^3 operating system and run it in the supplied emulator.

Nokia boosts Java development for Symbian 3 phones


Nokia opens Symbian to Java apps



Sydney Meetup July 2010


Libre Software Meeting GNU gathering this week in Bordeaux


		         Web Browsers

Reviewing the latest speed wars in Web Browsers
I've been around a long time, and I can vividly remember when GNU Emacs was soundly criticized for being so large, 
using up so much memory. Well, those complaints went away a 
long time ago. Before we even had 1 GHz desktop computer systems, I found that GNU Emacs 
would load in just a few seconds on computers with as little as 200 MHz and 32 MB memory. It's so much better 
today. The typical Web browser is four or five times larger just 
to download, and the amount of virtual memory they use can easily exceed a factor of ten 
beyond what an even loaded Emacs would consume.

Where does that leave the typical Web browser then? Two years ago, Web browsers were probably near their all time 
low in terms of efficiency and performance. Yes, they were 
offering more and more features, but the cost of those features were becoming prohibitive.

Browser Speed Test â Operaâs Claim Put To The Test
Both Opera and Google are obsessed with the speed of their browser. With each release, each claim to be the fastest 
browser. Google has even gone on to make a game to 
demonstrate the speed of its browser Chrome. With todayâs release of Opera 10.60, Opera is now 
claiming that it is the fastest browser on earth. So, we decided to see if it is indeed the fastest browser or if 
it is Google Chrome. We also decided to throw in the latest 
dev build of Chromium and Firefox 4.0 beta to the test.

Another round of browser benchmarks, this time with Safari, the not so fastest browser on Earthâ :P  



Mozilla Public License rewrite deletes Netscape
Mozilla is perhaps best known today for its Firefox web browser. Underlying that browser however is the open source 
license that enables its development community to thrive. 
The Mozilla Public License (MPL) has remained nearly untouched since 1999 and now at long last 
is undergoing a process of evolution.

Firefox 4 Beta Brings Speed Boost
Firefox has been taking heat from Google Chrome over speed for some time, but the worldâs most popular open source 
browser is getting ready for a comeback. Can Firefox 4.0 woo 
back some of the early adopters whoâve embraced Chrome? It looks like it will have a very 
good shot. 

User interface overhaul arrives in Firefox 4 beta 


First look: Firefox 4 Beta 1 shines on HTML5
You've no doubt heard about or even seen Firefox 4's new Chrome-like interface. More important are the many new 
features generally lumped together under the catchall standard 
HTML5, a specification that's still a draft but has become more of a rallying cry for AJAX, 
JavaScript, endless tags, and life beyond plug-ins.

More Details on Features in Firefox 4 Beta 1
Firefox 4 Beta 1 is now available and ready for testing. This first version is filled with dozens of new features 
and improvements. Here are more in depth explanations of some 
of the Firefox 4 Beta 1 features from the Firefox team...

Once around the Web with Firefox 4 Beta 1
I want, I really want Firefox to become a top-of-the-line Web browser again. It was Firefox, after all, that broke 
IE's (Internet Explorer) strangle-hold on Web browsers. Even 
Microsoft owes Firefox some gratitude. If Firefox hadn't pushed Microsoft into making IE 
into a decent Web browser, many of us might still be stuck with crapware like IE 6. Unfortunately, I'm not sure 
Firefox 4 is going to get Firefox back into competition with IE 
8, much less, what I see as today's leading Web browser, Google's Chrome 5.


Enterprise-Grade Hadoop for Petabyte Analytics
If you're slightly bewildered by all the buzz over this new technology with the funny-sounding moniker, youâre not 
alone. The official story is that Hadoop was the name of the 
inventor's kid's stuffed elephant. However, for most IT professionals, it could easily be an 
acronym for "Heck, Another Darn Obscure Open-source Project." The fact that Hadoop, managed by Apache, includes 
subprojects with similarly opaque names--such as Pig, Hive, 
Chukwa, and ZooKeeperâcontributes to the queasy feeling that this is an untamed menagerie of 
squealing beasties.

Five open source tools for building and managing clouds
Open source technology is going to seriously impact the cloud computing world, and there are two main reasons why: 
Open source software is essentially free, and it is not 
generally encumbered by the software license models of proprietary software. Many proprietary 
software vendors, such as Microsoft and Oracle, are trying to maintain old and expensive license models, even 
though they impede the flexibility gained by virtualization and 
cloud computing.


Q&A with Roger Burkhardt, CEO of Ingres
Since Ingres was re-created in 2006 we have tripled our revenues and established ourselves as the second-largest 
open source company after Red Hat.


My Top 10 Most Useful Joomla Components



Considering Open Source Software for K-12
IT directors across the country are implementing open source software in their K-12 districts--a decision often 
prompted by the improving quality of open source options, as 
well as cost savings.

Selection of OSS is sometimes a value-added option when the commercial version would never be financially feasible. 
In other cases, IT directors are replacing existing 
solutions with OSS, instigated by license agreements that are ending, the need to refurbish old 
computers, or the purchase of netbooks.

While there are no recent surveys to measure use of open source software (OSS), anecdotal evidence reflects growing 
interest in--and use of--alternatives to proprietary 

A few years ago, an OSS talk at the National Educational computing Conference (NECC; now ISTE) would draw about 
five attendees, and there would be just a "smattering of people" 
in the open source lab. Now the rooms are full, said Alex Inman, director of technology for 
Whitfield School in St. Louis, MO.


Why the Technology Matters â An Analysis of Consonaâs Acquisition of Compiere
While Consona has aquired a number of software companies based on this model, that doesnât seem to be the strategy 
behind the Compiere deal. Compiere brings only 130 customers 
to Consona and I doubt Compiereâs open-source business model was generating big profits. 
Instead of buying customers and profits, Consona seems to be thinking ahead about how they can lead the market in 
the next generation of technology. The acquisition is more 
about growing organically â selling more Compiere systems â than it is about harvesting 
customer support contracts.

Open Source Software: Less Feature-Rich Than Proprietary Competition?
Commercial open source software is a newer trend than open source software itself. Over time, it is likely that the 
distance, in terms of feature sets, between proprietary 
software packages and open source ones will be closed by contributions from commercial 
interests. At least that's true for many important packages. It goes to show that even though many people in the 
open source community frown on commercial interests, companies 
that back open source projects can have a profoundly positive effect on them. 

Do customers want open core?
There is renewed and meaningful discussion going about open core with several good insights and arguments: Simon 
Phipps, Mark Radcliffe, Stephen OâGrady and our own Matt Aslett 
to name a few. 


Taking a peek at GhostBSD 1.0
The PC-BSD project brings a user-friendly pre-configured KDE desktop to the FreeBSD community. Which is all well 
and good, but what if you're more of a GNOME person? Well, it 
turns out there is a project in the works for you too. The GhostBSD project is in its early 
stages, but it's paving the way for users who enjoy running GNOME on a FreeBSD base without any configuring or 
installing extra software. I had a chance to exchange emails with 
Eric Turgeon, the project's founder and lead developer.

Benchmarks Of FreeBSD 8.1 RC2 Against FreeBSD 8.0, Ubuntu Linux
FreeBSD 8.1 is slated to be released this month as the first significant update to FreeBSD since the rollout of the 
8.0 release last November. With the second release candidate 
of FreeBSD 8.1 having just been made available a few days back, we have conducted a set of 
tests comparing the performance of FreeBSD 8.1 RC2 versus FreeBSD 8.0 and an Ubuntu 10.10 development snapshot.


GOLEMs are better than âIntellectual Propertyâ - Passing criticism on âIPâ
Have you ever heard someone saying âIntellectual Property is a dumb term, please do not use itâ in the parliament? 
Well it happened in the German Bundestag: Prof. Dr. Thomas 
Hoeren said it during the internet enquote this week. Afterwards one of the other experts, 
Prof. Rainer Kuhlen supported him and added that collecting societies abuse this term âso they can get goods with 
licensing agreements and circumvent copyright lawâ. (I already 
wrote about that in German blog entry.)


A bit later in 2004, Richard Stallman also wrote about that topic, in his article âDid You Say âIntellectual 
Propertyâ? Itâs a Seductive Mirageâ:

    It has become fashionable to toss copyright, patents, and trademarksâthree separate and different entities 
involving three separate and different sets of lawsâplus a dozen 
other laws into one pot and call it âintellectual propertyâ. The distorting and confusing 
term did not become common by accident. Companies that gain from the confusion promoted it. The clearest way out of 
the confusion is to reject the term entirely.

Where we're going: Working together for Free Software  
By working together for free software in a focused movement, we can do much more than the sum of our individual or 
project efforts.

That's where this campaign is headed--to strengthen the entire movement by promoting the underlying message that 
all free software projects work for a unified ideal: an end 
goal of software freedom. It represents a new theme in the Free Software Foundation's work and 
a shift in focus that recognizes we are ready to engage a much wider audience. The approach for "Working together 
for free software" is to find new common ground to facilitate 
an effective public campaign for software freedom that will benefit everyone.

New ideas for the Free Software Foundation


Two GCC stories
The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) project occupies a unique niche in the free software community. As Richard 
Stallman is fond of reminding us, much of what we run on our 
systems comes from the GNU project; much of that code, in turn, is owned by the Free Software 
Foundation. But most of the GNU code is relatively static; your editor wisely allowed himself to be talked out of 
the notion of adding an LWN weekly page dedicated to the 
ongoing development of GNU cat. GCC, though, is FSF-owned, is crucial infrastructure, and is 
under heavy ongoing development. As a result, it will show pressures that are only seen in a few places. This 
article will look at a couple of recent episodes, related to 
licensing and online identity, from the GCC community. 

Could Free Software Exist Without Copyright?
A couple of days ago, I was writing  about how Richard Stallman's GNU GPL uses copyright as a way of ensuring that 
licensees share code that they distribute â because if they 
don't, they are breaching the GPL, and therefore lose their protection against claims of 
copyright infringement.

That's all very well, but as many people have pointed out, this does result in the paradoxical situation that the 
GNU GPL actually *depends* on copyright, an intellectual 
monopoly, in order to spread intellectual freedom. Moreover, it seems to doom free software into 
a kind of symbiosis with copyright, forcing it to remain a supporter of that monopoly, since without it, the 
approach used to make the GPL so powerful would not work.

This is obviously a slightly troubling prospect, so a little while ago I thought I'd raise the point with RMS 
himself, since he was bound to be aware of the issue, and 
presumably had a solution (I hoped). This issue has come up a few times in recent months, so I 
thought it might be worth publishing his answers to my questions to shed some light on this important topic. 

		         Project Releases

Version 1.3 of WordPress for Android adds stats
The WordPress developers have announced the release of version 1.3 of their WordPress for Android app. Using the 
mobile application, users can easily post to and edit their 
WordPress blogs from an Android mobile device.
RDPDesk Launches 3rd Version of RD Connection Manager
RDPDesk, one of the leading companies in the field of security connection solution development would like to 
announce the launching of version 3.0 of RD Connection manager, a 
free open source remote desktop management solution which is licensed under the GNU General 
Public License

Samba 4 now due in 2011; SMB2 and SMB/CIFS protocol docs done
The Samba team isnât expecting to release Samba 4 until the first half of 2011 (optimistically) but work on support 
for Microsoftâs SMB2 â and older SMB/CIFS â has moved ahead 
quite nicely.

Samba leader Jeremy Allison said support for SMB2 â which was introduced in the Windows Vista client â is finished 
and will be made available for testing in the next 
significant Samba release.

GIMP 2.6.10 Released
Unfortunately a rather bad bug sneaked into GIMP 2.6.9, so here's another release in the stable GIMP 2.6 series to 
fix this issue. 

Ardour 2.8.11 is released


GNU Dico 2.1 released
GNU Dico is an extensible modular dictionary server with a set of database modules, a command line client utility 
and a web interface.

GNU rush-1.7 released



Linux Oz head builds open-source SBR link
John Ferlito, president of Linux Australia, has revealed that he and several associates are developing a way for 
open-source users to interface with the government's Standard 
Business Reporting (SBR) system.

SBR gets open source tool, AUSkey coming to Linux
National Linux advocacy body Linux Australia has added its support for the federal governmentâs Standard Business 
Reporting initiative by planning an open source SBR 
integration project, meanwhile work begins at the ATO on AUSkey for Linux.

U.K. government could drop Microsoft for Linux
It wouldn't be anything really new, either, for the U.K. government to look toward open source. In 2003, the 
government signed a five-year agreement with Sun to look at using 
some of its open source systems in government.

UK Officials Suggest Moving To FOSS To Cut Cost


Malaysian Government has reached 97% OSS Adoption -- WOW!
When I started working on GNU C++ in 1987, I could almost feel the course of history changing with every line of 
code I wrote. When I started Cygnus Support in 1989, I was 
convinced that it was only a matter of time before companies began to realize that proprietary 
software restrictions did nothing to help their competitive advantage and everything to harm it. And though early 
funding for my work came from government agencies (US DARPA in 
1987 and French INRIA in 1988), I never quite expected to be visiting and promoting open 
source in Malaysia [short version] [longer version]. Yet such is the reach of open source software! Now the 
Government of Malaysia proudly reports an astonishing 97% adoption 
rate for open source software in this new report:

Dump Microsoft, Use Linux to Save Money, U.K. Officials Suggest
U.K. government staff suggested replacing Microsoft Corp. operating systems on computers with free alternatives in 
response to a call for ideas for Prime Minister David 
Cameronâs cost-cutting drive.

Cameron asked the 600,000 government workers last month to make suggestions on saving money as his administration 
seeks to cut Britainâs record budget deficit. Chancellor of 
the Exchequer George Osborne today published a sample of the 56,000 submitted ideas, which 
including abandoning Microsoft, switching office lights off and centralizing stationery procurement.

âIn terms of spending less, what about migrating the whole of government (the NHS, education etc.) from Microsoft 
products to Linux and open-source software like Openoffice,â 
read one of the suggestions displayed on the Treasury website. Two of the 31 listed 
proposals, whose authors were not named, suggested dropping Redmond, Washington-based Microsoft.

Open-source software such as Linux and Openoffice offers free or very cheap alternatives to Microsoftâs Windows and 
Office, the worldâs most popular operating system and 
productivity software. Osborne said before the Conservatives won power in the May 6 election that 
he favored the idea.

South Korea: Super fast, and finally free
Imagine a country that has one of the best Internet infrastructures in the world, and yet its government 
effectively forbids the use of GNU/Linux through a requirement that 
everyone employ a decade-old Windows-only technology for many key online transactions. That 
country is South Korea, where 1 Gbits/second Internet connections are planned  for 2012; and that Windows-only 
technology is ActiveX.


Either way, it's great news for the long-suffering South Koreans, who finally get to choose which technology they 
use in their daily lives â after more than a decade of 
enforced Internet Explorer and Windows use. It's also great news for open source, which gets a 
chance to compete on a level playing field â something that Microsoft keeps calling for whenever the EU proposes 
favouring open source, and yet somehow never mentions when that 
field is already steeply tilted in its own favour, as has been the case in South Korea.

That new opportunity is important, because of South Korea's advanced Internet infrastructure. It means that the 
open source community there can now work on creating advanced 
applications that explore the possibilities of that kind of bandwidth, and that can be used by 
South Korean businesses and citizens in their everyday lives â something that hitherto has been impossible. It 
would be nice to think this may lead to a sudden outpouring of 
free software creativity, but the reality is probably that it will take a good many years to 
recover from what was probably the worst Microsoft monoculture on the planet.


Legal foundations of the open source way



The Open Science Shift
Recent years have seen technological revolutions in informatics, communications, and the life sciences. Xconomy 
readers are deeply engaged with these trends, but may be unaware 
of the most important development of all, the transition (sometimes painful), to an Open 
Science system better suited for a global, networked, knowledge economy. Sadly, rapid technical progress has thus 
far not been matched by a revolution in the democratization of 
scientific problem solving. Instead, the practices and institutions that comprise our 
science and innovation paradigm are badly strained, and in some cases, arguably crumbling in the face of rapid 
technological and economic change.


'Open source' software for the stage
Sara Coffin likes to think of Schreibstuck as the dance equivalent of open-source software that allows members of 
the public to modify and redistribute the original code to 
suit their own needs.

		         Open Data

UK Government to Crowdsource Spending Cuts on Facebook
This could get very messy, very quickly. Multiple reports have emerged overnight that the UK government is to 
consult the public over how to cut public spending via a dedicated 
Facebook page.

A Big Part of COINS was not Published
I had been reading about the Whole of Government Accounts (WGA) â a project to provide a really good detailed 
overview of government finances (more information in this previous 

I was therefore expecting to see the local council assets and accruals data of the sort that is recorded in the L-
packs as well as central government spending captured annually 
in the C-packs. But it wasnât there.

AOL Launches Open-Source Maps Projects In U.S., UK 
The new fund will support projects in specific communitiesâit over the next year to help expand and enhance the 
geographic data available to developers, designers and other 
users as part of AOLâs commitment to open-source technology. 

MapQuest Launches Open-Source Version Based on OpenStreetMap
AOLâs MapQuest has announced an interesting partnership open-source online mapping outfit OpenStreetMap. Through 
the partnership, MapQuest will begin using data provided by 
OpenStreetMap to power a version of its product. This new product, available for now in the UK 
at open.mapquest.co.uk, will reside separately from the main site and will not use any commercial mapping data. 

MapQuest Going Open Source


		         Open Access/Content

Open Course Production
In short: maybe we shouldnât just be releasing content created in a closed process as Open Educational Resources 
(OERs); rather, we should be producing them in public using an 
open source production model?

Does Creative Commons need more court cases?
I do not think that CC licences, or any licence to that effect, requires a court decision in order to be valid. 
There are thousands and thousands of commercial End-User Licence 
Agreements that are never tested in court, yet they manage to have legal effects and are 
usually followed to the letter by its users without producing a conflict. True, many licences contain clauses that 
when analysed by legal practitioners and scholars may seem 
doubtful. But even then a court case is required to declare the clauses invalid. One could say 
that a licence is valid until proven otherwise.

		         Open Hardware

Hardware hacking heaven
OSCON this year will be a delight for anybody interested in working with hardware. A full open source hardware 
track offers a range of talks to get you started with hardware 
hacking, and gives a great insight into the current options for prototyping.


The Urge to Brag
Way back in the late '90s and early 2000s, many Perl fans could rattle off a list of big projects using Perl: 
Slashdot, Amazon.com, IMDB. Eyebrows popped up (maybe at one 
point), as if the fact that billions of dollars of online sales went through Perl were validation 
of a language.

Does Python 2.7's Release Mean the End of the Line for Python 2.x?
The open source Python language is at a crossroads with two major versions available to developers. The end of the 
road for the Python 2.x branch is now a little closer, with 
the release of Python 2.7 this week.

Python 2.7 is intended to be the last major Python 2.x release as the open source project aims to help developers 
migrate to the newer Python 3.x release codebase. Python 3.x 
first hit general availability in December of 2008. Though the Python 2.x branch is now at 
the end of the line in terms of new releases, Python 2.x still has a lot of life left in it. 

Why you want PHP-5.3.2


The Haskell 2010 report
The Haskell 2010 report was published in July 2010, and is the current definition of the Haskell language. It is 
freely available online, in the following formats:

    * read it online: The Haskell 2010 Report
    * PDF [1368K]
    * HTML (tar + gzip) [336K] 


Proposal of new project for UOF
UOF is not in same structure of ODF, some features(such as Media Object and Conditional format of Spreadsheet ) can 
not transform well only with XSLT, so we need to develop a 
set of extensions to transform them into a friendly structure first. For UOF API we must bind 
a bundle of interfaces and services on OpenOffice.org in order to OpenOffice.org can be integrated into office 
system with UOF API. The mission of this project is improving the 
interoperability of UOF.We're going in for transforming the format between UOF and ODF with 
XSLT.There's an UOF filter including an extension to solve some very important problems with Calc and OLE.

Convert XHTML to ODF using Xalan-J?


Smokescreen alternative to Flash
There are already a number of Flash alternatives available to users, including the promising open source Lightspark 
and Gnash players.

The most interesting alternative, however, is not a replacement Flash player but a separate technology that 
converts existing Flash content into HTML5 and Javascript, on the 

Public Review of OpenDocument v1.2
To OASIS members, Public Announce Lists:

The OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC has recently approved the following 
specification as a Committee Draft and approved the package for 
public review:

Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) Version 1.2

This standard specifies the characteristics of an XML-based application-independent and platform-independent 
digital document file format, as well as the characteristics of 
software applications which read, write and process such documents. This standard is applicable 
to document authoring, editing, viewing, exchange and archiving, including text documents, spreadsheets, 
presentation graphics, drawings, charts and similar documents commonly 
used by personal productivity software applications. 



Defending against laws which threaten user freedom  
As our mission here at the Free Software Foundation is to promote computer user freedom and to defend the rights of 
all free software users, we also have to defend against ill-
conceived and misguided laws. Many of you may already be aware of an international trade 
agreement being negotiated by the G8 nations called ACTA, but another law known as the Digital Economy Act is of 
concern, specifically to citizens of the UK.

We have already published a petition condemning ACTA on a number of specific grounds which we urge you to sign if 
you haven't already. If you would like to know more, please 
read the rationale for this declaration.  Right now, you can take action!

Greens call for ACTA transparency
The Greens/ EFA group yesterday adopted an urgent appeal for transparency in the negotiations on the Anti-
Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA). With this action, the 
Greens/EFA protest against the decision by ACTA negotiators to keep a new version of the draft treaty 
secret after the 9th negotiation round concluded in Switzerland on 1 July. This decision clearly ignores the 
European Parliament's Resolution adopted by a grand majority in 
March 2010. The Resolution clearly carried an expectation of a continuous policy of 
transparency. But instead, there was a one-time release of a draft text in April designed as a piecemeal 
appeasement of the parliament, and then again after a complete lack of 
transparency. The Commission's flagrant disregard for the demands of the Parliament is 
completely unacceptable.

		         Digital Economy Bill

Mandelson accused of running 'worst election campaign in Labour history'
Lord Mandelson has been accused of "running the worst general campaign in Labour's history", as he reignited the 
feud between Blairites and allies of Gordon Brown ahead of the 
publication of his memoirs.

In an interview to promote the book, entitled The Third Man, Mandelson said Brown had been served badly by his 
aides, who had "unbridled contempt" for Tony Blair.

ISPs mark disapproval of the Digital Economy Bill
The great and the good of the internet world turned out in force last night at the London Marriott, DJed and 
evening gowned, to learn who had won prizes at the ISPA annual 
awards dinner. What a difference a year makes: last year the talk was all around safety, 
particularly for children. Last night the focus had shifted, with digital economy and the right way to fund 
creativity on the net very much to the fore.

Challenge to Digital Economy Act
News that TalkTalk and BT are challenging the Digital Economy Act in court is extremely welcome. It is a 
vindication of our view that the legislation should not have been 
rammed through parliament in the dying days of the last government.


Is there really an Open Source âTea Party Movementâ?
Also, I wouldnât exclude the possibility that Florian M. could once more gain some following, even though some 
parts of his agenda, such as IBM-bashing, currently do not have a 
basis in any existing movement.

Patent holder sues smart phone makers over patents


NTP Sues Apple, Google, HTC, LG Electronics, Microsoft and Motorola 


NTP sues everybody over alleged wireless e-mail patents (updated)


Open season on open-source ZFS? 
Enterprise Strategy Group senior analyst Terri McClure wonders why NetApp didn't hit Nexenta with the same letter 
since Nexenta supplies its ZFS software to multiple storage 

"If NetApp did it would make sense â stop a number of vendors instead of just one. It certainly makes you wonder 
why they would single out Coraid, people could read into this 
that NetApp sees Coraid as a threat. Coraid's NAS product is pretty new but the underlying 
platform has been on the market a while and is solid, at a really aggressive price point," said McClure.

"[NetApp] just spent a couple of hundred dollars in lawyer's fees and took a competitor out of the market. Quick 
and easy, but a little disappointing, too. At the end of the 
day, ZFS is open source, and while there is no way to predict how the settlement talks between 
Oracle and NetApp will turn out, you can't really un-open source ZFS," she said.

There's still no word from NetApp on the matter.

Smartphone Patent Suits Challenge Big Makers
NTP, a patent-holding company best known for prying a settlement of more than $600 million from the maker of the 
BlackBerry, is now suing the other big names in the smartphone 
industry: Apple, Google, Microsoft, HTC, LG and Motorola, writes  The New York Timesâs Steve 

The suits, filed late Thursday afternoon in federal district court in Richmond, Va., charge that the cellphone e-
mail systems of those companies are illegally using NTPâs 
patented technology.

Open Source Music Fingerprinter Gets Patent Nastygram
"The code wasn't even released, and yet Roy van Rijn, a Music & Free Software enthusiast received a C&D from 
Landmark Digital Services, owners of Shazam, a music service that 
allows you to find a song, by listening to a part of it. And if that wasn't enough, they want 
him to take down his blog post (Google Cache) explaining how he did it because it 'may be viewed internationally. 
As a result, [it] may contribute to someone infringing our 
patents in any part of the world.'"

Patent Infringement...!? 


Creating Shazam in Java 


Bullied over âAlgorithmâ


Open Source Music Fingerprinter Gets Patent Nastygram


Describing How To Create A Software Program Now Puts You At Risk Of Contributory Patent Infringement?
A whole bunch of you have been submitting the following story from a Dutch developer who is being threatened by 
Landmark Digital, a BMI subsidiary which owns the patents on 
Shazam's music recognition technology, for writing a blog post describing how to build similar 
technology in your spare time. The story is a perfect example of the ridiculous situation with patents today. 
Basically, the guy noted that what Shazam does in recognizing 
music is really not that complicated, and explained how to create something similar yourself, 
which he did himself in a weekend. He had not released the code, but was planning to do so when the legal threats 
came in. The guy wondered what patents they were talking about 
specifically, especially considering that in Europe, the standards to patent software are 
much higher. In response, he was only told about two US patents (6,990,453 and 7,627,477 -- oddly, on that last 
one, Google still shows it as being patent pending, even though 
the patent was granted last year). 

Developer Told Posted Code Infringes Patents 
Roy van Rijn, a developer based in the Netherlands, last month posted about his plans to release open-source Java 
code to implement a music matching algorithm similar to that 
used in Shazam, which lets users identify songs from brief audio samples.

His blog post describes how he implemented song matching in Java, with snippets of code. He said that while the 
code is not in a releasable state, he might clean it up and 
release it if there's enough interest. 


EFF Fellow and patent attorney Michael Barclay agreed that posting code covered by a patent could put van Rijn at 
risk of a lawsuit, but noted that some critical details need 
to be determined.

"Merely posting the code on a Netherlands Web site would not infringe any US Patents," he said.

Landmark's claim, he said, appears to be overreaching unless the company has patents in the Netherlands. "If there 
are no issued Netherlands patents, he's free to ship and 
deploy all he wants in the Netherlands," he said. "The really sketchy part, and I don't know 
that this has ever been litigated, is he says don't post the code." 

The Internet Makes DC Closer To Homer
In case you need more evidence around the stupidity of the whole situation, take a look at the crap van Rijn is 
going through.  Or maybe this patent from Microsoft on âhow to 
turn a page in an electronic book.â

Business methods and software still patentable in U.S. following closely- watched Bilski decision
I wholeheartedly agree most software patents are nonsense however and serve neither society, innovation or 
Given the complications here, is it natural to suggest that the Supreme Court make law here? Should this not be 
within the realm of are ever capable and cogent Congress to 
adapt patent law to modern types of innovation and invention? Or do we need to clone Jefferson, 
grow him in a lab until he can make a new law for us?

Business methods and software still patentable in U.S. following closely- watched Bilski decision


NetApp Threatens Sellers of Appliances Running ZFS


Microsoft seeks patent on ebook page flip
As if to dispell all doubt that innovation is alive and well in Redmond, Microsoft has filed a patent application 
for â wait for it â the "Virtual Page Turn".

Yes, with filing number 20100175018 at the US Patent and Trademark Office, Microsoft is seeking to patent the 
animation of a page-flip when a user makes the appropriate gesture 
on an ebook's touchscreen. As the filing reads:

    A page-turning gesture directed to a displayed page is recognized. Responsive to such recognition, a virtual 
page turn is displayed on the touch display... The virtual page 
turn curls a lifted portion of the page to progressively reveal a back side of the page 
while progressively revealing a front side of a subsequent page... A page-flipping gesture quickly flips two or 
more pages.

Business method patents nearly bite the dust (Updated)
Reflecting on Justice Stevensâ lost majority opinion in Bilski

Bilski: business as usual


The silver lining in the Bilski decision isn't where most people believe
About two weeks ago the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) handed down its opinion in re Bilski, a 
business method patent case. The patent application was rejected, 
but in a way that didn't draw any kind of line that would affect patents on software 


Let's better face this fact: there isn't a single killer argument against software patents that will convince a 
non-programmer if that same counterpart has also heard the pro-
patent argument. If you can ever convince a majority of decision-makers, you'll have to do it 
indirectly. The direct approach has been tried by many people for many years -- to no avail (except, as I mentioned 
before, in a defensive situation).

FeldThoughts: Why Bilski Really Means That Software Companies should leave the US


German Federal Supreme Court strengthens the significance of EPOâs and foreign courtsâ decisions
The German Federal Supreme Court (Bundesgerichtshof) has recently made clear that every court has to take into 
account preceding decisions of the European Patent Office (EPO) 
and of courts of other contracting states to the European Patent Convention (EPC) if these 
decisions essentially concern the same questions. Although there is no principle of precedence in Germany â neither 
in respect of German nor of foreign decisions â, the recent 
ruling of the Federal Supreme Court (Bundesgerichtshof, 15 April 2010, Xa ZB 10/09 â 
âWalzenformgebungsmaschineâ) requires more than just regarding other decisions with favour. Every court has the 
obligation to deal with the arguments brought forward in other â 
German, EPO or foreign â decisions.

Microsoft inks patent deal with yet another car tech firm
Microsoft scored yet another patent licensing deal yesterday, this time with automotive tech firm DENSO Corp.


Famously, Microsoft's original court allegations over the three file management patents involved TomTom's use of 
the Linux kernel, and according to Redmond at the time the 
settlement provided TomTom with coverage under those three patents in a way that was compliant 
with TomTom's obligations under the General Public License Version 2 (GPLv2).

LG, Samsung big on Android
And now most other mobile phone makers, and those readying to ship tablet PCs, are embracing Android. Among them 
are LG and Samsung both of which are on the brink of releasing 
Android-based devices.


Microsoft opens source code to Russian secret service
Microsoft has signed a deal to open its Windows 7 source code up to the Russian intelligence services.

Microsoft Opens Source Code To KGB's Successor Agency


Dead Pink phone fallout hits Microsoft's top brass
If killing the KIN after just two months was bad for Microsoft, what happened next is far worse â especially for 
its corporate captains.

This single act has blown the lid off what appears to be smoldering frustrations inside the consumer products group 
and divisions between that group and the rest of the 

Allegations have been flying of autocratic leadership, incompetence, ignorance of what it takes to build consumer 
products, and an uninvolved and indifferent senior management. 
These have mingled with demands that heads must roll in the wake of KIN's death.

The shouts and claims have been posted on the Mini Microsoft blog, a notoriously reliable source of insider 
information from anonymous company insiders.


Some have attempted to mitigate the failure of KIN. While some reports claim just 500 KINs were sold, others have 
claimed the number is more than 8,000. But how many phones are 
in circulation is irrelevant: the phone was killed after just six weeks, having cost 
Microsoft "billions".

Google out-FUDs the FUDmasters
For decades Microsoft has lived by Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD). Now, in an ironic twist of fate theyâre being 
strangled with it, and by a Linux distro.

Thatâs what Chrome OS is, you know. A Linux. Googleâs strategy has always been to use Chrome against Microsoftâs 
desktop monopoly, and through a series of selective leaks that 
strategy appears to be coming together.


That is precisely what Google is engaged in here. And whatâs the headline from Redmond while all this is going on? 

Why China won and Google lost
Forget the fig leaf of the Hong Kong work-around. China beat down Google, because Google got no support from its 
government for uncensored search.

There are more signs of cracks in the monopoly these days:

    * share of web stats keeps dropping (87.8%)
    * mercy-killing of KIN as Android overtakes that other OS in smart-thingies
    * grumbling in the ranks about KIN and leadership/openness to new ideas


Now, I donât take web stats for gospel especially when there is clear bias in favour of that other OS and Apple, 
but if consistently calculated the same way each time, I find 
them useful indicators of trends. Clearly the share of that other OS is shrinking and much of 
the fall-off of XP is going to GNU/Linux and MacOS. From May to June, W3Schools shows XP down 0.7% of share and 
GNU/Linux up 0.3% and MacOS up 0.1%.

Microsoft MS-PL code in Mono
Over the past couple of years Microsoft has been open sourcing some key .NET libraries under the MS-PL or Apache 2 

We are tremendously grateful to Microsoft for making these components open source. This has allowed us to 
distribute this in the past, and we are going to be bundling a lot 
more of it with Mono 2.8...

Lies, damn lies and the BSA 
The BSAâs figures for software piracy in this country need adjusting. It could start by surveying some South 

If itâs May, then itâs time for the Business Software Allianceâs annual Global PC Software Piracy Study. The study, 
a comprehensive look at the state of unauthorised software 
around the world, is commissioned by the BSA and carried out by research giant IDC, which 
uses its data from quarterly PC shipments and market indicators from around the world to come up with a global 
figure as well as rates for individual countries. South Africaâs 
piracy rate was given as 35 percent this year, not as bad as some other countries but not 
good either, according to local BSA chairperson Charl Everton.


How was the 35 percent rate arrived at? Itâs a guess, or rather, a combination of guesses combined with some market 
data and presented as a final authoritative percentage.

RIM gets royal approval for Blackberry, well kindof
GoMo News recalls an early rival to Novellâs NetWare called Waterloo Port, for example. Plus, wasnât the University 
of Waterloo heavily involved in the early development of 
Linux? The veteran British online conferencing system, CIX www.cixonline.com, used its 

SCO appeals ruling in Novell case


SCO appeals Novell case ruling


Novell ditches direct sales incentive
Veitkus, who was drafted into EMEA in 2007 to sort out its problematic channel, has spent the last three years re-
organising its programmes and distribution. âIt was a bit 
crazy,â he comments on the 13 distributors the firm had in the UK when he arrived. Many had been 
added as the acquisition-hungry vendor had increased its product footprint, but had remained stagnant. âWe cut a 
lot of dead wood...and we spend a lot of time and effort to 
ensure that the remaining partners had a strong economic reason for being with Novell,â says 

The cull resulted in around a third of the 2000 plus EMEA partners leaving Novell, and distributors rationalised 
down to just five including Magirus, Bell Micro, Avnet and ECS 
Arrow. However, in the last 12 months, Novell has added a further 479 partners across the 
region as demand for its products has grown.

Yahoo Hires Another Ex-Microsoft Exec: Bill Shaughnessy
Yahoo just added another former Microsoft executive to its ranks. Bill Shaughnessy, who left Microsoft in during a 
shakeup in 2008, will join as a senior vice president of 
product management, reporting to chief product officer Blake Irving, another former Microsoftie 
who joined last spring. Shaughnessy was a global VP of sales at Microsoft. Now he is moving into product management 
after taking time off for the past year and a half. He is 
also an investor and sits on the board of ad-tech startup Mixpo.

Microsoft NZ boss leaving
Microsoft NZ managing director Kevin Ackhurst is moving onward and upward in the organisation, to become vice-
president of sales and marketing for the Asia-Pacific region. He 
will be based in Singapore.

SCO Files Motion to Stay Taxation of Costs. Again.
SCO has filed a motion to stay taxation of costs until after the appeal they just filed notice that they plan to 
pursue. If you are getting that deja vu feeling, you're right. 
They did this the last time too. It's almost word for word the same. The last time, Novell 
opposed, and Judge Kimball denied SCO's motion, ruling that "the court does not believe that a party's speculation 
as to the possibility of the underlying judgment being 
reversed on appeal is a valid reason for delaying a determination of costs."

Why iPhone 4 Is Not For Every Tom, Dick & Harry


Microsoft investigating new Windows flaw
Microsoft said on Tuesday that it is looking into reports of a new Windows flaw that could compromise the security 
of machines running older versions of the operating system. 

McAfee provides anti-virus to secure USB devices 
INSECURITY SOFTWARE VENDOR McAfee has announced that its anti-virus software will be used on most USB devices 
thanks to partner programmes with the major orignal equipment 
manufacturers (OEMs).

Microsoft patches Freetard-by-design bug


Windows 8 and life after KIN - Ballmer's hot summer


Windows Trojan Kills Antivirus
Researchers at Websense have uncovered a new Trojan that poses as a Windows Input Method Editor, or IME, and 
infects a system.

IME is a Windows component that allows users to input characters or symbols on their keyboard from other alphabets.

Failure isnât an option, itâs integrated into the new Hotmail
If you are like me and use POP3 to get your email in your own client, congratulations, Microsoft has officially 
broke your secure login options.

So now I guess that in addition to sending all the emails from my bank and Amazon and other perfectly legitimate 
sites to the Junk folder while hosing down my inbox with 
obvious Nigerian scams, I canât use TLS/SSL/STARTLS to log in either. I now have to send my 
password as plain text over a non-encrypted connection. I wonder if the NSA or the Russian KGB/FSB helped them 
engineer Hotmail like they lent a hand with Windows 7â

Disgruntled security researchers take aim at Microsoft
The Microsoft-Spurned Researcher Collective welcomes other researchers to join, though Microsoft employees are not 
welcome: it notes that it has a "vetting process" to weed 
them out.

Are Standards Organizations Relevant?
Recently I was in a brief conversation about the use of the IEEE. They are an institution that, like many (all?) 
other standards organizations, seems to exist largely or 
entirely to standardize the reason for their existence. While it is generally agreed that we would 
greatly prefer a world with standards organizations to one without, it's evident that standards organizations need 
to do more than they currently are to remain relevant. Given 
the complaints about standards organizations, the solution to this may actually be more 


Another important point is careful control over what exactly becomes a standard. Standards must be fully defined 
with nothing critical being dependent on any particular 
implementation. If I pick up the document defining the standard for a document format, that 
document should contain all the information I require to create an application which handles that format in a 
manner identical to the reference implementation. For the Open 
Document Format (ODF) standard, this is possible. For the Microsoft Office OpenXML (MSOOXML) 
document format, this is impossible. The MSOOXML definition refers to the behaviour of previous versions of 
Microsoft Office applications without providing any documentation on 
how to properly produce that behaviour or even what the correct behaviour should be. Even 
worse, the MSOOXML definition defines an "arbitrary binary data" field â neither open nor XML, and by definition 
impossible to define. It is therefore possible for an 
application to create a MSOOXML document which would appear to be completely adherent to the document 
specifications but which could not be properly read by any other application.

Use Open Document Format as the Government standard
Establish the Open Document Format as the standard for use in all Government departments rather than continually 
upgrading to the latest version of Microsoft Office at a cost 
of many millions of pounds.  This is a process which is already taking place in other 
European countries and one which should be started in Britain at the earliest opportunity.

openSUSEâs software manager lists Mono apps under Proprietary Applications Pattern
Iâve been using openSUSE for quite some time now, but this is definitely the first time that Iâve noticed this ( 
though probably because I tend to use zypper or the 1-click 
install rather than entering YaST).
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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