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Re: .NET is "hated by the developer community"

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____/ Chris Ahlstrom on Tuesday 28 Jun 2011 11:55 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:
>> ____/ Chris Ahlstrom on Tuesday 28 Jun 2011 11:09 : \____
>>> Roy Schestowitz wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:
>>>> ____/ Homer on Tuesday 28 Jun 2011 01:31 : \____
>>>>> http://www.businessweek.com/print/magazine/content/11_27/b4235053917570.htm
>>>>> . "open-source-code software favored by developers"
>>>>> . "Using .NET is like Fred Flintstone building a database"
>>>>> . "[.NET] flexibility is minimal"
>>>>> . "[.NET] is hated by the developer community"
>>>>> Hehe!
>>>> No wonder Microsoft is departing from it and mobile developers ignore it
>>>> (Xamarin/Miguel do try to push it onto them).
>>> I dunno, that guy seems to have a bug up his ass about .NET.  It seems like
>>> a pretty big API to be inflexible.  With C# it seems very powerful, although
>>> anyone who thinks it is easier or more powerful than C++ will get some
>>> argument from me.
>> It's a Java ripoff. Almost everything from Microsoft and Apple is a ripoff
>> of something.
> Sure.  Everyone gets ideas from someone else and goes from there.  C#
> "steals" from more than just Java.
> However, take a look at a nice thick C# tome from O'Reilly sometime, and see
> just how much material there is there, over and above "Java" ripoffs.  I
> greatly prefer C++, and haven't found anything better for general-purpose
> programming, but, as a language and API, C#/.NET do have something powerful
> to offer, even with the churning and weird concepts (e.g. boxing/unboxing).

Well, it's like saying that the Rover can do all sorts of nice things on Mars (Windows).
Let's see what it can do on Planet Earth (cross-platform) where it has more competition.

- -- 
		~~ Best of wishes

Dr. Roy S. Schestowitz (Ph.D. Medical Biophysics), Imaging Researcher
http://Schestowitz.com  | GNU/Linux administration | PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
Editor @ http://techrights.org & Broadcaster @ http://bytesmedia.co.uk/
GPL-licensed 3-D Othello @ http://othellomaster.com
Non-profit search engine proposal @ http://iuron.com
Contact E-mail address (direct): s at schestowitz dot com
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