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Re: So where did the first one come from?

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____/ Snit on Tuesday 05 Jul 2011 15:39 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz stated in post 1618881.ukoFCf946E@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on 7/5/11
> 2:49 AM:
>>>> The problem with the "God of the Gaps" rationalization is that you
>>>> continue to minimize your God's importance in things. Your God becomes
>>>> smaller and smaller as science explains more of the mysteries surrounding
>>>> our existence.
>>> And the problem of making up stories about this God of the Gaps... things
>>> that have nothing to do with the gaps in the first place.
>>>> In other words, by making your God a "God of the Gaps," you are subjugating
>>>> your God to science, and making scientific discovery and fact more
>>>> important than the scriptures that show the revelations of your God.
>>>> And that's something it appears your God doesn't approve of.
>>> I had fun with a couple of Jehovah Witnesses who came to my door and tried
>>> to say their religion was in agreement with science... so I asked if that
>>> meant they accepted their views were, at least theoretically, contingent on
>>> new evidence... would they accept am alternate theory if one could be
>>> produced.  If not, of course, they were not following science.  If so, they
>>> were not following their religion.  One said yes... the other said no... and
>>> I had fun egging on their debate.  :)
>> I haven't seen scientists knocking on people's doors to "convert" them
>> to science (yet).
> Nope.  And, really, science does not need to seek converts - it produces
> results.  Look at all of the devices we have which exist only because of
> applied science: our houses, computers, towels, cars, etc.  Heck, GPS
> devices would not work without taking relativity into account and color TVs
> would not exist without quantum mechanics.
> What has religion offered the world?  The Bible is a *horrible* tool to
> teach morality unless you are very careful in how you select passages and
> interpret them, so that is out.  So what does it offer?

- -- 
		~~ Best of wishes

Dr. Roy S. Schestowitz (Ph.D. Medical Biophysics), Imaging Researcher
http://Schestowitz.com  | GNU/Linux administration | PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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Contact E-mail address (direct): s at schestowitz dot com
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