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Re: Libel from Anti-Linux Trolls

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____/ William Poaster on Thursday 07 Jul 2011 12:47 : \____

> In reply to Goblin who posted:
>> On 07/07/11 12:01, Gregory Shearman wrote:
>>> Their purpose is to distract from linux advocacy. We defeat them by
>>> keeping on topic.
>> Though it is a guilty pleasure to make them perform for our
>> entertainment once in a while. ;)
> IMO the trolls are trying to smear & defame advocates in this group, in a
> vain attempt to show they have no credibility. However anyone with a brain
> can see through them, & in fact it is *they* the "wintrolls"who destroy
> their *own* credibility.

They have no credibility to destroy, as they are anonymous and constantly nymshifting to
give an illusion of being a large crowd with diverse backgrounds and genders.

- -- 
		~~ Best of wishes

Dr. Roy S. Schestowitz (Ph.D. Medical Biophysics), Imaging Researcher
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