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Re: Richard Stallman: "There is a systematic marketing campaign to drive users to entrusting their computing and their data to [cloud]"

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____/ Homer on Thursday 21 Jul 2011 12:50 : \____

> Verily I say unto thee that Roy Schestowitz spake thusly:
>> ____/ Homer on Thursday 21 Jul 2011 10:11 : \____
>>> Verily I say unto thee that Roy Schestowitz spake thusly:
>>>> For the time being, whether we like it or not, the US authorities
>>>> are the world's policeman. Still, better than China being in this
>>>> position.
>>> Not by much.
>> Who would you rather have in charge? Sweden?
> Well, given that I'm supposed to be British, I had the radical notion
> that maybe the government the British electorate democratically voted
> for should be in charge of Britain, rather than some remote communist
> superpower on the one hand or an even worse fascist superpower on the
> other, but maybe I'm hoping for too much.

Well, the UK doesn't even control itself now.

Blair's former press officer Lance Price: Murdoch was "3rd most
powerful figure in the Labour government"

- -- 
		~~ Best of wishes

Dr. Roy S. Schestowitz (Ph.D. Medical Biophysics), Imaging Researcher
http://Schestowitz.com  | GNU/Linux administration | PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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Contact E-mail address (direct): s at schestowitz dot com
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