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Re: Linux Tablets Are Quickly Taking Apple's Market

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____/ 7 on Friday 22 Jul 2011 18:50 : \____

> Homer wrote:
>> Verily I say unto thee that Roy Schestowitz spake thusly:
>>>| Android tablets still trail the iPad
>>>| significantly in the enterprise
>> Enterprise?
>> Of what possible use could a tablet be for /work/?
> I've seen some business toe rags pretending to use spreadsheets.
> The only thing I saw them do effectively during
> the whole episode is pull up some presentation files and show it running
> and browsing news sites. All the other stuff needs a netbook
> or a laptop or a desktop.

Only if you use a keyboard heavily (some people don't.. and they type slowly).
- -- 
		~~ Best of wishes

Dr. Roy S. Schestowitz (Ph.D. Medical Biophysics), Imaging Researcher
http://Schestowitz.com  | GNU/Linux administration | PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
Editor @ http://techrights.org & Broadcaster @ http://bytesmedia.co.uk/
GPL-licensed 3-D Othello @ http://othellomaster.com
Non-profit search engine proposal @ http://iuron.com
Contact E-mail address (direct): s at schestowitz dot com
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