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Re: Qualcomm reveals it does not have an exclusive on Microsoft's Windows Phone

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____/ Hardon on Saturday 06 Aug 2011 02:38 : \____

> <http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/2099873/qualcomm-reveals-exlusive-microsofts-windows-phone>
> <quote>
> CHIP VENDOR Qualcomm told The INQUIRER that it does not have an
> exclusive agreement to be the sole chip supplier for Windows Phone 7
> (WP7) devices.
> Qualcomm's Snapdragon chip was recently given a makeover by the firm
> in the hope that device makers, developers and users might be able to
> distinguish what Qualcomm chip is in their smartphone. Regardless of
> what model of Snapdragon is under the screen, the chip vendor has had
> considerable success and the Snapdragon is the reference chip for use
> in Microsoft's WP7 devices.
> With Qualcomm's Snapdragon being the reference design for WP7
> handsets, it is understandable to think that Microsoft and Qualcomm
> have signed a piece of paper ensuring some sort of exclusivity.
> However Raj Talluri, VP of product management at Qualcomm told The
> INQUIRER that Qualcomm "does not have an exclusive on WP7", adding
> that "there is no written exclusive".
> </quote>
> Distancing themselves from Microsoft is no doubt due to the abysmal
> failure of WP7.

The purpose of WP7 is merely to pretend that Microsoft is *not* a
patent troll -- that it blackmails the competition while
offering its own 'product' -- however lousy it may be.
/partly sarcasm

- -- 
		~~ Best of wishes

Dr. Roy S. Schestowitz (Ph.D. Medical Biophysics), Imaging Researcher
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