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Re: Commodore 64 Moves to Linux

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____/ Riddic on Sunday 07 Aug 2011 02:54 : \____

> On 06/08/11 14:47, Homer wrote:
>> Verily I say unto thee that Roy Schestowitz spake thusly:
>>> Old King of Computers now on Ubuntu
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>> | If you have been using computers for a while now say around 40 years
>>> | or more then you must have probably started you first lessons in
>>> | computing on the Commodore 64 computer.
>>> | Many modern day children and engineers wonât probably know what the
>>> | Commodore 64 is.
>>> `----
>>> http://ubuntumanual.org/posts/377/old-king-of-computers-now-on-ubuntu
>> [quote]
>> The company is working hard to ensure that the relaunched model does not
>> lose the charm and subtleness of the old device. It is doing all it can
>> to retain the look and feel of the device as in the 80âs. But only the
>> looks will be the same. Inside the machine will be powered by Intel
>> chips and will be equipped with PCI express slots and larger hard
>> drives.
>> [/quote]
>> Fail.
>> The true essence of those machines was their custom hardware, which
>> offloaded a tonne of CPU workload, and thus enabled them to do things
>> that seemed magical for such slow processors. We're talking more than
>> just audio, graphics and I/O, but some highly specialised functions
>> (like the Amiga's "copper" and "blitter" subsystems). It was also the
>> extremely small and efficient OSs, and how they interacted with that
>> custom hardware. The result was extremely impressive software that ran
>> impossibly fast and occupied no more than a few kilobytes of memory.
>> Ripping the guts out of an old C=64 or Amiga then stuffing it with
>> bloated Intel hardware is just lame. It doesn't make sense either from
>> the perspective of innovation or "retro" sentimentality, since one has
>> neither a classic computer nor something new designed upon the same
>> principles of efficiency. It's just a gimmick, no more than an ornament.
>> The modern equivalent to those classic machines is systems based on ARM
>> SoCs, not bloated, prehistoric Intel crap. If the new "Commodore" (which
>> is totally unrelated to the original company, BTW, they just bought the
>> trademark) really wanted to create something both innovative and cool,
>> it should have started with its own ARM SoC, and developed something
>> unique that pushed the boundaries of ARM technology, not a "PC in a
>> retro box".
> I was about to write the same thing.
> IMO projects like the C-One or Minimig in the old cases would make much
> more sense.
> Then again, I'd also wish someone'd port AmigaOS 4 to ARM :)
> (image this on a tablet!)

Intel is all about shoving is bloat everywhere that's conceivable. Atom
disaster is proof that it doesn't work out at the end.

- -- 
		~~ Best of wishes

Dr. Roy S. Schestowitz (Ph.D. Medical Biophysics), Imaging Researcher
http://Schestowitz.com  | GNU/Linux administration | PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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Contact E-mail address (direct): s at schestowitz dot com
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