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Re: Microsoft's Windows Phone Revenue Estimated At An "Abysmal" $600 Million

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____/ RonB on Sunday 07 Aug 2011 11:14 : \____

> On Sun, 07 Aug 2011 05:08:32 -0500, Sinister Midget wrote:
>> On 2011-08-06, Kari Laine <karitlaine@xxxxxxxxx> claimed:
>>> http://www.businessinsider.com/microsoft-windows-phone-revenue-2011-8
>> I think they should advertise more. About $4 billion a month should be a
>> good start. Then ramping up a billion increase each month after that
>> until they take over the world wouldn't be uncalled for.
>> Just wanna see 'em do well is all.
> You know, WP7 has been out for close to a year now. How much longer are
> they going to use the "just getting started" excuse?
> But you're right. They should throw $billions more into advertising. This
> is the time to do it!

Bing is also "just getting started"... like Live... and MSN... and...

Rebrand, redo.

- -- 
		~~ Best of wishes

Dr. Roy S. Schestowitz (Ph.D. Medical Biophysics), Imaging Researcher
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