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Re: Munching sour grapes

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____/ Kari Laine on Monday 08 Aug 2011 20:22 : \____

> Hash: SHA1
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> On 08/08/2011 07:01 PM, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> ____/ Tom Shelton on Monday 08 Aug 2011 16:53 : \____
>>> It happens that Homer formulated :
>>>> Verily I say unto thee that Roy Schestowitz spake thusly:
>>>>> ____/ Tom Shelton on Monday 08 Aug 2011 14:50 : \____
>>>>>> And if you idiots can't use google, then what do you expect me to do
>>>>>> about it?  Google's own numbers say that tablets account for 0.9% of
>>>>>> the 550,00 activations.
>>>>> Got URL?
>>>> Not unless there's a URL called tom-shelton-is-lying-fuckwit.com.
>>> Well, the articles I read said 0.9% - you say 1.3%... either way, small
>>> f'n number dumbass.  And, according to analysis I've seen means iPad is
>>> still kicking androids butt in ACTUAL sell through.  You hypocritcal
>>> phsycopath.
>> Activations are not market share.
> Do you activate Android Tablet which does not have 3G?
> Stupid question but I delayed the order of tablet until I even have time
> to use my Android phone... And tablet prices are falling.

About 20-30 companies now offer Android tablets. If these were not selling,
This trend would end, not expand.

- -- 
		~~ Best of wishes

Dr. Roy S. Schestowitz (Ph.D. Medical Biophysics), Imaging Researcher
http://Schestowitz.com  | GNU/Linux administration | PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
Editor @ http://techrights.org & Broadcaster @ http://bytesmedia.co.uk/
GPL-licensed 3-D Othello @ http://othellomaster.com
Non-profit search engine proposal @ http://iuron.com
Contact E-mail address (direct): s at schestowitz dot com
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