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Re: $80 Android Phone Sells Like Hotcakes In Kenya

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____/ bbgruff on Wednesday 17 Aug 2011 12:08 : \____

> On Wednesday 17 August 2011 10:24 Hardon wrote:
>> Microsoft just aren't credible in either the smartphone or tablets
>> markets.
> Hey - don't write them off!
> Shades of OLPC!
> All it will take is a visit from Mr Ballmer, raising the question, "Does it
> run Windows", an increase in the spec to add bigger batteries and a large
> HD, a change to the display, and a reissue of Windows CE at very little cost
> to manufacturers providing that they mend their ways and stop offering
> Android devices (or if they do, ensuring that like-for-like HW costs more
> with Android).
> *That* will sort them out, and restore the status quo, so that everybody can
> run MS Office (which these people will use in the real world if they want a
> job) on their smartphones, just as the Good Lord intended.
> I predict that once that happens, we will have seen the last of these
> upstarts...... or maybe I'm living in a bygone age? :-(

Microsoft's fight against sub-notebooks devalued Windows and killed its continued

- -- 
		~~ Best of wishes

Dr. Roy S. Schestowitz (Ph.D. Medical Biophysics), Imaging Researcher
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