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Re: Nokia WP7

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____/ Kari Laine on Thursday 18 Aug 2011 16:24 : \____

> Hash: SHA1
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> On 08/18/2011 06:16 PM, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> ____/ Kari Laine on Thursday 18 Aug 2011 15:38 : \____
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> NotDashEscaped: You need GnuPG to verify this message
>>> I had an impression that Nokia should come out with WP7 phone in august
>>> 17. Did that happen? On their page I don't find any mention.
>> I reckon Elop the mole will just pass some patents to his poppa Microsoft
>> very soon.
>> http://www.muktware.com/blogs/2289
>> The CEO Which Turned Nokia From Master To Mistress Warns Of Google-Motorola
>> Deal
>> "Stephen Elop who came from Microsoft to take control of Nokia has done
>> little to help Nokia, but everything to help Microrosft.
>> "Interestingly the guinea pig Nokia phone N9 running Nokia's own OS MeeGo,
>> which was hugely appreciated did not impress Elop. He flatly said that even
>> if N9 does well the company will not change the course from becoming the
>> delivery truck for Microsoft."
>> [...]
>> "According to my observation the message ex-president of Microsoft's Business
>> Division, now in charge of Nokia, seems to be giving is:
>> * Nokia's shutdown of MeeGo is OK
>> * Microsoft's repeated attack on Android players it OK
>> * Spreading FUD via proxies (Edward J. Naughton, Florian Mueller) is OK
>> *But if Google acquires Motorola to protect itself from the attacks of
>> Microsoft that is not OK.
>> "Whenever I read comments from Stephen Elop, the ex-president of Microsoft's
>> Business Division now in charge of Nokia to make it a hardware delivery truck
>> for Microsoft, I struggle to figure out myself, why this comment seems to be
>> coming from Microsoft!"
>> Microsoft is a cancer that attached itself to companies.
> One thing I don't understand in this Elop thing is that how come the
> investors who have a lost a fortune in Nokia stock are not doing
> anything. I know a Ilmarinen a Finnish retirement fund had something
> like 250 million euros on Nokia and they have took quite a big loss in
> this whole thing. Why haven't they done anything. It is our retirement
> funds for gods sake!

Yes, Elop is still Microsoft's 8th largest shareholder (last I checked).
They got conned by Connie's husband, Steven Ballmer, along with his mole Steven.

- -- 
		~~ Best of wishes

Dr. Roy S. Schestowitz (Ph.D. Medical Biophysics), Imaging Researcher
http://Schestowitz.com  | GNU/Linux administration | PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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