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Re: Linux Mint 11 "Katya" LXDE Not Better Than GNOME Version

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____/ Sinister Midget on Sunday 21 Aug 2011 10:43 : \____

> On 2011-08-21, Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> claimed:
>> ____/ Sinister Midget on Saturday 20 Aug 2011 22:02 : \____
>>> I'm not calling his motvation into question. I'm just not sure, so far,
>>> why he thought the Gnome version was pretty much equivalent. That
>>> hasn't been my experience any of the times I've used it.
>>> Gnome has some advanatages and LXDE some disadvantages. But the one
>>> thing that has been cosistently in favor of LXDE is that it has been
>>> lighter.
>> Yes, but by how much?
> For me it's been significant enough to be noticeable. Live CDs run
> about equivalent. But installs have always been starkly different.
> I used the Gnome version of Mint once because the LXDE one was so far
> behind. It worked fine. When the LXDE version was released I put it on
> and the change was significant. I changed back and forth one more time
> because I didn't believe the difference should have been that much. It
> was.
> Either way, I'll use this for a few more days, then install the Gnome
> release and compare again. I suspect (but not expect, meaning I'll keep
> my mind open) that I'll see a simlar result. Maybe there's something
> unique with this particular release of Mint, and I'll find Gnome feels
> lighter and more responsive. But, so far, LXDE feels like it always
> has. Except with an earlier Lubuntu, which felt overall buggy to me.

Lubuntu is still fairly new. Canonical only made it official about a year

- -- 
		~~ Best of wishes

Dr. Roy S. Schestowitz (Ph.D. Medical Biophysics), Imaging Researcher
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