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Re: British Schoolkids To Be Taught Computer Coding

Hash: SHA1

____/ Sneaky Weasel on Wednesday 21 Sep 2011 02:12 : \____

> On 09/19/2011 02:27 AM, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> ____/ Sneaky Weasel on Monday 19 Sep 2011 06:35 : \____
>>> On 09/16/2011 11:21 AM, Homer wrote:
>>>> Verily I say unto thee that Hardon spake thusly:
>>>>> <http://developers.slashdot.org/story/11/09/16/147238/British-Schoolkids-To-Be-Taught-Computer-Coding>
>>>>> <quote>
>>>>> "The UK government has finally decided to do something about the dire
>>>>> state of IT and computer science teaching in the country: it will
>>>>> create a new 'IT-centric' General Certificate of Secondary Education
>>>>> that will cover computational principles, systemic thinking, software
>>>>> development and logic. The current ICT GCSE has been lambasted for
>>>>> boring kids to death with lessons on using Word and Excel, rather than
>>>>> teaching computer programming."
>>>>> </quote>
>>>> Good.
>>>> Beats me why they ever /stopped/ teaching real computing. If people want
>>>> to learn the specifics of proprietary applications, surely it should be
>>>> up to the respective proprietary software vendors to provide private
>>>> vocational training for their commercial products, for those who
>>>> actually want to buy them, and not up to taxpayers to subsidise those
>>>> companies' incomes with state-aid, by allowing public schools to be
>>>> perverted into sales showrooms for a captive audience of schoolchildren.
>>> I had to go to a "special" tech school to learn any of this and even
>>> then I had to read on my own. Teachers are mostly idiots who follow text
>>> books given to them by even dumber administrators.
>> Teachers are not mostly idiots; it's the pressure put on them to adhere to
>> the textbook that makes them appear incapable of thought. Many people become
>> teachers for idealogical reason, just like MDs/GPs who are underpaid in many
>> countries.
>> If you want to see real idiots, check out those who work in marketing.
> Even at schools focused on technology most of the teachers could barely
> use email no less do anything that took skill. There were a few
> exceptions but overall teachers are idiots. They teach because they
> can't find work elsewhere.

Failure and fallback can often be painted (with self convincing) as a choice. But
it's wrong to generalise.

- -- 
		~~ Best of wishes
Dr. Roy S. Schestowitz (Ph.D. Medical Biophysics), Imaging Researcher
http://Schestowitz.com  | GNU/Linux administration | PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
Editor @ http://techrights.org & Broadcaster @ http://bytesmedia.co.uk/
Managing partner @ http://scifitness.co.uk & http://iuron.com
GPL-licensed 3-D Othello @ http://othellomaster.com
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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