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Re: The Scik Mind Of Roy Schestowitz.

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____/ Ender2070 on Tuesday 11 Oct 2011 14:57 : \____

> On Tuesday, 11 October 2011 04:07:41 UTC-4, Roy Schestowitz  wrote:
>> Why not quote the rest for context? Oh, that's right. That would invalidate
>> the allegations.
> schestowitz	They delibeerately choose bad photos of RMS	Oct 09 19:16
> azalyn	but generally it's not done.	Oct 09 19:16
> schestowitz	Unlike SJVN for example	Oct 09 19:16
> cubezzz	guess he got tired arguing with everybody	Oct 09 19:16
> twitter	anyone who agrees that software freedom will be attacked this way ->
> schestowitz: me being characterised as a worshipper of RMS	Oct 09 19:16
> schestowitz	He sort of tried to make it look respectable	Oct 09 19:16
> DaemonFC	azalyn: Opera has given back patches against the open source stuff
> they use	Oct 09 19:16
> schestowitz	Then there's the grooming by MS fans of de Icaza (and sometimes
> Torvalds) as a tool to cause a rift	Oct 09 19:16
> schestowitz	tryint to push out RMS	Oct 09 19:16
> schestowitz	Fist they went after the FSF	Oct 09 19:17
> DaemonFC	they haven't even tried swallowing the BSD and MIT licensed stuff
> whole	Oct 09 19:17
> schestowitz	Then they'll go after the OSI	Oct 09 19:17
> schestowitz	Then Linux...	Oct 09 19:17
> DaemonFC	forking something for no reason is really stupid	Oct 09 19:17
> twitter	it's all name calling, which is all they have -> schestowitz: it's all
> PR	Oct 09 19:17
> DaemonFC	once you do it, you're the only maintainer of your fork	Oct 09 19:17
> schestowitz	repeitton helps them	Oct 09 19:17
> cubezzz	the only way Microsoft can win now is if they locked down the
> motherboards	Oct 09 19:17
> DaemonFC	I don't think Opera wants to maintain their own patches against
> OpenSSL	Oct 09 19:17
> schestowitz	saying RMS in proximity with soclism and all	Oct 09 19:17
> schestowitz	It's PR methodology	Oct 09 19:17
> cubezzz	the genie is out of the bottle re: software	Oct 09 19:17
> twitter	repetition can be thrown on it's head,	Oct 09 19:18
> schestowitz	To associatee a mental state when reading RMS or FSF with imagery
> of Marx	Oct 09 19:18
> schestowitz	Or Communism	Oct 09 19:18
> schestowitz	Inter-twining loaded terms in the text	Oct 09 19:18
> twitter	just point to where they say the same stupid things regardless of
> circumstances	Oct 09 19:18
> twitter	that discredits the trolls	Oct 09 19:18
> schestowitz	you could do that to do lots of thing, inc. to associate Jobs with
> paedophilia	Oct 09 19:18
> schestowitz	or Gates with homophobia	Oct 09 19:18
> schestowitz	and Ellion with sexism	Oct 09 19:19
> twitter	The only thing they have is a loud platform of bought media	Oct 09
> 19:19
> schestowitz	!google ellison scumbag forbes	Oct 09 19:19
> schestowitz	I can't quite find it	Oct 09 19:19
> schestowitz	after he supported Hurd (Julia Fisher case) someone used libel
> against Ellison (fake harrassment allegation) to smear him in Forbes	Oct 09
> 19:20
> twitter	I don't think the latest RMS smear will take hold and it's unimportant
> anyway.  The message of importance is software freedom.	Oct 09 19:20
> schestowitz	afaik, ellison's record with women is poor cause he has been
> divorced so many times	Oct 09 19:20
> schestowitz	he's much older than gates and jobs	Oct 09 19:20
> twitter	Trolls turn the conversation to personal attack because they don't
> have anything to say about software freedom.	Oct 09 19:20
> iophk	twitter: as with other attacks, it is simply a distraction from the
> message of software Freedom	Oct 09 19:20
> twitter	right	Oct 09 19:20
> ---
> Seems to be in context to me. It's worse now that I've quoted more.

No, I think it gives more context. Thanks for that.

- -- 
		~~ Best of wishes
Dr. Roy S. Schestowitz (Ph.D. Medical Biophysics), Imaging Researcher
http://Schestowitz.com  | GNU/Linux administration | PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
Editor @ http://techrights.org & Broadcaster @ http://bytesmedia.co.uk/
Managing partner @ http://scifitness.co.uk & http://iuron.com
GPL-licensed 3-D Othello @ http://othellomaster.com
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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