
Roy Schestowitz

MHonArc Templates and Script


MHonArc is the engine behind the script and templates and it must be downloaded and installed first. Then, once everything has been installed cleanly, a simpler front-end is provided and should be used. In order to achieve a nicer output layout, a wrapper was provided (not to be attributed to myself). Its name is RunMHonarc and its permissions must be set to executable (e.g. by typing in chmod 700 RunMHonarc. RunMHonarc will read the arguments in lists.txt. Each argument is separated from its predecessor using a colon (":") and the (currently 3) arguments are as follows:

  • The first argument is the input data which is a path to the MBOX (mailbox) file.
  • The next argument is the output path, which must exist in advance -- that is -- prior to execution, e.g. by typing in mkdir ~/Output.
  • The last argument is simply the archive title for the output. it should reflect on the content of the output, e.g. "My Mail in January" (without the quotes of course)

When the script RunMHonarc gets run, it will collect its inputs from lists.txt and then use the templates in the .rc files, which can be changed as seen in my personalised examples. Main templates include:

  • author.rc - Messages index by author
  • daygroup.rc - Messages index by date
  • message.rc - Individual message body
  • thread.rc - All messages viewed in threaded mode


This page was last modified on August 18th, 2005 Maintained by Roy Schestowitz