
Roy Schestowitz



As a young child, I used to do sketches as a hobby. It all stopped around the age of 15. Here is one such sketch from 1998 or thereabouts (see larger gallery). I have a whole pile of old sketches and drawings, which maybe I can get around to scanning one day. Unfortunately, many of my drawings are either lost or are embedded in notebooks deep in my archives, which go back to the age of 6. Below are my later attempts to resurrect my long-lost passion.

Drawing #1, December 2002

Computer-generated Work and Banners


I never found the time to use POV-Ray properly, but here is my first primitive attempt. I am hoping to do some extensive rendering work one day when I find the time. With considerable experience and libraries of objects, much can be achieved.

Image Interventions

The guy on the left of this picture (see original bitmap and introduction page) is no celebrity. It is my friend Harvey Tobkes whom I planted in the picture using JASC Paintshop Pro. I also attempted to place his head atop his father's body in just 7 minutes and here is the result. He was also once portrayed as the President.


I am hosting on my site the wonderful gallery of Anita Tobkes.

This page was last modified on January 12th, 2003 Maintained by Roy Schestowitz