IBM, strongest proponents of open source policy

"Worldwide, more than 225 IBM government customers have embraced Linux. There are now more than 12,000 IBM Linux customer engagements worldwide."





Open-source investigations concept launched

A new concept for investigative journalism has been launched by British media academic and commentator Jay Rosen. On his blog PressThink, Rosen suggests an online site called NewAssignment.Net,  that raises donations to pay for projects that mainstream media won't or can't touch, and assembles the teams to undertake the work.





Windows’ House of Cards

Much of the blame, in my opinion, should lie at the feet of the Microsoft philosophy of bundling everything into the OS; without tools being small and specialised, a complex series of dependencies is created. The operating system becomes a house of cards, and the tiniest shifting in a single element can cause its functioning to come crashing down.





Testdriving Freespire Beta2 (Build 0.0.76)

The folks from Linspire/Freespire released their latest beta for public testing on July 25. Freespire is the open source version of the commercial proprietary Linspire distribution.





Reviewer Prefers Distributions Other than Ubuntu Linux 6.06

Ubuntu Linux 6.06 is a step below Fedora Core in terms of usability, quality, and ease of use, but it's far below any modern commercial desktop GNU/Linux distribution like Xandros Desktop 4.0, SUSE Linux 10.1, or even Mandriva 2006 PowerPack Edition.





Linux-based Scpl phones to replace Motorola Razr line

Motorola will abandon the proprietary "P2K" OS used in the Razr and other currently or soon-to-be shipping models, such as the Rizr, Krazr, and RazrMaxx. Additionally, the world's number-two handset vendor will transition future feature-phones to Linux, starting with a Scpl ("scalpel") model due in October, according to a PC Magazine article.





Microsoft sees iPod killer effort as a long haul

Microsoft plans to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to catch up to Apple Computer in the music business, but expects the effort to take several years, a top company executive said Thursday.





One Digger Rejects Netscape, So Far

Jason Calacanis and company definitely ran into a roadblock with one Digg user, who promptly posted their emails to his blog.





Does open source usage free your budget up for the best talent?

For example, what would you rather have?  A support contract for your IT with a Fortune 500 company? Or, in lieu of that, the very best in-house talent to run your open source-based IT? Most companies can't afford the luxuries of both.





Linux in-memory database goes 64-bit

ExtremeDB-64 is available now for platforms that include Linux64 (x64), HP-UX (Itanium), Solaris (Sparc), and Windows Server 2003 64-bit (x64).





Ubuntu and BEA Workshop Studio

The Out of the Box experience was amazing. It looks great. This is in part due to the graphics and polish of the system, and also to GNOME, of which I am an unabashed fan.





Open-Source Web Conferencing Gets Serious: DimDim Is Coming

I expect to see more and more of these tools to come to the market inthe coming weeks and months, as collaboration tools enter themselvestheir 2.0 phase: cross-platform, nothing to install/fullyweb-based, fully-featured, and easy to use.





Nectec gives Linux SIS a big push

Nectec director Thaweesak Koanantakool said the centre hoped it would encourage local businesses to use open-source software as a new alternative and help them reduce the cost of system implementation.





Tim Lee Berners on Slicing and dicing web data with Tabulator

It works by exploring the web of relationship between things, loading more data from the web as you go. Then, if you find a pattern of information you are interested in, it will search for all occurrences of that pattern and display them in tables, maps, calendars, and so on.





Ballmer: Windows releases must come more quickly

Microsoft has not said when Vista's successor, code-named Vienna, might ship or what features it will contain.





McAfee profit dips amid stock option probe

McAfee shares fell 13 percent to $20.85 in after-hours trading from a close of $24.02 on the New York Stock Exchange. (That's the company that blames Linux for Windows viruses)





Microsoft fails to ease Vista fears

Windows Vista, already five years in the making, has been postponed by Microsoft several times. Quality assurance delays have put off the consumer version of Windows until early 2007 -- after the crucial holiday shopping season.





Commercial real-time Linux rev'd

FSMLabs has updated its real-time Linux overlay and toolsuite, adding real-time networking improvements, A/D drivers, an Eclipse-based IDE, and support for 2.6.16 kernels on x86, among other improvements.





McAfee cries wolf on open source

Open source methods are not the problem. Rather, as the shared body of knowledge around malware techniques has evolved, it is no longer sufficient for companies such as McAfee to act as gatekeepers of that knowledge for the security community. Share the code. Expose the threats. Make the solutions known. What we need is more openness, not less.





Intel cuts some processor prices by more than half

Users should see the price reductions translate into substantially lower prices for powerful desktop PCs in coming months. The microprocessor is the most expensive component inside a PC, and both Intel and AMD have cut prices on some of their most powerful chips.





Beijing Co-Create Claims 50,000 Linux Desktops

Beijing Co-Create Open Source Software Co Ltd claims that it is in line to migrate 50,000 Asian business and government desktops from Windows to Co-Create Linux as clients migrate to Linux rather than Windows Vista.





Third Screen Media Chooses Levanta For Management Of Linux Environment

Linux system uptime and performance are mission-critical to Third Screen Media's service delivery. By storing server templates in the Intrepid M image repository -- building a new Linux server with the desired configuration is a simple mouseclick away.





It Takes Two to Samba (Linux)

Being enabled through Samba, this makes it easy for a user to share a folder on a Linux machine with other Linux clients, Windows clients and of course Macs. The dialog is simple, and looks like this...





Beginner's Guide to (Linux) Motherboard Selection

Now a days, installing Linux has become child's play. Almost all the devices are detected out of the box and if at all you need to open up the case, it will be for upgrading or to troubleshoot any hardware problems.





Tremendous Reception to SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 From Novell

Ten Days After Its Official Launch, Over 165,000 Downloads of SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 Products





Another Dell laptop catches fire

Next thing he knew, fire extinguishers were going off and the place was filled with smoke as another Dell burst into flames. "The battery burned its way straight through the laptop creating the beautiful hole with which is so beautifully depicted in the picture," he says.





Ballmer to Wall St: we always back a winner

Ballmer: "We tried to incubate too many new things and integrate them simultaneously rather than let them bake. There was too much complexity. We worked down that path for a while and said it wouldn't work. We re-booted where we were."





Ultra-secure Linux evolves for the enterprise

Linux and open-source developers are working to make Linux security tools developed by the National Security Agency more accessible and usable by regular system administrators and application developers.





South Korean Haansoft joins Linux group OSDL

South Korean Linux developer Haansoft Inc. has joined Open SourceDevelopment Labs Inc. (OSDL), a nonprofit industry group that promotesuse of the Linux operating system in enterprises, and will participatein OSDL's Carrier-Grade Linux working group, the group saidThursday.





Big-business technologists keep talking up Linux

Several IT executives reinforced the idea that Linux now has the technical brawn and industry support to hold up the most demanding business applications in such environments as finance, airline reservations and stock trading.





Banking on Linux in the Middle East

Looking back, Asadi says the Linux investment has been a great enabler to meet its needs. 'The biggest benefit for us beyond merely migrating to Linux. We now have a very fast and stable application, unlike our previous old application and systems...'





Survey: Attitudes Shifting on Linux, Windows Server Systems

Results of the Research and Markets survey, which did not specify any particular Linux distribution or Windows server version used among its 137 respondents, indicated that Linux was "somewhat better" in terms of security, reliability, flexibility, scalability and total cost of ownership (TCO).





With Linux, enough is sometimes too much

You'll be hearing more about Ubuntu in future columns. For now, though, I hope the major enterprise Linux players are paying attention to Ubuntu and other more streamlined distributions. In an ideal world, there would be distributions custom-tailored for different categories of workers -- sales forces, accountants, and even graphics professionals.





MySQL Used By Majority Of "AlwaysOn 100" Innovators

It is no coincidence that the majority of these "Hot 100" start-ups areusing the MySQL open source database to power their IT infrastructure,Web sites and products.





More affordable PCs hit Singapore market (or How Expensive is Windows?)

The SGD 399 made-in-Singapore PCs runs on the Pentium 4 platform with a Linux OS, but for an extra SGD 200, you get the same PC running Windows XP.





Microsoft, the British Rail of Software

"...Unlike when a train arrives at a British station, all may not be forgiven with a sign of progress; when Vista turns up, patience may have finally run its course."





Open Source Firm Alfresco Unveils ODF Virtual File System

Alfresco Software, provider of an open source enterprise content management solution, today announced full Open Document Format (ODF) support through its ODF Virtual File System.





Glitch continues to plague Washington Mutual

An attempt by Washington Mutual to upgrade the bank's Web site has turned into a technology and public-relations nightmare. Site moved to Windows < http://toolbar.netcraft.com/site_report?url=http://www.wamu.com >





Developers cry foul over Windows kernel security

"Nobody knows if Microsoft has done this intentionally, but we can't avoid the suspicion that this move may have been designed to force users to rely on Microsoft and only Microsoft for Windows security"





Free open-source storage software attracts users

Tens of thousands of users are deploying open-source storage software in an effort to avoid pricey proprietary products such as array clustering and disk eraser applications and to get some long-term protection through the availability of source code.





NVIDIA with Linux Wins Two 'Best of Show' Awards at Developer Conference

The demonstration from NVIDIA was designed to illustrate the experience consumers can expect from the next generation of multimedia enabled handheld devices. It consisted of high performance 3D applications including Siege from Denied Reality and Quake3 from id Software running on a Linux operating system....





Linux, Love It Or Hate It

Frank Ohlhorst's recent column, "A Linux OS For All," asked readers what needed to be done for Linux to gain more traction. And, boy, did they have a lot to say about Linux: the key players, where the open-source platform is now and where it should be headed.





Digital rights fuel open-source debate

"We (Linux/Open Source) are winning, and we will win, but we have morework to do," Moglen said to a standing ovation from OSCON attendees.





India plans free software for all

India is expanding a government-led program to provide free, local language software to all of its citizens, as it tries to broaden computer use in the country.





Technalign Releases Frontier ASPEN Powered By MEPIS Linux

Technalign has announced it is releasing a low-cost system for those individuals and companies that still have older hardware. The product has been named Frontier ASPEN powered by MEPIS Linux.





The Perils of the $100 Laptop

The result is apparently a perfectly serviceable little machine running Fedora Core with a specialised interface called Sugar. Already, the governments of China, India, Brazil, Argentina, Egypt, Nigeria, and Thailand have expressed an interest. However, there are some hidden dangers within this project...





Parts of French 'iPod Law' Struck Down

The French Constitutional Council has declared major aspects of the so-called iPod law unconstitutional, undermining some controversial aspects of the legislation.





Exploding laptops are part of the game

Dell has been taking a beating lately, almost to the point of becoming an internet legend. Got a Dell? Got asbestos underwear? You get the idea. The problem is, that this is not just Dell's fault, and in fact, for the most part, I think they are not to blame, they are getting a bad rap.





New Arium Debug Solution Cuts Handheld Linux Development Time

"The Linux operating system continues to expand across a wide spectrum of applications and markets. As a result, Freescale's community of customers is growing and demanding robust, quality development tools for both host and target sides..."





Death of the command line

It's hard for me to imagine using an OS without a strong command line. Even Microsoft has recognized the for that with their Monad Shell (though they are at least temporarily removing that from Vista). Linux of course has its Bash shell, Mac OS X has Terminal (which now defaults to Bash) - everybody knows you need a shell.





KDE Tip for SLED10

In KDE on SLED10, when you mouse over the screen resolution applet?s icon, you can use the mouse wheel to increase or decrease the screen brightness.





 The rise of the cyber-children

Teacher Mike Ryde says: "We have children as young as 18 months on the courses..."





Promoting Open Source Software: Baby Steps

Finally, we come -- ironically -- full circle. Our productivity suites are open source. Our operating systems are open source. Our database server is open source. I believe that it is only at this point that the suits give up Exchange and become willing to switch to an open source groupware product.





Whose hardware is it anyway?

If I purchase hardware, it is my hardware and is no longer owned by the manufacturer. If my hardware checks a cryptographic signature on a binary file to verify its origins, it should be my signature signed with my key since I am the owner of the hardware.





KDE is All About the Apps

"This time we report on the Linux equivalent of Cubase - Rosengarden,the great Basket, KPhotoAlbum and the next version of KDevelop."





Analysis: Is The World Ready For Open Source Networking?

Vyatta, Sourcefire, Groundwork, and the Asterisk IP PBX represent theopen source push for networks. They're gaining traction, but it couldtake years to make significant headway.





Altiris Opens API - Trinket Goes Open Source

Now LordJeb Software has posted the Trinket project on SourceForge.net, turning the application into an open-source project under a BSD-style license. Developers can add code and new ideas to the project by simply downloading Trinket code from SourceForge.





BitRock InstallBuilder 3.8 Released - Includes Support for Linux on IBM z S

BitRock InstallBuilder now includes support for Linux on IBM z Series. InstallBuilder simplifies the installation process of multiplatform software, helping developers improve the packaging, distribution and deployment of their products.





Dreamlinux 2.0 Reviewed

Next is one I recently came across while browsing a forum: Dreamlinux. This is a Brazilian distribution based on Debian and Morphix...





Social network sites face US ban

Children in the US could be banned from using social networking sites in schools and libraries by a new law.





EU-too early to say if Microsoft faces further fine

 "It's too early at this stage to give any indication of whether there will be another payment, another penalty, and if there is to be another penalty how much it would be," Commission spokesman Michael Mann told a news briefing.





Apple recalls thousands of batteries

"Apple has issued a world-wide recall of batteries sold with its 15-inch MacBook Pro computer systems"





Linux continues to make strides

With all this in mind, where is Linux headed? The guess here is that it will continue to increase market share, particularly for systems coming from Asia. As designers become more comfortable with the technology and the tools become more productive, there's no telling where it can go.





New threat from 'suicide' virus

The latest threat to intellectual property comes in the shape of malicious software (malware) that is capable of infecting a computer, hiding itself until the user accesses specific files or Web sites--in order to steal files or passwords--and then deleting any trace of itself.





Oracle's Ellison feeds talk of Linux plans--again

He added that he believes that Oracle has the legal rights to distribute and support Red Hat Linux, as the CentOS project is already trying to do.





Nvidia: We are freakin' worried sick (humour)

"Of course we are! We are currently assessing how much capital we need to raise in order to acquire Intel."





Mandriva Linux 2007 Beta 1 version "Thor"

Available in four differents flavours (KDE or GNOME, i586 or x86_64), you can get a glimpse of the next Mandriva Linux 2007 edition.





Wind River updates embedded Linux suite

Wind River has updated its commercial embedded Linux distribution, alongwith three vertical-market "Platforms" based on it.





MS SQL: Plays Badly With Others

My company’s website is in the midst of a transition; my predecessor, rather stupidly, decided that the company was going to go with Microsoft technologies and this has to be rectified as quickly as possible.





French anti-iTunes law is 'unconstitutional'

The controversial French law which would have forced Apple to make music from its iTunes online shop playable on any device has been rejected by the French Constitutional Council. The whole law may have to be rewritten.





Cell-based coprocessor card runs Linux

Mercury Computer is sampling a PCI-Express add-in card powered by a Cell processor running Yellow Dog Linux.





Leading Linux phone partners form "Adcore-Tech"

Adcore-Tech handsets will almost certainly run Linux, given that NEC and Panasonic are among the top makers of Linux-based mobile handsets, and recently joined a Linux mobile phone industry group devoted to Linux collaboration.





Autodesk Launches Maya 8

The 64-bit version of Maya 8 will be supported on Windows and Linux. The 32-bit version will be supported on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.





Slim line HTPCs for both OSs, ultra small, 14dba PSUs, ATI, NVIDIA, VIA

All systems come with a pre-configured Fedora 5 Installation CD with Video drivers and LIRC support.





Advanced, customized searching with Opera and Firefox

When it comes to searching, there are many options for users who wish to enhance their browsing and research.





Defense Department Marches Towards Open Source

In a new initiative to spur more use of open source software (OSS) within the US Defense Department, the department's Office of Advanced Systems and Concepts (AS&C) has begun teaming up with Red Hat, Novell, IBM, Hewlett-Packard, Intel, and AMD...





Developers ramp open source

Embedded developers are increasingly turning to open-source tools for building reliable and flexible systems and software. Open-source code can provide both raw material for building system software and applications, and development tools for creating that software.





Quake 4 1.3 released! (Linux version included)

This update includes a host of new and community requested features such as: more agile player movement, weapon balance adjustments, a single ambient light option, improved rendering and cpu peformance and much more.





Borrowing a PC? Put Linux on it, via a USB drive

If you're a Linux desktop user and are forced to use someone's Windows machine, the experience may be more on par with borrowing a toothbrush.To guard against this potential unpleasantness, it's time you looked into putting a bootable Linux desktop image on a portable USB key chain drive.





PCs for the Poor - As Good As Their Hype?

Negroponte named companies that had agreed to collaborate on what would become the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) project... the laptop would use a processor from Advanced Micro Devices and an operating system based on Linux, whose code is freely available for anyone to modify and distribute.





DRM is the open source divide

TiVo, which runs the Linux kernel but supports DRMs, is what Torvalds has in mind here. Without DRM, content makers won't let their stuff run with open source, so the wets believe, let it go.





Open Source Lures Cost-Conscious CIO's

"Go to venture capital sites and see the lists of companies they are funding. Visit SourceForge.net. Find the nerds in your company."





MEPIS grundgingly complies with the GPL

MEPIS LLC, the popular Ubuntu-based Linux distributor, has finally released its distribution source code under the GPL. Warren Woodford, the Morgantown, WV-based company's CEO, is not one bit pleased with being forced to do so.





Linus Torvalds Curses in DRM Debate, Gets Comment Deleted

"I am sorry, Linus, but I had to remove your comment because you violated our comments policy by swearing so much. "





Operating Systems Need to Disappear

."..But the fact that Linux is not yet ubiquitous is simply another reason why the Zimbra approach to a communications client is such an ideal way to make operating systems disappear. It is a prime example of how a browser really can make an operating system irrelevant."





Review: VMware's worthy new option for virtual servers

Licensing caveats aside, I really like VMware Server. It's a solid product, easy to use and administer, and the performance is top-notch. If you need a way to run multiple hosts on a single server, I'd put VMware Server at the top of the list.





How to assess open source storage software

Thousands of users are deploying open source storage software in an effort to avoid pricey proprietary products such as array clustering and disk eraser applications and to get some long-term protection through the availability of source code.





IBM Answers Montecito With Faster Unix Server Range

The upgrades affect the System p line -- formerly known as the "pSeries" and perhaps still best known by the older "RS/6000" naming convention -- that runs IBM's AIX version of Unix, as well as Red Hat Latest News about Red Hat and Suse Linux distributions.





Voxeo Launches Open Source Telephony Application Initiative

Under this initiative, Voxeo will sponsor development of new open source telephony applications, distribute select applications with its VoIP and IVR offerings, and increase overall awareness of the benefits of open source telephony applications to its customers, partners, and the over 21,000 registered members of its Evolution developer program.





Free software without the strings

But sometimes the extra work is worth it when you find a piece of free software that does the same job as a program that costs more than $50, by following a few extra steps. Open source software, written with the idea of sharing the source code with others, is often like this.





Open source can be recycled

But with open source, you have the capacity (if you can do it yourself or find someone else who will do it) to lift what you like about an old program and stitch it together with a new one. Code isn't lost. It's reused.





NVIDIA Releases New NVSG Scene Graph Software Development Kit

NVIDIA has released the latest version of its NVIDIA Scene Graph Software Development Kit (NVSG SDK)... NVSG operates on top of the OpenGL application programming interfaces (API) in either 32-or 64-bit Linux or Microsoft Windows operating system environments.





Put your laptop to sleep

The Dapper Drake release of Ubuntu Linux includes the new gnome-power-manager package, which enables ACPI sleep much like the system-tray power applet in Windows. Finally, sleep "just works" in Linux.





KnowledgeTree(TM) Open Source Document Management Software now in Version 3

With less restrictive Open Source license... "The KnowledgeTree Open Source code maynow be more readily combined with works licensed under different terms,allowing more extensive use by 3rd-party developers and systemsintegrators," says Chalef.





Forbes: Mozilla Gains On Microsoft

Mozilla’s Firefox Web browser continues to burn a path into Microsoft’s house--the PC.





Red Hat Gets Blessing from Analyst

"We had been skeptical that the company would be able to win with a free software product/paid support model, but the company's 6-fold growth in free cash flow since 2003 has made us believers," wrote McPeake. The analyst added that he is looking for 40 percent growth in customers who pay for support of the free software in coming years.





Research Alert-Prudential starts Microsoft, Oracle

The brokerage said pricing pressure in the core and a difficult application market would prove "big headwinds" for the business software maker. In the same note, the brokerage said it started coverage on Microsoft Corp., with "overweight" rating and a price target of $34.





Microsoft reshuffles executives

The changes come amid worries about delays in getting Vista out the door. The next version of Windows is now slated for release in early 2007.





Microsoft Sues Over Intellectual Property

Microsoft filed a patent infringement claim against peripherals maker Belkin on Tuesday...





Red Hat's affair with XenSource is back on

Xen isn't quite ready for prime-time, but Red Hat is pretty darn sure it will be by December when RHEL 5.0 ships. You can, however, get SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 with Xen today.





Samsung ships another Linux phone

A new Linux-based phone is shipping to subscribers of China Mobile's "Go-Tone" GSM/GPRS service. The Samsung SGH-i858 features a large, 2.4-inch QVGA (240 x 320) color touchscreen, along with a slide-out hardware keypad. It runs version 2.5 of Mizi's "Prizm" Linux phone stack.





Microsoft Re-stacks The Deck When Comparing Win32 and Linux Vulnerabilities

I expect more from Microsoft, because I must. Everything on the disk came from Redmond.In the end, it will always be impossible to squarely compare Windows with Linux. Each fulfills different needs and expectations.





Ellison (Oracle CEO) Talks Up Red Hat Linux

Oracle's chief hints at possible redistribution of Red Hat Linux by the database giant.





Future of Eclipse Open Source?

The Eclipse Foundation's recent Callisto release includes BIRT (Business Intelligence Reporting Tools), a project some consider the future direction of all Eclipse open source Latest News about open source endeavors.





Open Source Success (for a Campus)

Engage deeply with the community surrounding open source technology... Remember, any IT environment can take advantage of open source... Understand how change happens at your institution.





Layout Editor Redraws One Trillion Transistor Chip in Real Time

Last week at the 2006 DAC, Micro Magic demonstrated that its MAX layout editor is capable of redisplaying in real time an integrated circuit (IC) design with over one trillion transistors... The software operates only on the Linux platform.





Graphics core vendor rev's SDK for content creators

The PowerVR Insider SDK 1.9 offers broad hardware, 3D API, and OS support, including support for embedded Linux.





EnterpriseDB Closes $20 Million Financing

EnterpriseDB, which combines the advantages of open source software with the ability to run applications written for Oracle, is disrupting the $13 billion enterprise database market," said Power. "We see striking parallels here to Linux, an open source offering that runs applications written for Unix...





Lockheed Martin Selects Linux Powered SGI Altix 4700 Server for Training

Driven by a blade-based design built on SGI's award-winningscalable global-shared-memory system architecture, the SGI 4700host computing platform is powered by 16 Intel Itanium 2 processors and four graphics pipes running Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9.





Collax Gears Up for North American Linux Launch

Today, Collax has 33 employees and has over 8,000 commercial installations in Europe of its Collax Business Server. The company estimates it has twice as many freebie installations, which seeds the market for future paying customers.





The Zen of Open Source (Open Source Economy)

"one of the big myths about open source software is that being free is its chief value. The myth, of course, is in the meaning people ascribe to 'free' In this context, 'free' is not about the price--it is about the liberty."





Security and Monoculture

Forrest experimented with a version of theopen-source operating system Linux. She altered the system to forceprograms to assign data to memory locations at random. Then she subjectedthe computer to several well-known attacks that used the buffer-overflowtechnique. None could get through. Instead, they targeted the wrong areaof memory.





All journalism will be Indian journalism one day

Satyam's media and entertainment VP Kevin English argues that pulling together information is a "mechanical process" that may be outsourced and could prove very attractive to news aggregators like Yahoo and Google.





When Will Businesses Move to Vista? Jupiter Says No Time Soon

According to newly published Jupiter Research data, about 50 percent of companies either won't deploy Windows Vista at all or will wait at least 13 months.





Realplayer, Google Toolbar and Firefox Get Bundle Deal

RealNetworks, Google and Mozilla Corp. have announced a new multi-year agreement under which Real would offer the popular Google Toolbar and the Mozilla Firefox® Web browser with RealPlayer, one of the most frequently downloaded applications around the world.





Win4Lin Pro Now Available For Linspire (Linux Runs Windows Programs)

Users have become increasingly frustrated with the costs, the restrictions and the lack of security in their Windows environments. Until recently, users have had to endure the shortcomings of Windows as there seemed to be no viable alternatives.





Open Source Firm Black Duck Expands Reseller Network In Australia And NZ

...protexIP is in demand by enterprises, due diligence teams and otherswho are looking to take full advantage of the benefits of usingcomponent-based development and open source software.





Thunderbird 2.0 preview

I addition to the front-page attractions, Thunderbird provides several improvements to the existing features. The new mail notification area has undergone extensive revision -- this is the pop-up transient window that appears when Thunderbird finds new mail on the server during a routine background mail-check...





IBM Marches with Penguins

IDC has forecast the market for new and redeployed PCs running Linux to grow to $10 billion and 17 million units by 2008, with an installed base of more than 42.6 million units... Some large banks don't plan to move to Windows Vista and are exploring the pros and cons of Linux.





MS non-committal on Vista

"Explain why I'm paying 20 times for a stock that is growing at 10 witha whole lot of investments that are not really going anywhere," GregPalmer, head of equity trading at Pacific Crest Securities said....





Spam e-mail is costing companies

To the list of unpleasant Monday happenings - answer the alarm clock,face morning traffic, trudge into the office - you can add one morechore.Delete the weekend spam from your e-mail.(The vast majority of spam comes from compromised Windows machines.)





Closing the digital divide with solar Wi-Fi

 The first seed money has arrived, enough to produce and test prototype nodes. It came from the One Laptop Per Child initiative (OLPC), which aims to construct a $100 laptop to be distributed to children in developing countries. OLPC showed immediate interest in the Wi-Fi initiative, Pomerleau said.





Intel faces tough fight to regain market share

Industry Doyen Nathan Brookwood thinks Intel faces an uphill fight toregain market share lost to AMD.





Intel G965 is pretty awful

 It seems the last and more common stepping, C1, is a mess, with image corruption problems on top of the previously mentioned speed problems.





Intel plugs Centrino Vulnerablities

Public exploits of this vulnerability on either of the other two are yet to emerge, so let's not panic just yet. The other two flaws covered a privilege escalation vulnerability involving device drivers and information disclosure bug involving Intel PROSet management software.





Care2x version 2.2 released

Care2x is an open source web-based hospital information system (HIS). The development of Care2x started back in 2002 by Elpidio Latorilla. The software is released under the GNU General Public License.





 Companies beginning to look at Linux in new light

The focus is now on more than just the financial commitment and evaluation is based on genuine understanding, appreciation of the measurable benefits and business value that Linux can deliver.





Survey: Vista Sales May Start Slowly

A survey by JupiterResearch of 207 businesses, including 73 of them with 10,000 or more employees, found that 62% will wait longer than 12 months after Vista is available to deploy it. Strikingly, one-third of those surveyed had never heard of Vista or had no deployment plans, says Jupiter analyst Joe Wilcox.





Symantec highlights Windows Vista user vulnerabilities

Symantec has shed more light on potential vulnerabilities in Windows Vista that could circumvent new security measures and leave users vulnerable to attack.





Extreme-temp XScale PC/104 SBC does crypto, runs Linux

Arcom is shipping an extended-temperature PC/104 SBC (single-board computer) available with a Linux dev kit.





Linux memorabilia sought for 15th anniversary display

The Computer History Museum is inviting LinuxWorld attendees to bring Linux-related memorabilia, for display in a booth celebrating the 15-year anniversary of the kernel.





GEMS aims to make large-scale Gentoo Linux management easier

Users interested in deploying the increasingly popular GentooLinux distribution should also get familiar with an open sourceproject called GEMS - Gentoo Enterprise Management System.





Free AOL: Too little, too late?

Analysts debate whether giving away e-mail, other services will help the struggling Internet company.





Apple defends iTunes-iPod compatibility

The company argued that it is reasonable to "prevent users from downloading music acquired from Apple Music Store to other digital players" because users can still burn any purchased iTune onto a CD and then freely play it as they deem suitable, provided that they respect copyright laws.





Microsoft tempts embedded Linux developers with "free apps"

Microsoft's Windows Embedded team will host a "free app" giveaway duringLinuxWorld. The "apps" -- in this case appetizers -- include embeddedturkey clubs ("it's the bacon that's embedded," Microsoft says) andboneless "penguin" wings ("hot and tasty, but with no supportinfrastructure"), plus free beer and wine.





Linspire Linux founder Robertson seeks publicity from Tour de France winner

The founder of MP3.com (arguably Robertson's most successful project, now owned by CNET) is well-known for his bold PR style, including an open letter to Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer (do you think he read it?) in which Robertson extolled the benefits of per-user licensing versus Microsoft's per-machine scheme...





First Ubuntu Billboard spotted  

"The above billboard was spotted near the Ralston exit in Redwood"





HP may fork the GPL

Attempts to update the GPL have hit another glitch -- HP prefers the old version





GNOME 2.14.3 Released!

The latest stable release of GNOME is here: GNOME 2.14.3! This is thefinal release in a series of point releases for the 2.14 branch.





IVT Unveils Open-Source Based PBX Software For SMBs

Based upon the popular open source project, Asterisk (Linux-based), Evolution provides telecom capabilities previously not available to smaller companies.





Open Source VIPs

Larry Augustin;Miguel de Icaza;John/Jane Doe;Matthias Ettrich;Bill Hilf (FUDMeister);The new man: Novell's Ron Hovsepian;I am not a lawyer: Groklaw's Pamela Jones;Judge Dale Kimball;Neelie Kroes;Marten Mickos;





PDA sales in freefall

Shipments of handheld mobile devices in Western Europe have taken a record tumble this quarter. Manufacturers who were hoping sales of converged devices (i.e. smartphones) would help offset the decline, are also in for a disapointing time, according to analyst house IDC.









Marx and Linux

There is one particular breed of wacko that appears to be on the rise, however. This variant of fruit loop thinks Linux is a foreign plot, created by Communists in an attempt to destroy America?s software industry.





Dozen Windows, Office updates coming next week

Specific details on the types of issues that the bulletins address were not available, but at least one update for each product is considered critical and some will require a restart, Microsoft said in a notice posted on its Web site.





MSN Spaces struggles on launch

According to the official Spaces blog, the first 12 hours after the launch were beset by poor performance problems, including issues related to e-mail publishing, statistics pages not working and emoticons from previous Spaces versions not working.





Microsoft predicts 10-year road to online riches

Craig Mundie has said Microsoft is not slow in tackling new markets and that its bets will pay out in around a decade's time.





Open Source Software in British Education

A positive picture of the use of OSS emerges in both HEs and FEs. Although there are considerable differences between the two types of institutions, in general OSS is used more often than in 2003 and institutions have higher levels of skills and experience of OSS compared to 2003.





Free Medical Records Management software that really works

Portland, Oregon-based technology company OpenSourcery is rapidly gaining substantial recognition for its quality open source development work. On August 15, 2006 OpenSourcery will unveil its eleMental Clinic 3.4, a free medical records management system, to an international audience at Linux World.





Forget about open source at Apple

Meanwhile, the real open source developers are out there in their countless thousands -- experimenting, collaborating, and slowly but surely toiling away to perfect their code.





Sold! On Open Source

Building an open source-based infrastructure has helped Bonhams compete with the auction industry superpowers





SI Journalism unveiled at influential open source conference  

Next generation concepts in open-source technologies usher in a whole new style of journalism





Zawodny On Open Source Citizenship

I think that if you've spent any time looking at Yahoo or Google's involvement, you'd notice that we've been increasingly doing more and more to help the open source world.





Tiny XScale module gains long-life Linux BSP

Pengutronix is shipping an embedded Linux implementation for a tiny Intel PXA270-based processor module targeting industrial applications.





TimeSys adds uClibc toolchains, docs

TimeSys announced that its online service for embedded Linux developers now offers the latest release of uClibc on five architectures, and that it has added new documentation on alternative C libraries, and on building reduced-footprint, flash-based Linux filesystems.





New website hosts open-source mobile app projects

A community-maintained website has sprung up around mobile-oriented open source software projects. The "Linux-To-Go" website currently hosts OpenEmbedded, Angstrom, GPE, Gomunicator, and several other high-profile open-source software projects





Implementing an embedded Linux web app framework

This article describes a way to build embedded Linux web applications that follow the "Model, View, Controller" (MVC) software architecture popular nowadays among enterprise web applicati





BLACK HAT - Blog readers vulnerable to embedded malware

JavaScript is a scripting programming language that has become popular as a way of providing rich interactivity to Web sites. But it can also be employed by hackers to take over users' computers, sniff for vulnerabilities and more.





Finding the Open Source Tipping Point

When open source developers gather on a panel to discuss whether "all software will go open source," you can expect the sentiment to tip that way, only with lots of arguments.





The Ad-Supported Operating System

The question of privacy will become enormously more important asadvertisers want increasing amount of targeting information aboutusers in order to make their advertisements more effective.





 Environment Ministry seeks open source solution

As part of a swathe of changes it's making to its web presence the Ministry for the Environment has gone to tender for an open source content management system.





Google funds Sri Lanka’s open source development

Popular Internet search engine Google has given the Lanka Software Foundation 25,000 dollars to drive open source software projects locally.





Linux Technology Leadership and the Forking Issue

An argument for Linux variants - The concerns about commercial vendors selling products that "fork the Linux kernel" are not just overblown





Dual-head with Compiz/XGL - Video

The cutting edge of GNU/Linux





Windows Might Become a ?US Government Thingy?

Last Friday, however, marked a turning point ? a remarkable an exception. The US Government served as the spokesman of Microsoft Corp. Granted, the Department of Homeland Security encouraged people to receive some ?binary blobs? from our friends at Redmond.





Microsoft and the US Know Where You Are and What You Do

Since a bookmark-type submission got knocked off the front page of Digg very quickly, it is clear that too people read what they did not want to believe and reported this as "lame". In defence of my points, I will address two issues here.





Antidepressants offer no cure

Do antidepressants "cure" depression? No says Joanna Moncrieff, a psychiatrist at University College London - no more then insuline "cures" diabetes or alcohol "cures" social anxiety.





Netscape Widget WordPress Plugin

Netscape has a little known but very handy JavaScript widget for publishers to put in their content. The widget checks if your content has been submitted to Netscape. If it hasn't been submitted, a submit button is placed on your page as shown below:





Linux (Fedora Core 5) Desktop of the Future... Available Today!

Guest starring VNC, VMWare running XP, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, MPlayer showing episode 6x15 of The X-Files ("Monday"), and a funky GDM theme (available on gnome-look.org).





Proof that O/S 'Market Share' Figures are Meaningless (Video)

Where do all of these Linux machines come from? It's installed base that truly counts.





Ping Your Blog Automatically, Using This Perl Script

The following Perl program pings your blog to several online update services. This can be scripted to run routinely (e.g. cron job).





Google Search Cloud (for Webmasters)

The following Perl program parses an Apache HTTP server access_log in extended format and collects all referers [sic] which might be generated by a search action on Google. The query your visitors used are extracted and grouped per web page and status code. Then the program generates a valid HTML 4.01 strict webpage that shows those queries as a c





Mac-style Menu Bar for GTK and Java/Swing applications!

Applications that work: Azuerus, Eclipse, Epiphany, Evince, Gaim, GMPC, Listen, Nautilus, Terminal, Thunar, VMware, ...





Portland lets desktop Linux roll for VARs

My pharmacist got a Linux box this week. He didn't choose to run Linux. His Value Added Reseller (VAR) did. The new system connects with the same online resources as the old one, it has nifty black flat screen monitors, and the printer output looks better to patients.





The BBC Snubs Mac and Linux Users

According to a press release from Sonos, the blokes over at the Beeb have decided to jump ship for relying on Realplayer for web content, and have switched over entirely to the Windows-friendly WMA format.





Flash developer chat on 64bit Flash, open source Player and XUL/MXM

"we just open sourced the virtual machine in Flash here, which is the biggest open source step so far at Adobe ? I am sure we will learn a lot from this and then will see what might make sense next"





Gnome Dock With Physics Engine (Linux screencast)

Akamaru is a simple, but fun, physics engine prototype. It is amazing to use, and easy to install. One more reason to forget Windows Vista, embrace Open Source, and use Ubuntu or Fedora (among other non-Micro$u$e distros).





Microsoft's Attempt To Silence a Zune Critic Backfires

"And given that Engadget's latest screenshot of Zune installation errors are reinforcing Microsoft's reputation for buggy software, Drew seems to have been appropriately leary of being able to say only good things about the Zune experience." Apple will never resort to media control which defends the iPod.





MSN Still Going Nowhere Fast

It is worth noting that Microsoft still hasn't made any headway in the search-and-portal game and, in fact, is falling farther and farther behind. As a result, it is not surprising that Steve Ballmer is now warning media companies that Google is the Evil Empire -- because no other competitive tactic has worked.





Microsoft Lied to Novell. See a Patten Here?

"Novell filed an 8-K recently in which it said that you (Microsoft) have  agreed not to do a similar deal with another Linux vendor to encourage the adoption of Linux and Windows virtualization solutions through a subscription certificate program."





Can Novell?s Protection Racket Swing a Timebomb?

One wonders if a ?bomb? was planted in the code (deliberately by Microsoft while not deliberately by Novell), which sets a legal minefield that has percolated onto other distributions by now. If so, can patches be identified, retracted, or altogether rejected? Can anybody trust Novell at this stage?





FreeSUSE - A Fork of SUSE to Come?

Domain Name: FREESUSE.COM; Registrar: BELGIUMDOMAINS, LLC; Updated Date: 01-Nov-2006; Creation Date: 01-Nov-2006... A fork to freedom? Some existing SUSE would hope so.





Analysing the Rationale for the Microsoft/Novell Deal

Mark Antony Kent weigh in on Novell's deal with Microsoft. It's an insightful take that's truly worth a read.





Linux Community, Please Stop Fighting EACH OTHER

Don?t think for a second that Microsoft isn?t howling over the Linux community?s apparent fragmentation over this deal, with the OpenSUSE and Ubuntu camps now publicly trading barbs (and both are right)...





History?s Lesson: Microsoft May Use Novell to Kill OpenOffice, ODF

This one is a chocker! A look back at Corel suggests that history will quite possibly repeat itself, maybe even 'punishing' GNU/Linux users.





ComputerWorld Documents Microsoft's Lobbying in Massachusetts

The longer and more intriguing article focuses in part on Microsoft's lobbying efforts in Massachusetts, while the shorter one reports more narrowly on Massachusetts' decision in the summer of 2005 not to approve Microsoft's XML formats as an open standards.





Making Firefox 1.5 Extensions Work in Firefox 2.0

When Mozilla Firefox is updated it happens that extensions suddenly no longer work with this updated version of the browser. Often changing the value of em:maxVersion in the install.rdf file inside the xpi file is enough to make the extension install and work without any problems.





Novell: Embrace Microsoft, or Join With Us (In our Embrace with Microsoft)

Novell sounds alot like Microsoft these days, complete with Anti-Linux FUD. Listen to these words from Novell and be shocked.





Microsoft Watch Moves to Red Hat GNU/Linux

Could it get more ironic than this?





UK Government criticised for stifling open source in schools

....the Department for Education and Skills favours the use of proprietary technologies from the likes of Microsoft. This is despite extensive research by the government's education ICT quango, BECTA, showing that schools could save millions by switching to Open Source software.





You can only draw if you have sufficient rights

A vector drawing program that requires Administrator rights to even make a simple drawing, would you call that Xtreme? Well Xara LTD seems to have no problem at all releasing such software, and even call it "Xtreme Pro".





Microsoft is Our Big Brother

The company has begun combining personal data from the 263 million users of  its free Hotmail email service with information gained from monitoring  their searches, the paper said.





Google To Bust Digg's Block?

The buzz among the technophile blogosphere is that Google could easily and effectively put "a hurtin'" on Digg by tweaking Google Reader. An algorithm and, perhaps, buying out a social news site might be all that is needed.





Review of Project Looking Glass on Ubuntu

A decent review with plenty of screenshots. Video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjQ4Nza34ak





Interview with Jeremy Allison About Novell, Microsoft, and Beyond

Shane and I contacted Jeremy Allison, who has answered many of the questions which we thought our readers would like to see answered.





Some Interesting Financial Moves by Novell ('Funny Money' and Executives)

...information of a Novell 8-K filing outlining a $350,000 bonus to Novell VP and General Counsel Joseph LaSala for his exceptional contributions. Now, we know what Ron Hovsepian stood to gain from the deal personally... He received 778,470 shares of stock awarded 12/20/06.





Novell and Proprietary Audio/Video Codecs

Real Player’s battle with Microsoft led to a settlement and Novell seemed to hit the high note amidst these developments. The gist of it all was that proprietary formats such as WMA and WMV would be supported by SuSE Linux. Would this not encourage more of the use of these formats?





Microsoft-Novell Acquisition of XenSource Confirmed by Ray Ozzie

Novell may have just moved closer to betraying the community, again. As David Mohring told BoyCottNovell yesterday: 'Also consider that if Microsoft purchased XenSource directly then VMWare and the other virtualization vendors would rightly scream ?Antitrust?...'





Small WordPress 2.0.6 Bug Leads to FeedBurner Disconnects

If you are upgrading/have upgraded to WordPress 2.0.6, be sure to read this. "After upgrading to WordPress 2.0.6 or WordPress 2.1 Beta, your FeedBurner feed will, at times, give you an “invalid xml” error, and “FeedMedic” will show you something like this..."





Open Letter: Is the BBC Publishing on Behalf of Microsoft Now?

I wish to complain about the article entitled "A quick tour around Windows Vista", which was published on the BBC website, and to voice a general concern regarding your relationship with Microsoft - a company subject to antitrust investigations in the EU, and previously in the US.





European Commission throws money at Open Source software quality control

As a founder of the Open Source Consortium, Taylor also has an interest in increasing the level of professionalism in the open source community. He explains that one of the major criticisms of open source is that it is "cobbled together by a bunch of acne-ridden teens" He argues that having a way of demonstrating "provable quality" will really help





Open Source Consortium sends British technology agency back to school

The OSC claims that, despite overwhelming evidence that open source software saves schools money and enhances learning, Becta is taking no practical steps to help schools adopt open source... "This is the perfect opportunity for Becta to reject accusations that it is in bed with big suppliers by offering serious support to Linux and open source..."





HowToLinux.Us, An Elitist- and Troll-free Linux Web Site, Take off Ground

The main goal of this website, "howtolinux.us" is to be a friendly, helpful source of information for the ever growing Linux community.





Cool New Beryl Feature: Ring Window Switcher - Video and Screenshots

The latest svn release of Beryl sports a cool new ring window switcher.





175,000 French students to get open-source software on USB key

French authorities will give out 175,000 USB memory sticks loaded with open-source software to Parisian high-school students at the start of the next school year.





More Pro-Microsoft Bias from the BBC

Taxpayers' money is being spent on promoting Microsoft's products. The BBC has ongoing collaborations with Microsoft.





The 'Microsoftification' of Schools -- Enough is Enough!

Microsoft plans innovative new school in Knowsley says Bill Gates.Tailored to meet local community needs, the Innovative Schools will be  rolled out in 12 locations around the world including United Kingdom,  Ireland, France, Germany, Finland, Sweden, Qatar, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Chile and Hong Kong.





Walmart Rejects Mozilla Firefox - Says "Unsupported Browser"

"As you can see, if you go to their video downloading page here, it now properly detects your browser. Yay, progress! Sadly, if you are not using the spyware vector called IE, well, it locks you out."





Microsoft: We Like DRM   --Forbes

Steve Jobs wants the music business to drop restrictions for digital tunes. But Microsoft, which began competing head to head with Apple in the digital music business last fall, is happy with the way things are, says media exec Robbie Bach.





Novell = Corel 2.0

Novell could be the next Corel. Don?t believe this ambitious statement? Then have a look.





Ballmer: Novell deal proves open source needs to 'respect IP rights'

During a forecast update meeting for financial analysts and shareholders on  February 15, Ballmer reiterated that, to him, the deal is more about  Microsoft exerting intellectual property (IP) pressure on Novell than anything else.





 Where's PJ? Chapter Two

Maureen O'Gara's latest Client-Server News contains a bombshell. In a story headlined 'Pam on the Lam' (sic), O'Gara cites an unnamed OSDL board member saying that the group sent IBM money to Groklaw. [Roy: O'Gara is known as an anti-PJ, anti-GPL, pro-SCO journalist who lost her job]





Novell Linux: Desktop Effects (Compiz/Beryl+AiGLX/XGL) Updates

A couple notables: the community just approved a new logo for the project, shown at right. They also have a gallery of plugins with really nice screenshots.





Free & open software training for state students in India

Soon state schools will have teachers who have the necessary training to teach the various facets of free and open source software to secondary and higher secondary students. [...] Computer education teachers from 400 schools are participating in the programme.





UK government ignores open-source potential

John Pugh MP argues that a bias against open-source within Whitehall has lead to schools and universities becoming too focused on proprietary technology.





Stop making excuses, Dell, and start paying attention. WE WANT LINUX!!!

"Oh I'll be sure to, but I'm not holding my breath. Microsoft has you far too firmly under their thumb for me to seriously expect any positive changes at Dell."





 Bill Gates Has Dumped $3,639,031,883 of Microsoft Shares

Co-founder of Microsoft lets go off stock, as well as retires.





Preinstalled Open Source: The Next OS Battleground?

"Manufacturers end up paying just as much in total for a smaller number of copies of Windows than it would if it shipped every machine with Windows," Golden exclaimed.





Antitrust: Microsoft's OEM Manager: "Compaq truely (sic) pisses me off."

"Are you suggesting we should put them in our box?"





Leaked Antitrust Memos: Microsoft Uses Mac Users as Guinea Pigs

Microsoft: "Because Mac Office is so much less critical to our business than windows, we have the flexibility to test out new things in the product and in its marketing before we try them on Windows."





More GNU/Linux Deployments in Britain's Second-Largest City

Birmingham City Council is supporting the National Open Centre, an organisation that was launched this week to promote discussions and policy on deploying open-source software.





Microsoft's Dirty Tricks Return to Life: Steve Ballmer's OS/2 FUD

"The demos of OS/2 were excellent, crashing the system had the intended effect -- to FUD OS/2 2.0."





Antitrust Memo: Microsoft offered money to companies for destroying rivalry

"In signing the Corporate Account version of the Exchange form, company agrees to: Deliver/Destroy the appropriate number of Lotus 123 System Disks; Confirm they are not participating in Corporate Development/Golden Disk programs."





Dell Talks About Prebundling Linux, AGAIN

Dell is considering offering the Linux operating system as an alternative to Microsoft's Windows on its personal computers, a Dell spokesman said on Tuesday.





Microsoft Anti-competition Exhibits: Don't Let Big Manufacturers off Hook

"Revenue for our divisions is not the main issue. If we start letting the big manufacturers off the per system hook, our 100% goal for DOS penetration depends on our sucess with a larger number of smaller accounts, and that threatens dominance."





Leaked Microsoft Memo: the "Kill Lotus Plan" (PDF)

The purpose of this memo is to revisit the rationale for my proposal of super aggressive pricing action as integral part of the "Kill Lotus Plan"... This is a win win scenario: We win if Lotus agrees to be "green mailed"; and, we win if our hostile takeover is successful.





Newly-leaked Antitrust Memos: Microsoft Deliberately Corrupts Documentation

'A number of Microsoft ex-employees and certified developers have referred to much of Microsoft's formal documentation as "undocumentation"' [PDF WARNING]





HP considering factory-loaded Linux desktops and notebooks

Management at HP has commented on the situation, saying they are considering offering standard systems with a preloaded distro of Linux, which would be an industry first for desktops and notebooks





Leaked Blast from the Past: Microsoft's OEM Manager and his IBM "Hit Team"

"I am willing to do whatever it takes to kick them [IBM] out, but strongly believe we need a WW hit team to attack IBM as a large account..." [PDF Warning]





Leaked Antitrust Memos: Microsoft Wanted to Make OS/2 the O/S of Choice

Steve Ballmer: "I think we need to think very carefully about how much we want Windows to compete with OS/2 in the OEM channel and for ISV's attention. The strains that show in our strategy now are temporary, and should not allow us to lose sight of the goal of making OS/2 the next generation operating system as quickly as possible" [PDF]





The big switch to Linux! Cold Turkey!

I've done it. Windows has gone bye bye! Edubuntu is the new love of my IT life.... It's beautiful. I love it. By the way: the whole installation (not including importing stuff and such) took about 20 minutes. Ever installed Windows yourself?





MS Anti-trust -- Allchin: "We need to slaughter Novell  they get stronger"

The words of Jim Allchin, Manager in charge of Windows.





Blast from the Past: MS Used Style Guide to Gain Advantage Over Rivals[PDF]

"This memo lists and briefly describes items in the draft Microsoft Style Guide for Windows that are biased towards Microsoft applications... taken together give Microsoft an advantage because most of their applications already conform" [newly-leaked Comes vs. Microsoft Antitrust Exhibit]





Leaked Antitrust Memo Reveals Microsoft Systematically Mimics Apple Macs

[Microsoft:] "For all this we should be analysing the Mac system as it evolves and improves  and innovating what makes sense."





Open Source Consortium Slams BBC Over Microsoft Lockin

The OSC is asking for 'a re-examination of the effects' of the BBC's iPlayer using Microsoft Windows Media Player 10 technology and is calling for alternatives to be offered, adding that if the BBC can only afford to use one technology then it should choose one that is available for all operating system platforms, including OS X, Linux and Solaris.





Jim Allchin, Microsoft: You should make sure DR-DOS has problems in future

"drdos has problems running windows today. And I assume will have more problems in the future... You should make sure it has problems in the future :)" [PDF warning]





Newly-leaked Antitrust Memo: How Microsoft Created a 'Chokehold' on OEMs

E-mail from Joachim Kempin, Microsoft OEM Manager. The volume license agreement, basically means that the OEMs get penalised for selling anything other than Windows. The document suggests the DOJ declared this type of thing "illegal".





Newly-leaked Antitrust Memo: How Microsoft Snatched Office Market Share

[PDF warning] Also see: http://edge-op.org/iowa/www.iowaconsumercase.org/122106/PLEX0_5673.pdf "I have decided that we should not publish these extensions... We can't compete with Lotus andWordperfect/Novell without this..."





[Antitrust] Mosaic to Microsoft: "You guys are going to f*ck us eventually"

Thomas Reardon: 'the big theme of the call, as in a million other encounters i've had is "yea, you guys are going to fuck us eventually. how do you respond to that? can we point to an example of how we've helped another comapny's business by working on a jda or other bundling agreement?' [PDF Warning]





More Leaked Antitrust Memos: How Microsoft Forces Everyone to Buy Windows

Microsoft: 'The press will have a field day no doubt. "Greedy MS is doing another Coupon Gig!"... we don't care if the OEM's whine about being charged for product the end users may never use. This essentially is sell through insurance - They don't have to buy it. I pity those that don't' [PDF warning]





Newly-leaked Antitrust Memo: IBM on Microsoft's Dirty Tricks

Microsoft as attempting to imbed more and more function and "hooks" into the layers between the hardware and operating systems, operating systems and applications, and between applications and user interfaces. By controlling these interfaces and limiting access to their APIs they can be first to market with key applications and functions.





Newly-leaked Antitrust Memo: Microsoft Contract Forced Dell to Add IE (PDF)

"3. INTERNET EXPLORER: Unless specifically requested to the contrary by the end user of the Customer System and provided proper translation is available, COMPANY will ship MS Internet Explorer 2.0, and the most current subsequent higher version Product Releases and Version Releases thereof, preinstalled on all new Customer Systems..."





Newly-leaked Antitrust Memos Revealed How Microsoft Abused Netscape

Troy Chevalier (SMTP:troy:netscape.com): 'There's no sample code on the DDK, there's nothing on the MSDN CDs, and  you guys haven't answered a single question we have asked.'





Newly-leaked Antitrust Memo: Did Microsoft's Allchin Want to "Piss on Java"

"...we really need VB to step up to the JAVA challenge before we piss on it.... If we had that then we would have a good story until VB be improved." [PDF]





Newly-leaked Antitrust Memo: Microsoft's Secret OEM Contract with Dell

Find out why offering non-Windows O/Ses penalises the Company. [PDF Warning]





Newly-leaked Antitrust Memo: Bill Gates' Corel and Netscape 'Attack Groups'

Bill Gates: "With Netscape and Corel working together its nice that we organized ourselves so the group attacking Netscape and the group attacking Corel are under common leadership!" [PDF]





Dell Introduces Low-cost Offer of Linux PCs in China!

"The company does not say what version of Linux is on the PC. A Dell spokesperson could not be reached for comment."





Newly-leaked Antitrust Memo: Compaq Breaks Contract by Supporting Other O/S

"The above royalties require that COMPAQ distribute the Products preinstalled on ALL (my emphasis) customer systems"





Newly-leaked Antitrust Memo: Microsoft Decides to "Clone Netscape"

"Here is final copy of the memo we sent to BillG for think week about what we should do to get 30% browser share. Pls do not distribute broadly... 2. Clone and Supernet Netscape. PSD needs to get serious about cloning Netscape. We must have a plan to clone all the features they have today..."





Newly-leaked Antitrust Memo: MS Pressing Apple to Stop OEM-ing ClarisWorks

MS: "I have been slowly pressing Apple to stop OEM-ing ClarisWorks. In Japan, it’s OEM-ed with all their laptops. I am meeting with the head of Apple Japan next month, and was going to bring this up, as well as talking to Steve about this." [PDF Warning]





Leaked Antitrust Memos: Microsoft's Strategy for Combatting Threats (PDF)

Including "Creating a grass roots movement  [astroturfing]" and "We must continue to build competitive immunity [chokehold on OEMs]"





Newly-leaked Antitrust Memo: Microsoft on Stealing ClarisWorks and Apple UI

Microsoft: "ClarisWorks - Our biggest competitor. We should remove all reasons anybody might have for sticking with this product rather than upgrade to Office. What features do we need to steal?"





The Man Who Brings Ubuntu GNU/Linux to African Classrooms

SchoolTool began development in 2000 and is funded by Mark Shuttleworth, of the South African-based Shuttleworth Foundation, creator of the free Ubuntu operating system.





Newly-leaked Antitrust Memo: Bill Gates Admits COM/OLE Blocks P/L

Bill Gates: "Internet studio has taken an approach of putting onto HTML pages the most ugly Microsoft garbage ever seen since COM/OLE programming in C++ was declared a success in order to block language invocation." [PDF Warning]





Microsoft Were "Very Anxious to Continue the [2007 Iowa Antitrust] Trial"

Rich Wallis, Microsoft general counsel: "Most of those allegations had been out there... And those e-mails were old. We were very anxious to continue the trial so we could tell our story"... Neither Conlin nor Wallis would comment on whether the site [with the gory exhibits] was being taken down as part of the settlement deal.





Wisdom of Crowds Is Dead

The problem with the human condition is that it involves humans. Bringing that condition online, fostering it with the Wisdom of Crowds philosophy, is slowly but surely proving what philosophers have said since humans first learned to write: the anonymous mob is powerful and passionate, but no more rational than an angry swarm of bees.





Shelley the Republican Web Site Cracked

Probably deliberate (mind the date)





Newly-leaked Antitrust Memo: Apple's "Microsoft Behaving Badly" Discussion

'Peter Biddle from Microsoft spoke at the same SPA DVD conference yesterday that I did. He actually included in his presentation a slide that read as follows (I will try to phrase it as exactly as I can): "Move all of your Quickttime content to DirectShow as soon as possible, and don’t look back" And we have it on tape' [PDF]





Leaked Microsoft Memo: "Looming Crisis: Windows Software Quality"

No, it's not April Fools. It's a real memo from the antitrust case in Iowa... "Macintosh would make a car that was powered by the sun, was twice as reliable, five times as fast, twice as easy to drive - but would only run on five percent of the roads."





Newly-leaked Antitrust Memo: How Microsoft Broke Novell's Groupwise

John Gailey [of Novell]: "However, the MAPI system has been moved to a different location on the Win98 CD, causing the GroupWise 5.2 install to fail in its attemt to install MAPI... this is anti-competitive, Aaarghh!!!" [PDF warning]





Top Diggers List Removed at Request of Digg's Legal Team

Fair enough. :-) Watch the Cached version while it lasts. Here is the message that replaces the list [ http://www.efinke.com/digg/topusers.html ]: "The Top Diggers List has been removed at the request of Digg's legal team."




Getting Started with Linux Mint

Although the desktop environment in modern day Linux is intuitive and more or less easy to navigate through, for someone coming from Windows XP, we must keep in mind that the two OSs are different at the 'roots', even though at the surface they may seem similar.





Antitrust Exhibit - MS: "We should not participate in standards groups"

MS: "We want to own these standards, so we should not participate in standards groups. Rather, we should call 'to me' to  the industry and set a standard that works now and is for everyone's  benefit. We are large enough that this can work." [Compressed PDF]





Comparison Between Debian GNU/Linux (Etch) and Windows Vista

Project Life-cycle: Debian - 1.75 years (Etch), Vista  - 5.50 years; Supported Architectures: Debian - Sparc, Alpha, PowerPC, i386, ia64, PA-RISC, MIPS, ARM, IBM S/390, AMD64 and Intel EM64T. (Older custom versions for the Motorola MC68K series)





Leaked Antitrust Memos: Novell Says Microsoft Refused to Fix Bugs

Novell: "It should be noted that these bugs, for the most part, are not problems  with our software (the Win95 bugs are problems we addressed with Microsoft which they refused to fix)."





Leaked Antitrust Memos: Microsoft's WIndows-exclusive Guidelines to Novell

Microsoft: "Company [Novell] will adhere to the following user interface guidelines: If the user interface is HTML based, Internet Explorer 4.0 must be set as  the default browser... If the application is written in Java, the Microsoft Virtual Machine for Java will be the default VM, and AFC will be used for UI elements." [PDF]





Newly-leaked Antitrust Memo: Microsoft Says Novell Raises Its Ugly Head

"We should make sure the Unix focus includes Linux...  Elevating it all the way to one of the@key 5 or 6@ will be essential to have everyone in the companyunderstand we are not done with Novell. We don't want to repeat FY98at a time Novell is rasing its ugly head again." [PDF Warning]





Newly-leaked Antitrust Memo: Bill Gates on Making ACPI Not Work with Linux

Bill Gates: "Maybe we can define the APIs so that they work weel with NT and not the others even if they are open. Or maybe we could patent something related to this." [PDF Warning]





Newly-leaked Antitrust Memo: Microsoft on Giving Up Microsoft Office Lockin

Bill Gates: "Why would the Office group be giving out the Office 2000 formats to competitors? To me this seems crazy." [Highly relevant amid the OpenDocument/'Open' XML debate]





New Antitrust Exhibit on Microsoft Proprietary Formats and Lockins [PDF]

Microsoft: "Our new policy (for Office2000) is that there are restrictions on use (can't build converers, can't be a competitor to any of the apps, etc)."





Ubuntu's GNU/Linux 'feisty' spin on virtualization

First is paravirt-ops, a layer that lets Linux get along better with the dominant virtualization software today, VMware. Second is KVM, which lets Linux run other operating systems as guests."Both have landed very nicely in this release," said Canonical Chief Executive Mark Shuttleworth. "That was a surprise to me."





Antitrust Memo: Bill Gates Targets Free Office Suite Using 'Patent Game'

Gates: "At some point we will have to consider the patents they violate. I am unclear of what their business strategy is with the free version.  It is a good product developed by a surprisingly lean team of people." [They now attempt the same game against GNU/Linux]





New Antitrust Exhibit: Microsoft Puts 'Chokehold' on Entire System Models

'Pricing is "per-system" only. Prices herein are for Microsoft application products shipped in combination with an OEM's defined PC systems on a per-system basis. A Per-system agreement is a license in which all units of a particular OEM model name and/or number are licensed and a royalty is due for the MS product...'





New Comes vs Iowa Exhibit Reveals How Microsoft Passes OEM Legal Sniff Test

[From Microsoft:] "To close the loop on the legal issue with volume pricing, we can offer a lower price for a larger volume only to the extent we can prove that the higher volume can be fulfilled at the lower cost... So, say, a 10% discount for taking 100,000 units of product X likely will not pass the legal sniff test..." [PDF Warning]





New Antitrust Exhibit: Microsoft on Pitching FUD to the Press

Microsoft: "Here's the pitch we used yesterday with the press. This seemed to work well... CUSTOMERS HAVE CLEARLY DECIDED..." [Just as they decide that Windows is better, based on "Get the Facts"]





New Antitrust Exhibit: Example of Microsoft Retaliation Against OEMs

Brad Silverberg, Microsoft: "so as long as they continue such attacks on us, i cannot give them win95 beta, they are NOT just another oem." [Think about OEMs that stock GNU/Linux]





Retaliations, Extortions, and Protection Rackets Hurting GNU/Linux

It would be unsurprising if Samsung came under pressure by Microsoft. There is little or no reason to suspect that Samsung approached Microsoft and sought coverage for its use of Linux.





New Antitrust Memo Shows Microsoft's 'Quality' Control

"12. VFAT mounts on Bernoulli drives, Cache is not flushed befire a disk is changed not is the drive detected as being changed allowing for possible data corruption... Status: OK to ship... 14. "Blue screens" - we haven't even attempted to fix some of these - just punted - Status: OK to ship..."





New Antitrust Exhibit: Bill Gates in Denial of Anti-competitive Advantage

"Microsoft applications division was in the possession of pre release  copies of Windows 3.10 well in advance of any non-Microsoft Windows ISVs  thus giving Microsoft Applications Division a substantial competitive  advantage over any non-Microsoft Windows ISV." [PDF Warning]





New Antitrust Exhibit: Microsoft 'Hidden', Undocumented APIs

'Please note that when I use the term "new APIs." I am also referring to previously "hidden" functions which will now be documentated. They are new insofar as they will be added to the documenation although they already exist.' [PDF Warning]





New Antitrust Exhibit: Microsoft's Plan to Shut Out Novell

"[Brad Silverberg, Microsoft:] the way to shut out novell in the base is to either ship a full client or make it so there is no network connectivity." [PDF Warning]





New Video on Antitrust Laws and the Nasty Effects of Monopolies

Includes some of the violators in the 20th century. Highly recommended!





New Comes vs MS Antitrust Exhibit: Bill Gates on Apple and IBM

Gates: " Windows is still not as nice as the mac and it would be easy to be a lot better. Win 3 goes a long way but we cant get IBMed on this one... IBM never knew our plan and if they did they shouldnt like it..."





New Antitrust Exhibit Reveals Gates' Great Fear of Web-based Applications

Gates: "I admit I find it hard to focus lost of resources on trials and things when the Inetarnet is taking away our power every day and will have eroded it irretrievably by the time broadband is pervasive on the course  we are on right now."





New Antitrust Exhibit: Gates Letter to IBM Attempts Lotus Interception

Bill Gates to IBM: "I am concerned about press reports of IBM's plans to market 1-2-3/G. We took part in the OfficeVision announcment with the assurance that Excel would receive equal billing... I am unhappy at the way this ended up positioning Lotus' role in Office..." [PDF Warning]





(Antitrust) Bill Gates: "F*CK HP if they won't sign a Windows license"

'Got a call from Gary Perez (our OEM HP Acct Mgr) this morning. They are telling HP that they will NOT be part of this launch and that BillG has said "fxxk HP (all divisions) if they won't sign a Windows license."' [PDF Warning]





New Antitrust Exhibit: Example of Microsoft 'Knifing the Baby' (GeoView)

Microsoft: "We need data on this product ASAP, it is about to scoop Works on a major deal... in going throught the mass merch channel this fall if we do not kill it have we gotten a copy of it and done any evaluation ?" [PDF Warning]





Microsoft: "In order to tell a strong story we need to explore where dr dos

Microsoft: "In order to tell a strong story we need to explore where dr dos is vulnerable." [PDF Warning]





Review of Linux Mint Bianca KDE Edition - Ubuntu derivative

With all the hype surrounding Ubuntu at the moment I think it's important not to overlook the other recent releases. One of these is Linux Mint Bianca: KDE Edition.





Antitrust: Microsoft Debates Whether to "Kill" or Not to Kill

GregLO, Microsoft: "One could say that there is no reason that various OEM limulators or 386MAX should not work with us. On the other hand, maybe we want to kill them."





New Antitrust Exhibit: Microsoft on Keeping Its Formats Closed

"So, this means that we would have a closed architecture that will prevent other ISVs from developing resource editing tools that might improve upon ours... If there is a problem with changing formats, then let's work out a strategy where we can continue to change formats..."





Many edu domains host viagra and cialis spam

One with a serious security issue that's being abused at this very moment and many edu domains are now hosting pages with advertisments for cials, viagra, tramadol, levitra, ringtones, etc.





State by state, Microsoft responds to creeping Open Source threat

Characteristically, as lawmakers like Homan have learned, Microsoft's hardly taking a passive position... 'Microsoft sees what's coming. Things like Word and Excel sort of like a drug now getting ready to go generic.'





Toshiba Follows Dell's Footsteps, Considers GNU/Linux Preinstalls

Toshiba's Italian channel sales and marketing operation reportedly is considering offering pre-loaded Linux in its Tecra, Satellite, Portege, and Qosmio notebook lines, according to a story published online last week in the Il Sole newspaper.





Over 10 Major Companies to Market GNU/Linux in Japan

Major information technology firms, including Oracle Corp., IBM Corp. and NEC Corp., will set up a consortium to sell servers and systems running the Linux operating system in Japan, a financial daily said on Thursday.





Microsoft's Record Quarter: SHAREHOLDERS Paid for Most of the Upside

"Said another way, Microsoft achieved record breaking earnings during the Vista launch quarter by taking money out of its assets, not through amazing sales of Vista and Office."





Britian's Conservative Party Says It Will Adopt Free/Libre Open Source S/W

Mark Thompson, a Cambridge University IT lecturer and businessman who is drawing up Osborne's request to make Britain the "open source leader of Europe", said that procurement - including the notoriously secretive gateway process - might be opened up...





Dell Signs on With Microsoft, Novell, Adds the Same Ol' Patent FUD

To encourage more companies to choose Novell's open-source platform, Microsoft has promised not to file patent-rights lawsuits over any of its technology that's blended with Suse Linux.





More Pseudo-grassroots Support for OOXML, Novell Passively Accepts It

Novell pleases its new partner by introducing support for its non-standard technolgies, including Open Office XML (OOXML). This helps expensive de facto standards compete with free industry standards.





Science and Art Foundation's wonderful work in Bam

The classes started on 16th December 2006 and they began to learn about Sharif Linux.  This is an open source operating system, which enables Persian speakers to use the net effectively, as all the menus and help are in Persian. [Even Iran Uses GNU/Linux]





Students may get recycled GNU/Linux computers in Northwest School District

All of the hard drives have been reformatted so it contains no district information. Each computer will also include a free set of software which will include a word processing application, a photo manipulation application and a few games along with a Linux operating system.





Georgia is rolling out Kubuntu GNU/Linux in all their schools

Georgia is rolling out Kubuntu in all their schools. This is being done as part of a project to bring the internet to every schoolin Georgia.





Why software commoditisation is a myth (The Reason Microsoft Attacks Linux

“Software prices will eventually fall to zero. The open-source software movement has already started that commoditisation.”





What IP Did Novell License from Microsoft?

Secrecy is unacceptable in an open development model and community, and Novell’s (in)actions threaten to stall or even destroy the advance of Free Software. It is of vital importance to the community - and especially any projects accepting Novell code and patches - for Novell to publicly and unequivocally state the details of their agreement...





Vietnam Promotes Use of Vubuntu GNU/Linux

The laboratory provides some open source application software, including the Linux operating system with Vietnamese version Vubuntu, file management software, network service management software, electronic library software and integrated e-solutions for small- and medium- sized enterprises.





Did Microsoft Try to Get Sun to Sue Linux [Users]?

Today, Pamela Jones (of Groklaw) has a little insight. Based on Jonathan Schwarz?s blog, she suspects that Microsoft may have tried to encourage Sun to sue Linux (the infamous ?proxy manoeuvre?). Here is what Jonathan says?





Why Novell Loves Microsoft’s Latest Attack on Open Source Software

Novell has a reason to gleefully stick by the sidelines while Microsoft spreads FUD and intimidates everyone. It is almost clear whose side Novell is on, but it will never admit this.





?Be Very Afraid Tour? Did More Good Than Harm to Linux

According to one poll, which involved thousands of votes, Microsoft has tactlessly alienated too many of its own customers... Are we seeing India?s BoycottMicrosoft in the making?





Bexley School District NEVER Fired Curtis Mason Over Linux Recommendation

"The audit, performed by Louis Haskell of Dublin-based Haskell Technologies, is a review of the management of the IT department, not technical issues, with a focus on what changes are needed to transition the district's computer systems from a Windows environment to a Linux environment."





Philippine GNU/Linux Provider To Offer Sub-$100 PC

The company plans to use its MiniPup GNU/  Linux distribution for low-cost computers in the sub-$100 price range.





Big Success for Linux Company Whose Biggest Client is Microsoft

[Aruba Networks:] "Strength was driven by faster-than-expected deployments, as well as large companies starting to expand deployments from headquarters to remote locations," wrote Luke, noting that Microsoft Corp. and the U.S. Air Force are two of the company's bigger clients.





They say I need Windows Vista or better, so I got Linux.

This is a blog of me talking about my switch to Linux from Windows XP.





MrBabyMan About to Knock DigitalGopher Off #1 Spot at Digg.com

The gap now stands at just 2 popular stories. Will MrBabyMan make the top today?





HELIOS Offers Free Simplified GNU/Linux Distribution for Sony PLAYSTATION 3

HELIOS' simplified Yellow Dog GNU/Linux v5.0 utilizes the IBM 64-bit 3.2 GHz Cell processor to provide a powerful state of the art GNU/Linux server for Sony PLAYSTATION 3.





Return of the Munchkins: Yet another Microsoft Shill Exposed

Notice how so many of these Shills are always Johnny-on-the-spot with their poison-post comments to these Blogs. I think this proves that not only do Microsoft hire people specifically to anonymously Shill, but indeed they seem to have an entire research team working 24/7, scouring the Internet for any negative Microsoft press, and drowning it out.





The Market for [GNU/Linux] Servers in Europe Is Hot

Across the EMEA region, Linux is still being adopted at an  increasing rate, with sales of Linux-based servers rising by  42 percent in the first quarter...





Novell Helps Microsoft Hijack the World Wide Web

Novell has taught us that the ‘Trojan horse’ which strives to enter as many cities as possible is not just the prelude to patent FUD. It is also a mechanism for promoting Microsoft’s agenda. Can Novell ever decline? Well, it has truly become too Microsoft-dependent.





No GPLv3 For Xandros?

So, I suppose Windows users can breathe easier knowing that Xandros and MS have agreed on IP assurance, Xandros were beating the patent war drum for some time? But, seriously, Xandros? I created a domain name, www.boycottxandros.com, but I think it would actually give them some notability.





Sign Bruce Perens' Xandros Petition and Let Them Know How You Feel

"They took the money that Microsoft offered. That's really all the news there is here - that Microsoft found another foundering commercial Linux distribution willing to sign up to the patent covenant and give it publicity. The technical aspects are irrelevant, as they indeed are in the Novell deal."





Lobbying for Lockin, Courtesy of a Monopoly Abuser and Its New Partners

As you may know by now, part of the Novell deal and Xandros deal puts these two companies in a position where they must support Microsoft?s lockin (OOXML) to protect their cash cow.





SueMe GNU/Linux  Launched [Not a Joke]

Okay, firstly if you haven't realized by now, please note that SueMe is a mostly symbolic effort aimed at defying Microsoft's FUD campaign. I say mostly because SueMe is, indeed, a functional Live CD environment but is not recommended (nor intended) to be used as a complete desktop replacement.





Sudev Barar on open-source software

Nuchem is a company in Delhi that develops and sells water/effluent treatment technologies, chemicals and laminated panels. Sudev Barar, its owner, has adopted a Linux-based open-source computing environment.





Ingres prepares JasperSoft-based BI appliance

The new appliance will include the range of JasperSoft's open source software, including reporting, analysis, and ETL functionality, built on Ingres's database functionality and an embedded Linux kernel.





Open source desktop is ready to take over

It's not about being anti-Apple. I respect the user experience of Mac OS X, and I wish Steve Jobs would licence the operating system to other hardware manufacturers, who could then offer choices that meet other needs.





Ubuntu Linux Founder: Ubuntu has been getting attention for its desktop O/S

"Here in the U.S., Ubuntu has been getting attention for its desktop operating system..."





Open spec aims to unify Linux phone stacks

After nineteen months of work, the Linux Phone Standards (LiPS)  Forum has started publishing its first open, royalty-free  specification, aimed at reducing fragmentation among Linux  implementations for mobile phones.





Alan Cox Thinks Microsoft-Novell deal a bad idea, waits for GPLv3

Personally I think it's [Microsoft-Novell deal] a bad idea and that Novell are going to  get stung by the GPLv3, and rightfully so. The license is designed  to keep the software free, if it fails to do this then it needs  fixing, so GPLv3 hopefully will fix this flaw.





WEEE directive threatens Microsoft OEM sales

There's a possibility Microsoft may well dump the OEM scheme and that  could prompt small firms that don't want to be WEEEing to install Linux or even pirate OSes.





Sun supper offer appeals to Torvalds

In the latest word in a peculiarly public interchange, Linux leader  Linus Torvalds appears inclined to take up Sun Microsystems Chief  Executive Jonathan Schwartz on his offer for dinner.





Canalys expands analysis of mobile Linux

"Most of the Linux handset volume to date has been in Asia, but we are now starting to see more activity in North America and EMEA..."





No Longer Vaporware: SueMe GNU/Linux

There is a barely functional alpha version of the CD available now, and the sources and such are FTP-ing up to the site now, all in the download folder.





Goodbye Vista, Hello Ubuntu

First thing I noticed?  The install was done in about 20 minutes after answering the standard questions that you would expect during an install (time zone, keyboard layout, etc.)





What the world needs now is Google Linux

Following Microsoft's inking of agreements with Linux hawkers,  offering to shield them from lawsuits over the 235 patents it  reckons versions of Linux infringe, a gathering of open sorcerers  is assembling at Google HQ to debate what is to be done.





What Does MS Want? -- Brains for Sale?

Of course, in Microsoft's plan, it would be the end of competition  against Microsoft by the GPL or by anybody in any real way, because  one misstep, and Microsoft reserves the right to sue your pants off.





More Media Manipulation ??? Shills Promote Document Format Lockin

That???s the guy whom Microsoft paid to edit Wikipedia in Microsoft???s favour.





Why Microsoft and Linux companies are tying the knot

Red Hat's wonderful Truth Happens video ends with the famous Mohandas  Gandhi quote, "First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then  they fight you. Then you win." It's exactly right. To me, the Linux/Microsoft deals not only make sense, they show that  we are in the last stage. Linux is winning, and Microsoft is  acknowledging it.





Ubuntu says no, but will the Mandriva management follow suit?

On the Mandriva Cooker mailinglist there was the following request  based on my earlier article that made the case that Mandriva and  TurboLinux might be next to partner with Microsoft.





Mark Shuttleworth: A rags to space tale

Mark Shuttleworth went from poor uni student to multi millionaire  after the sale of Thawte





ISO and Office Open XML (OOXML): What REALLY Happened There?

?Letters from the dead? strategy is back from the graveyard [...] It turns out that, as one site puts it, Microsoft puppets were spamming ANSI.





Yahoo is 'Book Burning' Linux/BSD/Open Source

But what does that say about Yahoo's ability to deliver accurate search results? Are they going to start censoring the entire Web, removing any negative references to Microsoft or Windows, and any positive references to Linux or Open Source?





Ubuntu's Mark Shuttleworth: Prepare for the Shared Software Tidal Wave

"I was poor. I was desperate. I wanted to be on this bandwagon of this  Internet thing, and I wanted to find a business that wouldn't require large  amounts of bandwidth or large amounts of capital. The key was Linux. It was  Linux that let me connect to the Net so I could start soaking up this  knowledge," said Mark Shuttleworth.





Linux becomes mature and achieves excellence (up 41%)

According to statistics from the China Open Source Software Promotion  Union, Linux's sales in the Chinese market reached 218 million Yuan in 2006, up 41 percent, and higher than the international average.





Review: Pardus Linux 2007 Kurulan RC2

I've thoroughly enjoyed  playing with this "Kurulan" RC2 release and actually find it as capable as   some of the much bigger players that I tend to toy with. It may not have the  biggest English community of all the distros but I hope that situation  changes because this is actually an excellent release.





Linux helps raise funds for a million soccer balls

"We recently used the Linux desktop multiplier to deploy 2 205 Linux desktops in 105 South African schools," said Hodgson, who described  the multiplier strategy as a "more affordable and  environmentally-friendly desktop alternative for South African schools".





Legal Wrangling In The World of Linux

The foundation also said that "Novell is not prohibited from distributing this software because the  patent protection can be turned against Microsoft to the community's  benefit."





Greens don't accept Berlin 'nein' to open source

In 2002, the German Federal Ministry of the Interior and IBM Deutschland  signed a deal that allows public sector groups to receive discounts on  IBM computers preinstalled with the open source Linux operating system.





EPSON Starts Selling GNU/Linux Desktop and Notebook PCs

DELL did it, now it's EPSON's turn to propose computers running Linux as OS, their offer is made of the Endeavor LX7800. [Note: yesterday, H-P said that it wishes to offer Linux PCs shortly. Dell said it's happy with Linux sales and expanded its offerings. Toshiba might follow suit.]





PCWorld's Look at Fedora 7

Fedora is solid, and the people who use it and hack on it love it, and I  don't think these people are crazy in the slightest.





KDE 4 goes on show at aKademy

This opening event will feature the "KDE 4 pillars" traKk where developers will present the KDE 4 emerging teKhnologies.





Mark Shuttleworth Interview Coming, Request for Questions from Our Readers

We would like to ask our readers for input and collect some of our readers? questions. Our intent is to focus on exclusionary deals and the integrity of Free software although any ?lighter? question would be very suitable as well.





Google Desktop goes Linux

Google was set to launch late on Wednesday a beta version of Google Desktop search for Linux in a sign of encouragement by the search giant for Linux on the desktop... Google Desktop for Linux was written natively...





History Lesson: Red Hat Spoke MS IP FUD in the Past

An update to that license, version 3, is about to be implemented. It will forbid companies from distributing Linux software if they enter into patent agreements like the ones that Microsoft signed with Novell.





Professor Moglen Explains Why Free Software is Important

Later today, GPL v3 will be released. Even if you already know about Free software, watching this is recommended.





Testing Linux Kernel 2.6.22-rc7 Released

[Linus:] The patches are mostly trivial fixes, a few new device ID's, and the appended shortlog really does pretty much explain it.





Linus Torvalds: Microsoft Just Made Up The Number

I really cannot speak for Microsoft. I suspect they are noticing that they have a hard time competing on technical merit or price and are trying to muddy the waters.





When HASN'T Linux been at war?

Microsoft wants Linux dead. Write it down. My opinion of anybody who purports to be pro-Linux while selling out to Linux's sworn enemy was already pretty low. News of Novell, Xandross, and now Linspire...





Research: Developers  Escape Windows, Come to GNU/Linux!

Linux gaining share as the number of developers targeting Windows falls 12 percent, Evans Data says





Is YOUR Standards Body in Microsoft's Pocket?

While big executives usually prefer to turn a blind eye or deny this, there is a lot of ?monkey business? going on. Political manipulation and string-pulling are becoming too difficult to ignore, even if the consequences get a little nasty or inconvenient to people with 6-figure salaries [...] O-O-X-M-L: It has ?corruption? written all over it.





FlightLinux blasts off again

Patrick Stakem wants everyone to know that the newest iteration of FlightLinux is not just for NASA rocket scientists. The special hardened distribution that earlier this century orbited the Earth on an unmanned satellite is set to move into active duty again, this time as a civilian project.





Microsoft in State of Denial Amid GPLv3 Effect

Microsoft cleared the air July 5 on its obligations to GNU General Public License Version 3 support, declaring it will not provide support or updates for GPLv3 under the deal it penned in November with Novell to administer certificates for the Linux distribution.





[VIDEO] Totally Awesome CompizFusion Plugin: Cube Atlantis

What the plugin does is basically render a few fish, sharks, whales, and dolphins in your desktop cube! It is quite fun to watch :D





Dell adds nerdy sense of humour to Linux promotion

The in-jokes are not going to get too many people rolling in the aisles, but a link from the Direct2Dell blog to this YouTube news report shows more humour than most people might expect.





Ubuntu Receives Readers' Choice Award for 'Best Linux Distribution'

The Enterprise Open Source Readers' Choice Awards program is community-driven, and participating products are nominated and chosen by the readers of Enterprise Open Source Magazine and the open source community at large.





Comes vs Microsoft Petition Shows How Microsoft Blocked Linux Sales [PDF]

'OEMs are forced to forfeit all discounts otherwise earned if they ship any "naked machines" to consumers. This heightened restriction, which (on information and belief) continues to the present, prohibits PC users and PC retailers from buying and installing lower priced or better quality operating systems of their choice.'





Acer Launches GNU/Linux Laptops in India

Windows fanatics or those used to the MS operating system, however may be disappointed as it runs on a Linux operating system





Can Novell Not Accept Criticism?

Making subtle statements which accuse me of defamation makes it seem like muting attempts. Shades of SCO? [...] To Novell’s staff that has criticisms, please propose a correction and please be specific. Calling something “defamatory” without and arguments to back this is akin to Microsoft’s IP accusations against Linux.





Japan Chooses Truly Open Document Fomat (ODF)

The OpenDocument Format Alliance (ODF Alliance), the leading organization advocating for openness and accessibility to government documents and information, today congratulated Japan for adopting a policy under which government ministries and agencies will solicit bids from software vendors whose products support internationally recognized open sta





InfoWorld is Anti-Linux (Proof Provided, Avoid the Web Site)

PJ: "What is going on at InformationWeek? Let me guess. Nah. You are sophisticated enough to figure it out. But I think it's clear there is afoot an attempt to create the impression of some schism in the FOSS world." [Enough is enough, there are many more examples]





GIMP Power! How to Make Pebbles with Free Software

While Gimp is NOT a 3D ray-tracer, it does have some plug-ins that perform simple 3D functions. We're going to exploit the "Map Object" plug-in for all it's worth, here. Then we'll look at a more common method.





Antitrust: What's Behind "Get the Facts"-type Advertising? [PDF]

Working behind the scenes to orchestrate "independent" praise of our [Microsoft] technology is a key evangelism function. "Independent" analysts' reports should be issued, praising your technology and damning the competitors (or ignoring them). "Independent consultants should write articles, give conference presentations..."





OOXML (AKA "Monopoly Enabler') Fails to Gain Approval in US

On Friday July 13th, INCITS V1 met via teleconference for 3 hours but failed to reach a 2/3 consensus necessary to recommend an "Approval, with comments" position on Microsoft "Office Open XML" (OOXML) document specification.





Corruption in the ISO - Microsoft Voting for Itself (Sabotaging ODF), Again

Portugal?s ISO says no room for IBM & Sun in the room ! ?





Microsoft Leaves Linspire Robbed, Naked

Well, well, well… That’s what ‘partners’ are for. Just shortly after Microsoft had betrayed Novell, Microsoft decided to move on to Linspire.





OOXML does not buy its way in Italy

Particularly noteworthy is the fact that among those favouring the adoption of the standard without reservation a large majority is made of business partners of the proposing entity [Microsoft], a law firm retained by the latter, the official certified business partners association of the proposing entity.





Ubuntu GNU/Linux Wins "Best Linux Distribution" Award

Winners were selected through reader-submitted nominations.





Can Linspire Still Feed on Ubuntu (or Debian) Linux Codebase?

Linspire needs Ubuntu, which is the core on which it builds its products. If Linspire carries on adopting Ubuntu as its codebase or even falls back (some would say ?forward?) to Debian, any ?patent indemnification? will then be rendered moot.





"Novell, Linspire and Xandros were hired to do a job [kill GNU/Linux]"

Putting all the pieces together, Microsoft's plan is too obvious to ignore.





Shuttleworth: Ubuntu Is Enterprise-Friendly

So now that the desktop has been conquered, Shuttleworth says the next key  target is the enterprise market.





A la Mobile Promises Really Secure Linux Smartphone

Two-year-old a la mobile is promising to announce the world's most secure Linux operating systems platform for smartphones





Ubuntu Must 'Play To Its Strengths" to Beat Microsoft

You can't out-Windows Windows, he says. Defining and playing to Ubuntu's strengths are what will make free software succeed on the desktop.





Ubuntu Creator Reaches Out to Novell, Red Hat

Shuttleworth’s goal is to ensure Ubuntu, Red Hat, Novell and other major providers have a blockbuster lineup of new, coordinated offerings in 2010.





Now It's Spain and OOXML - More Standards Highjinks?

It seems there may have been more games played by Microsoft in the OOXML saga, or at the very least some confusion spread, and this time our story comes from Spain, where the government of Andalusia has now sent an official letter of protest [PDF, Spanish] to the president of the technical committee...





Buying Support and Buying ISO Standards in Order to Hijack the Industry

XPS, XAML, OOXML, and bigger plans for Linux 'partners'





Russian government to finance Linux version for schools

Russian Ministry of Finance approved RUR 3 bln financing from state budget for software on school computers.





GNU/Linux Gains Over 30% in China

Linux has been riding on a wave in China, topping the growth of all operating systems in the first quarter of 2007, says an industry analyst.





Speculation grows over HP GNU/Linux

It is believed that the move has been spurred in part by Dell beginning to offer Unbuntu as an option on its consumer SKUs. According to Fudzilla, "despite HP's long association with Red Hat, it looks like it will do a deal with Ubuntu."





Linux: Historical Kernel Tree with Git

In a recent lkml thread, the idea of getting the entire Linux kernel history into a git repository was discussed. Linus Torvalds noted, "I actually tried to get something like this together back in the BK days and early in the SCO saga.





Gigabyte GeForce 8600GT 256MB [GNU/Linux Review]

A few months back we looked at the Gigabyte GeForce 8500GT 256MB graphics card, which was a factory-overclocked $100 graphics card from Gigabyte that came topped with a passively cooled copper heatsink.





Startup Locks Down Mobile Linux

A Linux startup today will officially launch a new, secure version of its operating system for mobile phones.





Bill Hilf and Microsoft?s ?Terror Culture?

?Apparently, some people take pride in attacking Free software. With statements such as ?we would like to strike similar patent deals with all the Linux vendors, but we had to start somewhere? or even ?the Free Software movement is dead. Linux doesn?t exist in 2007. Even Linus has got a job today,? Bill Hilf...





Microsoft is Outmuscling OOXML Opposition in Spain

The Andalusian Government has reported recently the manipulation of Microsoft in the National Technical Committee 71 of AENOR.





IBM is still locked out of the Portuguese OOXML hkhfcmeeting

In spite of various communications, we [IBM] are still locked out and will not be allowed to participate. Microsoft will be there, as well as a special Microsoft guest, as will various Microsoft business partners, and others.





French National Assembly receives first open source laptops

The laptops come loaded with a customized version of Ubuntu 7.04 and productivity applications that include Firefox 2.0, OpenOffice.org 2.1, Thunderbird 2.0, Lightning, VLC Media Player and Adobe Reader.





Asia-Pacific to be the ‘Silicon Valley’ for Open Source

The Open Source movement is creating a new business organization paradigm, which will soon shift the center of software development from Silicon Valley  to the Asia-Pacific, including the Philippines, according to a balikbayan technopreneur...





KDE Desktop zooming

Note that desktop zooming is different from resizing individual plasmoids to show more or less detail in them...





OOXML ?Extension? Tricks Have Roots in the Past

Something in this strategy rang a bell, so dumpster-diving for some antitrust exhibits seemed like a fun idea. Evidence that this is a recurring strategy is presented below.





Mission: Choosing an Operating System

He also feels that some versions of Linux, notably Novell’s SUSE and Canonical’s Ubuntu (which is now available commercially on Dell PCs), are ready for corporate use. He plans on converting CareGroup’s 1,000-plus public Internet kiosks over to SUSE.





Vancouver law firm trades in MS for desktop Linux

He didn't have a preference when it came to Linux distributions so he tested a number of them. The SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED) stood out for Giroux. It came with the GNOME desktop, which he regards as faster than most, Firefox, which is the company's preferred browser, and the Citrix client built-in.





Linux makes inroads into Microsoft's domain

The cost of the PCs is Rs 21,600 each (includes OS and a 19" TFT monitor). Linux, according to Umashakar, has helped ELCOT "reduce general hardware costs by nearly 25 per cent. In the case of high-end servers, the savings could be as much as 80 per cent."





An open document standard for China

Another standard that Microsoft does not support, is the RFC 3987 specification, which defines UTF-8 capable Internet addresses. Consequently, OOXML does not support the use of Chinese characters within a Web address.





Accessibility Issues with Office Open XML

There are grave issues with respect to the accessibility of Office Open XML as a format and potential standard that should preclude its adoption at  present.





Massachusetts — Bullied, Battered, and Defeated

The outcome is now public and defeat has been heralded. Andy is disappointed and PJ is unsurprised (”Surprise, surprise. Not. So my first instinct was right after all. They didn’t care one bit what you or anyone said.“).





Sock Puppets to Vote on Monopoly Enablement in Colombia?

Microsoft sets the deck of cards and ensures that (at least) 9 of out 14 chairs in the technical committee are also in its pocket.





Technical Sabotage [Against Open Standards] at Microsoft

I guess that without OpenOffice.org (or another ODF-friendly suite), our colleagues will no longer be able to read OpenDocument-formatted files. Thank you, Microsoft. You never fail to surprise and I truly hope that the ODF Alliance/TC will take you to court. Knowing how it works, a settlement is more likely than time in prison.





Microsoft’s ODF Sabotage is a Case of History Repeating Itself

The latest victim of this illegal tactic appears to be the ODF plugin for Microsoft Office. How convenient! Especially now that OOXML fails to gain traction (last updated a couple of days ago).





Zypries intensifies criticism of proposed online searches of PCs

More and more data privacy officials and advocates as well as lawyers are voicing doubts about the proposals to allow authorities to conduct surreptitious online searches of private PCs. The parties are raising objections of a fundamental nature and are warning against attempts to amend the Basic Law (Germany's Constitution).





Sony develops new Cell-based computer architecture

The same components are part of the Playstation 3 game console. However, according to Sony the elements that will form part of the new computer platform will be a lot more powerful. At the event in San Diego Sony intends to demonstrate the performance of the architecture...





The Anatomy of Invade-to-Subvert Strategies (Watch Out, OSI)

Microsoft plans to take this strategy much further. Having defeated Novell?s ability to work independently and limited its ability to flourish, Microsoft wishes to pull the same tactics again. It will be using the invade-to-subvert strategy against the Open Source world.





Poll shows majority favor Vi as their editor of choice

Two weeks back, this blog had run a poll which asked which was your favourite editor.





Ten Reasons To Dump Windows for GNU/Linux [III]

Linux console, in contrast with the Windows command shell, is an extremely powerful user tool, which allows one to perform virtually any operation  on  the system.





Q&A: Sun's Top Operating System Brass Talk OS Strategy

The one-line answer is that we are making Solaris into a distribution, too. And to the extent that you hear that Project Indiana aims to make Solaris more like Linux, that actually fundamentally misses the point.





Runes of Avalon - an enjoyable game for Linux

Two weeks back I had the opportunity to try out another very interesting game called "Runes of Avalon". This game is the brain child of Roman Budzowski the  founder of Anawiki Games - a professional game developing firm based in  Poland.





PCLinuxOS - A little walk down history lane

In the summer of 2003 I became interested in livecd technology after looking  at knoppix and a fresh distribution from a fellow named Warren called Mepis. I was interested in helping Warren with Mepis at the time but I had no clue how to build Deb files...





Sun rolls out new chip for larger audience

Technology company will launch a more powerful UltraSparc T2 chip, aiming at markets beyond servers.





GPL3 to dominate LinuxWorld

Bui-Friday believes that many companies will move to the new licence but only at a timely juncture. “It’s very rare that a software project will go through the trouble and expense of cutting a new version just for a new licence. Typically, what we’ve heard is that the next version they cut they will go [with GPL3],” she said.





Linux Mobile Group Gains New Members; First Handsets Coming In 2008

Founded earlier this year, the LiMo alliance expects the first handsets using its platform will begin appearing on the market during the first half of 2008.





Assessing the Size of the Free Software Movement

Did you know that there are at least 32 organizations in 3 continents and 10 countries? Did you know there are a number of GNU/Linux User Groups - as opposed to Linux User Groups? Whether it is hardware, GIS or music, there are a variety of organizations closely aligned with the Free Software Foundation/GNU Project in purpose and spirit.





Microsoft is Using OSI Endorsement and Linux Deals to Promote Lock-ins

Remember that the whole thing is a just publicity stunt. It is a shame that OSI board members such as Matt Asay are too blind to see this, let alone react responsibly.





Linux Infiniband rig clocks 1.3GB/s over NFS-RDMA

Mellanox says its open-source Linux NVS-RDMA implementation is compatible with the OpenFabrics Enterprise Distribution (OFED) version 1.2, a validated version of the open-source OpenFabrics software stack.





Qt and Qtopia Core 4.3.1 Deliver Bug Fixes and Performance Optimizations

Trolltech today released Qt and Qtopia Core 4.3.1 to commercial customers and the open source community.





Linux Foundation adds ace open-source attorneys to team

Updegrove is a partner and founder of Gesmer Updegrove in Boston, and is best known for blogging about open source and open standards on his Standards Blog on the Consortiuminfo.org Web site he created and manages. Updegrove has received particular notoriety for his criticism of Microsoft...





Swiss Cheese and OOXM -- Corrupted by Microsoft

The present spin doctors of Microsoft and ECMA managed to convince Mr. Thomann to reject every serious technical and general concern we had regarding OOMXL by pointing to compatibility reasons. At the end we had a majority _against_ Microsoft but which (giving the unfair rules) results in a Swiss vote _for_ Microsoft.





Red Hat exec leery of Novell Linux effort

A call by Novell's CEO for a standardized way to certify Linux applications  Wednesday was subsequently greeted with skepticism by a high-ranking official  at rival Linux distributor Red Hat.





Motorola sees Linux as its mobile mainstay

Cell phones traditionally have used proprietary operating systems, fragmented  even among one manufacturer's products. Motorola and other vendors have also  opened up phone platforms through the Java and BREW software environments. Linux will help to further expand the community of developers for software...





Oracle Previews Authentication Service for Linux

The new beta of Oracle Fusion Middleware tries to simplify managing and authenticating users in Linux environments.





OOXML Watch: Funny Business Comes to Switzerland, ECMA Speaks, Apple Falter

We have seen it in Italy, we have seen it in Portugal, we have seen it in Spain, we have seen it in Denmark, we have seen it in Colombia, and we have seen it in the United States. Microsoft has no shame about abusing any system that is open to abuse or where abuse will go unnoticed.





Has OOXML ?Funny Business? Already Reached Australia and India?

Let us turn our attention to Australia where there is already some suspicion (and consequent rebellion). It sounds like the same old story and the same old tactics.





SCO Loses = Good. Novell Earns Anti-Linux Weapon = Good?

On numerous occasions, people speculated that, some time along the line, Microsoft might actually acquire Novell and use it as its Linux provider. The direction Novell is taking certainly favours .NET and makes its Linux desktop dependent on it.





Is Novell Building Microsoft Linux?

As we mentioned just days ago, Dan Lyons, who is close to Microsoft, published an article with the headline ?Microsoft Linux? when Novell and Microsoft entered their partnership. On many other occasions we said this too. It is not the first time that we mention ?Microsoft Linux?, either.





F/OSS Business Models Forum in Hanoi, Vietnam

In Hanoi, the first F/OSS Business Models Forum was held at the Institute of Information Technology last July 30 and 31. The forum aims to encourage  software entrepreneurs to take a look at F/OSS as a business enabler that can be part of any business strategy for SMEs.





Big business on free software

Besides with Linux, Ugandan businesses don't have to worry about the law and being treated as criminals. Linux brings back dignity to doing businesses digitally, unless businesses are willing to pay steep licensing fees for software. Thousands of businesses worldwide are migrating to Linux, and their numbers are increasing exponentially.





Corporations Eye iMacs

According to Q2 results from IDC, in the overall U.S. computer market, which includes desktops and notebooks, Apple is now tied for third with competitor Gateway at 5.6 per cent of the total market share.





Microsoft's Legacy Binary Formats & ISO

What if Microsoft surrenders the specifications of its legacy .doc, .xls, .ppt and other formats just in time to make a big impact on the voting process for OOXML at ISO (votes due in early Sept.)?





"Every second apprentice fails on using computers"

My advice to Microsoft would rather be: put your OpenXML into the attic -  this is where it belongs - and get your act together and support  interoperability and the use of truly open formats like ODF (the Open Document Format), if you want to continue to make money.





[OOXML:] e to the power of hype

Exponential growth is quite a claim. But what is the evidence? Microsoft provides this chart further down on the page, showing the growth in  their "community"...





Open Source Awards from Sun Microsystems

"Open Source is good for the economy. It is more robust and more secure, and service revenue tends to be local rather than be repatriated to the coffers of the software giants of the US."





Nokia pushes for GTK+ 3.0

During this years GUADEC Andreas Proschofsky had the chance to sit down with Carlos Guerreiro, Nokias Manager for Open Source Software, to talk - amidst other things - about the not so different needs of personal computers and mobile devices, about the necessity for GTK+ 3.0 and the impact of the iPhone launch.





Dell's New Linux Advert

At Dell you have choices... Linuxworld 2007





Enough is Enough. Novell is Becoming a Risk to Free/Libre Software.

It would be irresponsible to simply ignore the risks, knowing what we know at the moment. This needs to be stopped before it’s getting too late to revert and rollback some changes (or branch, or even fork). It appears as though the direction taken by Novell leads to a cheaper Windows which requires payments to be made to Microsoft.





Freespire On; Freespire Off

I've been waiting for months for the release of Freespire 2.0. Over the past two years I've downloaded and tried many distros but had been saving the "best for last."





Linux dances with penguins' Happy Feet

Animal Logic's use of Linux is certainly not unusual among movie production studios, with the likes of DreamWorks, Disney, Weta Digital, and another local company Rising Sun Pictures





State wrestles with saving electronic records

"History is being made now," she said. "There's a great deal lost with the changes in technology. I am concerned about the loss of permanent records that's happening every day."





Profs Building Open-Source Educational Gaming Engine

Washington State University Vancouver professor Scott Wallace and University of Puget Sound computer science professor Andrew Nierman were recently awarded a $150,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to build a gaming engine designed to make learning computer science more absorbing for students.





LinuxWorld Draws Both Open-Source Devotees and Curious Tire-Kickers

One roadblock to moving to open source quickly, he added, is that it?s still hard to find developers and other IT workers with the necessary skills.





Interview with Stephan Kulow, openSUSE Project Manager

Since 1997 I have been working on the KDE project, mainly hacking libraries and doing release coordination. The Linux community was still pretty small back then, so while doing KDE releases I had good contacts with quite a few Linux distributions.





Linux ready to play with rivals

Dell'S chief technology officer sees a huge future in Linux virtualisation for the once-dominant PC manufacturer.





Red Hat Named #1 IT Vendor To Do Business With By Customers In Japan

The survey evaluated 44 nominated vendors chosen by respondents. The top three respective vendors include Red Hat Japan with 27.5 percent of responses, Apple Japan with 25.6 percent and Willcom with 23.0 percent.





New Release of GT Software?s Ivory Adds Support for Linux and Unix

"...With this addition of Unix and Linux support, Ivory delivers an even more flexible and robust foundation to companies, enabling the most options for building and deploying mainframe SOA and Web Services.?





Free Paper Without Free Expression

As it turns out, the giveaway subway tabloid Metro doesn’t have a sense of humor about its being a giveaway subway tabloid. Daily Show segment producer Elliott Kalan was fired from his weekly gig as a humor columnist after his piece in the August 3 edition, titled “Newspapers: Information’s Horse & Buggy”...





OpenDocument Format Wins in Malaysia!

The Malaysian government today announced plans to adopt open standards and the Open Document Format (ODF) within the country's public sector.





GPLv3: past the 5K mark, and going strong

Adoption and projects released under GPLv3 are as expected. The part that is often overlooked is the long standing impact of the "or later" clause, initially put into effect more than a decade ago as part of the language surrounding the GPLv2 License, or later, at the time and now, common among GPL licensed projects.





Academics debate Wikipedia's value

"Anyone can participate in the editing process of a new entry as well as an old entry; they will then debate, discuss and decide which one is the good source, it's a vibrant community process," he said.





Free as in free milk - Microsoft's business practices in developing countr

We have seen how two different corporations use free samples of their products to create a dependence in the most vulnerable areas of the world. Even when the similarities between both marketing strategies are evident,





Microsoft's Bach sold more stock before Xbox news

Microsoft Corp. executive Robbie Bach sold $3 million more in company stock during the period leading up to an announcement about a costly flaw in its Xbox video game console than previously reported, according to a filing Monday with the Securities and Exchange Commission.





Intel and the Power of Having a Monopoly

Many of the richest people in the world became rich because they owned monopolistic companies (Bill Gates, Carlos Slim).





Linux in my pocket

I changed the desktop wallpaper and screen saver, installed some software and tweaked Firefox (called Iceweasel, for some strange reason), then rebooted to see if the changes would stick. They did, so now I have a portable yet feature-rich Linux system in my pocket that I can boot on most PCs—even if they have Windows installed.





SCO on the brink of financial collapse

The company's share price had closed at $1.56 on Friday ahead of a court ruling that Novell, and not SCO, was the rightful owner of the copyrights for the Unix operating system. The price remained steady in early trading, however, valuing the company at about $9.5m.





Palm announced two new software providers for Foleo: LogMeIn & Wind River

By building the Foleo on an open Linux-based platform and publishing the tools developers need, Palm hopes to establish a vibrant developer community to create new applications that extend the mobile companion's built-in capabilities.





Swisscom decision points the way to the Red Hat ecosystem sale

acle, IBM, HP, or anyone else. You also won't get an end-to-end open-source offering, providing the customer with a pay-for-value model and reduced lock-in, that is supereasy to administer.





The ODF vs. OOXML numbers. Hint, OOXML is doing poorly.

Ben Langhinrichs? has some interesting stats via Google on the relative number of ODF vs. OOXML documents on the web. His numbers show that there are 162,700 ODF documents vs. 1993 OOXML documents, and 26% of the OOXML documents are on microsoft.com.





Trial download of Apple iWork ?08

Apple is allowing users to download a free trial version of iWork ?08 that works for 30 days. Evidently its support for OOXML is read-only, and not complete at that. This means, to be explicit, that you can read some OOXML documents but not write them out again.





U.S. ITS project chooses Parvus Linux computers as in-car servers

The manufacturers involved in the consortium are using DuraCOR 1100 systems as Linux-based vehicle computer servers to test concept designs for a nationwide standards-based communications infrastructure that supports vehicle-to-infrastructure and vehicle-to-vehicle communications.





Novell: We Won?t be SCO 2.0; BoycottNovell: Who is We?

Better the devil that we know than the one we do not know. What if the stance was changed through future acquisitions, executive shuffles (Darl McBride used to work at Novell), or even proxies? We are already hearing that SCO might be the target of takeovers (possibly hostile ones).





Open source gathers steam in Malaysia

She added that OSS is now used in almost all verticals and in different software stacks as there is sufficient support from OSS vendors. Prianka noted that the main drivers for using open source is to provide better protection against security breaches and help organizations with their budget constraints.





IBM readies Lotus Notes 8

IBM is preparing to ship a new version of its Lotus Notes and Domino applications on 17 August, according to a company website that was published on Tuesday.





Novell doesn't want to be the next SCO

"We're not interested in suing people over Unix," Novell spokesman Bruce Lowry said. "We're not even in the Unix business anymore."





Kernel space: Once upon atime

A new kernel patch would address Linux's number one I/O deficiency.





KDE 4.0 Beta 1 w/ MEPIS

The first beta of KDE 4.0 was released earlier this month and Warren Woodford of the MEPIS project has now built a version of SimplyMEPIS 7 that is based upon Debian Etch with the 32-bit and 64-bit KDE 4.0 Beta 1 packages.





Installing Fedora - a video tour

Ready to try Linux but want some hand-holding when you do? Here are three videos that walk you through the process of installing Fedora GNU/Linux.





Linux looking to conquer apps, data center, edge

Having secured mainstream acceptance, the Linux community now stands poised to take on its next challenge: complementing the operating system with the applications, data center technologies and edge devices desired by corporate customers.





Linux gains open source multimedia middleware

NMM's features also resemble many of the capabilities integrated into the latest version of LinuxMCE, a KDE-based, media-oriented Linux distribution.





MySQL defends paid tarball decision

MySQL has defended a decision to end free community access to the latest source code for its popular database in an attempt to snag paying customers.





Which Color of the [Linux] Color TV is More Important?

The FLOSS world is colorful and continuous, not dichotomous. (Well, let's not get into quantumn mechanics please.) Let's paint and not fight. Let's work in each of our own way to save the poor people in the dark empire of Microsoft  by showing them rainbow and painting nice colors into their computing lives!





How to use Quake-style terminals on GNU/Linux

We know all about how powerful the GNU/Linux terminal is. However, it?s a pain to have to fire up a terminal emulator like Konsole or gnome-terminal, wait for a few seconds for it load, and then have to keep Alt-Tabbing to it.





'Long Tail' author claims theory could transform design

"The monolithic software model hasn't addressed this. That's what small companies and individuals are for: We're in the era of 'do-it-yourself'." Anderson also predicted that era of open-source hardware is fast approaching.





LinuxWorld and virtualization: Xen vs. KVM, Microsoft's Xen-friendly drive

LinuxWorld exhibition Several people mentioned to me that LinuxWorld seemed  almost obsolete, in that Linux is now so well-accepted that there may not be a need for a conference that focuses on it.





Fedora Commons Awarded $4.9M Grant to Develop Open-Source Software

With this funding, Fedora Commons will foster an open community to support the development and deployment of open source software, which facilitates open collaboration and open access to scholarly,





Open source and virtualization: Perfect match?

Virtualization could be Linux’s ticket to the data center





Open Source Society warns of Open XML patent threat

But Christie says alarm bells are going off in many parts of the world over Open XML. He says many aspects of the format remain proprietary and because of this the process behind its development has not been robust.





Zero-Day Browser Exploits, Part 1: Is Open Source Safer Than IE?

"Open source browsers are inherently safer. They are not as widely adopted, and they are faster in being patched," Roger Thompson, CTO of Exploit Prevention Labs, told LinuxInsider. "





Gates discloses holdings in McDonald's

The filing revealed that the trust holds 740,000 shares of McDonald's, the world's biggest restaurant company, 5 million shares of Crown Castle, and 1.5 million shares of Progressive.





Op-ed: Linux Foundation's first commandment: respect Microsoft

There are, of course, companies like Novell which have signed pacts with Microsoft, pacts which endanger the growth of Linux in the marketplace. Is this the kind of strategy which Zemlin had in mind?





Enderle got it wrong (as usual)

When Rob Enderle questions SCO's litigators and lawyers — they were not experts, they were not paid enough, etc. —, he simply expose himself as being as morally corrupt as SCO is: he never questioned SCO's moral right to sue...





Open-source companies to be acquired by proprietary vendors?

I actually  believe that open source, not proprietary software, is the natural state of the industry, and that Tim's proprietary world is anomalous.





Newly Launched Virgin America Selects Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Virgin America's migration from Fedora to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 will be completed by the end of 2007. The company already makes use of JBoss solutions for its core kiosks, plans to soon obtain support for the JBoss Application Stack and will eventually expand its JBoss rollout.





Can Large Commercial Web Sites Be Run on Free Linux?

When we saw what it would cost us to do  that with Red Hat, we decided to look at less expensive options, in  particular CentOS, which is a free binary clone of Red Hat compiled from the  publicly available Red Hat source code.





Are Open-Source Databases Ready for Production Applications?

"Yes, more and more, depending on the application."





Linux: Determining Maintainers

Much of the feedback was criticism of the large number of patches that flooded the inboxes of all subscribers to the Linux Kernel Mailing List. Others suggested that the information would be better extracted from Git than from source files.





OpenClinica Enterprise Selected to Power Clinical Trials by Australian CRO

OpenClinica Enterprise is being adopted to power clinical trials in Australia and New Zeland by Emphron Informatics, a data management and biostatistics contract research organization (CRO).





Free IP Calls Offered

A small vendor of open-source voice-over-IP (VOIP) products based on the open-source Asterisk private branch exchange software has announced a product that allows small and midsize businesses to make free IP calls.





Open source security OK, experts assure SMBs

Ignore the myths. Open source security technology is an affordable and robust option for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs).





Increasing Virtualization Insanity in Xen

For architects this means: don't looking to Xen for answers, base your new designs on KVM.





Another update on ODF vs. OOXML file counts

I guess a dedicated Microsoftie could spin this in a positive way (rah! rah! 100% growth in DOCX format in three months), but it is getting harder.





My first two weeks with the Zonbu

I?m happy with my Zonbu. I enjoy using it, and I think that over the next few months the company can continue to improve it so that it lives up to its full potential.





Microsoft’s Linux Hijack Continues. Latest Victims: Scalix, Xen

The mainstream press neglects to mention the following aspect/angle of the stories. The XenSource acquisition by Citrix already shows signs of Linux neglect and this will not only affect Novell. It will affect Red Hat and others as well. Based on the announcement, it appears likely that Microsoft has something to do with this move...





Microsoft PR bunnies love Firefox - shocka

FLOSS in house!





NZOSS: Patent threat looms large over OOXML

"If OOXML goes through as an ISO standard, the IT industry, government and business will encumbered with a 6000-page specification peppered with potential patent liabilities" said NZOSS President Don Christie.





[Linux-based] Killer NIC arrives in Europe

As new distribution deals are inked all over the place, we learn that lads from Bigfoot Networks just signed several deals, covering Good ol' Bligthy, Sweden, Denmark and Portugal.





Wind River is on the block: IBM is lead buyer

Wind River, a leader in real-time and embedded Linux is up for sale. Sources close to the deal say IBM is the buyer.





Microsoft Taps Lobbyist on Google Buyout

The lobbying disclosure form was posted online Thursday by the Senate's public records office.





Red Hat in talks with states for open source solution

The open source software business is gaining momentum in the country with governments keen on adopting this technology.





Oracle 11g ships first on Linux, not Microsoft Windows

According to Forrester, Oracle's share of the DBMS market has declined to the point where the platform has become less strategic to Oracle, Yuhanna said. "Oracle is already betting on Linux to succeed by putting strong R&D and marketing efforts around it," Yuhanna said. "Simply put, if Linux grows, Oracle grows."





LinuxMCE Partners with KDE for New Release

In an effort to address the '10 foot' interface challenge, LinuxMCE and KDE Plasma developers are working to bring the two projects together. The first step was making a prototype showing how LinuxMCE and KDE can work together, which is showcased in the 0704 release where LinuxMCE is integrated with Kubuntu and KDE 3.5.





No word on Linux Dell PCs for NZ

But potential Dell customers here wanting to migrate their computing from  Windows to the powerful open source Linux OS will have to wait.





Goldman Sachs: Tech Spending Might Decline [Linux talk too]

Elsewhere in the report, Goldman Sachs predicts that Linux, the open source operating system, will make more inroads into businesses, and that IBM, Red Hat and Citrix are companies that are positioned well, regardless of what happens to the tech market as a whole.





Is it time to exit from Windows?

According to Dell, up to 30,000 buyers have already asked for pre-installed Linux.





What the XenSource deal says about open source

While Citrix maintained it will continue support for the Xen project, this  deal is not about a proprietary vendor getting open source religion. It's  about grabbing an emerging player in a rapidly expanding sector of the  market.





Selling software that sells itself: An interview with Matt Asay

Open source is changing not just how companies make software, but how they sell it. Alfresco's Matt Asay explains the new sales cycle and the skills that today's software sales people need to close deals.





Giving proprietary vendors a run for their money

A new business model has emerged based on the concept of products that are community-based and available with the source code at no cost -- the open source movement.





LinuxWorld: User Q&A with Novell CEO Ron Hovsepian

Q - You stated that Novell will ship GPL3? Then how will Novell support MS coupons and customer s with GPL3 software when Microsoft has explicitly said that they will not support or endorse GPL3?





Wii Brits love Nintendo. Will pass Xbox 360 in October

The weather in the UK must truly be awful, as the latest gaming generation stay indoors and embrace the new generation consoles.  The Nintendo Wii is poised to overhaul Microsofts yearlong start with the Xbox 360.





Syllable Server Video Demonstration

Turning our attention to the future, there's a demonstration video of Syllable Server, the server companion to Syllable Desktop that is under development and is being built on the Linux kernel [torrent, 91 MB AVI video].





Linux: The Original Process Scheduler

In a June of 1992 posting to the linux-activists mailing list, Linus Torvalds described the original Linux scheduler noting, "the scheduler in linux is pretty simple, but does a reasonably good job at giving good IO response while not being too unfair against cpu-bound processes."





Open Source Security, Part 1: Securing Credibility

Based on the virus-hunting and removal performance, Morris's own tests led him to determine that ClamAV outperformed all the commercial products he tested. As a result, Untangle decided to go with ClamAV.





DoJ says IBM, PwC agree to settle kickback allegations

International Business Machines Corp. has agreed to pay about $2.97 million, while auditing firm PwC will pay about $2.32 million, the DoJ said in a statement.





Linux text editors: Do any make the grade?

So, did I find the single killer text editor I'd been seeking? No, but I uncovered several good applications that should meet the requirements of users with different needs. If I switch to Linux full time, I'm confident I could stitch together a couple of separate apps that would largely do what I need.





What does your favorite text editor say about you?

Gedit - You are a bit like the Notepad user, but you use Ubuntu or Fedora instead of Windows. Gedit is the default, and that?s what you use. It is completely sufficient for editing small config files, and you never really needed stuff like syntax highlighting.





The future of Lightning... after the Thunderbird announcement

We'd like to state publicly that we will continue to work on our two products Lightning and Sunbird in the foreseeable future and that we still envision great things for Lightning and Thunderbird. We are currently hard at work for our next release 0.7 (coming this fall)...





Google expands Puget Sound presence

Online search giant Google Inc. has signed a lease for nearly 200,000 square feet for three new office buildings in Kirkland.





KDE 4: cursor themes, LinuxMCE, some impressions

Current KDE 4 SVN has an improvement that makes it possible to change the cursor theme without re-starting X. Also, the LinuxMCE team now officially cooperates with KDE to merge technology where it makes sense. I also took some general KDE 4 screenshots to gather some impressions.





Beyond subscriptions: Red Hat looks to services

A lot of SMB members are looking to go for Linux and we provide them with a full roadmap for the same specific to each customer?s needs.





Ada Core Technologies: Free Software Business Model Is Viable

Ada Core is one of a few businesses listed as such by the Free Software Foundation/GNU Project... There is a clear trend towards greater use of Free Software licenses (e.g., in the wide adoption of GNU/Linux systems)





Second and final AGPL draft released

The Free Software Foundation (FSF) today released the second discussion draft of the GNU Affero General Public License (GNU AGPL).  This new license is based on version 3 of the GNU GPL.  It has a new requirement to ensure that users who interact with the software over a network can receive the source for that program.





Cisco offers up safe mapping tool as open source

This is the first we've come across an open source tool from Cisco. What are the others it has offered?





Open Source Outsourcing

The smart software companies like Google and Red Hat know this and respond directly to their users. They have already made the mistake of not communicating and have suffered and learned.





ISP panicked by MS Patch Tuesday

ISP group 186K has blamed potential congestion on its network this week on  bandwidth being swallowed by Microsoft's monthly security patch update.





Embedded Linux stack, tools support TI DaVinci

The LDK6446 includes Empower's LEOs (Linux embedded OS) Linux implementation, together with a toolchain and software development kit.





IT industry divided over open source

On the other hand, IBM counters HCL on the argument. “Microsoft’s Open XML does not support Firefox and Opera (web browsers) despite firefox having a 34% market share. It only supports Internet Explorer.





Open source system management suites: A viable alternative?

So, are these open source management suites viable alternatives for IT organizations? They are, if the solution fits the needs of the IT organization, and if the IT organization has either the necessary resources to support the products and/or it subscribes to the right support option.





ForLinux offers schools £10,000 Software Freedom Day open source prize

ForLinux technical director Steve Nice said, "It is a global event with about 270 countries involved, and we want to use the day to raise awareness of the benefits of free software."





Betfair adopts open source data management

Online gambling firm Betfair is adopting open source data management tools that the supplier estimates will save it £500,000 in software licensing costs.





Genesys to support Asterisk open source IP platform

Leading contact centre software company, Genesys Telecommunications, says that in response to customer demand, it will now support the open source Asterisk IP PBX software platform.





Linux: Moving 4K Stacks Forward

In a series of 5 patches, Jesper Juhl propsed moving 4K stacks from a debug feature to a non-debug feature, defaulting it to be enabled in the -mm tree.





Fighting Megatron: five steps to freedom

The free software world is being attacked by a large, wealthy, brutal monopolist, who I?ll call ?Megatron? for today. As I wrote last month, Megatron is driving its OOXML tank through the village church of open standards, doing unspeakable things to the ISO process, with the intention of locking in a generation...





OpenSolaris: Murdock Speaks on Project Indiana

But the project also provides Sun with a new distribution vehicle for its own products.  "If we're successful," Murdock says, "we'll see a lot of developers using OpenSolaris, and that will provide us with a lot of opportunities to sell other things."





Near-Native Virtualization Solutions for Linux -- VMware vs. Parallels

The miracle of near-native virtualization technologies has saved professionals countless hours of OS thrashing. Excluding 3D graphics, systems administrators can accomplish nearly any task requiring a multitude of platforms within the comfort of the Linux workstation.





Things Might Get Litigious as Microsoft Gets Aggressive and ISO ‘Bought Out

The dodgy activity that we have been speaking about for quite some time (most recently it was Finland) has finally provoked and invoked the wrath and involvement of the FSFE.





FSFE, SIUG File Official Objections to Switzerland's Vote on MS-OOXML

This ISO process seems like that, in that people are voting against MS-OOXML in numbers and raising serious questions, but somehow they get  ignored or bypassed.





ISOC.nl regrets absence of Netherlands decision on OOXML

In addition some felt that during the process they had agreed on many comments to be ameliorated ('censored') in order to come to that same compromise. Without that compromise they would like to submit the original versions. The committee subsequently failed to get consensus on sending all comments.





OOXML, ODF and UOF: What's Up in China?

Microsoft has seemed to be flying high in the Peoples Republic of China lately. Bill Gates spent several days in Beijing earlier this year in meetings with high-level officials, after hosting Chinese President Hu Jintao the spring before at Gate's own home.





Review: Excito Bubba home server

The Bubba is built around a 160MHz processor, which is only one tenth as fast as a notebook computer's chip, but it uses a special version of the Linux operating system rather than Windows, which means it's more than up to the task.





If this is true SCO?s execs are in BIG trouble

SCO made a lot of claims during those press conferences, some of which never made it to court and were quickly glossed over. At times it seemed like the company was saying whatever it could while it had the chance. It?s no coincidence that the public claims stopped once the legal nitty-gritty got started.





Norway opens Free Software Center

Norway opened a national center for competence in Free Software in Drammen, near Oslo, on Wednesday. Here's the center's web page in Norwegian.





eMusic sells 150 million [DRM-free] downloads

The MP3 portal eMusic has now sold its 150 millionth download, US American media report. With this, the online music store which was founded in 1998 and offers about 2 million non-mainstream songs has reached the next mark about nine months after passing 100 million downloads.





GNOME 2.19.90 (GNOME 2.20.0 Beta 1) released

This is our seventh development release on our road towards GNOME 2.20.0, which will be released in September 2007.





Linux Gets A Lift

The effects of the groundbreaking moves are more symbolic than tangible: Solution providers say the path to a broader customer embrace of desktop Linux remains strewn with obstacles. But by committing to bundle, sell and support systems without Microsoft's ubiquitous Windows, Dell and Lenovo have cracked the door open...





Review: The Linux-based Motorola RAZR2 V8

Overall, this is a great upgrade for existing Motorola users, or for users who want a sleek-looking phone. Its industrial design makes justice to carry the name "RAZR", and the software is a step-up from the previous RAZR offerings.





Parsix GNU/Linux 0.90r1 has been released

Highlights: GNOME 2.18.3, Linux kernel with CK and Suspend2 patches, read/write mode is default for NTFS partitions, improved hardware detection system and hard disk installer and replaced Totem with VLC.





Ark Linux 2007.1 Released!

The release of Ark Linux 2007.1 also marks the beginning of the development cycle for Ark Linux 2007.2 - over the next few days, we will upgrade our development tree "dockyard-devel" to snapshots of the upcoming KDE 4.0 desktop.





Linux V2IP stack ported to DaVinci

Trinity Convergence has ported its Linux-based voice- and video-over-IP ("V2IP") stack to the Texas Instruments DaVinci RISC/DSP architecture.





Freedom Toaster [Brings GNU/Linux to Africans]

Frustrated by the exorbitant cost of computer software and the painfully slow (not to mention expensive) bandwidth in South Africa?  Fear not, for the Shuttleworth Foundation's Freedom Toaster is coming to your rescue.





Ubuntu GNU/Linux Innovations

In the short amount of time that Ubuntu GNU/Linux has been around (3 years, with 6 releases) it has attained an impressive level of popularity and growth.





Linux Minty Dell(icious)

Mint 3.0 was clearly happy in its new home. It found the Wifi Card and configured it, no problem. It turns out that the Dell TrueMobile 1150 card that was inside the unit had the extremely-well-supported-by-Linux Orinoco chipset on it, according to "lspci".





A Security Switcher Story

Security is the reason. The relatives had it with Windows security, a situation that is really too bad. They never had a chance to see if computing life could have been better beyond Windows 98.





Debating The Welcome Mat for Redmond

This, I believe, is the respect that should be given to Microsoft, and any other proprietary company with a history of antagonism towards Linux: the respect of something always potentially dangerous. Like dynamite. As dangerous as dynamite is, it can still be used productively and safely.





Mark Webbink (Red Hat): Connecting Dots

The Massachusetts Technology Leadership Council sent out their invite for  upcoming events this week. One of those events is entitled: Microsoft &  Novell - Building Bridges. On its face you would expect this to be one of  those Microsoft - Novell events trying to justify and promote their relationship.





The Novell/Microsoft Deal Dissected

I found the language of this FAQ quite revealing. Please note how often the word Linux and SuSE are used interchangeably throughout this document. Below are a few quotes that I felt spoke volumes about how they wished to penetrate the market at the cost of Free and Open Source Applications and OSes.





MIT?s ?$100 laptops? to go to Pacific islands

A small group of internet activists from New Zealand, Australia the Solomon Islands and the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) plan to take the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) initiative to the Pacific islands.





X.Org 7.4 To Get Multi-Pointer X Support

X.Org 7.3 will be released later this month, and now Daniel Stone has updated the X.Org Wiki with a page for the X.Org 7.4 release. With the six month release cycle, X.Org 7.4 is planned for release in February of 2008.





Linux For Older PC Hardware

With the relatively old hardware we had used with our select benchmarks, the five desktop Linux distributions tested performed close to each other but Mandriva 2008 Beta 1 had taken a surprising lead in some instances.





Linux Torvalds talks [new interview]

Didn’t you fear you would lose intellectual property when you released Linux?





Love and war: the Microsoft patent deals

Few events have created more fodder for the blogosphere, more fuel for Microsoft critics and more emotional responses than the Microsoft patent deals with Novell, Linspire and Xandros. While putting together a list of things people hate about these deals is easy, generating a list of positive aspects is much harder.





Electing Ubuntu Linux

...after spending an hour making sure all our backups were intact. By 5.24pm, newly partitioned and with its new operating system, it had become a much more powerful PC than it had been under Windows XP, and a good deal more stable and powerful that it would have been running Vista.





Why would I care about Microsoft?

Whenever I mention in a crowd that I use free software, someone always seems to comment that I must hate Microsoft.





Update on AWN Stacks

A bit ago I wrote about stacks on Awn well now it's been slightly updated. It looks nicer and has some nice new features but it is still a little buggy. First off here is a screen shot I took of the stacks icon on my dock...





Some Awn applet previews

So now that I have bored you with all my words, here is a short video clip.





Sun proposes GPL/CDDL dual license for NetBeans

Bruno Souza is the NetBeans Community Manager for Sun these days. And he had an interesting suggestion for a new license model for NetBeans 6.0: We are considering releasing a future early access version of NetBeans 6.0 under a dual licensing scheme of CDDL and GPL v2 with Classpath exception.





Momonga Linux 4 Release

To our regular users, Momonga Project wishs to express our most gratitude for continuing support.





Mindmap: Microsoft Deals and Partnership as Proxies in a Software Battle

In the following image, lines along with the letters represent companies that Microsoft uses in order to fight the threats which these lines link to.





Pachter: PS3 will outsell Xbox 360 for July

To explain the rise of the PS3 in July: "We expect a bump in PS3 hardware and  software sales due to the PS3 price cuts. Sony stated that sales of PS3  approximately doubled after the price cut, with sales before the price cut averaging 20,000 units per week."





KDE Commit Digest: Blitz, KPilot, Marble

The Summer of Code for 2007 nears its end. Implementation of more features in the Step physics simulation package. More graphical game themes in KMahjongg, KWin4 KShisen, KGoldRunner and KJumpingCube.





Lenovo offers a dirt-cheap Linux PC in China

They will be loaded with Novell's SuSE version of the open-source operating system, as well as the Open Office productivity suite, but overseas reports say Lenovo plans eventually to offer Linux on its consumer line as well. It already offers a dirt-cheap Linux PC in China.





Ubuntu Linux maker joins OSC over iPlayer campaign

"We fully support the OSC's vital campaign that the iPlayer support Linux and trust that the BBC sees why this is in the interest of feepayers."





Tim O'Reilly's Tongue-Lashing from Eben Moglen

He made a strong statement about why the Free Software Foundation ultimately chose not to close the "SaaS loophole" in GPLv3...





KDE config to get a SQL backend

Mickael Marchand created a branch in KDE SVN to work on a KDE configuration storage system based SQL. This picks up the idea to have more ways in KDE to store the configuration than just having the file based way.





New Sauerbraten Summer Game Release

Sauerbraten, the game known as "Cube 2" and being based upon the open-source Cube engine, has its 2007 summer edition out. Sauerbraten 2007-08-19 features a number of improvements to the Sauerbraten editor as well as to the Cube 2 engine.





Standard needed for Standards voting

The last two months however have seen reports from various countries questioning the basis on which their votes are being decided. The constitution of the committees and the manner in which the national position is decided seem to me to be flawed.





Best of many worlds

When I switched from Windows to Linux last year, a decision I had to make as a technology writer was what to do with readers who were still on Microsoft’s proprietary operating system. On one hand, I felt a responsibility to help them see that for many computing requirements, Linux is the superior and more cost-effective choice.





Why people don't switch operating systems

It has been known for at least the last 10 years that Gates & Co have a public stance on piracy - which is: "shoot the buggers down" - and a private stance - which is, "it's helps to spread usage of Windows, do nothing."





Technalign releases new community based distribution, Pioneer Linux

In the past, Technalign built its Linux distributions from Ubuntu, Debian and MEPIS codebases. While this new distribution still shows its Ubuntu/Debian roots, it's now going in its own direction.





Review: Puppy Linux 2.16 -- our Puppy's growing up

It's also not bad with 233 MHz of CPU, although Damn Small Linux is just that much better tuned to such low power -- and that has as much to do with the apps chosen for the two distros as it does with any underlying code, scripts or tools.





Adobe bashes open-source alternatives

It's well and good to look at things from the user's perspective, but in this case it leads to a false dichotomy. Loiacono appears to be considering only outside open-source alternatives such as Inkscape or the Gimp.





Rugged, fanless vehicle PC runs Linux

Acrosser has introduced a compact, fanless computer aimed at the harsh environments found in trucks, taxis, and other vehicular applications. The AR-ES0831FL runs Linux on Pentium and Celeron M processors, and meets IEC-68-2-6 vibration and IEC-68-2-27 shock standards, according to the company.





Tighter budgets mean more Open Source

So as I look down the road and see a continuous push to reduce costs while increasing value, I wonder how much proprietary software companies will be purchasing 5-10 years from now.





The next disruptors

"It isn't just Third World kids who will benefit now that Nicholas Negroponte's venture is producing its $176 laptops. The machine's innovations, such as Wi-Fi mesh networks and a power system that consumes 90 percent less electricity than standard laptops, could affect the rest of the industry."





Satyam gets Linux on zSeries IBM Mainframe

Hyderabad-based Satyam today said in a statement that the procurement makes it the first and only company in India to have a Linux installation on z Series IBM Mainframe Server.





Linux: Graphical Git Statistics

Jungseung Lee announced the first public release of gitstat





High-availability middleware zeroes in on SAForum specs

Element comprises various "middleware" components that sit between a Linux operating system and the carrier's applications,





Mary Jo Foley: Can Vista SP1 help polish Vista’s tarnished image?

Call it complaining. Call it whining. The end result is the same: Windows Vista’s image is tarnished. And it’s corroding more and more rapidly as the weeks are going on.





Windows hates me

So why do I have so many problems with this Windows server? I confess that I am not a Windows expert, but did I do anything that would have caused these errors? If so, then Windows is a lot more fragile than I had ever imagined.





Has Google become evil in the eyes of open source?

Let me state for the record that I am a big Google fan. They have built a proprietary powerhouse on open source. But others see them as the John Edwards of software, a rich lawyer advocating for the poor, a hypocrite, complete with $400 haircut.





Linux - Generate Funding For The Job At Hand

Every cent we've made so far has went to machine production so none of it has been available for advertising costs. That will come though. We are finding that word of mouth is generating one new install per every three.





Intel Hires Lobbying Firm

Computer chip maker Intel Corp. has hired FBA Inc. to lobby the federal government, according to a federal disclosure form.





OOXML and The dog that didnt bark

Giving absolute control of a standard document format to a monopolist that is notorious for abusing their control of file formats in the past is insanity. It doesn?t take a Sherlock Holmes to figure that out.





[theora] This is a sad day for interoperability in the Web

Today, Adobe Systems Incorporated announced[1] that they will extend their Flash platform to support the proprietary H.264 and HE-AAC formats.





Gnash runs on Syllable!

I finally managed to get Gnash (cvs download, though version 0.8 should work fine) running on Syllable 0.6.4. Since my new machine isn't frying the filesystem every 5 minutes, I was able to work for a little bit and get this running.





GPLv3 adoption is up 14% week-over-week

Apparently all the GPLv3 haters can go to lunch, because the little license that could is seeing adoption rates of approximately 14% week-over-week.





Why, Why, Why OSI?

See? It doesn't say OSI can't discriminate. It can if it wants to, as far as the OSD is concerned. So Microsoft's representatives and defenders need to stop twisting the definition's words.





UMPC expected to spawn family of devices

Linux could still be well-represented in In-Stat's future UMD findings, however, if the current buzz around Linux- and Intel-based MIDs (mobile Internet devices) holds up. Currently, Red Flag, Ubuntu, and Gnome are among the open source software projects working on versions of their software specially aimed at mobile devices.





Vehicle-mount computer runs Debian Etch

The MT7550 clocks its AMD Geode GX533 processor at 400 MHz, includes both Bluetooth and 802.11b/g wireless capabilities, and comes standard with Debian Linux 4.0 ("Etch").





Linux smartphone offers Voice Call Continuity

The Linux-based E2832 handset is said to have completed interoperability testing with NewStep's Converged Services Node (CSN) equipment for enterprise and carrier networks.





FSF India's Impact Far-Reaching

India is perhaps the only country where the President himself has declared that the country has to move to "Open Source", which he even told Bill Gates.





Wolvix 1.1.0 - A Very Flexible Animal

For an English speaking desktop or laptop user with even a small amount of previous Linux experience Wolvix is one of the best distributions I?ve seen. It?s fast, it?s nearly bug free, it?s well thought out, and is generally excellent.





Linux Release: Enter Express 3.0! [Fanfare!]

SmoothWall Express is a free GPL firewall distribution based on a security-hardened subset of the GNU/Linux operating system (2.6 Kernel).





A tale of two Vista systems

This once-cherished notebook has languished for a while, and is now awaiting a new lease of life courtesy of Ubuntu Linux. Not, I imagine, what Microsoft had in mind when unleashing Vista on the market.





Software bonhomie: Microsoft products to operate better on Unix, Linux

“Proprietary software in government segment is considered a taboo and Microsoft is playing a catch-up game here,” said Manish Choksi, vice president information technology and strategic planning at Mumbai-based Asian Paints Ltd.





Ubuntu founder advises SA on IT strategy

He criticised the US approach of relying on the free market to sort out all problems, saying it was essential to have regulation that allowed for shared open standards that encouraged strong competition, thereby pitting economic ambition against economic ambition.





NVIDIA Blob Has Security Hole, Again

Another security problem has crept up with NVIDIA's binary blob display driver for their GeForce and Quadro graphics cards.





SPECviewperf 10 to come for Linux, Mac OS X

The future of this benchmark is going multi-platform, since development group is pushing to release binaries for Linux and Mac OS X.





Playing a Standards War Using the Language of Money

Many times before we saw injustice. We have also seen Microsoft using its deep pockets to combat truly open formats... Microsoft ?could not rule out payment?. Doubts can be raised... Novell, Xandros, and Linspire were paid by Microsoft o become OOXML participants (even fans).





ODF/OOXML Watch: Bill Gates Lobbies Behind the Scenes Again, Jason Matusow

It was well demonstrated when Steve Ballmer proudly stated “we are the standard“.





OOXML/ODF: The *Complete* Story on the US INCITS Vote

Well, it’s hard to take a vacation, isn’t it? Not only is it styled as “going quiet,” but it offers an opportunity for others to present only part of the story.





Nouveau Companion 26 Review

Through a joint effort between Phoronix and the Nouveau project, we will now be publishing the Nouveau Companion (also known as the Irregular Nouveau-Development Companion) on Phoronix to update the progress made by these developers working on an open-source display driver for NVIDIA's complete selection of hardware...





Linux conference returning home

Conference director Donna Benjamin is no geek but a long-time Linux user; in her own words, without coding skills, she finds it difficult to contribute to the community and hence decided to help on the organisational front.





Zonbu GNU/Linux computer

Zonbu is a very simple system. It is geared for users who may not necessarily care what operating system they are using, but someone who just wants a functional system. Zonbu does exactly that. The software is very straightforward to use.





Workshop on Linux held at NIT-C

The workshop was aimed at imparting basic knowledge to those still alien to the Linux operating system. Linux is a free and open-source software, the knowledge of which has become a must for engineering students because of its increasing demand and utility in the industry.





[Sun] Changing the game again [with FUD and "Web 3.0"]

Lim said that the web tier as done by Linux is pretty much "Mickey Mouse," in that today's Web 2.0 applications are hanging on a thread, based on operating systems which are doing much more than what they were originally designed for.





The Ndyio Nivo Ultra-Thin Client

The Nivo is a new 'ultra thin' client device under development by British, not-for-profit organization Ndiyo... At the current stage, the project consists of Linux based software and prototype hardware.





Google Earth shows the sky on openSuse 10.2

There's just something seductive about flying around interstellar space from star to star, galaxy to nebula. I feel like a kid again in the 60's when I bought my first telescope at K-mart in Atlanta, a basic Newtonian with three eye pieces and a sun filter. It cost $50 of hard-earned yard mowing profits.





Are You Ready to Switch to Linux and Open Source Software?

In spite of these factors, industry analysts and the venture community are bullish on the small and midsize sector as a market for Linux and open source software. More IT talent is coming out of our schools with Linux expertise, and major vendors are increasing their emphasis on this segment.





Linux: Supporting Older GCC Releases

When it was asked how many kernel developers use older version of GCC, Linus Torvalds explained that it really doesn't matter, "it's NOT about 'kernel developers'. It's about random people testing kernels. If we make it harder for people to test kernels, we're going to lose.





Linux-alliance sets free school software in Russia

Russian Linux software developers have created an alliance to jointly participate in tenders to supply schools with open source software. The total number of specialist entering the alliance has exceeded the given number in Mandriva and Ubuntu Canonical producer, all in all.





Ubuntu Gets IcedTea (OpenJDK)

Ubuntu 7.10 "Gutsy Gibbon" is using Fedora/Red Hat's system-config-printer to replace gnome-cups-manager, and now another Fedora-spawned project is available as Debian packages for Ubuntu.





SCO Could Face Cash Crunch After Novell Trial

The amount that SCO owes to Novell is now the primary focus of the case as it moves toward a trial that's slated to start on Sept. 17. SCO's problem: It's potentially on the hook for a sum that exceeds its total cash and assets.





Brazil Says NO to OOXML [and India Says NO As Well]

...the standards process director had to analyze the audio recording of all the meeting, review some facts, review again all 63+2 comments produced by the technical group about the ECMA specification, and conclude that a NO for OOXML is the correct position for Brazil in ISO Fast Track process.





OOXML: Is it safe?

...the discussion of OOXML has failed to be a technical evaluation, but has quickly become a political game, where committees are stuffed,  governments are pressured, billionaires call in favors, competitors blocked from participation, voting rules ignored or modified at whim, etc.





Standards NZ to canvass local views on Open XML

Thomas says Standards New Zealand has received a number of letters on the issue and “had a lot of contact from some parties” including Microsoft and a consulting firm working for the software giant. Microsoft New Zealand director of innovation Brett Roberts identified that firm as Wellington-based Guinness Gallagher.





Linus and Debian

Old news, but refreshing anyway: Linus is still using PINE! «Well, ignoring the actual development stuff (make, compiler, editor etc), it ends up being mostly just xterms and "alpine" (the newer version of the venerable old "pine" email reader. Strictly text-based, thank you very much).»





Linspire: Doomed to failure

Linspire has an even bigger problem. The free software community has recently decided that Linspire was on their blacklist. Why? Most (if not all) of it is a backlash from the recent Linspire-Microsoft deal. Basically, Linspire agreed to help with Microsoft Office...





Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon Tribe 5 [screenshots]

The feature freeze, upstream version freeze, and the first artwork deadline passed last week for Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. With these freezes, Ubuntu 7.10 Tribe 5 has been released with the last of the new features until Ubuntu  8.04 LTS.





Linux Server Up 34% This Quarter

X86 server sales generated 50 per cent of factory revenue for the first time, growing 16 per cent year on year. Sales of Windows servers grew by 14 per cent annually but Linux revs were up 34 per cent.





Integrated mainboards and Linux

The German c?t magazine have reviewed several mainboards with integrated graphics in their issue 18/2007. They tested with Fedora 7, and I?ll sum it up here: Intel G965: everything including 3D worked out of the box...





RandR and TV-Out support merged into free ATI driver, AMD has nothing comp

And slowly I do wonder how AMD/ATI is going to make good the damage - they would have to release a driver which at least supports AIGLX and maybe also TV-Out. I would need to see RandR 1.2 support as well (like it is planned for the proprietary NVIDIA drivers) to like AMD/ATI again.





VMware and the GPL

VMware’s use of Linux is hardly a secret that’s just been uncovered—as the usual corporation-hating online mob crying “scandal!” seems to be implying. The architecture of ESX Server has been known for years. Books have been written about it.





Solid State Kitchen Linux Box

Our kitchen laptop is on its last legs. I’d like to replace it with a standalone LCD and a cheap, quiet, low-power CPU with just one or two gigabytes of storage for the operating system (music and other data are stored on a server in the basement).





Trolltech to profit from Motorola Linux phone sales

Linux-based application platform vendor Trolltech expects a higher growth rate in the second half than the first six months but said growth for the full year may fall below the approximately 40% recorded for each of the three  previous years.





The Secret Linux Agenda

For all its problems: many self inflicted, I still think Open is better. I'm a glass-half-full type. I also remind myself all the time that despite appearances, Open Source is not a computer religion. It is just a good idea. And it is... The Secret Linux Agenda





Needed - The Two Percent Solution

Why isn't this on the TV? Good question. And I was able to explain it simply by telling the group that since Linux isn't a "for profit" commodity, there was little to be gained financially from advertising it.





Open Source: Marginal or Mainstream?

Why get trapped for life into paying huge amounts of money for licensing which forbids you from being able to fix the broken code you have been sold," wrote one state employee, "when there are free alternatives that are often  more secure and offer more features?"





Multifunction Open-Source Solutions

For example, 23% of the nearly 1,000 IT managers and C-level executives who responded to the survey said they planned to migrate from Microsoft?s Exchange Server (www.microsoft.com) and replace it with a Linux (www.linux.org) or open-source messaging platform in the next 12 to 18 months.





Red Hat China and Sofmit Group set up SOA centers in Chengdu

Linux service provider Red Hat China and Chinese IT outsourcing company Sofmit Group have jointly established the Red Hat Southwestern Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Solution Support Center and the China SOA Service Center in Chengdu, Sofmit Group announced Wednesday.





NCSA's CyberCollaboratory community thrives on open source

Jim Myers, associate director for Cyberenvironments at NCSA, says open source is important because of the heavy customization needed to connect the component requirements of different researchers. Cyberenvironments integrates distributed computing and data resources to provide new scientific processes and greater productivity for researchers in di





It is time to fork Xen

In other words, XenSource's future with Citrix is Windows and helping Microsoft. Sounds like a fork-worthy situation to me.





What Happened in Germany [on OOXML]

It looks like Germany is the new Portugal, actually. You do remember how in Portugal IBM and Sun were not allowed in the room because it was allegedly "too small" despite having empty chairs? Well, in Germany, Google and Deutsche Telekom were allowed in the room but were not allowed to vote, heise says.





MSOOXML Lies: Third Party Support - Apple iWork '08

He also confirms what the Microsofties refuse to confirm: "on closer reading of iWorks website and documentation, it appears that iWorks can only read OOXML file but cannot write it. That?s a pity."





Correcting false statements by Microsoft

I think it is important to correct the false - or maybe misquoted - statements by Vijay Kapoor, national technology officer of Microsoft India that I found in this interview under the question "Why does Microsoft want another standard, what's the rationale?". Microsoft starts the reply with "There are at least 4 good reasons why:"....





Gabe Newell: DirectX 10 for Vista was a mistake

In an interview with heise online, Gabe Newell, president of Valve Software, said that Microsoft made a terrible mistake releasing DirectX 10 for Vista  only and excluding Windows XP. He said this decision affected the whole industry as so far only a very small percentage of players can use DirectX 10.





Microsoft Sales Tactics Breed Mistrust

Starting with Ballmer's most recent mouth-in-foot incident, he accused his own customers of having a liability on their balance sheets, but is apparently too cowardly to help the FOSS community rectify any potential patent infringement issues. Don't you get it? They don't want to resolve the problem.





Ubuntu's displayconfig-gtk

This new GTK control panel is similar to NVIDIA's nvidia-settings panel and ATI's Catalyst Control Center, which allow for GUI-based modifying of your xorg.conf to control such options as the display resolution, setting up multiple display heads in either an extended mode or mirroring, and changing your graphics driver.





Microsoft?s free software license and Bill Gates? facial hair

Yes, I?m being facetious, but Bill Gates?s facial hair has as much relevance to the Ms-PL and Ms-CL licenses meeting the Free Software Definition as  Microsoft?s use of the phrase ?shared source? or its business practices have to do with them meeting the demands of the OSD.





Review: Xubuntu 7.04 revisited

Xubuntu has the potential to be the leader -- in both popularity and user experience -- of Xfce distros. I'll be looking for improvements in the 7.10 and 8.04 LTS editions. But Vector and ZenWalk are nipping at Xubuntu's heels, and Debian is also worth considering.





Linux Cure for Exchange Storage Bloat

Modern Linux filing systems such as XFS and Ext3 leverage these optimizations  and support features such as journaling (to ensure hierarchy integrity following a power cut), clustering and replication (DRBD), and snapshots (via LVM). With modern e-mail server architecture





Microsoft admits Vista challenges

"We're taking serious flak. We've got people arriving in droves to downgrade."





Steve Ballmer Makes Phonecalls to Flip Those Votes in Favour of Monopoly

Remember recent reports about Bill Gates making secret phonecalls? Well, this sort of corruption has not ended.





This Just In: China Votes "No with Comments" on OOXML

It's also interesting in that a large degree of public participation figured into the decision.  For example, there is this on-line poll site, qwhich allows anyone to log on to indicate how they thought China should vote on OOXML.  As of this moment, the voting was running 92.31% (8294 out of 8985 votes cast) against approval.





Microsoft Office XML Formats? Defective by design

Microsoft is trying to push new file formats that are using ZIP and XML. Are those new file formats any good for Office developers ? In other words, should anyone feel safe to make direct access to file parts, and start forgetting about using running instances Microsoft Office and its COM object model, usually through VBA ?





Intellectual Property Cold War Rages On

Google and OIN certainly have no interest in starting a legal war.





Windows Home Server ? Is It Really Worth It?

Sadly, Home Server does not support Mac or Linux ? yet. Mac OS X Leapord's Time Machine program is supposed to have support for Home Server, but for Linux, there doesn't seem to be much hope. Sure, Linux users could access it through a server message block, but I was hoping for an actual program.





Nano-review of Ubuntu 7.10 alpha 5

I believe Ubuntu's next release will once again raise the standard towards an excellent user experience on the Linux desktop.





Vietnam joins hands with EU to develop open software

The ?FoSS-bridge over EU and Vietnam? project aims to promote the development of the Southeast Asian software industry in cooperation with Europe.





OLPC Wins Award

The INDEX prize, which is given out in five $136,000 categories, also awarded an inexpensive laptop designed for children in the developing world and a  water purification bottle.





The Mountain Argument That Could Be a Molehill

Truthfully, the real war against Redmond is the Open Document Format/OpenXML doucment format battle. We have seen Red Hat, IBM, Sun, and even Novell pour a lot of time and money into fighting the OpenXML standardization process. Why? Because that's the way Microsoft can keep these companies out of the corporate desktop market...





Comparing GNU/Linux Distribution Boot Times

Here is the run-down with bootcharts: openSUSE 10.3 Beta 1 in 27 seconds; Fedora 7 in 41 seconds; PCLinuxOS 2007 in 32 seconds; Kubuntu Tribe 4 in 31 seconds; Mandriva 2008 Beta 1 in 29 seconds





CNN's Latest Facebook/Microsoft Speculation

Before it would play along with a game like that, though, I'd suspect Microsoft, for its part, would probably want to buy Facebook. It will have trouble tolerating someone else's platform getting that much traction. But it could certainly come up with the $10 billion (minimum)...





Compact x86 box targets custom routers

OSes supported initially on the HL-463 include Linux -- Debian, Fedora, and "others" -- and the BSDs, including Free-, Open-, and Net-BSD variants.





Trolltech delivered 24 % revenue growth

Trolltech announced the financial results for Q2 2007. Trolltech ASA generated revenues of NOK 51.8 million in the second quarter 2007, an increase of 24 percent from the second quarter 2006.





A KDE 4.0 release party around January and the Gamma plan

According to that plan the KDE 4.0 release in October will be official, but not press-release-official - that one will be celebrated some months later.





Nokia N800 Internet Tablet

As a media player it plays MP3's and other audio formats through surprisingly good sounding speakers for their size, or headphones. It plays MP4 and RealVideo videos, and youtube.





High Tech: Highest Resolution Computer Screen Ever Uses GNU/Linux

UCSD's Linux-based OptIPortal consists of 55 Dell displays driven by 18 Dell XPS personal computers.





Estimating the number of active and stable FLOSS projects

By using a slightly more relaxed definition of ?stability?, with an activity rating between 60% and 100% and at least a release in the last year, we obtain around 18000 stable and mature project from which to choose- not a bad result, after all.





Linux: Linux Foundation Technical Advisory Board

"The elections for five of the ten members of the Linux Foundation Technical Advisory Board[TAB] are held every year, currently the election will be at the 2007 Kernel Summit in a BOF session," James Bottomley, the TAB chair, announced on the Linux Kernel mailing list.





SA Government's OSS plans revealed

Migration of current systems is also planned. This will be done in a phased approach, beginning with applications such as replacing MS Office with Open Office or KOffice and replacing Internet Explorer with Firefox. This will in time lead up to the operating system, replacing Windows with a Linux distribution.





Grassroots Campaign Seeks to get GNU/Linux On the Air

As the campaign grows, it will likely organize and improve the message(s) that radio audiences hear. Anyone with a bit of time and a willingness to call into a radio talkshow can express their interest in GNU/Linux and Free/Open Source Software.





Mandriva Linux 2008 Beta 2 (aka Galilee)

This beta is available as a Free edition for the x86-32 and x86-64 architectures, on three CDs or one DVD, with a traditional installer. Future betas will available in a range of other editions, including the One live / install format with proprietary drivers and firmware.





I have been playing with KDE lately.

You know what though? Don’t tell Gnome, but KDE seems to be a little bit bouncier, springier and responsive. KDE seems to let me pick and choose my  experience just a little bit more.





Rob Myers critique of Open Source

Very interesting take by Rob Myers on Open Source as a movement that intends to obscure the principles of Free Software. This piece has an interesting critique of Wikipedia, but is generally addressed to the relationship of FS/OS with the art world, and what artists should do.





WGA: Yet Another Reason for Linux (YARL)

Got all that? So how does it feel to be treated continuously like you're scum? You never notice until the system breaks, in this case quite spectacularly. This is what monopolies can get away with. Microsoft, back before it completed a total lock on the U.S desktop OS market...





Why I Went Linux

Consider me a citizen of the world – Open Source that is. We like to get things done. And we can do it ourselves. I do it with GNU/Linux Mint Cassandra.





3 months with Vector Linux 5.8 SOHO

Vector is now my OS of choice on the machine in question, and who knows, if I didn?t still have to do a bit of VB development, it could well replace XP on my main work laptop as well. Mind you... I could always build an XP virtual machine...





Microsoft Hires Lobbyist for Visa Issues

Microsoft has previously said that about one-third of its 46,000 U.S.-based employees have work visas or are legal permanent residents with green cards.





Windows By Stealth: The Updates You Don't Want

On the back of the recent WGA fiasco, further research has revealed yet another citation of what I already knew to be true: Windows updates itself without explicit permission, even if you turn off automatic updates.





Microsoft Set for Lock-in-backed Hijack (and Novell Helps It)

Novell took the money and it’s now working to promote Microsoft’s own agenda, which includes eliminating Free software rivals.





Citrix-XenSource deal raises open-source questions

...Weiss points to last November?s Novell-Microsoft deal... ?When this happened, there was a lot of disillusionment in the market and a lot of Suse developers left on the principle that they wouldn?t work for a company that has these agreements with proprietary vendors,? Weiss says.





Jumping ship: PCLinuxOS 2007 vs. Mint 3.0 "Cassandra"

Arguably two of the best are PCLinuxOS and Mint. I reviewed PCLinuxOS a while back, but it has matured incredibly in only a single release. Among other things, its rank on DistroWatch soared from just barely being in the Top 10 to clinching the #1 spot- and not letting go.





Has Microsoft ?Bought? the Vote for OOXML in Vietnam?

There are always reasons to suspect that something is amiss when you spot an exchange of favours and all sorts of special concessions. Some of them come at very critical times, so they are strategic. Sometimes, charitable causes are used as a disguise for a broader and self-centric agenda.





Why would I care about Microsoft? - Part 2

The truth is, free software has come a long way from its days of vulnerability.





Open at Adobe - Frillions of ways

In the platform and developer unit, we're believers in open source, but even then, we're approaching it cautiously. We need to learn how the interfaces at the boundaries will work, and whether it's in everyones best interests.





Linux Kernel Released

If you're still using the Linux 2.6.20 kernel, the sixteenth iteration has been released with three security fixes.





KDE 4: first hints of the kicker replacement

I’m looking forward to see the new working system bar - and I’m especially looking forward to the possibilities of dragging&dropping of Plasmoids between the desktop and the system bar. Also I do really hope that the new base for the system bar is now flexible enough so that other developers can  develop their own in the future!





KDE Commit Digest - Dolphin File Manager

Since the last introduction of Dolphin in the Digest, many improvements have been made. Here is a rundown of a few of the recent change...





Fastscale puts VMware on a diet

Fastscale remains a Linux-only thang but has Windows support scheduled to arrive in the fourth quarter. It also plans to support the Xen hypervisor in  the fourth quarter in conjunction with its support for Red Hat Enterprise  Linux 5. "We have pushed out our Solaris plans solely because we have not had customer demand," LeBlanc said.





Sun runs virtual Linux inside Solaris Containers

But as Framingham, Mass.-based research firm IDC notes, regularly in its Linux quarterly server tracking report, almost two-thirds of all Niagara  servers that Sun has shipped include Linux pre-installed.





Why Microsoft’s and Novell’s Role Cannot be Ignored

Microsoft would love to see Linux writers claiming victory after the deals and thus remain oblivious to what is actually happening as a result of these deals. Never turn your back on a hostile competitor that has sworn to “slaughter” you. The deals have serious consequences. It’s time to become aware of them.





More Irregularities in the OOXML ISO Process Surface

If you read about what happened there in that article, "OOXML in Norway: The haywire process," your jaw will simply drop. I do think there is something the matter with the ISO process if this is how it works.





OOXML in Norway: The haywire process

I believe that anything that sanctions unfair competition is bad. I believe in a world where the threshold for competition is low and where everyone are  free to easily innovate.





GNU/Linux in Iranian Schools

In Bam, SAF has published a handbook for both primary and secondary schools based on the first Persian Linux operating system for children, called Sharif Linux, which was designed by Farsi Web Company at Sharif University of Technology.





Preview of the 1-CD openSUSE-10.3-Beta2-KDE-i386.

As far as  notebooks  are concerned I don't see any reasons why openSUSE  needs  to continue holding back  from bundling the Intel Pro Wireless firmwares into openSUSE 10.3,  which are even present in Fedora 7!!!!  By  the way, Boot time and shutdown time of openSUSE were fast.





Free/Open Source Software: Changing Models, Changing Mindsets

"Indeed, the evolution of the Internet is deeply interwoven with BSD Unix -- the original open source -- and now Linux"





German government sees itself in good company with online searches

The spyware then sent information on all internet connections and websites visited to the FBI, who then arrested the pupil. However, in contrast to the planned procedure in Germany, CIPAV does not transfer the content of communications or files.





DistroWatch in Europe - Up 25%

Like all other continents, Europe also experienced strong growth in terms of DistroWatch visits during the past year, with the overall increase of 25%.





Microsoft Fuels OpenDocument Disinformation with Funded Analyst Propaganda

It now remains to be seen who will debunk that latest new ?study? from IDC. Not many days are left before the vote and many of those who can rebut are on vacation, We saw this last week. How convenient a timing.





Linux administration will become GUI

The question is, how long will it be before the Ubuntu Server edition includes a GUI install option? Instead of resisting this change, we should be encouraging it by improving the graphical interfaces that server admins need.  This is how Ubuntu can gain faster adoption in the server market.





Backing Up Your Linux [with crontab+rsync]

Backing up your computer is important. Don't be the sucker who loses important files and has to deal with it afterwards!





Give time to develop artificial brain

A Canadian company, Intelligence Realm, last week launched a distributed computing project on Linux called "Artificial intelligence - Reverse engineering the brain".





Conference Attendees Illustrate Linux's Broad Reach

Stewart Savage, director of IT at the Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District in Fairfield, Calif., said the school system first brought Linux into its data center in 2002, primarily to cut costs. Now it uses Novell's SUSE Linux to support its Oracle databases and myriad applications, such as a Web content filtering tool.





IP camera design runs MIPS Linux

The "Mini-IP Camera" kit is based on Micronas's Cypher ESN7108A SoC (system-on-chip), and runs Linux on the SoC's MIPS core.





Partners Fix Up Office 2007 and Windows Vista

On Friday, Addintools, based in Hai-nan, China released Classic Menu for Office 2007, after more than six months of beta testing. The user interface enhancement does what Office 2007 can't: Revert to the Office 2003 look and feel.





Microsoft just can't stop lying about OOXML

Of course, Microsoft already knows all this, and no doubt that is why they are working so hard to urge NB's to vote "Approval, with comments" with promises that their comments will be addressed at the BRM, a BRM that might not even occur.





OpenBSD: Software Freedom

OpenBSD creator Theo de Raadt highlighted a recent commit to the NetBSD source tree saying, "if anyone had any doubt that our insistence on freedom was important, just read this." The referenced commit message describes an effort to work around issues with a binary blob included with NetBSD





IBM mainframe zIIP and zAAP adoption still lags IFL processor

Although IFL has also had a slow start, adoption has taken off of late, especially as Linux momentum has grown. Combined with z/VM, the mainframe's virtualization operating system, IBM has touted IFL and the mainframe as an ideal consolidation platform for PizzaBox Linux servers.






Another developmental release of the upcoming openSUSE 10.3 was released a few days ago with some improvements, some regressions, and some minor eye candy changes.





Three flavours of Open Source distros reviewed

DSL gets this round, hands down. Ark Linux has nothing special to recommend, and Sabayon Linux is something for some special folks somewhere, maybe.





Thailand: Egat turns to open source to cut costs

There are 7,000 PC units based on Open Office or 70 per cent of all 12,000 PC units in the organisation.





GNU/Linux The invisible desktop?

There is a strong movement to Linux on the desktop under the surface of today?s proprietary computing landscape?and it would be a mistake to ignore  it for too long.





FSF links up with environmental groups

Although at least one well-known environmental group did not sign, stating off the record that it had no policy about software, signatories include The Green Party of England and Wales, People and Planet, Friends of the Earth International, and The New Internationalist.





Importance of Grassroots Marketing Efforts for FOSS

Part of the problem is familiarity. People have never heard the terms "Linux" or "Free/Open Source Software". Despite word-of-mouth advertsing being the best means of advertising, many people still don't know what FOSS or  GNU/Linux is. I meet them everyday. I know at least one man who literally  thought Microsoft IS computing.





Since Only Microsoft Partners Speak Out, The World Has Begun Voting Against

The decision on standards ? everyone?s standards ? is made not by those who are affected by them, but only those who might benefit at the expense of everyone else. From a personal perspective, this is truly disgraceful and some find it intolerable to watch.





Will Microsoft's Katrina Goodwill Go Bad?

The first benefit really goes to Microsoft and its reseller partners rather than to the larger group of small businesses seeking aid. What kind of  hurricane relief is that?





Microsoft underscores the fallacies of Microsoft's distributed computing

Microsoft was intent on tightening the screws in their system making sure that you have rendered unto Microsoft your tax (the price) of their software, while the Linux problem was an honest (though very unfortunate) mistake where the developers were trying to improve the software, but failed.





Govt OSS migration will need skills

Asked how organisations and governments should plan their migration to OSS, Di Maio said that it should be phased, but not in the usual sense. "Definitely a phased approach, but not like Munich where users are moved to OpenOffice.org and then to Linux.





Last minute OOXML voters welcome?

It’s also clear that unless the process is quickly terminated with OOXML being rejected as unsuitable with comments unresolvable, it will churn on and on and on, no  matter what you feel about it or the OOXML spec.





Critics urge rejection of Microsoft "open" format

A Microsoft document format that may be adopted as an international standard  this weekend is a ploy to lock in customers, who could lose control over their own data in a worst-case scenario, critics say.





The Linux desktop has truly arrived

My first entry back in April 2006 was entitled “The Linux Desktop has arrived: The better desktop”.





The State of the Desktop

A growing acceptance of the Linux operating system over a forced upgrade to Windows Vista may also impact on desktop trends, Bulling predicted. First, though, IT managers have to want to change, which is not happening yet in large numbers because many are generally content with existing applications.





Looking ahead to Kernel Summit 2007

Virtualization is the hot topic in the Linux business, but it's off the developers' agenda. Here's what kernel developers are planning to discuss at their upcoming conference in Cambridge.





Linux, Windows duke it out over energy efficiency

Linux appears to have an advantage at the moment: Companies are becoming increasingly open to adopting the platform both in the server room and on the desktop.





Ubuntu: Beyond the Terminal

Linux, here I come. Making the leap to Linux was a bit scary for me. I've never experienced it before, let alone even seen its interface and what it can do.





A list of new features expected in Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon

Latest version of Gnome; Graphical configuration tool for X; Firefox extension is to be apt-enabled; Creates a virtual PDF printer by default





Google to sell Linux phone stack?

Forget the device itself. Google will announce next week that it has entered the market for Linux-based mobile phone operating systems or operating system  software components, suggests a rumor story posted at device blog Engadget.





FSF Latin America Experiences Revival

We expect to establish a juridic arm in Brazil over the next few months, which will enable us to receive contributions from corporate sponsors that have voiced interest in supporting our activities.





The Four Freedoms Applied to Hardware

These freedoms apply to users of software, not necessarily developers. In the view of the FSF, these freedoms are ethical in nature, so much so that they argue that software which violates these freedoms is unethical.





German and US researchers lay low, question just how far new law will go

Moore notes that most Linux distros are now illegal in Germany as well, because they include the open-source nmap security scanner tool -- and some include Metasploit as well.





Open XML buying a 'pig in a poke'

He says claims that Open XML is a vehicle for protecting old binary formatted documents, the focus of Microsoft's newspaper advertising yesterday, are also false.





Review: Sabayon Linux 3.4a

Sabayon Linux is a distribution that has nearly everything for everyone in one nice, neat little package. Well, I can hardly call it small, given that it expands to over 9.5 gig once installed. Overall, the hardware support is quite good as well. In fact, it?s really good.





Open source programmes are free, easy to use and green

This week, the Greens have joined together with Friends of the Earth, New Internationalist, People and Planet and the Free Software Foundation to call on other social and activist groups to reject Microsoft's Vista operating system and encourage the use of free software.





Sun pushes integration with GPLed UltraSPARC T2

As a general-purpose processor, the UltraSPARC T2 also provides support for the massively threaded, open source Solaris operating system and other realtime operating systems, as well as future versions of Ubuntu Linux.





Looking Ahead: GNOME Desktop a Windows Implementation for the Linux Kernel?

Building a desktop that revolves around the Microsoft API was a goal since inception (unless we read this incorrectly)... Some months ago, Novell said that it was hiring many Mono (.NET) developers.





Rejecting OOXML

All the CIOs say they want is XML documents; unfortunately they aren't as aware as Georg Greve, above, that Microsoft's implementation of XML is exceedingly half-hearted.





SCO Likely To Appeal Novell Ruling, CEO Darl McBride Says

McBride said Kimball's ruling "was a pretty hard shot." He said he heard the news while sitting in a conference room preparing for SCO's launch of new  mobile products. "I got a call from our general counsel; he dropped a bomb," McBride said.





Red Hat Posts Command Center

Red Hat has launched an online version of Command Center, its integrated server and application monitoring service.





Make Installing Free Software for Windows a Snap

Can you imagine a day when some Windows OS applet in the system tray will let you know that new versions of Photoshop are ready and waiting to come screaming down the pipe to you?





FastScale Extends Software Management to VMware

An Apache software stack running on Linux takes about 3 GB, including application code as well as Linux, drivers, and Apache. In a DAB, this Linux-Apache stack shrinks down to 20 MB.





Pseudorandom Thoughts on OOXML and anti-OSS Studies

Wait... this just in. In a survey of most dumb-ass Microsoft-sponsored surveys, first place goes to CompTIA's "Microsoft, Creator of Civilization, Inventor of Fire & Universal Benefactor of Mankind" and second place goes to IDC's "4% Looks More Important in a Bar Chart if the Maximum is set to 5%."





U.S. agency may keep Windows XP on its PCs for three more years

The ATF isn't the only federal agency that has cited Vista testing as a reason for not moving quickly to the new OS. Last January, the Department of Transportation told its end users not to upgrade to Vista, partly because of potential application compatibility problems.





IBM Unveils Second Cell-Based Blade For High-Performance Computing

IBM offers the Linux operating system on top of Cell to provide a more flexible development environment than competing products that use a semiconductor device called a field-programmable gate array, or FPGA. Such devices are programmed once for specific functions.





Playing the numbers game: how many Linux installations and users are out t

"This makes more than 26.6 million Linux users 8 month ago."





Chinese antitrust law said to be imminent

Because of their products’ large market shares in China, companies like Microsoft, Intel, and Kodak are among those with obvious reason to be watching these developments closely.





Mandriva Benelux is launched

Mandriva Benelux NV (Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg) was launched on August 16th 2007 as the sole Benelux partner for Mandriva S.A, offering Mandriva Linux operating systems.





GPLv3'd Gnash 0.8.1 released

The forth alpha release of Gnash has just been made at version 0.8.1. Gnash is a GPL'd Flash movie player and browser plugin for Firefox, Mozilla, Konqueror, and Opera. Gnash supports many SWF v7 features  and ActionScript2 classes.





Linux: Relicensing Code

In a recent series of patches posted to the Linux Kernel mailing list, it was proposed that some imported Atheros wireless device drivers be re-licensed, some from a dual-BSD/GPL license, others from a modified BSD license, all to a pure GPLv2 license.





OOXML Watch: Sweden’s OOXML Fiasco Representative of the Norm?

If you ever needed evidence that Microsoft executives are — to put bluntly — “crooks”, there you have it. If you have not seen it, then surely you have not explored the OOXML fiasco deeply enough.





SugarCRM roars forward with GPLv3-licensed CRM alternative

Version 5.0 will be licensed under GPLv3, where previously the company used its own Sugar Public License, which was a derivation of the Mozilla Public  License.





France: "Non, avec des commentaires!"

Apparently, the French discussion on OOXML broke into something resembling a bar-fight. [...] members of the Defense Ministry, the Justice Ministry, the Interior Ministry, and two members from the Industrial Ministry exclaiming that they were servants of a banana republic!





Russia to Choose OpenDocument Format (ODF)?

According to the Russian Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications "within the project to form an e-government concept in the Russian Federation, support of ISO/IEC 26300: 2006 is planned."





The 'Joy' of OOXML

None of this will surprise long-term observers of Microsoft: it's simply the way it plays.





Microsoft's Failures with the OOXML Standard (Microsoft to support ODF?)

In the end, Microsoft will need to implement ODF natively. They don?t know it yet, nor do they understand why, but it is just a matter of time.





Microsoft OOXML Fiasco

XPS. Prepare for yet another ?standards? Armageddon and another enormous danger. Only yesterday, Microsoft escaped probation by the Department of Justice. This comes shortly after complaints in the EU about Windows Vista?s hijack attempts and amid similar concerns made by the States.





Second Linux-alliance formation in struggle for schools

A competitor to the recently created OS Linux software developers’ alliance is to appear in the near future. St. Petersburg Company Linux Ink has developed a project within which the domestic open-source community participants are suggested to enter an alternative consortium.





Microsoft format fight with rivals to intensify

Pieter Hintjens, president of the Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure, a non-profit organisation that is campaigning against the Microsoft proposal, said: "We've recorded fairly systematic manipulation of the voting process.





ODF vs. OOXML: Microsoft Has Mastered the Art of Unfair Play

The adoption of a standard is supposed to be an open, transparent process. Any companies interested in participating in the standard setting process in any significant way have to pay a fee to get a seat at the table. Many companies played by the rules and participated in the process.





Inertia the obstacle to Linux on the desktop

The Year of the Linux desktop may never come. Instead, there will continue to be significant encroachment into the territory that Microsoft believes to be its own.





Gearlog Radio: Dumping Vista for Linux

Golly jee, do we have a full-packed show for our Gearlog Radio listeners! We being the show with the Weird Hunter's switch from Windows to the open-source Ubuntu OS: what she likes about it and why some aspects of it are more unstable than Windows is.





[Sarcasm] Microsoft Antitrust Settlement Is a Success!

In return all Microsoft asked is that they vote for Microsoft's Open XML format. Does that sound like something a power-mad, money-grubbing company with the morality of a great white shark in a feeding frenzy would do? Of course not!





Free x86 Linux router distro rev'd

Vyatta Community Edition 2.2 ("Camarillo") features security and flexibility enhancements to the BGP (border gateway protocol) stack, and usability enhancements related to NAT (network address translation) and DHCP (dynamic host configuration protocol).





The Ultimate Linux Distro Guide Part 16 = KDE Goodness

Kubuntu is developed to be a user-friendly KDE-based distribution. The first and so far only release, version 5.04 codename 'Hoary Hedgehog', was made in April this year.





Short-Term/Long-Term: The Battle of OOXML

It has been demonstrated time and again with OOXML, that it does not pass  even this most simple test. If you read my friend Stephen Walli's blog entry  that was posted on Linux Today earlier, you know that the OOXML technology is so screwed up, even Microsoft applications can't run it correctly.





Linux: Kexec Hibernation Performance

Following up to the latest round of kexec-based hibernation patches posted to the Linux Kernel mailing list it was asked how performance would compare to other hibernation solutions.





Eric Raymond Tells Microsoft to Shove It (OSI Plot)

Despite my previous determination, I find I'm almost ready to recommend that OSI tell Microsoft to ram its licenses up one of its own orifices, even if they are technically OSD compliant. Because what good is it to conform to the letter of OSD if you're raping its spirit?





Lobbying Could Cause Legal Trouble for Microsoft

In the wake of the exposure of Microsoft's attempt to buy Sweden's vote on OOXML and Sweden's annulment of that vote due to irregularities, IBM's Rob Weir points out that the fiasco could cause anti-trust worries for Microsoft. He quotes ALLIED TUBE & CONDUIT CORP. v. INDIAN HEAD, INC., 486 U.S. 492 (1988)...





Nuxified.org Reloaded: Blurring the lines between Operating Systems

The goal is not to take over the world with GNU/Linux. It is to take over the world with Free Software, no matter which OS is its flag bearer. At the  moment it just happens to be GNU/Linux. We're not in for a yet another monopoly.





Today is the Day ? The Day the World Will Learn That Crime Pays

It?s September 2nd today. That?s quite a big day. It holds some great promise and it?s also very important to a monopoly, not only its opposers.





Trolltech Helps to Promote Linux Mobile Industry in Asia

They will discuss the development direction of Linux mobile communications and the importance of mobile Linux platforms for the global mobile communications market.





Apple?s Keynote ?08 Delivers Simple Sophistication

?Keynote will open and export to Office?s Powerpoint file formats, as with every non-Microsoft consumer of Office?s formats that eWEEK Labs has tested certain formatting inconsistencies seem impossible to avoid.?





PostgreSQL 8.3 Features To Be Available After Labor Day

Josh Berkus, a PostgreSQL developer who recently conducted a benchmark of PostgreSQL vs. Oracle for Sun Microsystems, said bit-mapped indexes intended for this release will be in a future release.





Denmark Votes No with Comments to OOXML

It's official. Denmark will vote no with comments on OOXML.





Something rotten in OOXML (Watch Sweden)

This entire OOXML campaign stinks! This is being forced on everyone simply because one corporation has manufactured a back-door strategy, to maintain a software monopoly.





Linux: Killing Tasks On Frozen NFS Mounts

Linus responded favorably to the patch, "hey, I obviously approve. And the patch looks simple." He went on to suggest that he was interested in merging the patch during the next merge window, "feel free to re-submit after 2.6.23 is out the door, I don't think anybody will really complain.





Zenwalk Linux 4.8 Beta Screenshots

Among Linux distributions, Zenwalk is really an unsung hero. This distribution is great when it comes to the quality of the software, package selection, and the all-around feel of the distribution.





Adventures in Linux, part three

Tomboy, the note-taking application, impressed us.





The Story of Free Software in Kerala, India

We saw how Free Software has come to stay in Kerala. The natural question this raises is, “Why Kerala?” There is no other state in the country where Free Software has made an impact that is anywhere near that in Kerala.





Really Late Review of Fedora 7

This Fedora 7 review is really late, especially with Fedora 8 just around the corner.





ISO boards face OOXML deadline pressure

In Norway, Microsoft apparently mounted an astroturfing campaign against the Norwegian standards body Standard Norge. Out of 59 comments received by Standard Norge, 37 were a Vole form letter that many of its Norwegian business partners didn't even bother to sign before sending them in.





Judge OKs Settlement in Microsoft Antitrust Case

The lawsuit initially sought more than $330 million on behalf of Iowans who bought Microsoft computer software between 1994 and 2006.





OLPC parts shortage manageable, says maker

But the OLPC project should be shielded by commitments already made by companies in the supply chain, he said. The special screen used in the laptop could run into supply issues, but even that is backed by a major company that has given delivery assurances, he said.





Swsoft plots buying spree

The world+dog are lining up to kick Microsoft’s Viridian hypervisor, only likely to arrive at the back end of next year and with some features surgically removed, but Beloussov says the race isn’t to the swift. "I don’t think it’s in massive trouble," he said. "It's the Microsoft model not to innovate. Being first to market doesn’t matter."





Open source a natural for anti-virus software?

Antivirus is a classic example of where open source should thrive. The key to doing so, however, is lowering the barriers to contribution of virus alerts and definitions (and fixes), not raising them.





Baby steps for open source storage

If you want to contribute to the project, download the Aperi development environment, which also includes the Eclipse IDE and Aperi source code. Needless to say, I wouldn’t tackle it if your programming skills are rusty.





VectorLinux - The Pefect Installation and Setup

The  VectorLinux Website is promising: “Speed, performance, stability -- these are attributes that set VectorLinux apart in the crowded field of Linux distributions. VectorLinux is a lighterweight, fast, Linux operating system for Intel-AMD x86 compatible systems and is based upon Slackware..."





Project Darkstar has gone open source!

Designed from the ground up to be flexible, Project Darkstar can be used for virtually ANY type of online game. From card games to real time strategy games, turn based to full blown MMOGs, Project Darkstar is designed to handle them all.





Open source money

"...So far they have sold to more than 8,000 customers and have earned more than $200,000. You can check these figures in their website. If you really have an eye for design, can't you earn a small amount of Rs 5,000 a  month?" ?That's inspiring.





Adblock Plus threatens the online revenue model

The Internet Explorer add-ons are not necessarily free and do not necessarily work as seamlessly as Adblock Plus working with the open-source Firefox browser.





More ISO OOXML news ahead of today's deadline

It certainly appears that Microsoft might be "encouraging" standards bodies in various countries to upgrade their ISO memberships to P level and/or join Subcommittee 34 in an effort to overwhelm any opposition to its plans.





Studying Novell?s Plans and Direction with Mono

The issue at hand is concern about long-term consequences ? consequences that might be too hard to avoid or retract.





KDE Commit Digest - Issue 74

Plasma continues to take shape. Continued improvements in KGPG and KDevelop.  More KVTML format conversion work across KDE-Edu applications. Theme  improvements in KDE Games.





Is SE Linux only for Linux?

Sun is also apparently considering adding type-enforcement to Solaris. It’s yet to be seen whether this happens and if so whether it is compatible with SE Linux.





Ireland Votes No with Comments on OOXML

After months of intensive review, analysis and discussion, NSAI has voted Disapproval - with Technical Comments, in respect of the OOXML submission.





Korea -- No with comments to OOXML

Korean government concluded that OOXML is incomplete for ISO standards right now and suggested some of complements for that.





United Kingdom Says No to OOXML

It identified a number of technical issues in the document which need to be addressed before the UK can approve ISO/IEC DIS 29500 OOXML as an International Standard.





Miguel de Icaza: Open Source Evolutionary

Some people say the drawback to Mono is the saber rattling from Microsoft about patent, and that it doesn't support the latest versions of .NET. What is your relationship like with Microsoft these days?





VirtualBox 1.5 released with seamless Windows integration

The second screenshot shows that even Windows’ task bar is embedded into the Linux system.





Ubuntu and ThinkPad X60, an ideal match

Even my wife, a long-time Apple user, is eyeing out my neat little X60 enviously.





3Com ?reenters? RP, bets on open source

Orcun Tezel, technical director of 3Com South Asia, explained that although 3Com routers and switches now come with pre-integrated open-source applications, its Open Services Networking (OSN) further  allows "best-ofbreed" applications to run on the Linux-based platform.





Announcement: 5th Linuxchix Brazil Conference

Based on the encouragement and inclusion of women in the Free and Open Source Software movement, but united by the ideology, Linuxchix Brazil is a large and highly active chapter of Linuxchix.





Enterprises saving millions of dollars with open source

The cost equation will nearly always favor open source. Open source's big task, then, is to ensure that its software is superior (performance, ease of use, etc.) to the proprietary software. At that point, nothing but ignorance will keep a proprietary product entrenched.





Making the World Safe For Voting Machine Vendors

The current version of Holt?s bill up for vote this week backs off of the public right to inspect voting machine software, open source code, in a big way and lets vendors keep secret the software and methods that determine your elections.





Wii named fastest-selling console in UK history

A representative of Nintendo UK has already proudly stated that the Wii is  being enjoyed by both avid and new gamers of all ages, and that it's also achieving a non-stop sales demand during what it claims is a relatively slow  sales period for video games in the UK.





My math-fu tells me OOXML has not passed JTC-1

Various websites around the world are all busy tallying the votes as the news is dripping in. If their tally is correct then OOXML has been turned down by a very narrow margin. [Note: Pieter and the good folks at noooxml have a leak and OOXML is apparently DoA]





Screenshots of Zenwalk Linux 4.8 Beta.

It looks like XFCE is being used more often than expected. Just take a look at the result of the2007  Desktop Linux Survey. In this article I will show you lots of interesting screenshots of Zenwalk 4.8 Beta.





Geeking out on hardware

This year, buying a custom machine backfired unexpectedly: My Debian GNU/Linux system worked perfectly because I had checked everything I bought, but I had to download drivers for the ethernet, sound, and video cards for Windows.





Sub-$10 processor does HD video, runs Linux

The chipmaker launched its sub-$10 TMS320DM355 SoC (system-on-chip), together with a development board running MontaVista Linux, at the IBC video  broadcaster's convention in London this week.





One Laptop per Child Making antivirus software obsolete

Some in the Linux community are so impressed with this novel approach to fighting malicious code that they have proposed making it part of the Linux standard. But since Bitfrost will allow only programs that are aware of it to run, it would make Linux incompatible with existing applications.





The French Ministry for Education Adopts Red Hat Solutions

...French Ministry for Education has migrated 2,500 servers across its 30 local education authorities to Red Hat Enterprise Linux. This decision was made in line with the Ministry's strategy to invest in open source solutions in order to free itself from the constraints associated with proprietary software and vendor lock-in.





Fedora Includes Sun OpenJDK/GNU Classpath Fusion IcedTea

Just in time for Fedora 8 test 2 IcedTea has landed in Fedora RawHide.





Taking FOSS to the masses

A total of 290 teams (as of this writing) will be marking the day in Africa,  Asia, the Middle East, Oceania, Central, South and North America and Europe. Linux user groups will be involved as will other organisations which serve as gathering points for hobbyist and business users of FOSS.





Moving from Windows to Linux? Here's how to take the good stuff with you

Bring your apps, docs, user settings and preferences along when you jump to Linux.





Groklaw: The Industry's Eyes in Court

Did Groklaw really have an impact on those court cases? Naaah. The impact was on the rest of us. That collection of documents gave SCO's suits a transparency that's impossible to come by with most IT industry litigation.





How Microsoft Fooled the Press on OOXML

After Microsoft was caught lying deliberately in order to confuse voters-to-be, Microsoft lies about an unfavorable outcome as well.





Breakthrough: ATI/AMD Driver Has Just Become up to 10 Times Faster!

This is HUGE. From the article: "Whether you are using a Radeon X300 purchased a few years ago or the Radeon X1950PRO, the 8.41 driver is noticeably faster. How much faster? In many cases it is about 50% faster while in some configurations it may go as high as 90% or more. In fact, in some benchmarks the Mobility Radeon X300 was over 10x faster!"





What next for OOXML?

So what next? In short, Microsoft has some 10,000 comments to deal with ahead  of he ballot resolution meeting in February.





How Microsoft Hacked ISO

It is also interesting to correlate the votes against Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI). The "old guard" JTC1 membership has an average score of 6.6 (higher is better), while  the "rejuvenated" newcomers have an average score of 3.7.





Mini graphics stack gains browser, Linux PMP design

An independent software house in China has added a full-featured HTML browser to its dual-licensed, lightweight graphics framework and window manager. Additionally, Beijing Feynman Software is offering a PMP (portable media player) software reference design based on Linux along with its MiniGUI  framework.





Dunes unveils SMB-ready virtual appliances

The company this week announced it had scaled down its VS-O to provide the underlying technology for two virtual appliances: VS-O Lifecycle and VS-O Desktop. The virtual appliances each include a Linux operating system, a database, a directory service and a preinstalled library of processes and connectors into other systems.





FSFE To Launch Free Software in Education Program for Teachers

Hundreds of documents on Free Software, such as OpenOffice.org, The Gimp, or GNU/Linux, and documents on Open Standards have been screened by a team of experts in regards to quality, free license and validity.





Dzongkha Debian Linux: Made for Bhutanese

The department of information and technology has come up with an operating system called the Dzongkha Debian Linux, an updated version of the Dzongka Linux developed in June 2006. The Dzongkha Debian Linux, which was launched on August 28, according to DIT officials, can be installed in any type of  computers or can be used with a Live CD.





Mandriva Shows Off 3D Linux Graphics, Opens Benelux Unit

In a separate announcement, Mandriva also said last week that it has established a company in Belgium called Mandriva Benelux that will be the sole means of distributing and supporting Mandriva Linux in Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg.





West Virginia Open for Business to VistA, RPMS and Other Open Source Healt

The Medlynks electronic health record (EHR) system is a multi-tier client/server solution deployed on a cluster of Hewlett-Packard (HP) servers running the Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system software.





Orange launches 'Open Office'

The only reason that those behind the software suite do not use the name "Open Office" is the registration of that trademark in the Netherlands by an Ubuntu Linux-affiliated company.





Carrier Grade Linux 4.0 accelerates telecoms standards-based COTS adoption

Unlike in many other industries, communications SIGs work closely together. The Carrier Grade Linux (CGL) specification developed by The Linux Foundation includes some standards defined by the SAF and specifies support for ATCA.





Novell massages the numbers

Novell is also good at PR. It has been talking about desktop Linux being just  around the corner for years, without delivering anything worthwhile. No wonder I get such a hit to the numbers here for mentioning Ubuntu.





Novell Sets OES 2 Launch for September 26

OES is a hybrid of Linux and NetWare that provides an amalgam of the capabilities of both. With OES 2, Novell is moving to a Linux kernel rather than a dual kernel strategy, which is perhaps the biggest change with the Cypress release.





Shuttle starts selling preconfigured Linux systems in Germany

Today, Shuttle Europe announced that they start selling two of their small form factor machines with pre-installed Novell (formerly SuSE) Linux  distributions. They offer a "business" machine with SLED 10 from ?529, and  a "home" machine with OpenSUSE from ?489.





Open source lab cuts technology start-ups’ costs

Malaysia-based IT services company Basis Bay and government agency, Multimedia Development Corporation have opened the MSC Malaysia-Basis Bay  Open Source Lab in Cyberjaya, Malaysia.





BMW cools off Unix on race to Intel

"It's definitely not the death of Unix as we will still operate Linux," Schiffler said, adding both Red Hat and Novell's SUSE Linux are used at BMW.





Should Microsoft Really Bundle Open Source Software?

Microsoft doesn?t provide a GridView, tells us developers that?s all we?ll ever need for displaying data, and then closes the door on other control vendors who might want to provide developers with an alternative grid  control. Hell no.





Linux: Continuing Dual-Licensing Discussions

Discussion continues on the Linux Kernel mailing list about the legality and morality of re-licensing BSD/GPL dual-licensed code under only the GPL.





The Second ?O? in OOXML Stands for ?Oligarchy?, Not ?Open?

The problems associated with corruption do not affect only governors of various nations. Apparently, the ISO has internal issues as well. This one source insists that the blunder in the ISO has not ended.





Asian open source continues marching ahead

Some examples: 1. Filipino hospitals are looking closely at homegrown, open source software as a way to cut costs and get more done; 2. A public-private consortium has opened an open source lab in Malaysia, aimed at stimulating the growth of new start-ups...





Fass.se Migrates to Red Hat Enterprise Linux

With Red Hat solutions, FASS.se is experiencing approximately 40 percent cost savings and has seen its new operational environment double functions on all levels.





Going Microsoft free

This type of experiment is going on in lots of places. It takes skill and computing knowledge to pull it off. But as Mike notes it also takes skill and computing knowledge to run a Windows shop.





Anti-Linux FUD/Stats? Like a drunk with a lampost

So those that have not adopted Linux are expected to continue to not do so, but there is room for considerable uptick amongst those that have.  "Statistics are like a drunk with a lampost: used more for support than illumination." Sir Winston Churchill





Sahara offer Linux option for notebooks

Sahara?s Linux laptops are ?not essential,? said Thompson, ?but they are really nice. Most Linux users would be happy with a clean machine and installing Linux themselves?.





Ark Linux H2O - 2007.1

If you like KDE, is very unlikely that you will be disappointed with this  distribution; if you prefer Gnome, maybe this is not the right distribution  for you.





Microsoft Paid Lobbyist $160,000

Microsoft Paid Paid Bingham McCutchen $160,000 to Lobby Federal Gov't in First Half of 2007





Dell to Preinstall Red Hat Linux on Laptops!

RedHat Linux 5.1 will be available on the system in October.





Intel to Reply Soon to Antitrust Queries

It is not common for the Federal Trade Commission, which issued a second request for information to Intel last week, to ask for more information on  such mergers.





Three cheers for portable Thunderbird

Thunderbird is the best e-mail program for Windows users, and the portable version is the best version of Thunderbird.





Linux: Slab Defragmentation

Christoph noted that the patch is difficult to validate and measure because, "activities are only performed when special load situations are encountered." He then pointed to updatedb as something that typically triggers slab defragmentation on his systems...





Top 10 Linux Distributions for Audio Production

Have you ever dreamed of building your own music studio? I know you did and it may come true someday (or not), but until then here are some very interesting 100% FREE, Open Source Linux distributions with enhancements and  features aimed at music, sound and even video production.





What's New in Open Source Search?

Preferences for one search engine over another sometimes reach fanatic status, as users rely on a favorite search platform to find content. One of the leading search product alternatives, according to Mindbridge's Christian, is Apache Lucene.





The Other Open-Source IP PBX

The company makes its money by providing support for those who use the software as the basis for business phone systems, as well as by selling the appliances, which are based on Intel-based Linux servers.





Free software for a free society

Our joint statement with Friends of the Earth International, the Green Party, People and Planet and the New Internationalist calling for a free society based on free software has now been signed 600+ more times over by activists around the world.





Why I’m staying with Debian GNU/Linux

And Debian, for all its endless squabbles and the posturing of some of its developers, has overall proven itself a community I can trust. So, at least for the time being, I’ll be sticking with Debian.





Red Hat High campers are bridging the digital divide

He compares the philosophy behind Red Hat High to his company's involvement with the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) initiative. "We have a very calculated social consciousness. OLPC is about getting that laptop into the hands of as many kids as possible.





Linux is Alright

Well, after messing with it off and on for a couple weeks, he came over last night with a solid game plan and got the array back up and I was able to pull pretty much everything off of it.  I don't know if something like this would've been possible on a Windows system.





NetApp + Sun = legal havoc

Now, this is enough to me. I don't care who is infringing whose patents. It's more and more clear that patents (all kind of patents!) don't do anything to the benefit of the public. They're not good for the humanity at large, but only to lawyers.





Appeals Court Rules that Deceptive Conduct in Standard Setting can Violate

While many of us have been preoccupied with the OOXML vote, the rest of the world has naturally been continuing to go about its business.





GNOME 2.20.0 RC Released

This is the ninth development release and first release candidate for GNOME 2.20.0, which will be released later this month.





Open source proponents denounce Microsoft licensing program

We read the license,? says Allison about MCPP. ?It?s impossible to release open source implementations of the product. You have to keep it secret. This defeats the whole idea of open source.?





How Microsoft dealt with GPLv3

It appears that the standard operating procedure for Microsoft will be to send open sourced partners into the GPLv3 car park.





Novell and open source's long memory

If Novell's Linux business continues to grow, and it does this without the crutch of Microsoft, people will forgive and forget...slowly. In the meantime, Novell can't pretend that it's loved by the open-source community. The Microsoft deal did far too much damage to its credibility to expect that.





Open source doesn’t forget

My recent Novell post got some private push-back from a Novell spokesman who insisted that I was being harsh.





GPL vs BSD: why are people fighting?

Curiously, the BSD people, who have no objection to their code being locked up for good in proprietary applications, raise hell when someone uses the GPL instead. Why? The only thing that the GPL ensures is that any code released under it will be free thereafter.





ARM11 dev board comes with Linux, ITBOK

Bangalore-based Mistral Software has started shipping a Linux-based development kit for TI's ARM11-based SoC (system-on-chip). The OMAP2430 Starter Kit (OSK) targets wireless application development, and includes a 2.6.19 Linux kernel, open-source bootloader, JFFS2 filesystem, and NFS-mounted root filesystem.





Linux Goes Native in Bhutan

With the plan to incorporate Dzongkha unicode into Microsoft Vista becoming a lost case, the Dzongkha Linux has come as much cheaper and more advanced software for Dzongkha computing.





Open Source Software: The Power of Community

The Web at large has embraced this shift for several years, but businesses are just starting to realize the power and benefits of rethinking our understanding of ownership and participation.





Linspire’s Chairman Apparently Moves on (and Out of Linux)

Why the hostility? Because Linspire turned into a Linux foe shortly after it had received payments from Microsoft.





Linux In Indian Market: Biggest Survey Ever

The confident mood of the industry continues as the survey noticed that 100 per cent of the respondents believe that there is huge potential in the Indian Linux/OSS market and the only challenge is building up resources to tap as much market as possible.





Parliamentarians to discuss Open Source software

The economic impact of Open Source software will be discussed with parliamentarians and senior government officials on Wednesday 12th September at the Westminster eForum, held at the Palace of Westminster.





Linux: 64-bit Lguest

The list of items left to do include getting SMP working for both the host and the guest, matching Rusty Russel's lguest32 feature set, and greatly optimizing the performance of the code. Steven noted that the goal is to ultimately get the 64-bit version of lguest merged into the mainline kernel





Linux: DeskOpt, "Completely Unfair Scheduling"

"Completely fair scheduling is [a] really good thing, but if you want the  best performance for certain applications you need to tune up some things," explained Michal Piotrowski in his announcement for the fifth version of his DeskOpt daemon.





A few thoughts on Sun and NetApp

According to Raven Zachary at the451 Group, “Hitz told me that this case is about NetApp and Sun, not the open source community that has emerged around ZFS, and NetApp does not intend to go after the ZFS community.” Until it does so (if it ever does so), to paint its legal claims as an attack on open source seems to be to be unfair.





Itanium Linux creds lined up for Gelato ICE

This is a pretty specific show aimed at ISVs, SIs, developers and others that are working on big scale-up Linux-on-Itanium projects but two interesting things are likely to come out of the confab: a catch-up on the Itanium roadmap and developments in LinuxOnLinux, a project to support virtualisation  on the chip.





Intel set-top-box chip gains browser port

Amino has ported Opera Software's Opera 8.5 browser for devices to an Intel XScale chip targeting digital video recorders (DVRs) and other multimedia equipment. Opera for Intel's CE 2110 media processor is initially available in Amino's Linux-based IntActT IPTV stack, with Opera also working on a port, it said.





IBM and ZAO Medit Profi Team Up to Transform Russia's Channel 5 to Linux

Founded on the Linux operating system, Channel 5's solution includes IBM WebSphere Portal Enable, IBM System Storage, IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Extended Edition, and IBM System x servers.





Microsoft drops SharePoint fix

The update was to fix an elevation of privilege flaw, which had been rated "important" by Microsoft. This type of flaw can be used to give attackers access to Windows resources that would otherwise be blocked off.





Palm shakes hands with Linux

Back to the Palm and Linux. Now that I have the Palm working in Debian and Ubuntu/Xubuntu, I'm pretty happy, and I'll probably be using my Debian-equipped 233 MHz Compaq laptop a bit less. There's something about hitting a button on the Palm and being able to write within a half-second that totally works for me.





Microsoft's browser market share drops 9.5 percent in a year

Microsoft Explorer's share of the browser market has fallen almost 10 percent in the past 12 months, to 63.9 percent, mostly at the expense of Firefox which has boosted its share from 11.8 to 17.4 percent.





Sabayon Linux x86/x86-64 3.4 Revision F [Stable Release]

Bluetooth stack updated; Ext4 support improved (new e2fsprogs); ATi video drivers updated to 8.40.4





65nm "STB-on-a-chip" runs Linux

Broadcom is sampling a highly integrated system-on-chip (SoC) for cable, satellite, and IP set-top boxes (STBs). Built on outsourced 65nm process technology, the BCM7405 "STB-on-a-chip" is based on a 400MHz MIPS32/16e processor core, runs Linux, and supports numerous video compression standards...





Microsoft starts a "Get the Facts" campaign...against itself

Imagine the kind of savings you could get if you just stopped using Windows altogether! Few to no security issues. Less administration. Etc.





Second Release Candidate for GIMP 2.4

GIMP 2.4.0-RC2 is finally there. The developers have fixed quite some bugs since RC1 but it's not the final thing yet.





Linux: Improving kswapd

The attached patch will make kswapd stop paging out data from zones when there is more than enough memory free.





Linux: Clarifying the ath5k License

He also suggested that there were plans to release the "ath5k" code using a modified and/or extended license, "apologies for this taking so long. It'll all be sorted out soon."





The Solution Before the Solution

This is the core of the problem: no one jumps to the Linux solution because they don't know it's available. If they have heard of Linux, it's from companies like IBM and Novell, and usually in the context of big servers, not something an SMB could afford or even need.





GNU GPLv3 Adoption Almost Doubles in Just One Month!!

Migration to the GPLv3 continues at a steady pace. Palamida's GPLv3 Information site showed 534 total GPLv3 packages as of August, up from 300 in  July.





Public Good and Mozilla

Before someone flames me, for-profit corporations are, by definition, run for profit and to enrich the value of the corporation for the share holders.





Oracle's mixed messages on "compatibility" with Red Hat Enterprise Linux

No offense, Oracle, but if it looks like a fork, smells like a fork, and acts like a fork, it's a fork, and "fully compatible" is simply not a credible guarantee. You can't change someone else's code and crown it "fully  compatible."





Investor/Community Conflict of Interests: Like Mozilla, (Un)Like Novell

Remember that Novell put an end to its ?Exchange killer? shortly after its deal with Microsoft, so it was not just a matter of profit, but also a matter of risk to its rival/partner?s profit.





Future of software development is global cooperation

The near future could bring such community influence and "invite model" into the world of commercial environments of today, mentioning software development as an example.





Moonlight and the dupe quiz? Microsoft or Novell?

Microsoft doesn't respect Novell. Microsoft uses Novell. Novell has a temporary use for Microsoft as its sycophant to "prove" that Microsoft cares about interoperability. "See! We interoperate with Linux, provided that it's a Linux we can crush at a moment's notice the minute too many of you care about it.





Linux: Introducing Reviewed-by Tags

Andrew Morton noted that the idea isn't fully fleshed out yet, "we will start introducing Reviewed-by: (I haven't yet quite worked out how yet) but it will be a quite formal thing and it would be something which the reviewer explicitly provided. For now, let's please stick with acked-by".





Linux: Filesystem Namespace Unification

Two other similar solutions were discussed, aufs and UnionFS.





Taking the Open Road: University Libraries Explore Options

Open source learning management system Moodle alone is now used in 56 percent of universities since its introduction three years ago, and the Open University has moved over to it wholesale.





Nintendo Wii Controller Invented By Americans

The new Nintendo Wii Controllers that are all the rage these days was in fact invented by Americans and here is the video and Patent to prove it.





(Pic) Linux Kernel Summit: customer panel and group photo

...for all readers, [it] is the obligatory group photo, available in medium resolution, full resolution, and full resolution annotated forms.





Adventures in Linux go forth

Finally, Linux has grown to become a viable rival to Windows. Why? It just works.





USPTO Imposes 'Undue Hardship' On 1-Click Lawyers

Looks like Amazon's high-priced Silicon Valley attorneys will have to endure the 'undue hardship' of awakening early next Thursday morning to defend CEO Jeff Bezos' 1-Click patent in a Video Hearing before the Board of Patent.





The Blue Screen of Felony Convictions

It?s high time that individuals say ?enough? and stop allowing their rights to be gradually eroded. Liberty-threatening software must be open source.





And There You Have It: You Need Novell (Not Just .NET) to Run Moonlight

Miguel de Icaza spills the beans and admits that you need Novell (with all the strings) for partial Silverlight functionality in Linux.





NVIDIA's Calm Before The Storm

It has been 80 days since the last NVIDIA Linux display driver was released... This week is already very busy with the X Developer Summit going on where AMD will be releasing their new ATI R500/600 open-source driver as well as the specifications and it's very likely that the new NVIDIA 100.xx.xx series...





RISC OS-on-Linux project prepares live CD

An ambitious initiative to eventually run RISC OS desktop software on Linux-powered PCs took a step closer to reality this month.





Linux users receive local support boost

David Allinson says open source adoption is soaring in the Middle East region.





Slackware: There's something totally sane about it

Did I mention that configuring CUPS printing for my difficult-to-dial-in networked printer was easier in Slackware than in anything else I've tried?  I'm mentioning it now.





Mandriva Linux 2008.0 RC1 Screenshots

Mandriva Linux 2008 includes GNOME 2.20, the Linux 2.6.22 kernel, Compiz Fusion, and XDG menu migration and XDG user directory system. Mandriva 2008 also complies with the FreeDesktop.org icon theme draft specification.





Linux powered TreCorder speeds up data collection at crime scenes

Does this mean that we will be seeing a TreCorder on CSI some time soon? Will Gil Grissom become a lInux geek as well as an insect freak? Seriosuly though, anything that can speed up the forensic data collection process has got to be a good thing.





Linux Firewire Subsystems TODO Lists

The current IEEE1394 subsystem is available for the 2.6 and 2.4 kernels, also known as the Linux1394 driver stack. Kristian Høgsberg started development of  the new FireWire stack, nicknamed "Juju", in December of 2006.





OpenMoko Schedule Revised, For X-Mas

In the new OpenMoko Neo 1973 is 802.11b/g WiFi support, Samsung 2442 SoC, SMedia 3362 Graphics Accelerator, 256MB of flash memory, and a faster S3C2442/400 processor.





Comparing Debian and Fedora

If you want to try new features then Fedora and Debian/Testing are both options that will work.





Office 2007's Confusion Mode

So Microsoft clearly loves multiple Microsoft document formats! (Discuss among yourselves whether this love is amour de soi or amour propre.) But what about other, standard formats?





The other 20% on Novell or, When interop isn't

To paraphrase [Microsoft]: interoperability is not about standards but rather about patent agreements that lock out customers and third parties, and instead  creates interoperability between two consenting firms.





OOXML - what just happened?

Already some curious pieces of wrong information are beginning to appear about the process of this meeting, which is governed by the published JTC 1 Directives. Sure, these Directives leave some room for interpretation (which will appear in the coming weeks and months), but the framework of the meeting is already clearly set out ...





Patent lawsuit a lose-lose for NetApp, Sun

Law suits sparked by patent infringement claims are risky ventures. They hardly ever make either party look good, and they are anything but sure bets as revenue producers - unless you're an attorney.





New Book Explores Social Costs of Digital Rights Management

The book examines three examples in detail — the failure to develop copy protection for portable music players, the successful encryption system used to protect DVDs, and the Federal Communications Commission's attempt to mandate copy protection systems in digital television.





ShowMyPC won't show GPLed source code

Compiled to run on Windows PCs, the latest version of the ShowMyPC binary is 3.53, but the only source code available on the download page at SourceForge  is the 2.6 version.





Dynamic Data Structure Switching

Nick added that while the conversion algorithm was efficiently implemented, converting it into an API was proving difficult...





2.4.36-pre1, Preventing NULL Dereferences

Willy noted that the 2.4.36 kernel will probably be released in late 2007, "I estimate that depending on what will be updated, 2.4.36 could see the light by the end of this year."





Linux in Russian Government

"The high level of security built into Red Hat Enterprise Linux is one of the many reasons that government departments with high security requirements choose Red Hat Enterprise Linux as a basis for their IT infrastructure..."





Windows, Linux vie for honours

Projects include the "tickles kernel" which enables the processor to sleep between tasks and better power management to USB peripherals.





High Priest Hansen releases temperature adjustment source code

Hansen has been under fire for some time now for not releasing this taxpayer-funded code in accordance with generally-accepted scientific principals (results should be reproducible, and it's difficult to reproduce results that are created with secret recipes) .





You Have the Right to Read Your Accuser

The problem here is not an open source versus closed source debate. I have no problem with companies producing or adopting closed source software. That?s their choice. Instead, this is a human rights issue. After all, not only are we being erroneously convicted by buggy software, we?re being killed by it, too.





March of the penguin: Linux emerges as option for Windows

Larry Call, a 70-year-old computer user from Boulder, switched from Windows to Linux two years ago when he purchased a new Dell laptop computer and couldn't get Windows to work with his wireless network. The computer technician he hired to fix the problem suggested Linux.





Linux: No Longer the Playground of the TechnoGeek

If you have to ask me what the best thing about Ubuntu is, it's simply that it is free. You need not every pay a cent for it unless you choose to buy the CDs from Amazon.com or pay a modest shipping fee to have the discs delivered to you.





RHEL 5.1 update tweaks virtualization, Windows interoperability

Libvirt has also been added to other Linux distributions including Debian and Novell Inc.'s  SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10.





The "Windows World" Doesn't Get FOSS...(or maybe they do)

Maybe the people in the "Windows World" simply think they can do just about anything with a GPL'd application and then tell us to "shut up and go away"  when we bring a violation to their attention.





Will Penelope be the death of Thunderbird?

"It is our goal to build a single development community around Thunderbird and Eudora, so that both mailers advance faster than they previously have." Again, more nonsense from the Mozilla folk, it just does not compute.





More Google Phone Rumors: Hello Linux Edition

Last but not least, there was initially only one prototype, but Google and HTC have since gone on to place the mobile OS on "between 3 and 5 devices,  all of which rock the QWERTY."





Oracle support betrays a preference for Linux and x86

"I think we're still about 60% Unix and 40% Linux at this point," said Mulheren, who was one of the early beta users of Oracle 11g. "I think  probably by mid-'08 it will be 50-50 and increase from there. As the older systems are replaced, we'll replace them with these newer boxes."





Open Source Programmers, Developers to Hold First Power Powwow

Staats will present one of several dozen technical conferences. He will discuss clustering PS3s. Terra Soft Solutions has constructed a growing Cell cluster from PlayStation 3 appliances. This lightweight, low-cost cluster solution offers a balance of limitations and performance using Yellow Dog Linux and Y-HPC.





Novell Attempts to Defend Moonlight, But Sinks Deeper in the Mud

Novell was not pleased with our understanding of Moonlight, but its rebuttal failed to impress. Worse ? it only confirmed and reaffirmed some of our suspicions. It even introduced new serious issues.





Is .NET on GNU/Linux a Trojan Horse?

There were two basic propositions in my mind on how could they hurt Free Software...





Force, not value, to drive upgrades - the new Microsoft way

Hurray for Microsoft! In an attempt to boost revenues and smooth them out (i.e., ongoing annuities instead of purchases clumped around productreleases), Microsoft has shown a callous disregard for the customer as it seeks out its own benefit.





Arch Linux 2007.08.1 Don't Panic ISOs released

It is a little update to our latest ISO, which fixes mainly the ntfs partition bootup bug which was experienced by some users.





Free as in Freedom: The Free Software Foundation

We love free software because as people with big imaginations and some techy, smart developer friends, we can build things the way we want them rather than  wait for a big corporation to build them for us. We have the Freedom to share our code and encourage others to modify and share alike.





Fraser-Moleketi appointed OSS patron

In February, Cabinet approved a policy and strategy to implement open source software within government. It added that all new software developed for, or by government, would be based on open standards.





Shuttleworth Foundation backs ISO ruling

The foundation cautioned, however, that the ruling made by ISO was tentative and OOXML could still be considered by ISO as part of a longer process.





Sun shines as open source pays off

A champion of the open source movement, Schwartz has open-sourced Sun's ubiquitous Java development platform, the Solaris operating system and its  StarOffice desktop application suite.





Mozilla Firefox vs. Internet Explorer: Which is Safer?

Qualitative score: IE gets an F while Firefox gets a B+; Qualitative score: IE gets a B+ while Firefox gets a B-; Qualitative score: IE gets an F while Firefox gets a C+; Qualitative score: IE gets a D while Firefox gets an A-.





Best Linux Desktop Distribution for Home Users

The Best Desktop Distributions for Home Users. Considering all these points I find following KDE Desktop Distributions as to be the best for home users. 1. Pardus Linux 2007.2 from Turkey; 2. PCLinuxOS 2007 from the USA;  3. ALT Linux Desktop 4.0 from Russia; 4. Mandriva Linux from France





Swapoff Performance

As a potential optimization Daniel proposed, "iterate through all process page tables, paging all swapped pages back into physical memory and updating PTEs".





Open Source vs. Money

In today's economy, most people are focused purely on making money. The reason behind making has been, for the most part, lost on most fronts. When asked what the top goal for their life was, many people claimed it was to get rich...





Open Source Macro vs. Micro

As has often been noted, it's not enough to open your code and throw it over the wall. I would add that it's also not good enough to woo the audience with just technology - there has to be some force of personality and a willingness to participate in some cultural issues.





Linux tablet delivers IP-TV, other services over WiFi

By connecting wirelessly, the WiFi Tablet eliminates the need to run cable and install extra set-top boxes. It has an 8-inch WVGA (800x480) pixel LCD touchscreen, and "powerful" stereo speakers, according to the company.





New OpenVZ for Linux 2.6.22 includes live migration

The team behind the OpenVZ project will announce today the availability of its operating system virtualization software for the latest stable release of  the Linux kernel. OpenVZ for Linux 2.6.22 now supports user ID namespaces for improved security, and has new process ID namespace code that makes live migration possible.





Minister champions open source endeavour

Nenna Nwakanma, the chairman of the FOSSFA council executive committee, explained that the foundation has a basic strategy plan running up until 2009. The plan encompasses 12 themes, four of which were to be focused on over the next six months.





Simicomm Lowers IP PBX Startup Costs

The self-configuring Linux-based IP PBX can be up and running in about 15  minutes. It requires a dedicated server for operation.





Microsoft's Top 10 Reasons Not to GAPE

We love Microsoft FUD so much, it's getting full-court treatment, today. We present Microsoft's unedited FUD against Google Apps (with comments, of  course).





Embedded Systems Developers Targeting Linux

...the survey found that over 40% are now targeting Embedded Linux, almost twice as many as target the next leading RTOS’s.





Frankly Speaking: Microsoft's Cynicism

After all this work to make OOXML a formal, independent standard - a standard created and promoted by Microsoft, remember - Microsoft won?t agree to follow  it.





ODF: Can?t we all just get along?

But it would create a broader base of supported applications; simplify the lives of future archivists, historians and prosecutors; and not require users to choose between Microsoft and the rest of the world.





The future of DRM

Just because something's possible doesn't mean it's necessary...but if DRM is necessary, at least it's possible.





Linux 2.6.23-rc6 Released

So last week was a bust, with a lot of core people away for the kernel summit, and with -rc5 having two rather nasty (and silly) one-liner problems that bit a number of people - a missing NULL pointer check in TCP, and a missing list terminator in ata_piix.





AcerMed is officially dead.

Companies get sued, people get sick. When will the medical community wake up to the fact that proprietary medical software is incompatible with medicine, incompatible with free thought and dangerous to  patient data?





Low-cost Linux revives IBM mainframe (again)

"Linux is a key to the IBM mainframe new-workload strategy," said Charlie Burns, a vice president of Westport, Conn.-based Saugatuck Technology Inc.





Citation, Trackbacks, Talkback and Comment Policies Against BoycottNovell

Yesterday, in C|Net, Bruce Lowry (of Novell) threw some mud in our face as well. He criticised Matt Asay for linking to us and using us as an information source. If that is the case, then apparently, Novell tries to impose some type of a mental blacklist/embargo in the same way that SCO had Groklaw characterised as an anti-SCO site,





Vietnam Says Buh-bye to Microsoft Office, Chooses OpenOffice.org

More than 20,000 computers from Party offices nationwide will switch to using OpenOffice instead of Microsoft Office from early 2008. [Thailand did this recently as well]





Standards Australia defends its decision to abstain from OOXML vote

Standards Australia has defended it's decision to abstain from the ISO (International Organisation for Standardization) and IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) ballot to approve Microsoft's Office Open XML format as an international standard, saying Australia still has a chance to approve or disapprove the vote.





CiSCO reseller insults open source

I believe that open source is something to be proud of and not the liability that you claim it to be. Cisco claims to have developed their own operating system, but I doubt that they started from scratch. What they probably did is  base it on BSD-licensed code, since there is no requirement to redistribute their modifications.





Source rules among embedded developers

Access to source code is the "primary motivating factor" in Linux adoption among embedded systems developers, suggests Evans Data Corp. The research firm found that two-thirds of developers surveyed deem source access "very" or "extremely" important, while only five percent thought it "not" important.





BEA's Genesis to back open source, scripting languages

Chuang, however, cautioned against going open source for the sake of going open source.





Rural Ugandans bank on OSS-built system

Tectonic spoke to Wayne van der Merwe, Jeshurun's development manager, to find out what open source software was used in building the system.





Google Apps Catches Flak

Microsoft is launching an anti-Google propaganda campaign.





Is the World Ready for a Web-Based Desktop?

There will be popular online desktops. But I expect it to be the next generation of Google Apps, not AjaxOffice. When all is said and done, no matter how important these thin desktops become, I still expect most people to get most of their work done on fat-client desktops with fat office applications.





Slackware, the Un-Buntu

Once again, Slackware is supposed to be complicated and hard to manage, but this experience proved to be different -- and very satisfying. In the Xfce printer settings, I selected CUPS to manage my printing. Then I went to CUPS configuration in the Slackware menu.





AMD CEO talks tough about Intel's tactics

European regulators said in July that Intel gave computer makers improper payments to ensure that they would not use AMD chips, and that Intel selectively slashed prices to keep AMD from winning contracts.





Unclear if Microsoft memo will be allowed evidence

"This is a strategic area,  and we need to win it." The same memo dated June 5, 1997, quotes another senior Microsoft executive, Robert Muglia, as saying that RealNetworks is "like Netscape, the only difference is we have a chance to start this battle earlier in the game".





VMware's Rosenblum: We'll Be Technically Better Than Microsoft

We've typically included a version of Red Hat Linux in ESX Server. That's because the hardware manufacturers put little embedded processors to control the fans and other elements of their servers. They have agents reporting on their operation.





Note to Sun: Show Us Value, Not Tricks

Schwartz eliminated 4,000 jobs and took a weed-whacker to Sun's sprawling research division, refocusing it on work that is likely to lead to new products.





Linux Kernel Summit: Future Directions

The last formal session for the kernel summit was to look at the logistics for the next summit.





Open Tuesday hears government OSS plans

Open Tuesday last night had Arno Webb, the programme manager for SITA's open source migration of government departments, talking about both the progress so far and the plans ahead for the mammoth task of migrating all government departments to open source.





Microsoft?s virtualization hypervisor needs Red Hat support, too

And the agreement with Sun on Wednesday ? ensuring Solaris Linux runs well on Windows virtualization hypervisor ? leaves Red Hat alone in the cold.





Microsoft: OpenXML "simple matter of commercial interests!"

Microsoft: "Ecma and OASIS are 'international standards', but ISO is the international 'Gold Standard'. Microsoft therefore had to rush this standard through. Its a simple matter of commercial interests!"





AMD Specs Already Help Avivo Driver

While the days of the Avivo driver are likely limited with the new open-source R500/600 driver, this driver has already improved marginally thanks to the publicly released RV630/M56 specifications.





Ubuntu GNU/Linux comes knocking on Oracle's door

Ubuntu is best know for its desktop Linux distribution which Dell ships on its consumer Linux desktop PCs, but the group is seeing an increasing interest in its server version that was launched in 2005.





MicroTCA systems come with CG Linux

Embedded systems vendor GE Fanuc has announced a pair of MicroTCA servers that come pre-installed with a Carrier Grade Linux (CGL) OS.





State of the Nation: South Africa's Open Source Software Market

"Open Source Software has the potential to eradicate a number of issues associated the skills shortage problem in South Africa, related specifically to ICT," notes Frost and Sullivan Research Analyst Lindsey Mc Donald.





Adaptec targets SANs with iSCSI

Like Adaptec's current GuardianOS, this is Linux-based, but where GuardianOS supports NAS and iSCSI, OnTarget is iSCSI-only and can only serve up block storage, not files.





Linux World China 2007 and Software Freedom Day preview

The venue was also full of Microsoft folks trying to start a chat with visitors.





House of Reps. approve smaller fines in copyright spats

A new US law which would reduce the damages to be paid out for patent infringement has been passed by one half of the US legislature. The proposed  law was backed by large technology firms and banks but opposed by smaller tech companies and drug companies.





Cisco Finally Open to Open Source; Mulls Deeper Microsoft Relationship

...the company is finally waking up to the open source community, or at  least the software community.





Mac4Lin (New Project)

This project aims at making the transition of Mac users to the *nix environment easier. The goal of this project is to emulate the look and feel of MacOS on *nix. This may interest enthusiasts too. Currently for GTK+ only --- Anirudh (infra_red_dude)





The trainwreck-waiting-to-happen that is UK government IT spending

Think about that. Think about what this means: eight vendors have a tremendous amount of leverage over the taxpayers of the United Kingdom... The UK, in other words, is a captive of its IT vendors. That is shockingly wrong.





Slackbuilds: A Slackware solution

It's another great reason to run Slackware.





Love and usability drive Firefox success

The success of Firefox has been a turning point for other open source systems, he said. "Since FireFox launched, we see it's possible for open source products to have a lot of success," Nitot said, citing programs such as Open Office, Linux and Ubuntu as other big triumphs. "Open source in general is making progress in terms of usability."





Open Source Software and the Curse of Plenty

Open source software is no more a universal panacea than commercial and proprietary software, but open source software does provide an excellent resource for anyone who wants to bring in more projects on time and under budget.





Open Source Risks and Responsibilities

Open source makes great business sense ? it can accelerate time to market,  cut down on development costs, is easily adaptable and is free.





Should your firm be FLOSSing?

The Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) had no problem going against the grain when it decided to forgo the widely used Microsoft Office suite of business  applications. Instead, it chose to replace its aging WordPerfect installations with OpenOffice.org - for free.





Damn Small Linux Makes Darn Big Impression

At a mere 50MB, Damn Small Linux (DSL) seems like it would be more at home in the realm of rescue disks instead of Desktop OSs. After booting up into full graphical mode, you may be hooked on this tiny distribution forever.





Dell leads the Linux workstation market

So about 15% of the workstation market is comprised of Linux machines -- far more than the barely traceable number of Linux desktop computers.





Linux Driver Now Available for Seiko Instruments Smart Label Printers

Seiko Instruments USA, the pioneer of the one-label-at-a-time “smart” printer, is now offering a printer driver compatible with the Linux Operating System for its Smart Label Printers (SLPs).





Hypercard tool gets Linux leg up

Runtime Revolution responds to Linux growth... While the new tool is compatible with a range of Linux implementations, the company has concentrated on Ubuntu 7.x and OpenSUSE 10.





Open Source @ School

Time to update your old Microsoft Office, but don?t feel like fueling the fire of that giant, omnipresent corporation, not to mention again spending a pretty penny? Check out Open Office.





The rapid spread of free software has produced prosperity in the real worl

One result of this legal obligation to share has been the rapid innovation that has characterised the rich growth of the worldwide web.





September to Remember for Asterisk

...there are some clear signs that Asterisk is pushing beyond the open source crowd and gaining momentum within small and midsize businesses.





Google's gPhone Draws a Crowd

Part of that shift will involve greater organization on the part of open-source developers creating applications in mobile Linux, which comes in many different flavors.





High-integration MIPS processors run Linux

An evaluation board is also available, as is a PM2429-KIT Linux development kit.





Debugger improves Linux OS-aware support

SourcePoint 6.5.1 adds better Linux OS-aware debug support with no changes to the user interface, according to the company.





Xcerion Uses Linux

Using the Linux system coupled with Xcerion's free offering could create the ability to build computers for less than $100, Arthursson said. Developers, he said, would be interested in working on new applications for the Xcerion operating system...





Rivals say Microsoft has not changed its ways

Next week's European antitrust ruling against Microsoft Corp is a legacy of its past behavior, but competitors say the company's current strategy is a sign of history repeating itself.





Extension of Microsoft Antitrust Pact Requested

Before these parties and Microsoft respond, though, they will have a benchmark to guide them: The European Union will announce its Microsoft antitrust decision on Monday.





Lawyer: Microsoft patent claims won't affect UK

Microsoft's claims that open-source software infringes its patents do not apply in the UK, according to a top lawyer.
