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3. News

This page exists due to its inclusion in the initial LyX document; it is better off ignored.

3.1 Bugs listing

3.2 Recently resolved bugs

3.3 Pending tests

3.4 Features to be added

Evaluate in a more sophisticated way a given position e.g.

Increase width of search. --Done

Make program play itself quickly and independently to test performance. --Done

Randomise some decision points to make behaviour unpredictable/ non-deterministic. --Done

Add difficulty change to command line prompt and inform user appropriately. --Done

Make more details appear in log files and statistics reports. --Done

Generate 5 reports for all difficulties using batch files. --Done

Possibly testing depth 5? Add customised depth?

Clear screen in debugging. --Done

Customised computation from command line. --Done

Add an 'undo' option and find a way of implementing it. --Done

If the resources in the department allow, create new simplified B&W interface and work intensively on a PocketPC version of Othello Master that can utilise the existing gaming engine.

Add a feature (controlled by a menu entry) that edits the board state. --Done

Visual indication to be added to editing mode with. --Done

Indentation and space conversion required to be applied to current version. Version 0.6.0 should then become current release. --Done

A solution for slow texture processing is necessary. Number of FPS is requested to be about 3 on a P3 machine. --Done

Description of algorithms submenu for 5 difficulty levels to be generated. --Done

A solution for slow texture processing is necessary. Number of FPS is requested to be about 3 on a P3 machine. --Done

Explanation of the algorithms used to be added to annotation domain.

3.5 Tests and evaluation

  1. Expand batch file to automatically run a large series of games with non-deterministic result and record the results in a report
  2. Lots of testing to examine all (well, a sample really - to make things exhaustive) possible paths.
  3. Program currently seems stable and robust. Weaknesses with command line ordering is known and has been taken care of.

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