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MDL in Modelling

The concepts outlined in Chapter [*] have been applied to select preferable descriptors of shape []. Selection of points that describe a given shape, as explained in Chapter [*], was perpetually altered and evaluated to find shape models and examples that require a smaller set of data to be passed as an encoded message5.2.

To express the process at a moderate pace, each time points on the curve that traces the shape are selected, a different model is ultimately constructed. A good and compact statistical model is one whose legal variations are relatively small and possibly so are the number of its control points. Such a model is found using a general optimisation regime under which points are reparameterised. MDL can be used as a replacement for similarity in an objective function that is iteratively evaluated for each such points reparameterisation. The minimisation process will described in reasonable detail in Section [*] on optimisation. The more genuine part of this seminal work is the use of an existing information theoretic measure, namely MDL, to guide an autonomous search for good models. This work will be explained with respect to current research in later chapters and especially in Subsection sub:Returning-to-Shape which takes a more focused scope. One alternative way of realising what this method is based on is to look at its objective function.

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