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Comparison Quantitatively

A comparison between most of the methods was conducted and the conditions were set to be impartial and well-scaled so that they evaluate a proper registration process.

For the results in Table [*], the number of iterations was set to 50. By another terminology7.13, this equates to 1000 as each of the twenty data instances was subjected to up to 50 transformations. For single-point transformations, the placement of the control point was random (both in location and magnitude) and for multi-point transformations the positioning of points was made random to abstain from data-bias or advantageous a priori knowledge. The number of data instances was kept high at 20 in order to allow a substantial group-wise optimisation to be investigated. Objective functions based on mutual information remained flat simply due to the continuity of the data and the fact that it is one-dimensional. The table below shows the different values of .

are the Eigen-values derived from the covariance matrix of the appearance model which had been constructed from all 20 data instances7.14. For completeness, differentiation is provided for optimisations which reparameterise over all dimensions at once (joint) or do so separately (sequential).

Table: Comparison of objective functions. The values indicate an approximation to model complexity (its determinant).
Objective Function Single-point Warp Multi-point Warp
PDF -137.2658 -136.7145
Wavelets -145.4988 -147.7877
Joint Model-based -149.2192 -150.3197
Sequential Model-based -148.7245 -149.9904
MSD -143.0227 -149.0114
Joint MI -142.3415 -136.0651
Sequential MI -142.3712 -136.0651
Joint NMI -142.3154 -142.3068
Sequential NMI -142.3154 -142.3118
Model after MSD -138.6823 -47.0961
Mixed Model/MSD -129.3791 -105.3422

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