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Re: Webalizer and AWStats

  • Subject: Re: Webalizer and AWStats
  • From: "William Tasso" <SpamBlocked@tbdata.com>
  • Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2005 15:38:17 +0100
  • Newsgroups: alt.www.webmaster
  • Organization: Chaos
  • References: <d3j96s$2ftf$1@godfrey.mcc.ac.uk>
  • Reply-to: usenet
  • User-agent: Opera M2(BETA3)/8.0 (Win32, build 7522)
  • Xref: news.mcc.ac.uk alt.www.webmaster:262029
On Wed, 13 Apr 2005 15:14:17 +0100, Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@schestowitz.com> wrote:

I am not entirely sure if it is off-topic or not, but for what it's worth, here I go...

So far as I know, perfectly on topic.

In the past, until about a year ago, I was using Webalizer exclusively. Once I discovered AWStats, I never went back,

good innit - for the money :)

but I now see great anomalies in
the logs that are generated. Keywords for search show a completely
different picture, some of the figures differ significantly and I begin to wonder if I should check _both_ on a regular basis. Can anyone please
advise? What should I use to pick out the most information?

awstats has this to say ...


Also, please do research the archive of this group for posts by Matt Probert (and others) on the subject of web usage stats.

In a nutshell, web stats are great for indicating trends and patterns, the absolute numbers are relatively meaningless. For example, stats can help you discover if your site is more popular at different times of the year/month/day.

Whatever you do - do something.

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