-=rjh=- wrote:
> Allen Sandifer wrote:
>> This being the 1st Palm that I have owned that is capable of being an
>> mp3 player I was wondering if people are using the Real Player that come
>> s with it it something else.
>> The only problem I see with the Real Player so far is that it doens't
>> play ogg files which is the format that most of my rips are in.
>> Comments or sugestions please.
> Real Player is crap, I don't know why Palm bundle it with their product
> when they could support development of a decent player.
> Pocket tunes and Aeroplayer both play .ogg and .mp3s, they stop playing
> .mp3 after a couple of weeks unless you register; however they do
> continue to play .ogg though.
> Both are good apps, worth registering one of them, but hard to choose.
> Lots of skins available if that's your scene.
> Some of the video players - mmplayer, smartmovieplayer also play audio,
> not sure if they do .ogg, though.
> The hot new player on the block is The Core Pocket Media Player is a
> port of Beta Player to PalmOS and although it is early stages (the
> interface is very basic, and it lacks a few features) it is an excellent
> video player - very high performance - that also plays audio formats.
> Free and OSS.
If many of your files are in Ogg Vorbis format, get the free AeroPlayer set
and use it in conjunction with Real Player (for MP3's). This wouldn't cost
you a penny. No registration nags either.
Roy S. Schestowitz