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Re: 1st Page Google in 1 week?

  • Subject: Re: 1st Page Google in 1 week?
  • From: Big Bill <kruse@cityscape.co.uk>
  • Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2005 14:21:07 GMT
  • Newsgroups: alt.internet.search-engines
  • Organization: Kruse Internet Services
  • References: <pan.2005.> <Xns9646F40B915Fnone@> <4271ea13$0$357$cc9e4d1f@news.dial.pipex.com> <d4stmm$302a$2@godfrey.mcc.ac.uk>
  • Reply-to: kruse@cityscape.co.uk
  • Xref: news.mcc.ac.uk alt.internet.search-engines:59209
On Fri, 29 Apr 2005 10:10:50 +0100, Roy Schestowitz
<newsgroups@schestowitz.com> wrote:

>mark | r wrote:
>> "Don" <smidon@gmail.com> wrote in message
>> news:Xns9646F40B915Fnone@
>>> On 28 Apr 2005 info wrote in alt.internet.search-engines
>>> >
>>> > I have been in contact with someone who claims that they can get my
>>> > website on the first page of Google results for our keywords in one
>>> > week for $1000.
>>> Tell them they have a deal but they get their $1000 only after they get
>> you
>>> in the top 10 on Google in one week and keep you there for at least 6
>> months.
>>> --
>>> Don
>> this needs explaining - google gives new sites an artificially high
>> placement for a short period of time then promptly hides it away from view
>> so £1000 is a lot to pay for something google does anyway
>> mark
>"Google favors new sites found in this manner so well that they often climb
>the rankings rapidly, at least for a while.  Google seems to give a boost
>to sites that it finds through these backward links for about a week or
>two.  Then, you're site might disappear while the Google Master Computer
>chews on all of the new data it receives.  Then, after a time, your site's
>ranking will slowly stabilize.  And if you've done it right, you'll end up
>sitting pretty."
>That someone you have been in contact with must be exploiting this

Or reading what I wrote about it bleedin' ages ago.

www.kruse.co.uk/ seo@kruse.demon.co.uk
        seo that watches the river flow...

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