Jim Scott wrote:
> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Jim Scott wrote:
>>> I have recently converted my site to using stylesheets.
>>> I use five. One is concerned with buttons and refers to most pages.
>>> The others relate to table layout. The main one of these refers to
>>> every page and the others, when I need a different size or border.
>>> Is there any virtue in combining them in to one master stylesheet?
>>> If the answer is yes, is it as easy as just putting all the bits
>>> together?
>> I suggest you carefully think /how/ stylesheets should be separated.
>> It will be tedious to change in the future. I sometimes embed CSS in
>> the HTML files to avoid the "change in one affects another".
> Thanks.
> I could possible reduce the external ss to two, and include the 'table
> tweakers' in the html.
You *always* need at least two stylesheets. One for the displaying on screen
and one for printing.
Like Roy I put all the markup in the external stylesheet and if it's
specific for one file in the page itself.