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Re: Artificial Link Growth

  • Subject: Re: Artificial Link Growth
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@schestowitz.com>
  • Date: Sat, 06 Aug 2005 07:26:33 +0100
  • Newsgroups: alt.internet.search-engines
  • Organization: schestowitz.com / Manchester University
  • References: <42f41059$0$16457$5a62ac22@per-qv1-newsreader-01.iinet.net.au> <ff98f192ni5hf6oprtd4lja21vlimceit4@4ax.com>
  • Reply-to: newsgroups@schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.7.2
Carol W wrote:

> On Sat, 6 Aug 2005 09:20:26 +0800, "Harps" <darren@netflowsystems.com>
> wrote:
>>If the ammount of IBLs to a site grows at a rapid rate, say, 1000 a day,
>>the site will be penalised, right? 2 Questions.
>>1.  How many IBLs can I add over a given period of time?
> 1,000 IBLs per day is a heck of lot and I agree with Paul that this
> may not appear natural but very artificially inflated.

For sites that can obtain this pace of growth, the reputation must be high
(e.g. Slashdot, Plone). If the site is obscure and does not have a high
PageRank, this can easily be spotted/flagged by a machine as blackhat SEO
and then passed on to an engineer to ban.

> If you are creating a link farm then I would advise being careful
> about doing so. If this is being done through comment spamming,
> remember the newer or actively maintained blogger sites may have
> implemented using rel="nofollow" which has the effort a waste of time.

Needless to say, it is unethical, illegal and abhorrent, beyond being just
"a waste of time". (no criticism of you, Carol, whatsoever; Just a

> The better question may be, without me knowing the nature or topic of
> your site, is that many links really necessary, per day or overall,
> for the site?

There are sites that receive many links quite naturally because they provide
a 'stamped' tool, e.g. LaTeX2HTML, phpBB and Mambo. The links are quite
necessary for attracting future supporters who follow these links. The
PageRank and effect on SERP's is probably less important. 

>>2. I my site is penalised for this reason, what should I do?
> You would have to contact the particular SE you feel you may be
> penalized on and discuss it out with them.
> Google would probably have the site drop in ranks as a penalty until
> the situatuion is remedied - then the site will bounce back up in its
> SERPs.
> But Yahoo's idea of penalizing a site is the same as banning - the
> site is dropped from the index and you will have to ask them if your
> site is penalized ... they will say yes or no. If they say yes, then
> that's about all the info they will give as they will suggest to look
> at their guidelines and help pages and then, after you work on the
> site to clear up the problem[s], submit it to them for review - a
> several month process supposedly with Yahoo.
> I dont' know what MSN's penalty tactics are like.
> If the site is a money making site - then being penalized even for a
> short while may hurt the pocketbook though.

What is the nature of the inbound links that the OP had created? I think
therein lies the answer, unless something else that's questionable
occurred, either knowingly or unknowingly.


Roy S. Schestowitz

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