Paul Burke wrote:
> On Mon, 8 Aug 2005 10:26:57 -0400, "Paolo Nascimbeni"
> <> wrote:
>>I was surprise to find the following site for several of my searches in
>>first position in Google:
>>Note that the site has both spamming under the Topic and hidden text at
>>the bottom + a lot os spamming links all around the site -
>>Any comment ?
> Report it to google
> hth
> plh
> Paul
I thought that hidden content drew a great deal of attention. I am not sure
'cloaking' is the term to best describe this. In some way it is... although
the same content is delivered to both visitors and crawlers, visitors will
not see the links that search engines will.
It is definitely an offence, so I suggest you report it...
Roy S. Schestowitz