g_chime@yahoo.com wrote:
> Is there an easy way of creating a menu based gui for a larger
> application in matlab?
Yes, you can easily create main horizontal menus in MATLAB. There is a
special editor for that under GUIDE. Type:
$> guide
> Something that has a main window with a menubar and a toolbar and then
> additional windows pop up as required.
Child windows are relatively simple to implement once you get to grips with
MATLAB GUI's. You can make use of my demo:
> The examples that a google search turned up were mainly very simple
> windows, not a menu / toolbar drived application.
Older generations of MATLAB (e.g. MATLAB 5) seem to have had more limited
> Can anyone point me to the right direction?
> Any advice and / or examples?
> Thanks in advance.
Hope it helps,
Roy S. Schestowitz