Els wrote:
> ergobob wrote:
>> "Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@schestowitz.com> wrote in message
>> ddcpp6$gh5$1@godfrey.mcc.ac.uk">news:ddcpp6$gh5$1@godfrey.mcc.ac.uk...
>>> As of this morning, Google deliver search results from Google _News_ as
>>> RSS
>>> or atom feeds:
>>> http://news.google.com/intl/en_us/news_feed_terms.html
>>> Let us hope that this will soon get extended to all SERP's. The
>>> technology is there.
>>> Roy
>> How would this add to all SERP's? I really want to know how that may
>> work.
They already have the technology and news as feeds is thr proof. They
probably want people to continue checking SERP's and have adverts at the
top or right-hand-side of the SERP's. By providing feeds, they would 'kill'
some Web traffic and they don't appear to have feeds in ads yet. They are
patenting it at the moment IIRC.
> MSN does that. You can get an RSS feed on any search term, and when
> it's in the SERPs you get a new item in the feed.
I know. I have done that for many months, but never clicked through for
obvious reasons. I am waiting for Google to follow suit. A leader is less
likely to bend than the tenacious monkey.
Roy S. Schestowitz